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  • Is NRW About To Close Coed Y Brenin?
  • mightymule
    Free Member

    As a genuine driving God, I feel no need to contribute to this thread.


    Free Member

    I had a student (aged about 40) ring me up to complain that her friend had got a better grade in GCSE science than she had.

    Free Member



    *sharpens pitchfork*

    Free Member

    Gammon, pease pudding and beetroot sandwiches.

    Free Member

    I read this thread a few times. I really don’t know what to say, but I hope to god that you beat this.

    Thinking of you and yours.

    Free Member

    If you wish to completely remove the jockey wheel from your trailer (that you built yourself recently) quickly and easily, simply follow the steps below:

    1. Allow mother to drive car and trailer up the (steep) drive.

    2. Watch your father remind your mother that due to the weight of the large full trailer, she will need to keep the revs relatively high.

    3. Stand back and watch as your mother guns the whole lot up the drive at about 50 mph, bouncing the trailer about 4 ft into the air after smashing the jockey wheel off onto the (lowered) kerb.

    4. Listen in admiration tho your father’s extremely impressive vocabulary.


    Free Member

    A lot of managers in large organisations, who have been promoted far beyond their level of competence.

    Yes, I do work for a large organisation….

    Oh, and one of the delivery drivers from City Pizza.

    Free Member

    I recently supported a teenage girl in getting her abuser put in jail for a very long time. I think that probably comes under the heading of opposing evil.

    I also strenuously opposed the (evil) cat’s evil plan to eat my chinese takeaway this evening.

    Free Member

    Live in Swaledale.

    Free Member

    100% of my socks appear to have holes in them.

    Free Member

    PS, don’t forget the humble fish finger sarnie. Mmmmmmmmm.

    Free Member

    Bugger. I have no bread and no sausages :-(

    Free Member

    I see your point.

    He would want Word and Excel for definite and probably access. The web surfing and e-mails would be secondary to the convenience of having a very small computer to take around.

    Free Member

    He would definitely want the full MS software package.

    Free Member

    Invest in a huge stock-pot. You can batch cook 10 servings of chili / bolognese etc, and then freeze them in individual or 2 person sizrd portions.

    FWIW I can cook 14 servings of chili for about a tenner.

    Free Member

    Aaaaargh! I don’t know – I’m a total luddite!

    A tablet I think

    Free Member

    Still, if vampires were real, I’d want to look like him:

    I’d quite like you to look like him too…..

    Free Member

    Bacon, brie, and spicy mango chutney sarnies. Yum!

    Free Member

    Ohhh, lots of things that I am excrutiatingly ashamed of. Lokking back, I was a fairly vile child / teenager / young adult :(

    Free Member

    Best Crop Circle ever:

    Free Member

    Graham Chapman

    Free Member

    My favourites are the people who rant about “illegal immigrants living here on benefits”.

    Cue facepalm….

    Free Member

    Hired a cruiser for a week on the Norfolk Broads a few years ago, and it was possibly the best holiday we’ve ever had. Expensive, but wonderful.

    I cannot recommend it highly enough.

    Free Member

    The OH’s New Year Resolution is to have more sex, so I suppose that I’s better make it mine too – otherwise we may have a problem!

    Free Member

    Not since John Smith died.

    Free Member

    Kryton, you are me, and I claim my £5.00!

    Free Member

    Get a new job.

    Free Member

    Roast beef is the king of dishes. So much so that my only complaint about the lovely Christmas that I had is that I was utterly disappointed to discover that we were having turkey for dinner not beef. In fact, disappointed doesn’t even begin to describe it!

    Free Member

    menopausal female with the spatial awareness of a small insect

    I don’t usually take such obvious bait, but that description could easily be exchanged for “Male mid life crisis knob head who wants to wave his massive cock extension around”

    Free Member

    OP, that was a totally stupid thing to do.

    I would have done exactly the same!

    Free Member

    Currently eating a green chilli and jalapeno pizza with mayonnaise.

    Free Member


    I understand every word in all the above posts, but I have absolutely no idea what they mean.

    I’m going to have such fun when we get a new telly….

    Free Member

    Ro5ey wins! Fantastic news and a great present indeed!

    +1 :D

    Free Member

    My text notification tone (minions)

    Waking up at the weekend snuggled up to the OH, with a cat curled round my neck

    Clean bedclothes after a long hot bath


    *goes off to change the bedding, and run a bath*

    Free Member

    We had an absolutely lovely Christmas :D

    Free Member

    I don’t have in-laws, as the OH’s mother is long dead, and the father is a complete piece of dog turd so we have no contact with him ever.

    We go to my parents, but fortunately they are brilliant – the OH always insists that we stay the night there, so I guess they make pretty good in-laws :D

    Free Member

    Books, lovely books!

    A blu-ray player (see crap presents thread LOL)

    Lots of other lovely things.

    Oh – and a large envelope full of money (which is going to be turned into a new TV)

    And, best of all, a lovely day with the OH and My Parents :D

    Free Member

    Mr Mule gave me a blu-ray player.

    Under most circumstances this would be a brilliant present. Unfortunately it didn’t work quite as well as it could have done, because I gave him a blu-ray player too.

    Great minds eh! :lol:

    Free Member

    Tonight I am drinking water and orange juice and fruit tea. And Co-codamol.

    I am also seriously regretting putting away the best part of a bottle of Laphroaig last night (well, last night/this morning….)

    Free Member

    Timing – appalling.
    Method – disgraceful.

    OP – she sounds like a real piece of work. I can’t believe that somebody would do that.

    Take care of yourself and Spacemonkey Junior.

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