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  • Bespoked Manchester Early Bird Tickets On Sale Now!
  • mightymule
    Free Member

    I’d have your nose done too.


    Free Member

    Free Member

    Do I have to decide right now?

    Free Member

    Excellent news :D

    Just a small warning though… spend the next 6 months getting as much sleep as you can. It may be your last chance for some time…. :twisted:

    Free Member

    I’m having a wine and cheese evening.

    OK, I’m having a pizza and a couple of bottles of cheap red….

    Free Member

    “Mort” – short for Morticia. I got that at work a lot, until I had my hair cut.

    Also “Evil Evil Grumpy One” – from all my lovely friends…. :-)

    Free Member

    Brilliant 8)

    Free Member

    Don’t touch it with bare skin.

    Very true.

    Also, from past experience, if you try to dig it out, you will find that the root system appears to extend all the way down to Australia.

    Free Member

    That reminds me of a recent occasion….

    Me: “I take it that you’ve forgotten that your daughter stayed over last night and is watching telly downstairs in the living room directly below the bedroom?”


    Free Member

    Stupid things?

    Cat Mk II. Got stuck to the carpet this morning :roll:

    Free Member

    It has recently been discovered that the largest venomous animal in the world is the Komodo Dragon.
    They have such a slow-acting venom that it was previously thought that deaths from bites occurred a a result of septicaemia due the the cocktail of bacteria in their saliva, however it has now been found that they do, in fact, have venom glands and grooved teeth to deliver it.

    Personally I think that’s overkill – they are big enough buggers anyway!

    Free Member

    You b@5t@**s!


    Free Member

    Mach 3. Does the job well, and I get through about 5 blades a year :D

    Free Member

    Got up.
    Baked self in garden while watching new fishies.
    Had bath.
    Opened bottle of wine.

    Excellent day :D

    Free Member

    Little Miss Mule pays about £1200 for a Ford Ka, on a provisional licence. Not sure who with though.

    Free Member

    Scops owls are cuter :D

    Free Member

    Good suggestion – I’m planning on getting some small ones to interspace the hostas.

    Also planning some anenome bulbs – some of them are pretty shade tolerant. Honeysuckle is also quite good – it loves having it’s roots shaded, but it will try to launch a hostile takeover bid on your whole garden if you don’t firmly tell it who’s boss :D

    Free Member

    Could you arrange a few planned days out together with him, but tactfully suggest that he and his daughter have plenty of quality daddy-daughter time with just the two of them?

    Free Member

    Mine are pretty much unscathed by slugs to be honest.

    Unlike the tulips :evil:

    Free Member

    The last encounter that I witnessed between cat and corvid ended with the result Basement Cat 1 Carrion Crow 0.
    It was messy.

    Free Member

    Congratulations to the OP.

    PS, “dopey looking porker” might not be the most polite description, but it certainly sounds like it was accurate :-)

    Free Member

    Not my garden (too lazy to upload pics from phone) but I have two in a spot that hardly gets any sun, and they seem to love it

    Free Member

    I am so sorry to read this Oldgit.

    We had a similar situation almost exactly a year ago with our lovely Lab x GSD Jaques. It was absolutely horrible, but we knew that we had reached the point where we were prolonging his life for our benefit and not his.

    Sadly, it sounds like you may have reached that point.

    I’ll be thinking of you, whatever you and/or the vet decide.

    Free Member

    Hostas are great for shade. Get a few different ones for variation.

    The ones with the vareigated foliage are best – that way you get decoration all summer, instead of just when they flower.

    Free Member

    Last time I played scrabble I lost badly to somebody with severe dyslexia. It was rather disheartening.

    Free Member

    I nearly always listen to albums all the way through.

    A good example is any of Nick Cave’s work – he put the songs in that order for a reason!

    Free Member

    Playing violin (reasonably well)
    Playing Bass (extremely badly)
    Reading (fiction & non-fiction)
    Natural History
    Cat tormenting (entirely consensual)
    Arguing on the internet
    Cryptic crosswords

    EDIT – I wouldn’t recommend the smoking part

    Free Member

    Try Open All Hours for a while instead.

    Free Member


    Oh, and wine 8)

    Free Member

    From multiple past experiences, I can guarantee that you will “find” every piece of furniture in your house with your toe over the next few days!

    Free Member

    Memory is a bit hazy, but I’m sure I heard something relatively recently on radio four about development of a new bovine TB vaccine that wouldn’t create false positives. Maybe putting some funding into further development might be the way to go.

    Free Member

    What’s so wrong with giving arms to the side that we support? After all, that’s what we did with Afghanistan and Iraq, and NOTHING went wrong there……

    Free Member

    My alarm, this morning, which I had forgotten to turn off. :evil:

    Free Member

    The police car crashing into our front garden at about 3 am after having got it a bit wrong during a high speed chase was also quite memorable.

    Free Member

    Evil Cat Mk 1 dropping a disembowelled pigeon on my face at about 6.30am on a Sunday morning.

    He was very lucky to survive…..

    Free Member

    +1 for LOTS of soakings, shouting etc.

    You could also try pelleted lion dung round the edges of your garden.

    I would offer to lend you Basement Cat for a while – but then I fear that your own cats would leave home, as well as the offending visitor :D

    Free Member

    Many, many times!

    Only in cash though.

    Free Member

    Or he’d seen a hedgehog which he didn’t like… or something


    Actually it was usually the tiger that only existed in his head….

    Free Member

    But if I stop using drinking water to flush the bog, I won’t be able to drink out of the toilet any more.

    Free Member

    My horse once refused absolutely point blank to set foot on a particular path, to the point of rearing straight up on the air and shooting off backwards, squealing like a banshee.

    My friend’s horse had no such compunctions, and set off merrily along said path, while mine continued kangarooing up and down on the spot shrieking.

    About fifty yards along, the path collapsed and sent my friend and her horse about fifty feet down a ravine.

    Neither of them were hurt – apart from an impressive collection of bruises, but I still wonder how my horse knew that the path wasn’t safe before he had even put a single toe on it. Maybe he was just brighter than me.

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