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  • Spanish Bikepacking Diary – Day Three Continued
  • Midnighthour
    Free Member

    Just been looking on internet for resturants or other 'things they could do' in the Worcester/Gloucester/Chelteham areas. I dont know that area in any useful way at all.

    Free Member

    He possibly has a new girlfriend and has low interest in drinking, plus in his early 40's – this is ALL I know, nowt else at all! I am rubbish at social stuff and have no partner to bring to any meal – so I would rather not 'take' them for a meal, even though would normally be a nice gesture. I would probabally ruin thier evening! 🙂

    Free Member

    I think he might have a recent girlfriend. I had thought something the 2 of them could enjoy, but that could get expensive (I am not flush with cash) plus he lives in an area where I have no knowledge of local venues etc or if they are nice places.

    Free Member

    Maybe get a folder and take it in your workplace – it will improve your general biking options (public transport, thrown in the back of the car etc) as well as being more secure.

    Free Member

    Depends on how long people are likey to remember you – a few days/weeks is ok – for life, prob not.

    Free Member

    Can I add hairspray pollution to this complaint – only not just in loos and changing rooms, but sprayed in the office too 🙁
    Vile vile smell.

    Free Member

    Foxes eat berry's and fruit in the wild.

    Lots of domestic dogs love fruit and veg but we often don't think to give it to them. We had to fence off the strawberry patch from our Alsation as she ate all the ripe ones, checking each day to see if more were ready for her. See was great with picking gooseberries and raspberries off the bush too – much quicker than us. I think she could smell the fruit that was ready for eating. She would just leave the 'core' of any ripe rasberries hanging on the bush and she never seemed to get scratched by thorns when picking fruit, even deep into a gooseberry bush.

    My mother always had to buy extra carrots, as if she was preparing them, our dog would sit and cry until she was given one or more from the bunch – she would go through loads in a week. She would go to our apple tree as well (some distance away) select a fallen apple and carry it back to the house where she could eat a bit at a time while watching the view over the fields.

    Never give them raw potato though as its somewhat poisonous uncooked, both for dogs and for us.

    Free Member

    Ring round a few hire companys posing as a customer – or just check out thier web sites for details?

    Free Member

    I and 2 friends use ours (we have one each) to go geocaching. No problems. I have entered co-ordinates via memory map.

    Free Member

    I thought 'pretty but dim' was most mens favourite combination!

    Free Member

    Most people move on if they get a better job offer… its what most employers would expect if they were reasonable. Either that or offer you something nice to get you to stay.

    Free Member

    At that huge profit margin, I would feel no guilt. Different if the margin was smaller, but Evans is always very very greedy.

    Free Member

    Socks raised a smile!

    Free Member

    Whats the worst thing anyone has been asked to wear at a wedding?

    Free Member

    If my flatmate has to have 'set' colours of ties/shirts etc is he expected to pay for it himself or is the couple supposed to pay?

    Free Member

    Why would anyone feel contempt for someone who is SO unhappy they have been forced to kill themselves? People are so selfish and 'me me me'.

    Free Member

    I think he would enjoy that a lot more than shopping for a special colour tie!

    Free Member

    I guess so. I don't see the brand lasting very long to be honest.

    Free Member

    I used quality high power rechargeables that were bought for the vison 1's and they drained both sets of those 'switched off' with no problem at all. They were only storned in the lights around 2 days from a fresh full charge.

    Other than the draining and the dangerous shut off, the lights are very well designed. I hope they update them at some point to go down to a safety light level when power is low. I can survive the battery drain now I know to take the holder out, even though its a bit of a pain.

    Free Member

    Had a similar (but possibly not the same) problem with the 2 visions 1's in the household. They switch off as soon as battery is low (terrible design fault for an otherwise good product)so will just come on then cut right out again. I found that if you leave batteries in the unit, they run down very fast. Best way to cure it is to take the battery holder out at the end of each ride as they seem to hold thier charge if not in the light. Something in the lights seem to drain them quite fast if left for any period of time just switched off. Its very annoying.

    Free Member

    I bought one of the Aspire One models just before last Christmas as an emgenency purchase (large laptop failed). Its been excellent and I am happy to recommend it. I run microsoft office and photoshop creative suite 1 on it with no problems. It won't run CS2 photoshop as there are screen size constraints built into photoshop, which is a right pain, but not the Acers fault in any way.

    Cameron Sino brand extended hour batteries (see Amazon) seems to be good and reliable and really boost up the 'freestanding' time, though if you use a mobile broadband stick it about halves the time you get on any battery brand due to the big power consumption.

    Free Member

    "I'll be avoiding it then. Is it just me that thinks that everything since Pulp Fiction has been pretentious, emperor's-new-clothes old w@nk? "

    I guess I dont agree with you because I think everything he has done comes into the category of witless tripe!

    Free Member

    Lots of pics of them on the Icebreaker clothing website.

    Free Member

    All around Bristol there are big glossy yellow signs up saying something like 'cycle path improvements as part of…'.

    I went to one of the local demonstrations of what they are doing. The staff were very nice, but clearly the projects were a total waste of money. All of them I was shown consisted such things as putting up new signs and lowering curbs on cycle lanes that should have had them lowered when they were created – that being in all cases, many years ago as none of them seemed to be new. Just more road markings. The one place where there could have been a big safety improvment was totally ignored as "putting a pedestrain/cyclist tunnel there wont happen for year yet". But its a school and commuter route that is quite high risk when using.

    Too much money is being wasted on 'visiting individual people in their homes to tell them the best cycle route to work'. Lets face it, if they cant be bothered to get out an look for themselves, they are never going to get the energy to bike to work or any other place. Its criminal that Bristol got this money. Its not deserved. As someone said above, we need new routes, traffic free if possible not a fresh coat of road paint and palming off. Even adult or family 'learn to ride a bike if you can't' sessions would be more use.

    I dispair.

    Free Member

    You cant have them from our local recycle centre/tip. More 'Health and Safety'. I feel cosseted to death as its all got so extreme and silly.

    Free Member

    Wiggle customer services dept is full of friendly helpful people. I have had great service from them when an item got lost in the post.

    Free Member

    How odd, I see someone asked this only yesterday. Sorry for repeat. I will judge things by their post instead. Ta.

    Free Member

    I think some of the guys on here miss the point, and possibly a lot of opportunities.

    If you think a woman is attractive or sexy, its ok to smile, pass a compliment, joke or whatever. Treat her as sexy in a respectful way. You might get somewhere.

    Leering with your mates, looking totally desperate, making loud crude comments etc – well, the sad thing is that you make it obvious you need to feel safe hiding in groups of other cowering blokes. Showing loud and clear you don't have the guts to try to approach a woman and risk being rejected. So you embarrass girls and drive them away – looking cheap yourselves in the process.

    Why do this to yourselves? Don't you have any self respect? Or any bravery?

    Oh and if you really love someone, age does not matter, not unless the relationship is only based on sex and/or self image. I used to date someone with a 17 year difference.

    Free Member

    I don't understand why some people feel so squeamish about their own bodies and normal natural processes. Or indeed why some guys (and women) get so silly about periods. Its not the dark ages, where bodies are considered 'bad' hidden things with incomprehensible and dangerous processes!

    Free Member

    I wonder why, if someone is doing a 'simple' job, it is ok for them to have rubbish working conditions or low pay or live in constant fear of being sacked? Why is it acceptable for hardworking people who are providing a SERVICE not a business, to struggle to have a home, family, food or whatever?

    Lets face it, the public are paying for modernisation of a service – so that more people can go on the unemployed list or the tax credits for low paid list (which costs the coutry) so that the mail service can be sold of to foreign corportations who will make a vast profit at our expense.

    Also, the 'new improved' mail service is ****. A couple of years back, my post came in the morning, now it does not turn up til mid afternoon, the post boxes round here were emptied a couple of times a day at a given time, now it says something like 'if we can be bothered we will pick up the mail at any time of the day, before 7.00pm' which is no use for something urgent. So, ok lets post it at the main city sorting office, which now also spins the same line and dispite being the main office, no longer empties its post boxes at all on a Sunday.

    I use the post more these days than I ever have before, but I want the old ineffective service back – where I actually GOT service.

    I feel so sorry for the postal workers as thier business is being run down into unsatisfactory rubbish by the managers who want to sell out.

    Free Member

    Instructions say to rinse in water as it has some kind of coating to keep it clean easy. It also says you can clean it a variety of extra ways inc putting it in the washing machine with the normal wash.

    I am giving it a try as I often cycle where there is no 'safe' (rocks, hedges) place to be. Women are very exposed when peeing. It ok for you guys as you can nestle up to a tree with discretion.

    Practising while going to the loo seems ok, no shower needed to try it in, so not such a problem after all for the screamish.

    Free Member

    Have you no worries about long term damage? If not, you must be nuts!

    Free Member

    I give to charity when the mood strikes but almost never give to sponsored events as usually they achieve nothing of benefit to anyone other than the participant. If someone did 2 hours of litter picking for charity then I would sponsor them but as someone said above, no sponsoring for holidays etc.

    I would also never knowingly sponsor any event that involves research on animals as they feel distress and pain just the same as us.

    Free Member

    What a really disappointing interview with Wiggins.

    I had thought he seemed a decent enough guy from the small bits I had read about him, but his worshipping a drug addicted cheat (Simpson)who was happy to steal a win from everyone he raced with has really lowered Wiggins rating in my eyes. What kind of an example is it to set to carry photographs of liers and cheats about with you?

    It really gets on my nerves how Simpson and other 'race thieves' who are/were happy to steal wins are still held up and worshiped by the road racing scence and its magazines. I dont get why anyone would worship someone who shamed the UK by thier dishonest behaviour. No wonder drugs are still accpetable in road racing.

    So much for Wiggins proclaimed anti drug stance.

    Free Member

    My car was off the road for 4-6 weeks recently and its surprising how quickly you adapt to trains, buses and bikes. However there were things I could not do very easily, such as evening cinema trips or moving items/bikes.

    Most interesting was how lots of social invitations quickly dropped right off – if people needed to drive a bit further to pick you up(ironic and irritating given I am often the same peoples designated driver when my car is on the road and they want to drink!).

    As winter is coming up, most of your trips will be after dark, which is less fun if in a busy area.

    I would suggest you put a voluntary ban on using your car for at least a month.

    Give the keys to a friend to look after. See how it goes. It will save you money just on petrol, cut down on your shopping and its less effort than looking for a new car if you find you still need one.

    Free Member

    Thanks for all the helpful comments folks.

    Free Member

    If we all gave up the first time we tried anything and found it not to be instantly perfect no one would be doing anything! Not even sex!

    Be proud of yourself for doing your first commute. Mark on a calendar each time you do a ride and feel extra pleased with yourself when you have fought and won through a tough one.

    Look in the mirror and know you have achieved something which you found personally hard. Dump the defeat attitude as you are already doing better than you seem to want to admit!

    Free Member

    Might be worth checking out touring cycle specialist shops.

    Free Member

    Garmin have manuals for these on thier home web site, so you can read them and see if the unit does what you want/compare it to the edge.

    Try also geocaching and triathlete forums as I found those handy when trying to decide if to purchase. I am happy with my wrist unit but I dont use it for bike direction finding, just milage, speed, heartrate – and geocaching on occasion!

    Free Member

    Sorry, had thought it was London Gazette, not Law Gazette! Hopeless me!

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