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  • Midnighthour
    Free Member

    I feel divided on this subject.

    I don't support blackmail or censorship, but on the other hand (and I am left of centre myself) I don't support the Labour party's totally inappropriate policy of using unelected representatives to influence British Politics in very major ways and of 'couch and coffee' politics instead of cabinet based debate. Campbell and Mandelson – neither were elected yet both had as much influence on our UK policies as Blair and Brown – yet if the electorate disagreed with this, there was no means to remove them, as there was no vote option to dispose of them.

    In a good light, it is possible to see the refusal to deal with Campbell as a healthy attempt (among other reasons) to block the continuing erosion of UK democracy, by insisting an elected person appear rather than Blair's best pal/hanger on.

    How else can his and similar influence be blocked as Labour is too gutless and directionless to stop clutching at anyone they perceive as a 'strong' personality.

    Free Member

    The UK is extremely crowded per square mile compared to most other countries. If you are looking for miles of rolling space then you will find less and less of it here – huge numbers of green spaces/large gardens were getting in-filled in villages and small towns due to the last governments 'build build build' policy. Also its a bit like being on holiday abroad if you walk round the shops, as so many people no longer speak English as their first language even in smaller towns. The impact of such rapid immigration has put a lot of strain on some public services including education. Its nice to have a variety of people, but I dont think it has been planned very well. If you have kids, education policy here is not great either as priority is given to results for the school and its image, rather than the children themselves being put first, so a lot of pressure can be put on small children. I saw the other day that even children in infant schools are expected to do homework every night. A friend says there is more pressue on children here than he was aware of when living in Japan – and Japan used to be considered quite harsh educationally. There seems overall a lack of awareness of longer term consequences in our governments and policies – everything seems 'quick fix now' with no consideration about what the effect will be on people in 20+ years time. I don't know if I would choose to move here, which is a sad thing to be able to say.

    Free Member

    Put what you think looks good to you on it, instead of being a fashion victim/group follower? 🙂

    Free Member

    I would send a copy of your post to the Ramblers web site and if there are national horse riding associations, perhaps to them too, just so they are all aware of this decision and can choose to action or not.

    Free Member

    Regards to Bert. He looks very happy on the photo, a nice memory of him. Its awful beyond words to loose pets. My sympathy to the Singletrack gang.

    Free Member

    Photos have come out well. Thanks for posting them.

    Free Member

    Apparently some "mediums" plant actors in the audience. I think Derren Brown said in his book that Doris Stokes was known for this.

    If you get a chance, read Derren Browns book, very entertaining and covers all sorts of subjects from debunking mediums to how to improve your memory. Willing to take the mickey out of himself as well. I really enjoyed it.

    Free Member

    "One of her negatives for having the baby is that I'll leave her and she'll be stuck with it "

    So she does not have faith in you as a person or belief in your willingness to stick with her, if things get rough she thinks you will dump her with the kid and walk off. I wonder why she thinks you are unreliable when you have only told her you might well leave her if she does not do what you want her to do?

    If you can walk away from the most important person in your life (your partner) you can easy dump a kid – or is your wife to see her future as always the 'third person' and the kid is what you really want, not her? How does it feel I wonder to suddenly see yourself as just a brood mare?

    Gee if I was her (and to be fair I have not read this extended post fully, so I might be way off line with some of this) I would be running for the door as she does not appear to have a reliable partner. Either she is obsessively insecure or you have given her reason in the past to see you as selfish, indeed you have already told her you care more about an unborn child than you do about her – if you truely loved her above yourself, you know you would stick with her whatever happens.

    Sounds like a dying relationship to me and the issue of a child has just highlighted that your relationship is heading for the rocks, kid or no kid.

    Its not right to have a kid for 'glue' in a failing relationship.

    Free Member

    Er, try emailing them from the address on the Contact Us page?

    I have found their Customer Service team to be excellent, fast and helpful. My own order got lost in the post a while back and Wiggle could not have done more to be constructive and helpful. I should add it was the only lost order out of multiple dozens I have placed in the last 5 years.

    Their customer service team is one of the reasons I prefer to place orders with Wiggle when I can.

    Free Member

    I have been using velox but last year had a flat that was due to the velox rotting through and giving way at the spoke hole. I have been wondering since if its worth changing to something else, but I figure the rubber types will also give up the ghost. Anyone used plastic and does it slip?

    Free Member

    I have to agree it is wrong to keep cats trapped in houses and flats. I used to cat sit for 3 such cats and they would sit in the windows longing to go out. When the owner moved to a 'safer' area they were finally allowed into the garden and were ecstatic. After that, they would wait by the door each morning crying to be let out. The trouble is, humans can play music, watch TV, read etc. but even then we get house-bored. Thing how much worse it is for a cat that needs scents and sounds and interaction with other cats. Sometimes you can destroy something from trying to be too kind and caring and from loving it too much.

    Re USA cat owners – it is apparently common for cats claws to be removed to protect the furniture from scratches. This was suggested to someone by a visiting American at a meeting in this country and there was very, very, shocked and stony silence all around the table…!

    Free Member

    I am open to it not being the rims – I dont actually have a clue, I have never encountered this problem before. I am only repeated what the garage told the prev owner about it being the wheel/rims.

    She must have had problems with other previous tyre sets I guess as she is bright enough to work it out if these were the only set that leaked. 🙂

    Free Member

    I should talk to a doctor about this. If there is any actual problem, rather than just a phase, getting help early will do everyone a favour.

    Free Member

    My next door neighbour became a househusband for their 3rd child. It worked much better. For the first 2 kids the wife was at home and got depressed, bored and frustrated, while the husband hated his job. Then they swapped roles for the 3rd and everyone got a much happier life as both husband and wife were doing day to day stuff they enjoyed.

    Free Member

    First, thanks all for comments.

    I dont know if its damage to the rims or corrosion inside them, only had the car a couple of weeks and its also my first experience with alloy rims.

    I dont know how good a garage she has gone to when having tyres changed – she has asked about the leaks a couple of times but she said the answer has always been a bit vaugue and uninterested.

    I get the impression the leaks have been going on at least a couple of years, possibly longer. The car has been stood about a lot, doing very long trips in between sitting on a drive for 2 weeks or so at a time.

    Free Member

    Only on a pig fence and that was not fun!

    Free Member

    Oh and my main memory from Thatchers era

    "Utterly selfish is Good. Feel no shame."

    Free Member

    I remember the buses being 'deregulated' so that fares would come down, service would improve, lots of competition between companies in every city – a glowing, enhanced world better for all bus users.

    Since then, nearly ever bus company in every city is owned by the same ntional firm. They also have a finger in the trains, so even less competition between modes of transport.

    Lots of the routes have disappeared as packed routes no longer help support community routes, so the public are giving money to shareholders to keep the routes open, if the company even agrees to help communities.

    All the profits that went to improving the service/keeping prices lower now go to the shareholders pockets.

    Now we have a £2 fare here to go under half a mile – this is at the 'low rate' not the high rate fares during rush hour!

    Free Member

    I would not fancy a bungalow due to the total lack of privacy. There are no rooms out of sight to anyone (visitor, friend, work-person,intruder)who walks around the outside of your house. All the contents, tidiness, lifestyle is totally visible.

    Free Member

    Ignore the lables and wash 'plastics' at 60 degrees, I have done that many times with no apparent damage to the fabrics. However, I am moving to natural fibres now as it just makes life easier and its better for the farming communities too – wool, cotton, bamboo etc

    Free Member

    Nothing at all between Gloucester and the original Severn bridge.

    You can cycle on either side of the original bridge, depending on which view you prefer. Although the entrance to the downriver path, on the English side is rather hidden up a lane.

    I am surprised someone has said you can cycle across the new one, as there is no pedestrian or cycle path at all on it and the road is considered to be 'motorway' so I dont think it is possible to cycle via that one unless you have a death wish and long to get a fine.

    Its sad they did not plan ahead better with the newer bridge – when the old one closes there will only be motor vehicle access to Wales. Particularly sad as crossing both bridges would have been a nice target for walkers and cyclists out on a trip anyway, never mind for access purposes when the older bridge is shut down, which it will be at some point as problems with the cables long term (rust).

    Free Member

    I second the views on a lack of 'shorter people' bikes. Plus all womens clothing, even that marked 'large' is actually nearer a size 6. Bike related suppliers hate any woman who does not look like an anorexic supermodel. And no, I am not seriously overweight before anyone suggests that 🙂

    Free Member

    I would do a search for this on some of the more road bike orientated formums as I have seen the subject come up there a lot, and many riders are either young and keen to get the problem sorted, or older and have had replacement joint for some time.

    Try the CTC, cycling weekly, and any others you can think of. Many of them are connected to road cycling magazines if trying to track them down. Mostly I have seem surprisingly good things on hip and knee replacements, most people seem very pleased with the outcome and continue cycling.

    Free Member

    Pretty much the situation, except I don't think the incoming cat cares about the humans – it wants the overgrown garden (lots of bushes to hide under) and the conservatory/greenhouse that reaches 120F+ quite often, even with the doors wide open. Mmmm aroma of roasting cats and fried plant!

    I don't know how they can choose to stay in such heat but they love it (free access to outdoors at all times). I have been told by our vet that cats come from dessert areas, but I reckon they must have inhabited the centre of the sun to be so immune to heat! I have to give up and go out in the garden or I would have heat stroke.

    Free Member

    Right, friend has emailed me the quote from the dealer which only consists of:

    "Costs for service are as follows

    – 6th year service/brake fluid change £299 inc.

    – MOT £54.85"

    This is all the info he has been given by the garage.

    Free Member

    Ah, but now you have to add in the cost of the gun and ammo…

    Free Member

    Its a small engined petrol model. Maybe a 1.4 or less, cant remember the details.

    Free Member

    Yes, the quote is from a main dealer. I cant get much more info as my friend is not 'car minded' so just took the quote at face value and asked for no details of the work schedule.

    Free Member

    Its a petrol engine if that helps. Looks like its not the cam belt change then, or they would be quoting more…

    Free Member

    If anyone is worried, NOTHING BAD is going to happen to the cat – its the humans who have the problems, mostly diplomatic ones! We have no intention of being unkind or cruel to it or dumping it somewhere. Let face it, we feel too guilty to even jet it with a water pistol even if its owner is demanding we should.

    It is very well cared for, as its owner is clearly fond of it and we too have been nice to it for some while, believing it to be a stray Our household quite likes it and we dont mind it being around to visit. However its owner is not happy with it visiting us. She is upset her cat wishes to move out and find a new house.

    The owner seems nice and caring, she has 4 other cats all 'rescued'. I think the 'stray' likes its owner, but it seems to hate her house, or maybe not cope with the other cats in it.

    Anyway, again to anyone worried, this cat is a problem because people feel concern for it and becasue its owner loves it and is upset it is so determined to move out of her house, not because it is disliked by anyone 🙂

    Free Member

    I think I would prefer to deal with helpers who had at least some idea of what any problem actually feels like and awareness of its related difficulties.

    Free Member

    Forget the insurance? And if you knock someone over or run into them, how many years of hospital bills/compensation will you be paying them out of your salary? Plus legal costs?

    Well worth the risk….?

    Free Member

    Bicycle crime rare in Bristol ???? !

    Free Member

    How nasty to declare someone to be 'short and fat' on a public posting after they attempted to help you. Does sneering at people boost your self esteem? How do you think that poor person will feel now if someone tips her off to this thread? Still, I bet people respect her and her abilities much more than they respect you now, after putting up such a mean elitist post.

    Free Member

    What actually happens during yours?

    Free Member

    Druidh, no not on a wind up. I don't like to fall out with people (especially neighbours) or have rows, which this could end up leading to. I feel concerned that the cat is seemingly so desperate to leave its home, I feel sad that its owner who seems caring, is hurt her cat cant wait to get out of its house. It looks like I cant solve any of this without being aggressive and unkind to the cat in question. It may be trivial to other people but I matters to me. Its stressing out my flatmate to come home to answerphone messages saying 'where's my cat', so its not just me having problems with this situation.

    Free Member

    I did wonder if it being Easter school break had pushed it over the edge and it did a runner. Our cat does not seem to mind it hanging around in the garden/conservatory. He objects if we drive it through the house and out the front, nearer to its own house. I think being in the house is a step too far. They seem fairly happy to sleep in the conservatory together.

    There is only 1 other cat he will allow in the conservatory. He goes ballistic at any others. Unfortunately the 1st 'best friend' has been driven off by the 'stray' cat. He only used to visit for a couple of hours snooze before wandering off back home, so everyone was happy including his owner.

    Free Member

    A cat collar will not work as the doors are wide open all spring/summer/autumn, for heat reasons. Also, to be honest, why should we have to buy a new cat flap and make our cat wear a collar, if she is not able to provide a home her cat seems content in? Something must have changed to make it want to spend time away from its own house. I feel its us being asked to make all the effort. She would not even walk over the road to collect it. Sorry, bit stressed over this and worried.

    Free Member

    Yes, I have had them intermittently, at least I think that's what they are. Sometimes I wake up in the night and it feels like all the oxygen has been sucked out of the room and I am gasping for air. It scared the hell out of me the first time. I have found for me its mind over matter, but it can be a real fight. First off, I know there IS air in the room. I know what is happening is to some degree an 'illusion' or I would have died from them years before now. I force myself to breath slowly. It its really bad, I open a window, which is only a 'head' trick and not an actual benefit. For me its a matter of waiting it out, knowing that my body will calm down in the end if I can keep my reactions calm and as laid back as possible.

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