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  • Leaked document reveals MTB World Cup plans for 2025
  • midlifecrisis
    Free Member

    I’ve used one and it is light to carry and easy to use. Took on a trip to India and used it to filter tap water in hotels in order to save money and reduce the waste associated with bottled water. Didn’t get ill while there which I partly attribute to the filter doing its job.

    Also used when bikepacking. Takes next to no space and gives a bit of piece of mind when drinking from anything other than a crystal clear mountain stream.

    It was suggested to me that if you are using water with a lot of sediment in then it is worth taking a few coffee filters with you and doing a first filter through these to remove particulates, then running the water through the Sawyer. This is meant to help prevent the filter from clogging.

    Free Member

    If you are aware of the risks and want to proceed then you could make some shims from coke cans to take up the slack between the frame and the post.

    Free Member

    apologies if I’m telling you something you already know but Gore-Tex is a membrane that is built into the garment. When you buy a Gore-Tex garment it also has a surface treatment on to help water bead off which helps to maintain a humidity differential across the fabric to allow for breatheability.

    If your item is not waterproof, then it is because the Gore-Tex membrane has failed. You can use treatments as discussed above but they are only surface treatments and won’t restore your item to the waterproofness it had when you bought it.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    I like mine. The disks take a while to bed in but they work really well now. The Ultegra performs flawlessly.

    It can take guards. You probably could fit a rack but it would only be a three point mounting as there are no bosses on the seat stays.

    Free Member

    I’ve pondered the question before and come to the conclusion that I wouldn’t on the following basis: If it is as good as it is claimed to be, then riding while doped would be great and all would be rosy. However, the problem would come at the end of the experimental period when I returned back to my normal abilities. I’m sure I would miss the supercharged abilities of EPO fitness and there would be a temptation to carry on using it. Thus it would be best to stay clear of it.

    Free Member

    The main problem I can see is that before long the control boxes would be in different places, each would be worth different amounts of points and competitors would be given a map to locate them all…

    Free Member

    He would have been better off spending the money he used for aero bars on some yoga sessions to allow him to get a lower position

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Alan sleeping in Kinlochleven tonight. He will get an early start tomorrow to finish in under 6 days.

    Free Member

    5th Gary
    6th Dave Buckden
    7th Alan

    You are forgetting about Keith! His SPOT tracker has been intermittent. I’m sure he will have left Fort Augustus by now.

    Free Member

    Alan has a cold and is in ‘limp home’ mode. He is aiming to finish tomorrow.

    Free Member

    Phil – still moving, I can’t imagine he will stop now unless he falls asleep on the bike.

    Gunter has turned around and is going backwards. I wonder if he has had enough or has had a mechanical. Alan mentioned that he was cooked when he rode into Ullapool with him.

    Free Member

    Charging of device can be done in cafes fairly easily.

    Free Member

    you can make puncture-proof (or just more resistant) tyres but they’re heavier and roll less well. Given that the vast majority of punctures are fixed with no fuss or issue and you never hear about them, you just have a skewed view of it.

    My point is that at the moment we have a choice between puncture proof but heavier and less good at rolling or running the risk of punctures. I’m arguing that development should be able to reduce the gulf between the two options.

    With regards their frequency, pro teams must know that a puncture in the final 30 km virtutally rules a rider out of contention. I find it amazing that they are prepared to tolerate this as a risk. There is no other component on a bike that is treated in the same way.

    Free Member

    I can’t help but feel that some development in tyre technology is needed. It baffles me that punctures are accepted as part of the game in pro racing. They happen very regularly and often play a part in the outcome of races. The same situation would not be tolerated for any other component on a bike.

    So, if they sort out tyre technology to make punctures a thing of the past then there would be much less need for quick wheel changes and compatibility issues would be less significant.

    Free Member

    MidlandTrailquestsGraham – Member
    IQ (Intelligence Quotient)tests measure intelligence, with 100 being the theoretical average.
    A similar FQ (Fitness Quotient) test should be devised, something along the lines of the army’s Basic Fitness Test.

    All children, on leaving school, should take both tests.
    Anyone who fails to achieve a total score on both tests of 200 should be sent to an extermination camp.
    Society doesn’t need fat stupid people.

    bails – Member
    So everyone should be above average?

    Not necessarily so – could be unfit and brainy or fit and not brainy or just average on both. But unfit and dim would be ruled out.

    Free Member

    The wear indicator can be as subtle as a small hole drilled into the rim. As soon as it is no longer visible then the rim is worn. It isn’t always a groove running around the rim.

    Free Member

    To the best of my knowledge the maps only work on the SD card they were supplied on.
    I have OS maps on SD card that came with my Garmin and tried to move them to a bigger card so I could combine them with OSM maps of some European countries – it didn’t work! I just had to accept that I would need two cards.

    Free Member

    There is a bit of rotor showing that only appears to be clean on the outer half. This might suggest that the caliper is a bit too far out. There is also a wavy edge to the outside of the rotor which can lead to juddering braking especially if there is only a small section of non-wavy part being utilised by the pads.

    Free Member

    Musgroves in Windermere or Middletons in Kendal. Both are ‘old school’ hardware shops that will probably be able to sort you out.

    Free Member

    As a teenager a 2CV pulled out of a T junction in front of me. Somehow I ended up in the road in front of it and the front wheels went over me. The offside wheels went over the back of my legs, I think the nearside wheels just missed my head.
    The driver of the car was somewhat overweight and I remember not being able to breathe properly as I lay crossways under the middle of the car. When the driver got out, the car rose up on its suspension and I could crawl out.
    I escaped with cuts and bruises, the worst injury required 2 stitches. Despite a head injury and a short period of unconsciousness, I wasn’t kept in overnight at hospital – something I find amazing when I look back on it.
    I am sure that if I had been wearing a helmet it would have been rolled round by the underside of the car and broken my neck.

    Free Member

    Spoke to Mick Rogers in Paris after the tour in 2012, really nice guy had a good laugh with me & my mates, no way is he a doper.

    He looked me in the eyes and told me he didn’t dope – that line of defence blew up in Phil Liggett’s face following Armstrong’s outing

    Free Member

    1)Yes you can start straight to desktop – a quick google will give you clearer instructions than I can manage here.
    2)Move your mouse to the top of the screen and click and drag to the bottom will close it.
    8.1 defaults to using the app photo viewer, music player, video player etc. which can be quite a pain. I found it worthwhile to change the default player / program to be the ‘normal’ version rather than the app version as the normal versions have the x in the top of the screen.

    Free Member

    It adds a start button and the ability to resize apps which are two reasons that made me glad I went from 8 to 8.1

    Free Member

    Two aspects to my answer:

    Firstly, should you really be citing this? It is third hand evidence and it would be better to read the original content. Can you access the original to read the quote in context?

    Secondly, does you university not have a guide to citations? Something like this: Cite them right[/url]Each institution can have its own conventions and you will need to follow them rather than the views of STW

    Free Member

    Earlier this year I did exactly this. I’ve had a lifetime of tea drinking and could never bring myself to drink coffee. However, the obvious pleasure people get from a good cup of coffee inspired me to learn to like it. Here’s what I did.

    I started with 1cm of coffee in the bottom of a cup with a tiny amount of sugar in. I had it black as I am not fond of milk. I forced this down for the first few days and to be honest it was pretty unpleasant for me at first. However, by the end of a week I was at the point where I didn’t mind it.

    I then began having the same amount of coffee without sugar until this became bearable. I then began to increase the amount each time. I was still only on one cup per day but the quantity in each cup began to increase. Gradually, I found that I began to enjoy it more and more.

    I now love strong black coffee and wish I’d learnt to like it sooner as I’ve clearly missed out on a lot over the years.

    My method was helped by having folk around me who were making cafetieres each day so they could spare me a small amount.

    My own thoughts are that I can now tell the difference between freshly ground and pre-ground but when I was learning to like it, I was clueless so any half decent brew should do the trick.

    Free Member

    Oh and it also created a windows.old folder which it will not let me get rid of…

    Apparently this will vanish after a few days or you can get rid of it by using the disk cleanup utility.

    Free Member

    Happy Birthday dude

    Free Member

    This site is very informative about this

    As a rule of thumb I reckon about 500 calories per hour

    Free Member

    There is some irony in the fact that the OP wants rollers/turbo because it is too windy to ride outside and one of the replies telling them they need a big huge fan to keep them cool …

    I have a set of Tacx Antares rollers and they are more enjoyable than any turbo I’ve been on. There are usually sets going cheap secondhand in good condition. They have the advantage of being easy to set up – just pop the bike on and ride.

    Free Member

    Chris Boardman was very careful with his words. He said something along the lines of ‘wider, treaded tyres give riders more confidence’. He didn’t actually say they had more grip.

    Free Member

    I run BB7 road calipers with MTB levers on my tandem and it works just fine – not sure if this info is of use to you!

    Free Member

    It doesn’t mention battery life. Edge 800 units can have 11 hours teased out of them but for a long tour (e.g. Highland Trail 400) without access to powerpoints some sort of external power supply is needed.

    I can see the appeal if this has much better battery life / takes AA or AAA cells that can be replaced as needed.

    Free Member

    If it were me, I’d try them on the rims and see what happened. Most of my tyres are not tubeless specific, I just put Stan’s fluid in them and pump them up (sometimes with the help of a CO2 cartridge to get them to mount). Once they are on the rim, just shake the wheel about to distribute the sealant which should plug any leaks and then reinflate to replace any air that was lost while they were sealing.

    I would have thought that you would be able to get them to work OK even though they are not tubeless specific.

    Free Member


    I have a pair of these but I can’t find the website where I bought them now. If you can track them down, I would recommend them.

    I’m 32″ 36″ and they are a good fit.

    Free Member

    You can follow the progress of the riders on Trackleaders

    HT400 Link

    Free Member

    think debt management with a view to getting a fixed payment plan set-up or some of the debt wiped off is preferrable to getting the debt stuck on the mortgage

    No need to pay a debt management company to do this for you as the CAB will do it for free. They deal with this sort of thing all the time and creditors respect their involvement.

    Free Member

    About 20 years ago I took my bike up to the top of Scafell (not Scafell Pike). I went up Slight Side and rode down Broad Tongue to Burnmoor Tarn.

    My excuse was that I was young and didn’t care too much about rights of way and that there weren’t too many MTBs about.

    There was a lot of hike a bike up, but also a fair bit of riding. The first part of the descent was a push but then it turned into a fantastic high speed plummet to the Burnmoor plateau before dropping down into Eskdale.

    Free Member

    The Arizona Trail Race requires competitors to carry their bikes during the Grand Canyon section – I’m sure there will be lots of useful info in the discussion pages here: ATR

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