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  • There’s A Hole In The Road, Please Can We Keep It?
  • Looks like a Mk1.

    Oddingley to Great Witley is about 16km, with Clee Hill about the same again the other side, slightly to the right and the Wrekin, way in the distance, far right.
    Hard to judge distance from a photo. Does that sound about right ?

    I'll be there in my lycra loveliness.

    I've used them on full length outers with a Rohloff and they work.

    Now that I've looked at the map, Clee sounds the most likely.
    Clent is too far North, it looks too big for Kinver edge and I know the Droitwich masts are clearly visible from Clee.

    Only kidding, I missed out the smiley.
    Yes, it does look closer than the Wrekin.
    Clent would be about the right distance and direction, but the wrong shape.
    Any chance you can go back with a compass and get a bearing ?

    Well, if you can't be bothered to work it out by looking on a map, neither can I.
    W/NW of Droitwich ? That would be the Wrekin near Telford, wouldn't it ?


    Well, you did say Money No Object.

    Its because the Mail and Telegraph want you to post links to their stories here every bloody day

    Newspapers, like any other business, are there to make a profit.
    They don't make money by providing free web content unless visitors then go on to buy the paper or click on the adverts.
    Posting laughable surveys based on results from only 60 participants is hardly going to make people want to buy the paper to read more of this stuff.

    32mm Talas bought second hand. Slight scoring on one stanchion and tiny oil leak when I bought them which gradually got a bit worse. Sent them for repair via my LBS and they came back with new sliders, stanchions, crown and steerer for £180 (ie. just the old internals reused)

    32mm Talas Terralogic bought second hand. Tiny leak from one seal. Asked about replacement seals at the Fox distributor stand at Mountain Mayhem last year. They stripped the forks and fitted new seals free of charge while I waited. No problems since.

    Is there a pavement down the side of the dual carriageway ?
    I'd ride on that.

    MicArms – Member
    7PM from the Duke, if you're interested..
    All welcome, with in reason….

    So no long eared Magic Roundabout characters then. :wink:

    Oh Right.
    So I'm safe then.
    Or left out.
    Depending on how you look at it.

    Go vegan straightedge.
    It's really not that hard. 8)

    Young ?
    You haven't met me have you ? :D
    And I bet my lycra's tighter with bigger bulges. 8)

    see the other thread on sticking poploc

    That'll be these two then.

    Right, so you've put me off spending £60 – £100 (I'm still not sure exactly which one I need)on something that probably won't work properly.
    I still want a remote lock out though.
    I hate that bobbing from the front up hill. I've got a remote on my Pace forks and I'm constantly flicking the lever to suit the terrain. I want to be able to do the same on my Rock Shox.
    I've got a Rohloff, so bar clutter on the left is not a problem.
    Reading those threads, it sounds like either the cable is seizing, or the internal spring is not strong enough.

    Can anyone recommend a small cheap bar mounted lever I could use with some sort of friction or ratchet locking device and I'll have a go at rigging up a more powerful external spring on the forks.

    SOOBalias, or anyone else who's got a spare genuine poploc lever, I may be interested if it's cheap enough. Rearrange the following uk tiscali co aecmilitant . . @
    I can't see how this is worth £60…
    when this only costs £9 though.

    I'm on late shift.
    If you can make it a 2am start, I'll join you. :-)
    Maybe see you next time.

    To be fair, I should point out that the bag the bolt came in had the right part number on it, so it looks like it was packed wrong by Rohloff themselves. Can't blame SJS for that.

    101st out of 150 solo men last year.
    Let's see if I can do better this year.
    If you see a big fat beardy bloke in a Vegan Cyclists jersey, say hello.

    60 year old brake cables. 8O
    I drive a 20 year old Land Rover, so I'm all for the idea of keeping something going as long as possible, but you can take it too far.

    I've used them a few times.
    Not the cheapest and they charge for postage, but they're about the best in the UK for Rohloff stuff.
    Sent me a wrong Rohloff tensioner bolt once. I emailed them and they sent the correct one and said not to bother sending the wrong one back as it was hardly worth the postage.

    I'm still looking for someone to do a swap with.
    Anyone ?
    In the mean time, looking at other options, can someone clarify this for me please ?

    This is just a lever to upgrade an existing remote to easily adjustable damping control. So it's no good to me as I have got the wrong Motion Control cartridge.

    This is the full kit to convert a fork top adjuster to handlebar remote. This is the one I want. It just lacks the little blue knob, so if I want to adjust the damping, I have got to carefully position the lever in the right place.

    Have I got that right ?

    6'1" with a L Blur and an XL Chameleon.
    They both seem about right to me with a 100mm stem.

    yesiamtom – Member
    Ive never walked where a geared bike could still pedal.

    So, you've got your bike geared too low for normal riding then.

    chorlton – Member
    Bloody hell what a workout. My abs are killing me and my legs are like jelly after a ride.

    And riding in the wrong gear is more tiring than riding in the correct gear.

    Sorry if I sound smug. I ride a Rohloff. Best of both worlds and all that. 8)

    Thanks nuke.
    I'm a bit concerned about that spring though.
    If the spring needs removing, or disconnecting, when removing the remote, does that mean I won't have that spring in there ?
    It does look like doing a staright swap with someone would be the easiest solution.
    I can't understand though why people would not want a remote lock out.
    I've got Fox Terralogic on one bike, which I find the best.
    I've got Pace with a remote lock out on another, which I find good.
    I've got these non remote Rebas on the new 29er, which I find really inconvenient.
    Why would anyone want to remove a remote lock out ?

    Can someone send me PPs guided please ?
    Rearrange the following to make a meaningful address.

    uk tiscali co aecmilitant . . @

    So who's going to be first to post a link to their own profile on there then ?

    What sort of lever do I need ?
    How do I attach the cable to the blue knob ?
    Where do I get this Peter Poddy guide ?

    I've just been searching for a remote kit to convert my 29" Reba forks.
    This was the nearest I could find, but no longer available.
    Why don't you like it ?
    Can we just swap bits ?
    Where are you ? I'm in Worcestershire.

    This one is 13w, which is just over 1amp for £17.
    As a rough guide,if you want to run it direct from your car, leaving that on for 10 hours would be the equivalent of leaving you headlights on (2x60w + 2x5w = 130w) for one hour.

    I always find that pipe cutters burr the end of the pipe inwards which would make it hard to get the star nut or expander past. Maybe that's because I'm using an old worn out one though.

    If you're using a hacksaw, don't cut right through in one go as it might wander off line and give you a sloping cut.
    Go right round with a shallow cut until the ends join up, then go round again, just breaking through each time.

    I find a pair of mole grips and a Land Rover front bumper make an excellent improvised vice.

    Has it got to be flammable fuel ?
    I think I'd prefer some sort of LED running off a spare car battery set up.
    There's some good 12v LED work lamps around now intended for mechanic's use. One of those clipped inside the tent would be safer and easier to switch on and off.

    I'm not, but if there was something like SPAM Biking round here, I would join.
    It's a shame mountain biking isn't a bit more like motocross in some ways. A network of local clubs, each putting on events in their own area.
    Trailquesting comes close, but it would be good if there was a whole load of small club marathons and XC races to enter throughout the year, rather than just the few big commercial ones.

    Then there was the fox in the Wyre Forest with a squirrell in it's mouth.
    So pleased with itself for having caught it's dinner, it was trotting along a bit of single track for about 50m without realising I was following only about 5m behind.

    Wildlife spotting is one of the best things about mountain biking.
    I commute one way in the afternoon and the other way in the early hours of the morning, through the Wyre Forest, along the Severn, through a nature reserve, then along a canal.
    I regularly see Fallow Deer. There's a white one round here too, although I haven't seen it for a while. I always thought it was albino, but I've since learned there is a recessive gene and it is not all that uncommon to get one or two white deer in a herd.
    I see lots of badgers and foxes, but a recent highlight was following a heron along the canal. As I approached, it took off and flew ahead, then landed about 200m further along. As I approached again, it flew on again. This repeated for about 2km until it finally veered off to the side.

    An AEC Militant. :lol:

    Just out of interest, has anyone got a favourite loop they time themselves around ?
    Have you tried it on both HT and FS ? Which is quicker for you ?

    I haven't, but it's one of the things I want to do to compare my 26" HT, 26" FS and 29" HT.

    So is the Grid Fleece like a conventional fleece jacket then ? A bit too thick and heavy to wear while riding ?
    And is the Roubaix more like a thicker jersey than a jacket ? Unlike the Ultra Packable and Windtex, they don't describe it as windproof. Is it ?

    I've got a Rohloff tensioner and it works well.
    I'm sure they weren't £65 when I bought mine though. 8O

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