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  • Helmet Review: Bontrager Rally MIPS vs Specialized Ambush
  • I had a look at the CTC website and you get the 3rd party insurance in with the £36 membership.
    One thing they don't explain though, would I still be covered while intentionally breaking the law. What if I ride in to a pedestrian while on a footpath ?

    bolts work in tension and through the clamping force increase the friction between the items clamped.. it is that friction that stops the disc rotating..

    That's the theory and, ideally, bolts should only ever be used in tension, not shear, but in reality, I wouldn't want to rely entirely on the friction between the smooth metal surfaces of the disc and hub, or between the caliper and frame/fork for that matter.

    I've never heard of copaslip corroding aluminium.
    Aluminium air valves bolted to a steel truck or bus chassis will soon turn to white powder where they mate. Copaslip prevents that.

    Blind bearing puller sounds like the best option.
    Failing that, if possible, get a bolt welded head first to the bearing. The heat of the weld will loosen it and the shank of the bolt will give you something to grip to pull on.

    A "Prayer room" in an airport for a start. Isn't that special treatment ?
    My original question was why was he arrested for distributing offensive leaflets about imaginary people when others don't get arrested for being equally offensive towards real people ?
    And why the change of tack to mentioning my "obsession with old,pointless trucks" ? Do you really find it so odd that I might have another hobby besides mountain biking and the one I mention in my profile ?

    Militantgraham,is it inconvenient to answer the question I asked earlier?

    Yes, I was asleep.

    Do a bit of research on your militant atheist,the guy who was leaving offensive cartoons in a Muslim prayer room,google him

    I'm not researching your argument for you. You google him and post the relevant bits here. Keep it short though, I haven't got a very good attention span.

    Well, I've never done it before, it's half the price of the big commercial events sponsored by Kona and CRC, yet they still manage to make a donation to charity at the end of it, so it's got to be worth a go.

    I would.
    Why would a guy from Nazareth have a Mexican name for a start.

    Thanks Graham, I didn't realise you were part of the organising team.
    I didn't mean I was expecting the marshals to shout in an angry "Oi, you can't go that way" way, more a helpful "Come back, you've gone the wrong way" way.

    OK, thanks. I guessed it would be possible, I just wondered if it she might get the marshals at the splits shouting at her that she's gone the wrong way.
    Also, if she does just the second big loop, she'll be arriving at the start of it at about the same time as the fast guys who have done the first big loop. Will that cause confusion, or will there be a few other people doing the same thing ?

    If a bear eats a drunk person, does the bear then get drunk ?

    I just had to look up inerrant. :oops:

    So, it's a bit like that argument that atheists disbelieve all gods, religious people disbelieve all but one of them.
    If most xtians accept that there are errors in parts of the bible, it's not such a big step to accepting that the whole thing is made up is it ?

    Who's leviticus ?
    I've not been on this forum long and I don't know everyone yet.

    OK then, shoot estate agents.

    OK,leave out the fascists then. They've had a lot of bad press and I'm sure they're not as black as they're painted.
    And maybe I was being a bit harsh on the others. Perhaps they could just be sent to their room with no dinner.

    Not that I want to incite hatred against anyone of course.
    It would just be nice to know that I could if I wanted to.

    …'inciting religious hatred' which is an offence

    So why is it an offence ?

    I think all politicians, trade unionists, communists, fascists, merchant bankers and double glazing salesmen should be shot.
    Why am I allowed to incite hatred against them, but not against someone for having an imaginary friend ?

    what special consideration is it that we get?

    There was the recent case of a "militant atheist" being arrested for leaving leaflets with "offensive" cartoons in Liverpool airport.
    Offensive cartoons featuring politicians get published all the time. Why is ridiculing imaginary people more offensive than ridiculing real ones ?

    Last minute reminder and bump.
    The postcode for Hawkbatch Farm is DY12 3AH if that's any help.
    Coming from Bewdley up the B4194, Hawkbatch picnic area is the next turning on the right after the track to the farm on the right, which is just after The Woodlands caravan park on the left.
    If you get to Button Oak, you've gone past it.

    I've seen that before. :D
    How about a Religious A&E. No need for doctors and all that expensive medical nonsense. They could just pray for people to get better.

    It worked.

    I'm getting bored with discussions about religion.
    Is anyone a fan of homeopathy ?
    That's always a good target for ridicule.

    Never having ridden a CX bike myself, I couldn't really say.
    Going by the state of the trails today after all that rain, I'm inclined to take Route 45 upstream as it is a Sustrans route intended for all bikes and all abilities.
    Coming back downstream on the riverbank, from what I remember of last time I rode to Bridgnorth, it's mostly a mixture of non technical footpaths and rough grass fields. It is the Severn Way after all, a Long Distance Footpath, so it is all walkable.
    I'm prepared to choose and alter the route depending on who turns up and what the conditions turn out to be like.

    So who is going to be there in the morning then ?

    It's not the jokes that are offensive, it's the comments such as 'religion is a form of mental illness' that are.

    Believing you are fat when the evidence shows you are thin = anorexia
    Believing you will come to some harm by going out in to an open space with no evidence to support that belief = agoraphobia
    Believing you will come to some harm by going in to a crowded place with no evidence to support that belief = claustrophobia
    Believing you have got an invisible friend who does magic tricks with no evidence to support that belief = religion.

    OK, and just to confirm, before I go and get it wrong again, it's definitely part hub415 on this page you've got.

    I'm off out any minute now, I'll email you in an hour or so to swap addresses.

    Xposted with plecostomus.
    Sale or swap my 20mm adapters ?
    Either way I'm interested.
    Where are you. I'm in Worcestershire.

    hungry monkey, I bought the wheel ages ago with the intention of building a DH bike.
    That never happened, so I used the hub to get a spare pair of 29" wheels built.
    It's so long ago, that I can't remember exactly what it was advertised as. Probably just as a Hope hub without specifying the model, so I can't blame the seller.

    scaredypants, a swap on the classified sounds like the best bet.

    Yes, I bought a hub with 20mm adapters and I wanted to convert it to QR.

    Thanks for the offer both.
    I did a quick google search for "hope hub415" and only found one UK supplier listing that part number.

    That looks like the best option so far, although it's another £15 so my cheap ebay wheel is not so cheap now.
    Failing that, I may take you up on that, coatesy. I can send you a pair of 20mm adapters as PX if they're any good to you.

    SSS, there's a shoulder under the flange, but it's only about 3mm thick. Machining 5mm off would remove that shoulder and the flange. There would be nothing left to butt against the bearing. It's all got to come off the non disc side as the bearing to disc mount face dimension on the disc side is correct.

    It's not pointless.
    I'm winding up xtians. :-)

    These are the spacers I bought.

    It looks like things are not as bad as I first thought, I thought I was going to have to buy another hub and get the wheel rebuilt again.
    If I buy that bulb adapter I linked to, the hub will fit then ? Can someone confirm this for definite as I've already wasted £15 on the wrong adapters.
    And the next question. Where do I get one ?

    Would that be this one then ?
    So I want parts #4 ?

    The spacers I bought are an identical pair and look like the smaller one of the two on that page.

    The only markings are "HOPE" in big letters, "Made in the UK" in tiny letters above and "05-03-BL" in tiny letters below.

    I've taken it to bits and checked everything several times.

    From the disc face to the outer face on the other side on the hub that fits is 77mm.
    On the hub that doesn't fit, it is 82mm.
    It's not a problem with the bearings or spacer not being fitted properly.
    The actual hub body is 5mm wider.

    Yes, I would be impossible to fit both at once.

    Yes, and I have measured everything separately. The hub is definitely about 5mm wider.

    Yes, there is no gap between the bearing and sleeve.

    I don't know what model of hub it. How do I identify it ? Rock Shox Reba.

    I don't have a regular enough routine to be able to give an accurate average figure.
    Last year, I did at least 4000km, so that's 80km a week. September was my best month with at least 765km.
    I don't record all my rides, so I can't be any more specific than that.
    All on a mountain bike and about 90% off road.

    Also at least 100km of running. So that's 2km a week. :oops:

    I am not too worried about having my intelligence levels questioned by anyone. I'm in Mensa. :P

    phoenix from the flame – Member
    How many wars have a huge religious motivation behind them? Our current conflicts do, WW2 did etc….

    Buzzlightyear – Member
    Can you explain to me the "religious motivation " of WWI and WWII?

    phoenix from the flame – Member
    Buzzlightyear and tree-magnet, nice attempt at putting words in my mouth. Go back to the remedial class and learn to read please


    Is it just me who's confused ?

    Is everyone still up for this ?
    It's not going to be an easy ride. The river bank is very wet in places at the moment.
    Away from the tourist areas, there's no proper path. Riding on rough grass is hard at the best of times.
    I've never organised a forum ride before, so I'll propose a route, then see what everyone else thinks.

    Starting at Hawkbatch picnic area at 10am on Monday 5th.
    This is the one on the right before Button Oak if you're coming from Bewdley.
    Down to the river.
    Turn right.
    Ride as far as the pipeline bridge.
    Turn round.
    Ride back up to Arley.
    By this time we will have some idea of what to expect, so…
    Option 1. Continue up the river bank.
    Option 2. Follow Sustrans Route 45 which is mainly on road as far as Highly.
    Route 45 alongside the railway to Hampton Loade.
    From Hampton Loade…
    Option 1. Continue up the river bank.
    Option 2. Route 45/Jack Mytton Way to Bridgnorth which is mostly off road, but a better surface than the river bank.
    Return via the river bank.

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