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  • Orbea Wild FS eMTB Boasts An Off Trend “Upright Trail Bike Position”
  • Too right, BigJohn.
    Intolerant people really annoy me. They should all be rounded up and shot.

    I've worked for both a Mercedes (commercial) and Iveco service agent.
    I tended to work on the trucks rather than the vans. Nobody ever puts petrol in a truck, but when we had vans towed in it was simply a case of remove the tank, turn it upside down to drain it, refit and refill the tank, crank it over till it fires, go for a test drive, then tip the contaminated fuel in my Land Rover.
    I'm not absolutely certain, but these were probably common rail engines and suffered no long term damage.
    I run my Land Rover on LPG, so if I ever had a problem with the free diesel/petrol mix it would be easy to switch back to LPG until I got an opportunity to drain the tank.

    nicko, didn't you see the STW tent at the end of the trade stalls ?
    They had two posters up, one for the £15 offer and one for the free T shirt.
    I asked if the two offers were combined. They said they were, so I went for it. They also threw in the current mag as my subscription doesn't start now until the next issue.

    If anyone's being charged £200 to get rid of petrol/diesel mix, I'll take it off your hands for £100.
    My 20 year old low tech Land Rover runs fine on it. 8)

    Get rid off those stringy white bits on tangerines, clementines & satsumas.
    They went to all the trouble of making them pipless, when what's the point ? Pips are easy to spit out.
    Those stringy bits taste horrible and are really fiddly to pick off though.

    If Margaret Thatcher had put more effort in to sorting out tangerines instead of the unions, I'd have voted for her yesterday.

    I normally only buy out of date magazines for £1 each, 3 for £2.50, from the market and I have found that STW is the best of the bike mags.
    STW had an offer on at Enduro 6 last weekend, a free T shirt, the current issue and the next year's worth of issues delivered for £15, so I am now a premium print & on line subscriber.
    I haven't got a letter P next to my name yet though. :(

    How much warning do you get ?
    How quickly does it come on ?
    Is it possible to catch it just in time and drop your level of exertion to a slothful plod and carry on ?

    I've done a few endurance events where I have got to the stage where I just can't go on any more.
    Normally, a half hour break and some food and drink, and I'm good to go again, albeit at a steady pace.
    How do I tell if I'm on the verge of bonking or just ordinary, run of the mill exhausted ?

    Quoting someone, but altering the quote and highlighting the altered part in bold, then saying "Fixed it for you" seems to be a popular alternative to intelligent replies these days.

    Won't expand enough to grip a thinner walled steel steerer tube.
    Needs the burrs cleaning off the cut edge of the steerer thoroughly, ideally with a tapered leading edge.

    And what's the idea with putting (sp) after a possibly misspelled word ?
    Is it really too much trouble to type it in to a search box then copy and paste the auto corrected spelling.

    When I tried to eat my food hiccuped up, not vommit but it wouldn't go down. It was very worrying. Finally I swallowed some tined peaches, but it lasted a good day.

    They do say that if your feeling unwell and unable to eat, nothing slides down as easy as tinned peaches.
    And, if you continue to feel unwell, nothing slides back up quite as easily as tinned peaches either.

    Thanks for posting that link james-o, a very interesting article.
    Another, non-cycling, example of the car culture here.
    To summarise, old boy gets fed up with having to walk along this road…

    …so gets some friends to help him push the button on the pedestrian crossing as often as possible to slow the traffic down.

    "Any sensible bench would conditionally discharge him and say grow up."

    Here's mine, a plastic chopping board, cable tied to the bars, with bulldog grips for the map.

    …marksmen hiding in the woods get to shoot them in the face.

    With paintball guns loaded with pink paint, I hope.
    It is supposed to be fun, after all.

    Our law is based around trying people for their actions not for the consequences of those actions

    And how many amateur mechanics get a 2 year sentence for carrying out substandard repairs on their own car ?

    Thinking about this a bit more, I think I've worked out what the difference is between Fun and Expert.
    At Enduro 6 there were two similar, short, steep descents as the course left the woods. They both started out a bit bumpy and got worse over the 6 hours as riders dragged their brakes down them, ripping up the surface.
    There was another very steep, short descent, with a slightly longer chicken run.
    Fun riders did the chicken run, Expert riders did the drop.
    Result; The drop was in exactly the same condition after 6 hours.

    Our law is based around trying people for their actions not for the consequences of those actions

    So how many drivers who fall asleep at the wheel get a 5 year sentence ?

    OK, thanks.
    Couldn't see them on the website, I'll give them a call.

    A bit more searching and I found this.
    So, I want part number 14, All travel spacer kit. Where do I get it ?
    If no spacers gives 115mm, 1 spacer 100mm and 2 spacers 85mm, is there any reason why I can't run 3 spacers for 70mm travel ?

    I just found this thread after searching for how to alter the travel on my 29" Reba forks.
    Thanks for the link, Peter.
    As my frame was designed around a rigid or short travel fork, I want to decrease the travel though, so the next question is, where do I buy the spacers from ?
    And just to clarify, shortening the travel by fitting a longer spacer will decrease the length of the fork when fully extended without affecting the length when fully compressed. Have I got that the right way round ?

    Yes, it was nice to meet you trickydisco, even if you were overtaking me both times. :cry:

    coopersport, I got 10th/17 in the Expert category at Enduro 6. So you were faster than me, but racing in Fun. One of us was in the wrong category, but with no ranking system to go by, which one ?

    I entered the Veteran category when I did a Midland XC race a few weeks ago.
    Veterans was 4 laps, Open 3 and Fun 2. I just wanted a longer race.

    If I was riding BC events, then getting promoted in to the next category would be the best prize of all.

    njee, I was thinking of Wiggle Enduro 6, and Bristol & Cheddar Bike Fests where it's the same time limit for everyone.

    It's normal for disc brakes to drag a little bit. If you can still turn the hub by hand it can't be too bad.
    Are all the pads about the same thickness ? Having one thinner than the others is a good sign that there's something wrong.

    A great course making good use of natural the features of the area.
    I managed to get last expert male in the Night Time Time Trial with a time of 34:45.
    10th/17 expert male 6 hour solo after 8 laps on a fully rigid. :|

    Yes, I saw some riders hanging around in the woods near the finish and wondered if I should have joined them for a few minutes instead of starting another lap at 5:56. :?

    the 29er will fly around the catton park course…

    Not with me riding it it won't.
    I don't do "fly", I do steady plod. :?

    Thanks tazzy, I thought that was how it worked.
    Bristol and Cheddar Bike Fests have a solo area to store kit and I've never had any problems with leaving food, clothing, spares and tools there, but when I wrecked a tyre at Cheddar I had to go back to the Land Rover and swap the wheel with my spare bike.
    I'll be racing a 29er, but my spare is a 26er, so if there's a major problem like that again, it's going to have to be a complete bike swap.

    Any more information on the Parc Ferme idea ?
    I usually take a spare bike to multi lap endurance events so if I get a major problem with my race bike, I can at least carry on on my commuter.
    I'm a bit wary of leaving it unattended at the side of the course though.
    Is it safe ?
    Can I leave it locked in the Land Rover instead and leave the course to fetch it if I need to ?

    Are there any marking on the drum like SF/CC or similar ?
    the first letter in each pair is for Spark ignition (petrol) or Compression ignition (diesel).
    The second letter is the "quality" of the oil. Diesels need better oil then petrols, so the C rating will always be lower than the S rating.

    I stick my finger in a light socket when I was a kid because I had been warned to be careful with electricity and I wanted to see how much it really hurt. A lot.

    I'll be there riding solo on Sunday and doing the night Time Trial on saturday on a bright yellow Robin Mather Rohloff 29er , wearing Vegan Cyclists jersey & shorts.
    So if you see a big, fat, beardy bloke going nowhere near as fast as you would expect for someone in team kit on a custom built boutique frame, that'll be me. Say hello.

    Custom built Rohloff specific Robin Mather 29er.

    Ready for Wiggle Enduro 6 on Sunday. :-)

    …ride like a tosser often enough and eventually you’ll wind up draped over a Mondeo looking like a ****

    Because cyclists who ride entirely legally never get hit by cars. :roll:

    Blackfriar's Cherry & Coconut flapjacks are the staple diet of the Vegan Cyclist.

    …you did not stop at a give way…

    That's why they are signed "Give Way". It's because you don't have to stop, you just have to give way. The ones where you have to stop are marked "Stop".

    I shout "Rider !" and keep going.
    There's a 95% probability that they are smaller than me* and, as we all know, Mass x Velocity = Right of Way.


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