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  • First Look: Get up close and personal with the 2019 Canyon Neuron CF 9.0 SL
  • A new bridleway can be 'created' by riding a visible track for 25(?) years without anyone attempting to make it known that the landowner objects

    Is that right ?
    I've been riding the footpath along the River Severn near where I live for almost that long. How do I go about getting it upgraded to a Bridleway ?

    "If you think a FP should be BW then lobby whoever you need to and go down the proper channels."

    Does this work ?
    Can you give some examples of footpaths that have been changed to bridleways in this way ?

    Is there a gradual shift amongst "proper" MTBers…about riding on FP though?
    Nothing gradual, I've always done it.

    What a lot of replies to one simple question.
    If only they all agreed. :-)
    I'll be mixing the concrete myself as there's no chance of getting a truck anywhere near my place, I have to fetch everything myself by Land Rover and trailer.
    Thinking about this a bit more, I hand mixed the concrete for my drive, and that's proper hand mixed, on the floor with a shovel, as I didn't have a mixer then, and that's lasted OK.
    From what I remember, that's about 4" thick on hardcore and it hasn't cracked.
    How about if I make it 4" at the thinnest so it will then be about 6-7" in places where the blocks aren't level ?
    That should be stronger than what I've already got.

    "Is it Continential tubes that have a stepped lock ring?"

    I've got some of those stepped lock rings. I think mine came with Schwalbe tubes.

    I got the B&Q ones.

    Wasn't there some dispute between Orange, the phone company, not the bike company, and one of the cheap airlines, Easyjet, I think, painting their aeroplanes orange ?
    Can't remember the outcome.

    Go for it, mboy.
    There's a lot of great trails around Alveley, Shatterford, Highley and up to Chelmarsh reservoir that I have only found because I have been setting out this event.

    When attempting to adjust a high-quality adjustable-cup bottom bracket with new parts, the spindle feels smooth through a portion of its rotation and tight in another portion of its rotation.

    Why would misaligned bearings cause that ?

    Knowledgeable customers…

    What knowledge would that be then ?

    That's the good thing about trailquests, you don't have to be good at it to have fun.
    Anyone else want to have a go ?

    MM are the standard unit of measurement in engineering and construction.
    Schools are just confusing kids by teaching them to use CM.
    Nobody sells 0.8cm x 2.5cm bolts or 5cm x 7.5cm timber.

    Possibly an urban myth, but I heard of someone who wanted an adapter made to connect a round flue to the oval outlet of a stove.
    He did a nice little sketch with measurements, but not the units, and handed it to the steel fabricator.
    It came back exactly 2.54 times the size it should have been. :D

    Some questions for those who follow the BB facing folklore…

    If you screw an external BB bearing in to the BB shell until it just contacts the shell at one point, what is the clearance between the BB bearing and shell at the widest point ?

    What is the maximum reduction in thickness of a BB spacer under the compression of normal tightening of the BB bearings ?

    If the answer to the first question is less than the answer to the second question, why get the frame faced ?

    What is the maximum misalignment allowed for the bearings used in BBs ?

    What is the maximum misalignment found on unfaced frames ?

    If the answer to the third question is less than the answer to the fourth question, why get the frame faced ?

    If cycle manufacturers put a 12 month warranty on their bikes, then why don't they face all BB shells to avoid the inevitable warranty claims for failed BBs?

    All 4 sides slope in, so if the top is 20cm smaller than the base, each side slopes in by 10cm.
    Although, now you mention it, that's not specified in the original question. I'm just assuming the two squares are concentric.

    No, you're specifying the linear measurements, so it is 30cm square which is 900cm2

    I can't do trigonometry, but it will be the angle on a 10cm x 100cm triangle, whatever that is, assuming you mean what is the angle of the faces from vertical, not what is the angle at the corners of the trapezium face.

    And, slightly off topic, why do schools always use cm for these type of questions, when everyone in the real world works in mm ?

    Saturday – 52km around the Severn Valley preparing for next weeks trailquest.
    Sunday – Spamming said trailquest on STW forum. :-)

    I think the most common reaction to my riding is "Why's that bloke with the custom built boutique frame and the full lycra team kit going so slow ?" :oops:

    Oh yeah, strawberries and strawberry jam. That's another one.

    Storm lantern = Tilley lamp, right ? The pressurised type with the mantle and pump, not the type with a wick ?
    If so, paraffin. Meths is just for preheating the burner with the little scissors sort of thing.

    Socks & sandals.

    I don't think so as long as it doesn't affect the beam pattern.
    Drive to the garage where you are going to get it tested and ask the examiner to have a quick look.

    There must be a lot of people who support either the BNP or the Greens, but won't vote for them as they see it as a wasted vote and it doesn't look like that will change any time soon.
    The Lib Dems appear to be reaching that critical mass where they are no longer seen as a wasted vote.
    It just looks to me like we have now got three major parties and we may never see a majority government again.

    That might be true, though lots might not be too happy about the compromises they have had to make

    But if they become an equal third party, they won't have to make such compromises.

    You might also get a lot of LibDems, unhappy that they've sided with Cameron, defecting to Labour next time, thereby having a Labour majority (of seats).

    That's sort of my point.
    If the Lib Dems become a major party in their own right, their supporters won't have to decide which of the other two parties they want to vote for to keep the other one of the big two out. They can finally vote for the one they want in.
    Unless one of those other two then loses most of its support, we will then have three big parties.

    I was surprised to find that some people outside Birmingham didn't know what The Cut was.
    I didn't realise it was just a local dialect word for the canal.

    "It's all XC"
    Except the road bits.


    Armour is for gurls.

    Urban freeriding in my BV202. 8)


    "Capable of being repaired using TIG/MIG welders and recycled as normal for steel."
    That's referring to a car chassis though.
    I still wouldn't want to trust the average car mechanic who is used to welding new sills on old cars to make a good job of the wafer thin tubes used on a bike frame.

    If it's about danger and the RLJers are not causing accidents, while motorists are killing about 350 cyclists and pedestrians a year, or…
    If it's about obedience of the law while there are about 2 million uninsured cars on the road, or…
    If it's about public perception when car drivers are just looking for an excuse to get cyclists off the road that they "have paid car tax" to use…
    I can't see what the problem is.

    Land Rover use a spiral wire inside a tube with wheel boxes.
    It may be that the teeth have worn off the wheel box where it engages the spiral wire, in which case, the only option is to take the dash out. It's not that big a job, nothing like taking the dash out of a car.

    I see it happening regularly.

    Doesn't the fact that they are doing it "regularly" suggest that it is not really all that dangerous ?

    That's what I was thinking. If they are welded, I would suspect it is gas or tig on a quality frame.
    I wouldn't want to trust the average mig welder to repair a Reynolds (or equivalent) tubed frame.

    Do you mean the splines where the wiper arm fits on ?
    If so, that is an easily replaced separate part.
    The shaft itself has got a flat on it. The splined adapter has got a D shaped hole to match the shaft with a grub screw to lock it in place.
    The grub screw will probably be seized in its hole so you will have to grind the whole thing away on one side until it is loose.

    Failing that, fold the windscreen down. 8)
    Wipers and washers are not required on a vehicle with a folding windscreen.

    I'd use it.
    In fact, if anyone has got any 12 month old brake fluid that has been stored in a sealed container, I'll have it to save you the disposal cost. :wink:

    Are steel frames welded ?
    I thought they were brazed.

    Why do those people who object to RLJing perpetuate the fantasy image of a cyclist riding straight through a red light without slowing down or looking when it's obvious that is not what is really happening ?
    Treat a red light like a Give Way sign and it is no more dangerous than a regular Give Way junction.
    Going back to the original post in this thread, it was about a cyclist who rode through two red lights, not about a cyclist who caused an accident. What's the problem ?

    I got to work and phoned Bus company and gave them the time and place of the incident but because I didn't have the bus number there was nothing they could do apparently.

    I'm guessing that if it was a double decker it was in a busy city.
    We could almost certainly identify any of our drivers by time and location. It would take a bit of work cross referencing which driver was on which bus and which bus was on which route, but we have done it before when the police have been searching for a missing person or a suspect and wanted to speak to the driver of a specific bus.
    That's on rural buses though, with scheduled hourly or half hourly services.
    Maybe on a city route where they run every two minutes it wouldn't be so easy.

    Diesel in petrol=catastrophic.

    A petrol cannot tolerate diesel in any mix.

    Except that, as I mentioned above, I have used the fuel drained from diesel vans in my petrol Land Rover.
    I don't know what the ratio mix was, but…
    it smelled like petrol,
    the diesel van wouldn't run on it,
    I normally run the Land Rover on LPG, so it was no problem to switch back if it wouldn't run on the mix and
    I used to run a BSA Bantam on 5% two stroke oil,
    so it was worth a try.

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