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  • First Look: Ron Burgundy’s 2019 GT Sensor Expert
  • If those are our race numbers on the rider list, I'm 576, riding 12 hour old git solo on on Saturday.
    Once again, if you see a big fat beardy bloke wearing Vegan Cyclists kit on a banana coloured 29er Rohloff, say hello.

    Why would a Welsh translation service have an automated reply in Welsh ?
    If you can read the reply, you don't need the service. :?

    TJ's right about a finer saw being slower, but giving a better finish.
    However, if one end of the decking butts up to a wall, you could put the rough end where it won't show.

    Bees make honey, wasps make jam, flies make Marmite. :D

    Makes a great drink too. Only needs about 1/4 teaspoon in a mug of hot water.

    Well mine's still available if I get on jimr80's team, although it's only fair that killer gets first dibs, it's his thread after all.
    "enjoy ourselves and put in some respectable laps." sounds like my style of racing. I think I was lapping in about 1:15 last year. Naturally, I could up my pace a bit as part of a team.

    jimr80, if killer doesn't join your team, I'd be interested, which would leave my solo place available for chunkydaz if he doesn't take psychle's place.

    Yes, I'm confused too. :?

    I've entered solo, but now think I made the wrong choice.
    If I can get a place on a team, I'll swap.
    If I can't, I'll make the most of my solo attempt.

    Age 47
    101st/150 solo male at MM last year.
    10th/48 solo male at Set2Rise last weekend.

    You're right you know, I hadn't noticed that before. :oops:

    Junkyard – Member
    probably will find them but not found an SPD version does anyone know of any?

    I use North Wave Lizzard shoes. They're vegan.

    Shame about the rain.
    The first two laps were a bit slippery weren't they ? :D
    A lot of riders seemed to give up because of it, the course was a bit empty by 5am. If only they'd stuck with it, it was surprising how much it dried up overnight.
    10 laps for me, 10th/48 solo male.
    Any chance of a veterans class for next year ?

    Got it aP. Couldn't find anything on Garmin's site, but found someone else asking the same question on another forum.
    It's Mode & Reset for 10 seconds.

    Set2Rise, lots and lots of techy singletrack.
    Now, if I go uphill at the sort of speed you would expect for a 100kg fat beardy bloke on a 29er, and I do, yet I can finish 10th solo male, I must be making up time somewhere. :wink:

    Commuting, trailquests, XC racing and a 12 hour marathon all on one bike.
    Is that versatle enough ?

    Shouldn't all the teeth be the same size and shape ?

    Just about any bridleway on a trailquest.
    Any Sunday, anywhere in the midlands and all I ever meet is other people doing the same event.
    Doesn't anybody ever ride ordinary bridleways ?

    What do you mean by shut down ?
    Does it just switch of part way through a ride ?
    I've got a problem with mine. Sometimes it won't respond to either the on/off button or being charged, it's just a blank screen.
    It happened yesterday again. I knew it was fully charged, but I just wanted to make sure before a long ride.
    I plugged it in to the fag lighter socket, got the Battery charging in progress message, shortly followed by the Battery charging complete message.
    Unplugged it, tried to switch it on and nothing. No message when I plugged it back in again. Blank screen.
    Is this the same fault ?
    If not, is there a cure ?

    Started riding in the rain at 6pm yesterday.
    It had stopped by the time I finished at 6am today. :wink:

    Leaving any minute now. :-)
    Got my waterproofs packed. :?

    If you see a big fat beardy bloke on a banana coloured 29er wearing Vegan Cyclists kit, say hello.

    And, despite your name, you're clearly still alive, so it can't be that bad.

    Well, I don't know as the book kind of skipped over that period for some reason.

    Looks like they were making some nice cars around that time though.

    Is that the Mercedes one ?
    I used to work for a Mercedes truck dealer and there were some interesting omissions in the company achievements history booklet I read.
    Le Mans in 1955 and most of Europe in the early '40s didn't get a mention.

    Nothing to do with politics, religion or animal rights, it's because I own an AEC Militant recovery truck.

    This one, in fact.

    I've put massive bulges in two Race Kings.
    Both caused by rock strikes and, to be fair, if I wasn't running tubeless they probably would have pinch flatted, but I seem to have damaged the cords without actually bursting the tyre or damaging the rim.
    Shame, because I liked them. Light and fast, but obviously not suitable for the mountain biker with the fuller figure.

    …they explained that it was for the normal lifetime of the frame not mine.

    Er, surely everything lasts its own lifetime. :?

    The purple shorts and pink jersey were Bristol and Cheddar.
    MM was pink shorts and yellow jersey. 8)
    Those dayglo days are behind me now that I've got some proper Vegan Cyclists kit.
    Come to think of it, does being vegan count as another +1 on the deviancy list ?

    MM last year, 24hr, solo, unsupported, Rohloff, beard.

    MM this year, 24hr, solo, unsupported, Rohloff, 29er, beard.

    as far as I know it's illegal to ride on the pavement.

    That's why the police were issued with guidelines not to prosecute.
    They don't need to be told not to prosecute people for doing things that are not illegal.

    It was a bit like the "downgrading", or whatever it was called, for cannabis possession. Not a change in the law, just a change in the allocation of police resources so as not to waste time on minor, victimless crimes.

    Did I just imagine it then ?

    6'1" and I bought a M sliding drop out version because it was local and the right price.
    I eventually admitted I had made a mistake and bought a XL EBB version frame.
    Never ridden a L, but I reckon it would be about right, although I've got used to the XL and that seems right now.

    I can't understand why anyone would want to cheat by taking short cuts either.
    If you're up with the front runners, someone's going to notice if you suddenly gain a big lead on the next guy, if you're not, you're only racing yourself, so what's the point ?
    I'm quite happy to post the tracklog of any event I take part in.

    Any idea of the distance and ascent per lap, Fuzzyfelt ?

    I met a group of horses and riders while cycling slowly up hill on a bridleway.
    The one at the front saw the bike and started prancing all over the place, which set a couple of the others off.
    I waited until they had lurched over to one side and quickly darted through on the other side.
    Later, I came back down the bridleway at high speed and saw the same horses ahead of me, unaware that I was behind.
    I wasn't going to risk having one of the stupid things jump around in front of me again, so I hammered through and got past before they realised what had happened.
    I could hear the shouting and commotion behind me, but I was long gone by then.

    Horse, dog, bike or car. If you can't control it so that it's not a danger to other people, don't take it out in public.

    There's a map of the course on Facebook now.!/group.php?gid=241565019841
    Looks like that chalky doubletrack down the field is in again.
    I was hitting 60+km/h in the dark down there last year. :D

    You use dustcaps. 8O

    I always check which way round a race course runs before the event.
    If it's clockwise, I shave all the knobbles off the left hand side of my tyres to save weight, and vice versa.

    Or bottom bracket facing ?

    This thread started off well, but has gone a bit flat.
    It could do with livening up a bit.

    Ro, what's your opinion on religion ?

    Regarding the bike overtaking before a blind bend.
    Bewdley town centre is a network of narrow streets, sharp corners, junctions and pedestrian crossings. Add in the current roadworks and one car trying to turn right while an oncoming queueing car has blocked the turning and it soon becomes gridlocked.
    Yes, he was in the wrong, but as it's the cars that cause the traffic jams, I see nothing wrong in a bike trying to get past them safely.
    Like I said, everyone was moving at walking pace, so there was no danger, he was unlucky to get the 1:1000 chance of meeting an oncoming car just as the coach pulled away.

    6'1" and 98kg
    BMI of 28.3
    A typical pale skinny vegan. :D
    My aim is to get to 104kg and become officially obese. :P

    I've lived here for 20 years and the weekenders keep showing me new bits. :oops:

    I use a 9 speed Rohloff chain with a Rohloff. If it mattered, I'm sure Rohloff would make a single speed chain.

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