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  • First Look | Wild Rye Clothing – for women in the mountains
  • From the little I know of statistics and probability theory, I can’t see how that would increase your chances.
    Can you explain it ?

    At the age of about 14 I was waiting to turn right at a busy cross roads in Birmingham on my racer.
    Toe clips and a failed track stand led to me falling slowly over to the right.
    The buckle on the toe strap was then trapped between my right foot and the road.
    I tried wriggling about to create a gap, but couldn’t undo it.
    I had to undo the left one first, then kind of twist round and roll on my back to get my right foot off the ground to undo the strap and get my foot off the pedal so I could stand up.
    All with four lines of traffic watching me and waiting for me to get out of the way.

    Good point, Love Tubs.

    What the ladies want is some “well hung” pictures. 😉

    How about this one…

    [/url]VFWales09-11May08042[/url] by Grizzly Graham[/url], on Flickr

    …even with my weight leaning on it, that gate hasn’t moved an inch.
    That’s certainly a well hung gate.

    Two cyclists = bicycle race.

    …but why so sneery and patronising towards different people…

    Are you new here ?

    Probably not much help if you’re running it as a triple, but Thorn and Renthal singlespeed rings fit OK.

    I thought the Isle of Dogs wasn’t a real island.
    Couldn’t you have just gone round ?

    Reset is Mode & Lap/Reset for 10 seconds.
    It gives you the option to delete all records if you want to, but it doesn’t do it automatically.

    Well, I’m a jolly sort of chap.

    Action shots.
    Especially for the Ladies. Muscles, shorts, beard and a power belly. What more could you ask for ?

    75kg sleeper in each hand.
    [/url]sleepers[/url] by Grizzly Graham[/url], on Flickr[/img]

    100kg stone on to barrel.
    [/url]100kg stone[/url] by Grizzly Graham[/url], on Flickr[/img]

    Flipping a 230kg tyre.
    [/url]25052008132[/url] by Grizzly Graham[/url], on Flickr[/img]

    [/url]Daily Mail[/url] by Grizzly Graham[/url], on Flickr[/img]

    I take the wheels off every couple of months or so and shake them.
    As long as it sounds like there’s plenty of liquid latex inside I put them back on.
    I keep meaning to make a note of when each wheel was filled so I can keep track of how long it lasts. Maybe next time I refill one I will. Or maybe I’ll forget again.

    What julianwilson said.
    Set2Rise 12 hours overnight on Salisbury Plain.

    A 12 hour version of the FoD Enduro would be good too.

    Don’t suppose they realised the havoc they were playing with the aerodynamics…

    I dunno, dimples help on golf balls.
    Must be an extra 20g of unnecessary toe strap there though.

    SPAM Biking Winter Challenge.

    No details on the website yet, but probably a 25km or 50km single loop on Salisbury Plain.

    Assuming you’re selling from home, what about allowing the buyer to use your computer to access their bank or paypal account and do a direct transfer to your account ?

    Would that be a safe way of doing it from both points of view ?

    Notice how the good looking guy in in the Vegan Cyclist kit in front gets round the corner OK, though.

    Who could this riding god on a hardtail 29er who leaves 26er full sus riders eating his dust be ? 😉

    Did you get his number

    I said I enjoyed racing with him.
    I didn’t say I wanted to ask him out on a date.

    I’ve had various hobbies and interests over the years and they’ve all faded away eventually.
    I’ve always ridden bikes, although not always as much as I do now.
    I can see the novelty of my current obsession with racing wearing off one day, but I think I will always ride bikes.

    What if the debate is pointless though ?

    Does a thread need pointful debate to have a point its self ?

    Well ok moron op, why start such a pointless thread?

    Ha, that told him, didn’t it.

    I’m always right.

    I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken.

    I just get annoyed when they tell me I am wrong

    Well, what am I supposed to do when you are wrong ?

    Clipless + trainers = Fail

    I don’t mind people doing things differently to me.
    It’s when they do things that are wrong that I have to make a stand.

    OK, thanks.
    I’ll go for the slightly longer ones then to be sure.

    Verenti is Wiggle’s own brand.
    My guess is that, for stuff like rims, they use other manufacturers products and put their own logo on it.
    Could well be Alex rims then.

    Thanks again for the advice. Yeah, I said hard rubber, but I guessed it would be something a bit more technically advanced than that.

    Bump before I go ahead and buy some spare tubes.

    Any recommendations for puncture resistant tubes, or is it all in the tyre ?

    Another question from a roadie novice. I’m sure it won’t be the last. 🙄
    I want to get some spare tubes in advance ready for my first ride.

    Any idea what length valves I need ? They’re not very deep rims, so I’m guessing 42mm would be OK. Does that sound about right ?

    Here’s a pic if it helps.

    Sorry, didn’t realise it was in the members only section.
    It took me a while to workout how to unembed it. Try this.

    Pah, jet cars, tomorrows fish wrappers.

    I’ve seen the future. It’s steam motorcycles.

    There’s a Swedish guy on another forum I use who posted some video of riding in Åre.

    Wouldn’t embedding maps limit their size ?
    If I’m looking at a route on a map I want to see it full screen.

    Oh, and thanks for the wheel click = new tab tip. How did I not already know that ? 🙄

    Use car/motorbike/tractor patches. They’re a lot bigger and thicker. I’ve used them for repairing a damaged sidewall.
    Most motor vehicles are tubeless nowadays, so try an agricultural or motorbike shop as they are more likely to stock patches.

    Gears are a wonderful invention.
    Although putting them on the outside of the hub, what a bizarre idea. 😕

    Thanks for all the advice and recommendations.
    I’ve got used to feeling round the inside of my ghetto tubeless MTB tyres whenever I take them off and thinking “Wow, all those thorns poking through. The sealant really works”.
    Using road tyres where they rely in a strip of harder rubber under the tread to stop the thorns coming through feels like a backwards step to me.

    If coolhandluke is the only one to try Stan’s in tubes, and then, with no proof that it works, I guess I’ll just go along with the majority until there is an established ghetto or UST tubeless equivalent for road tyres.

    The bike’s fitted with Vittoria Diamante Pro, which, as always, get mixed reviews. A few bad, but mostly good.
    I’m reluctant to ditch them and spend another £50 or so on armoured tyres when the bike hasn’t even been delivered yet.
    I’ll give the Vittoria’s a go and see how I get on with them.

    Are there any good puncture proof or slime tubes that actually work I could use as a compromise ?

    Steady on, kingkongsfinger, this isn’t YouTube, old chap.

    i hate these types of threads, theyre doing my frickin head in. get over yourself. ride your own way and let others do the same

    Like a lot of threads, it has the potential to be useful.
    Different people do similar things in different ways.
    However, instead of it becoming an opportunity to share advice and experience;
    “Oh, so you tape your spare tube to your stem, that would be a good way to save space in my pockets” or
    “You carry a spare mech hanger ? Why didn’t I think of that ?”,
    it becomes an opportunity to insult anyone who has different ideas.

    Do they do much hedge trimming in London ? 😛

    Yeah, I guess it’s going to be less of a problem on a road bike. Pinch flats must be pretty rare. There’s always the odd sharp object lying about on the road though, so I was just looking at ways of being prepared.
    What do CX riders do ?

    FoD Enduro = best course
    SPAM Set2Rise and September blast = 2nd best course

    SPAM winter Challenge
    Brecon Beast
    Rough Ride

    Plus, of course, any trailquest. (Did I mention I ride trailquests ?)

    Tsk, ostriches coming over here and jumping the queue for UFOs.
    String ’em up. It’s the only language they understand.

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