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  • Sonder Evol GX Eagle Transmission review
  • mickyfinn
    Free Member

    IANAD however I use one of these at home. As recommended by a colleagues wife who is a private health care doctor. Tbh I would t have gone near it without the recommendation but I’ve used it for years and it works very well indeeds.

    Free Member

    It’s Huawei, you think it’s going to the grid but really your giving China free energy 😉

    In all honesty after my experience with Huawei enterprise level networking kit, there’s no way I’ll every buy anything of theirs. Ok the support was good if you class sending out software engineers to rewrite their code on the fly as the products don’t work as advertised (or as tendered) 😁

    Free Member

    Ah right that make sense I never use the actual web app just the mobile app. I should It’s looks nicer 😁

    Free Member

    @bruneep which solis app is that one?
    Is it Solis Cloud? It looks different to the UI have for the same functionality (Also Puredrive batteries)

    Free Member

    61kwh so far this month for me in my small 3.2kwh array.

    I can schedule my battery to force discharge on a schedule via my Solis Inverter it has three charge/discharge schedules. So far I’ve only used it for overnight cheap charging.
    Solis integrate with Octopus in their app for pricing display so it’s not inconceivable that they’ll add Flux support via a firmware update.

    Free Member

    129kwh on a 3.2 array (small usable roof space) 5kwh battery. I’m happy with that as it was only installed on the 16th of this month. South Northumberland.

    Free Member

    It is you can see the prices almost always drop considerably after a bright windy day.
    Certainly that’s the trend I’ve seen in my area which has a good amount of renewables available.

    Free Member

    they pseudo make up the unit price based on fairly arbitrary criteria

    😁 Isn’t that how predictions work 😁

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Standing charge is 48.3p for me. No other costs involved.
    If you have gas you can apply for Octopus Tracker (.it’s very new and there maybe a waiting list). A work colleague is on this and he is a saving considerably compared to the cap rates, especially on his Gas.
    Unfortunately I wasn’t with Octopus during the big cold snap.Historic rates are somewhere I’ll take a look.
    Of course with this kind of Tarrif it could go the other way but they have no lock in and you can switch back to standard anytime

    Free Member

    Octo-Aid handily gives an historic average price based on my actual use not the Octopus average price which is based on 24 hours of all prices.
    I averaged based on my actual consumption (I have solar and a 5kw battery so try to be really flexible)
    Sat25th = 10.87p/kWh
    Fri24th = 17.24p/kWh
    Thurs23rd = 13.67p/kWh
    Wed22nd = 23.99p/kWh
    Tues21st = 23.82p/kWh
    Mon20th = 27.86p/kWh

    You can tell which days were windy and renewables were abundant 😁

    Free Member

    BTW Smart meters can’t handle 30min pricing so you need to use the app and plan.

    Free Member

    Rates are published for the next day at 4pm. You can see the rates in your account or app (or the better app Octo-Aid)
    It’s for electric customers only if you need gas too then you need the Octopus Tracker Tarrif which is daily pricing averaged out from the 30minute rates, so less flexible.

    For the past month highest rate has been 32.2p (peak time almost every day are this) lowest has been -0.4p which was 5am Saturday (so for 30 mins they paid me to charge my battery)

    If you can be flexible and even better have a battery/solar setup it can be very cheap indeed.

    Free Member

    Just install Oct-Aid and generate yourself an API key. Not as pretty as the official app but sooooo much better data.

    Free Member

    Strong cheddar, strong English mustard and sliced apple 😁😁😁

    Free Member

    Challenge is the original large format boots go for silly money so unless you find one at a car boot or eBay for a daft low price you’re probably stuck with the rights and reprint buyers like Taschen.
    I’m sure the Taschen book is worth £20 but it’s nothing compared to the originals in scale and impact.

    Free Member

    They need YubiKeys (that’s what we are enforcing next).

    It’s extremely trivial to steal the certificate and use using Mimikatz btw.

    Free Member

    3 ND10 filters and a very long exposure

    Free Member

    Trailrat what app is that? 😁

    Free Member

    I’m heathen who finds that Lavazza black (the Arabica one) is as good as anything for a daily cup or several.

    Free Member

    Thank you

    Free Member

    Heating hot water, central heating is already being looked at with a hook up to my existing back boiler on my wood stove.

    It would have been quicker to kindly answer my question that question my methods though 😁

    Free Member

    BTW it would be in a totally un obstructed perfectly south facing roof up a hill.

    Free Member

    Stupid question alert. If I installed a 5kw array is that a max of 5kw over what time period (per hour, instant?) sorry nee to this and am thinking of heading down the solar route as my oil system is dying big style.

    Free Member

    BTW if you want the piano as Tab style of learning then
    Is probably your best option. I must admit I use it for pieces which I find too challenging to read. I then go back with a better understanding of the rhythm.

    Free Member

    Also while I remember.
    This book (used for teaching theory all over but also available digitally for free)

    If you have an IOS device (needs edge or chrome for music midi input)

    Free Member

    If you really want to just have the chords in your fingers then learning the theory behind their construction is almost a must.
    I appreciate to some that also sucks the enjoyment out of it.
    For online learning of the just play it (but also more read style included to) then Pianote is very good.

    Free Member

    Out of interest how are you judging ‘full’ without scales? Condensatation on the can?

    Not sure how TJ does it but I do the float check. Some cans even have markings on the side for this.

    Free Member

    Problem with this is not heating the fabric of the house can cause damage with damp etc.

    Surely that depends on the house? Modern house yes but older house were designed to breath and not be centrally heated?

    Free Member

    I opened this expecting a follow up to the Japanese toilet thread. Curse my dyslexia

    Free Member

    How quiet is that vac master?

    Free Member

    I take the view that other employers are available, with the caveat that the grass won’t be greener it will just be a different smelling alternate shade of brown.

    Free Member

    I know I’ve said this before but it’s worth repeating. Everyone who burns wood for some part of their life should own and read this book cover to cover and keep referring to it forever 😁

    Free Member

    Get some woodwool and wax firefighters (or make some) they’re cheap and work. This and dry kindling = a good hot start, little if any smoke and no need to use paper. Also I’d recommend looking into top down lighting if you are’t already doing that. By it’s mature it heats the flue up early in the lighting phase.

    Free Member

    My friend over there says all the bridges over the Annan are closed (he’s in Lockerbie)

    Free Member

    Fuel poverty is an issue everybloodywhere at the mo, let’s be honest.

    Makes sense to think about legislating to control wood burners in urban areas first though. And I’d expect it to be via a separate instrument than motor vehicle restrictions anyway (to address the post just up there

    Absolute sense spoken on Singletrack I must have passed away and not noticed 😁

    Free Member

    @chevychase so because you have the money to do those improvements then everyone else who lives remotely has? That’s a strange argument.

    the only narrative I have is that mine doesn’t fit yours. Saying something needs to be done (which we agree on) doesn’t mean it is being done. I’ve read the article, Monbiot says some sensible things and spoils them by showing he has no idea how to use (after many years of use) the system he installed, which he now regrets.
    Yes plenty of uncapped supplies in urban areas mostly for business tariffs but still unaffordable for many. However as a percentage of the none business community the rural populace rely on an uncapped supply way more.

    I’ve said many times ban burners where there is a credible alternative (in towns and cities certainly for a start) and until that credible alternative appears in the countryside us user of burners will just need to be sensible in our use of them to minimise pollution (which I have never once said doesn’t happen, it’s just needs to minimised and controlled) if I and my fellows with no other option have to live with the consequences then that’s the way it currently is, until…

    Free Member

    TBH I was idly thinking of doing a f# version at the time I wrote that 🙂 so my excuse is I was distracted.

    It’s in G major isn’t it 😉

    Free Member

    I see you’ve shifted from talking about yourself to other people. Which is it

    I don’t exist in isolation, I’m made of the same stuff as my neighbours and the rest of humanity. I and my neighbour and their neighbours (and so on) are as susceptible to the cold and the environment as each other. To think my comment only applied to me and me alone is beyond missing the point.
    I’m quite sure all of us rural living folks (not in million quid Cotswold homes) would love a credible alternative. The simple fact is we currently don’t have one, that’s a quite a simple fact. We have wood burners out of necessity (be that Aga, Rayburn, Simple stove) as without them we would frequently have nothing.
    Understanding this is important, we don’t have wood burners for aesthetics. We have them as without we would literally have nothing affordable to heat and cook on.
    Those who have oil or propane tanks are hardly using them as they can’t afford to fill them. The price of off grid supplies is uncapped and unaffordable except for the rich.

    Free Member

    But it turns out they use it to cook because they can’t afford to run their oven. So there’s nothing EHO are prepared to do

    what a horrible situation to be in, is there nothing you (and the other neighbours is there are any) can do to help these poor folks?

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