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  • Reverse Base flat pedal review
  • michaelmcc
    Free Member

    Oh I’ve heard some of the newer better ones also run off the Russian satellites, instead of solely relying on the US ones. I like the sound of that.

    Just to be clear, he is a map user, but as we all know maps can sometimes be not much use when it’s very windy with bad viz.

    Does that Oregan have the feature that the Suunto has of being able to view a 3D view of your walk?

    Free Member

    Just thought I’d give a quick update on this, for anyone who cares 🙂 .

    Well, it’s been a day over two weeks since it ended, and she still hates me, like properly hates me. She’s cut all ties on social media and WhatsApp, etc. I find this kind of insulting after 3 years together. Why should I care? Maybe I shouldn’t but its not how I like doing things. Every message I have recieved off her has been short and abrupt.

    She doesn’t want me messaging or talking to any of her friends or family ever again, some of which I got on very well with and would like to see again. I’m pretty sure she’s made everyone she knows hate me.

    When will the hatred end 😳 😳 . I suppose it’s maybe her way of dealing with it and I know everyone is different, but I’d prefer to keep communication open after such a long time with someone £ years).

    But thanks again for all the wise words on here. She’s saying that I’ll regret it in a few months time and that I’ve made a mistake. I don’t feel any real regret so far though. It’s hard as I still care about her any everything though.

    Free Member

    The one’s that have been mentioned which I fully agree with;

    Janes Addiction
    Iron Maiden
    Black Sabbath
    Pink Floyd.

    Haven’t read the whole thread but I didn’t see these mentioned;

    Guns n Roses

    Are Daft Punk a band?? I would have thought them/it would be classed as a DJ.

    Free Member

    Thanks, Its reassuring to hear how others had doubts looking back, but are now happier about things.

    Anyone know the emotional stages of breaking up with someone? Confusion, doubt, acceptance etc. At the moment my brain is playing tricks on me and good memories keep coming back to me. But I still think I’m doing the right thing at this stage.

    Free Member

    hebdencyclist – she’s good at putting words in my mouth and coming to immediate assumptions, but with help from this thread I’m starting to feel more clear that ending it is best.

    Free Member

    And I would love if every bloke her was asked that why do you love me question on the spot 😛 .

    Golfchick – nice reply aslo. I do tell her how good she looks, not every day but a lot of days.
    She has since this morning been trying to make me feel really guilty and saying how I’ll regret this and how I’m throwing away something special. It’s definitely one of the hardest things I’ve done, I much prefer being broken up with.

    Free Member

    Some really great input here guys and gals, I’m enjoying reading every reply.

    Also…as alluded to already, relationships change from being all exciting and stuff, to quite mundane most of the time. You are going to get that with any relationship, which can sometimes make you wonder what the hell you are doing being married and all that! Makes it difficult to know if you are doing the right thing…a lot of the time. Good luck!

    Any more experiences on that?? 😛 . How long were they?

    How has she been in her previous relationships? Has she been one to end it or has the other person done it?

    I have been her longest relationship by far. Before me, less than a year was her longest. Not sure who ended it with her though.

    OP do you love her ?

    I think so, but I definitely feel like I should be in love with her more than I am after three years. Like there’s just something missing…
    Maybe I’m more in love with the idea of loving her?

    Free Member

    What do you think her expectations of your relationship are?

    She definitely wants marriage kids and the works. I suspect she definitely has a ticking time bomb and it probably doesn’t help that loads of her friends keep getting married 🙄 .

    Those are all things I want too at some stage. Just not convinced its with her.

    I’ve never had doubts that we were meant to be together and that seems to be the big warning sign here.

    Really??? I was never sure how normal or healthy it was to have doubts while in a long term relationship.

    Free Member

    Just before Christmas will no doubt prove popular!

    Well you can’t do it right afterwards after all the presents and time spent together. And then its valentines day 6 weeks after that and you can’t do it then either 😛 . .

    Serious question; do you [still] fancy her / think she’s attractive?

    Yes, but not as much as when we first met, or compared to how I felt in the first 8 months to a year.

    Has the relationship lost some spark?

    Quite possibly. We do try the odd date night and such, which definitely improves my feelings temporarily.

    It would be interesting to hear about what you both get up to together in your spare time. Do you do activities together, see friends etc, or stay at home / sit in front of the TV?

    We get out together and do some hill walks/hikes together. I often feel like I’m the main one behind this though. Would she go hiking if it wasn’t for me? Not sure. She used to do quite a bit of running and I liked how she was in to that, although she’s stopped doing that in the last year or so (although she’s still doing gym stuff etc). I guess her being a runner was one of the things I liked about her to begin with.

    Whenever its friends, its more me with her and her friends. She’s more fond of drinking/socializing than I am really. I really enjoy it too but not bothered if I go a few weeks or so without seeing any.

    We’ve gone on a few bike rides together which have been great fun and she seems like the really enjoys it, but again I feel like I’m the main pusher behind it.

    Free Member


    You have been together for 3 years, half of which has been spent apart. Of that time, 1 year or more, you have been wondering if she is the one.

    Shaky foundations, son.

    Yeah, not sure how normal it is to get times of big doubts!

    Just get on your bike, Mike….

    Haha I was out on it this morning.

    I’ve been happily married for more than 25 years and would struggle to come up with an answer for that question (other than “I just do”)

    Fair point. But I think she has the idealistic and romantic view that I would have spouted off a lot of reasons with a Shakespeare or George Clooney type flare.

    Free Member

    Does the fact that your question was “when to end…” rather than “whether to end..” indicate that you are already thinking in those terms?

    Possibly. I mean I don’t have sure feelings she’s the one I definately want to marry, or anything like that.

    Free Member


    Anyone else? Many downhill sections you had to walk?

    Free Member

    (have raced Mega in the mud BTW, and this was a fair bit tougher)

    Even tougher and steeper than the steep berms going down into Allamonte on the bottom 1/3 of the mega?? 😐

    Free Member

    Different sort of fitness. That’ll help you plodding up climbs but wont really help with the long descents for your legs (being held static standing position) and your upper body

    To be honest I think that’s slightly more of an old school attitude regarding endurance athletes, and the stereotype around us 😉 . My fitness regime involves a fair amount of upper body and core strength work, including muscle stabilization, etc. I certainly didn’t struggle that much on the long descents in the alps this year during the mega.

    Free Member

    Cheers thanks. Don’t think the fitness would be too much of a major issue for me as my main aim is training for 24 hour solo races. Technical difficulty is more of a concern for me (even though I feel I’ve improved in that area a lot over the last year).

    Arm pump is something that’s hard to replicate in UK and Ireland descents though!

    Were you riding all around the Savoie? What was Champagny and La Plagne like.

    Free Member

    The words ‘shorts’ and ‘winter’ don’t generally go together though?!!

    Get some tights bruv. And then just wear whatever shorts you have over them.

    Free Member

    Depends what kind of bike you have and how much gnar you want! But personally, I’d go straight to the Black Mountains cycle centre.

    Free Member

    It depends what your aims are. Do you have any fitness aims / goals? Or is it simply just to get fitter?

    In training terms, quality miles generally refers to intervals and structured power zones for a certain amount of time or minutes. But riding DH will definitely improve your mtb skills more than a dull 40 minute loop.

    Free Member

    3/4 length shorts are your friend. Otherwise full leg.

    Free Member

    It’s really only a deep section front wheels that causes issues in crosswinds (unless it’s super strong).

    Not if you are relatively light rider like me. All 65 kg of me 🙂 . I love my aero bike but can feel sketchy in strong cross winds. No deep rims for me thanks.

    Free Member

    Lol there was lots of shouting back in the day when I used to use the internet cafe in Swansea (before smart phones and laptops etc were mainstream), was always full of teens shouting at the monitors… fueled by energy drink.

    This is the other website I have been using fyi

    Pretty sure you can press space – game doesn’t penalise you

    Only problem there is that I get too keen pressing space and end up missing my final score.

    Free Member

    Although I feel the WPM is slightly inaccurate because you don’t have to press space after each word? Don’t want to get in the habit of forgetting to press space!

    Free Member

    That first link there has almost made typing fun!!! 😀 Thanks!!

    How’d get the screenshot of your score though? Are you using your phones?

    mash keys in roughly the right order through online gaming as a lot of noobs needed telling exactly how bad they were

    Were you one of those people in internet cafes 8)

    Free Member

    That Lotus and GT bike are both vom!!! Vile…

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Oh and I don’t think its fair that every member of a basketball or rugby team gets a medal. Think they should have one to share between them. Some athletes seem to have to work much much harder to get medals compared to others, especially runners or swimmers versus someone on a team sport.

    I agree surfing is fun to watch, but don’t think it should be joining the Olympics.

    Free Member

    Sports that should be disallowed because children do them on a Saturday:

    riding bikes

    But the thing is, the above actually are sports 😉 .

    Although I detest football.

    Free Member

    Soccerball. We get enough of it for the other 3 years and 49 weeks.

    😀 😀 😆 fully agreed.

    Anything with judging in it. Too subjective.

    Also agreed. I think boxing should only be in if they carry on til someone gets knocked out. But I suppose they can’t ditch gymnastics and diving and all of those too.

    Free Member

    Modern Pentathlon has to be in. It was invented purely for the Olympics.

    That was ancient pentathlon back in Greek and Roman times. Modern pentathlon has been tweaked a lot for the Olympics.

    Free Member

    Cheers ta!

    Free Member

    The current Simpsons episode on Sky 1 is a kind of take the piss on the whole Mars One thing!


    Season 27 Ep 16

    Free Member

    Mars One mission though……..? Anyone……?

    Free Member

    Yes they are, so long as you are ok at taking care of things and not likely to lose them.

    You are only given one set of eyes, why risk damaging them by getting cheapo sunglasses with “100% UV protection” 🙄 🙄 ….(Some are possibly more likely to actually damage your eyes than protect them).

    And yes, you notice a surprising difference in visual clarity with better sunnies.

    Free Member

    What about the Mars One mission that was planning on sending people and pods there to set up a colony? Has that all fallen apart recently?

    Free Member

    Anyone know if it will be on Iplayer for the next few days? Cheers

    Free Member

    Why aren’t any of the main BBC channels showing the women’s XC 👿 …. As in BBC 1,2,3,4 etc. Have an old sky box so can’t tune in the fancy channels.

    Load of *&^£$$$!!!!

    Free Member

    Zip at the back of the overshoe can interrupt the pedal stroke a bit I found!

    And yes I just didn’t like the feeling of pedalling in boots. Felt good and comfy in the shop, but just didn’t like the feel of riding in them.

    Not looking for my feet to stay dry, but preferably warm-ish.

    Free Member

    If money’s no object buy some boots

    Guys guys relax 😀

    Bought some NW boots last year and didn’t like them. Feel too stuff for sprinting or climbing out of the saddle. Much prefer the feel of shoes with overshoes.

    Free Member

    If you’ve got some 2-piece ones you’re not using I might be interested if you wanted to sell a black 203mm…

    I use 180 front and back myself 😉

    Free Member

    I should have continued and filed the caliper in to oblivion as they were the worst brakes I’ve had in a long time!

    Love my Formulas! Not actually sure which model they are mind. Lovely leaver and consistency in stopping power and they never seem to fade at all.

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