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  • Last Coal V4 review
  • michaelbowden
    Full Member

    Have you spoke to Ruark? They were able to supply me with a new tweeter for my Sabre2’s a few years ago.

    Wilsmlow have been really helpful in the past too

    Full Member

    I’ve seen medical expense bills from US hospitals in the £100K’s where surgery and a rehab is required plus £30-50K medical flight repatriations are needed.

    Don’t ever go to the States uninsured.

    Full Member

    If it’s the same as my 988 XTR the piston is a plastic of sorts. As grit gets in it gets scored and sticks in the bore. You can pull it apart and with fine wet and dry rub it down till it moves smoothly in the bore.

    You need to be really careful if you try to remove the seals, but you can do it with them in place. Pulling the lever apart is all a bit of a fiddle, not to mention putting back togther!

    Full Member

    renton – Member
    Trail rat, that is my point. if they had carried out this TSB in the first place then it wouldnt have broken down a second time costing me more money.

    This is the only bit you have a valid argument over. If there is a documented fix for a problem, and your car exhibited the right symptoms. Then a dealer should have no excuse for not following it.

    I’ve worked for 2 and with 4 other manufacturers. Unless the manufacturer feels that you are loyal customer as described in my previous post, they won’t (or are very unlikely) to support you in the cost of repairs outside the manufacturers warranty period.

    Full Member

    As the car is oow any payment/discount is goodwill nothing more. The dealer/manufacturer will put in place guidelines for who gets it and who doesn’t.

    Being loyal to the brand (full dealer history, first owner, bought from the dealer etc) will be the top of the criteria.


    Full Member

    so what your saying is ALL budget tires are crap and ALL premium tires are great magical physics defying wonder stuffs ?

    No. I’m saying spend as much time researching the tyres you put on your car as you do on your bike.

    Some very high performace (and expensive) car tyres are shite in the cold/wet but then they are designed as dry weather tyres. When BMW sold the M3 CSL a few years ago customers had to sign a disclaimer to say they wouldn’t use the car in the wet (with the standard fitment tyres fitted) as it was fitted with dry weather, road legal track day tyres.

    Full Member

    Think about how much do you pay for your MTB tyres? How often do you replace them, after how many miles?

    Then think again about how much you want to spend on your 1500Kg car doing 70mph in the wet.

    Full Member

    Danish oil

    Full Member

    It’ll be much easier with a new rubber and a lot less likely to leak.

    Full Member

    CharlieMungus – Member

    A bit harsh there Michael, he was only asking.

    Sorry! Wasn’t meant that way at all. Smiley obviously required 😆

    Full Member

    No, Therfield, Leatherhead.

    Full Member

    njee20 – Member

    And which part of the UK did you visit in order to establish what is a representative ethnic mix?

    Indeed! My secondary school, of 900 people, had a Chinese chap, a guy from Japan, and a bloke of Nigerian descent. Everyone else was white.

    So, Top Gear guests are actually far more enthnically diverse than a state school in 1990s Surrey

    Sounds just like mine, also Surrey also the 90’s

    Full Member

    theflatboy – Member

    I would like some rubber filler that I could squidge into the gouges in my otherwise not very worn GP4000s so I don’t have to replace them.

    Super glue!

    Full Member

    wwaswas – Member

    I suspect that the guarantor will need to put up collateral, not just show proof of income.

    His parents could do that with their house?

    This ^^^^^

    Full Member

    Surely most people move away from exposed cables because they let more mud/water in no matter how good the sealing is.

    My cables now last years rather than seasons since moving to a frame with full run outers.

    Full Member

    jam bo – Member


    your common echosounder, probably found on every ship in the world.

    So they were chasing the other search ships?

    Full Member

    Praxis Works

    Full Member

    Quicker is not necessarily easier, I agree it may be quicker. What do you do when you have a puncture? Do you not lay it down? Or can you repair your puncture one handed while holding the bike off the ground too? 😉

    The paint on my car is not a wear and tear item, I wear my grips out and replace then probably every 6-8 months. This would not change if I didn’t invert my bike. I have never worn through the top back edge of my sadlle, the bit that touches the ground when inverted. The edges wearout from my legs rubbing grit against them. 🙂

    Full Member

    njee20 – Member

    That being the basis of the discussion last time: here, if you want to save time.

    Grips, saddle etc get worn through use, that’s unavoidable, why cause them extra damage unnecessarily? Particularly when it’s easier to put wheels in with the bike upright.

    I saw the thread last time and thought it was bobbins then too. It cannot possibly be easier to fit your wheel with only one hand while the other is balancing the bike/lining up the mech etc.

    The damage (the odd scuff to a grip/lock-on/saddle) is insignificant to the normal wear that occurs.

    And no it’s not similar to me throwing handfuls of gravel at my car paintwork.

    Full Member

    Deveron53 – Member

    I have to take my front wheel off to get my bike in the car. I hold the bike the right way up. Much quicker. I also do the rear the right way up. I suppose I’ve just got used to doing it. I hate getting grips and saddle scuffed, scratched and dirty from upside down wheel removal.

    Your seat and grips don’t get dity/worn/scuffed from your muddy arse and hands rubing on them for hours at a time???? 🙄

    Full Member

    Well it was very wet/boggy/sloppy in all the usual places last night. Really wished I’d had my winter boots on

    Full Member

    Posted 24 minutes ago #

    dantsw13 – Member

    If I had a leaky matrix, wouldn’t I have had a coolant smell in the air before?

    Possibly, although flushing has been known to cause previously week but not leaking area(or had leaked but sealed with the normal gunk that builds up in the cooling system) to leak.

    Antifreeze smell is noticable if you know what it is, it’s a kind of sweet smell

    Full Member

    dantsw13 – Member

    Right, so the coolant flows inside the matrix, and air over the outside. So in theory, the fact I had oil in my coolant shouldn’t mean an oily smell in the heating system. It’s more likely a secondary contamination of the outside of the heating fins.

    Have I got that right?

    Or a small leak in the matrix that’s alowing the oily coolant in to the air passage. Radiators and the heater matrix(small rad) are a bugger to get all the oil out of.

    Full Member

    The main pulley is two part with a rubberband joining the two. I’ve seen the outer start to seperate and start to work its way off putting the belt out of line.

    Full Member

    That’s a very good ‘I just slipped with the knife’ effort. Well done.

    Full Member

    I sent the mods this as a suggestion over a year ago.

    Full Member

    Corridori in Epsom.

    Full Member

    Is the issue of the BBC rubbish though? Surely the BBC will need to buy any SBC programmes it’s wants to air in the :wink:same way the SBC will the reverse. Sky/Virgin will need additional licences to broadcast programes they have bought in iS.

    So there is the potential for the SBC to either decide or not be able to afford to buy Eastenders or Newsnight in which case it won’t be shown via the SBC in iS.

    It may be unlikely but with only the income from 9M the SBC’s budget it going to be much tighter than when the UK was sharing costs.

    Of course the BBC may decide to give away rights to the programming it’s commissioned and the rights holders to the programming the BBC has bought may decide to allow the BBC to share there programmes with the SBC free of charge…

    Personally I don’t see that a scaremongering just stating simple facts. As a new smaller state there are many things that are shared today that you will have to find/fund yourselves from a much smaller budget. So it is a negative statement demonstrating one small way in which as the UK things are better. Of course you could suggest loosing EE would be a godsend.

    Of course the same is true for rUK but the affect will be much smaller.

    Full Member

    Take it as a positve. You’ve got another one to fill up again! 😆

    Full Member

    New traffic lights? Fortunately I don’t have to go that way to work anymore.

    Full Member

    Sui – Member

    Its costing the best part of £3/4million to build a shared access path along the A24 in Ashtead (surrey), the length is about 0.5-0.75 miles long. <sarcastic mode> They seem to be doing a wonderful job <sarcastic mode>

    I especially like the way they built the path around recently installed lampposts, then dug the newly laid path up to move said lampposts. I also like the 4″ high curbs where the path crosses 3 roads..

    Bloody stupid isn’t it. And no one new will use it. Bonkers

    Full Member

    seosamh77 – Member

    michaelbowden – Member
    Northwind – Member
    michaelbowden – Member

    take the Euro,

    Never been true, been debunked a million times, people keep repeating it…
    Not by anyone who will actually have to decide on the matter. Where as several that would be deciding have (as does the EU constitution) stated a new member will have to take the euro. I do accept that there maybe a time scale to be negiotiated.
    you completely ignore the fact that scotland isn’t leaving the uk on it’s on, it would be by mutual consent. So if Scotland is a new member, rUK will also have to apply as a new member.(It won’t come to that both would be accommodated.)

    The rumblings about having to join as a new member, are just rumblings intended to be heard by their respective home countries, in particular to spain with, catalonia and the basque country. Who don’t have mutual consent for their planned referendum, therefore are illegal.

    The Scottish referendum is not illegal.

    But carry on, continue to blank that point.

    I can’t be bothered to find it but somehwere in the 82 pages someone quoted from the EU constition. Where it basically said if one part of a member state (iS) splits from the Member (UK), the Member(rUK) would contine to be a member(rUK) and the part that split off(iS) would be considered to be a new state and therefore would have to apply to join the EU as a new state.

    No one at a EU decision making level has said (as far as I am aware) otherwise. And the split may be by mutual consent, but you (iS) are still leaving the member state.

    Full Member

    Northwind – Member

    michaelbowden – Member

    take the Euro,

    Never been true, been debunked a million times, people keep repeating it…

    Not by anyone who will actually have to decide on the matter. Where as several that would be deciding have (as does the EU constitution) stated a new member will have to take the euro. I do accept that there maybe a time scale to be negiotiated.

    Full Member

    ernie_lynch – Member

    You forgot the VAT exemptions that as a new EU member state Scotland will no longer have michaelbowden.

    Sorry didn’t know about that. Probably other stuff too.

    Full Member

    A link and why is it up to me to show the link?

    Because it’s your car.

    Full Member

    Junkyard – lazarus

    2 They are in the EU now and after so that is no change

    If once you have gained membership of the EU it will be on tottaly different terms to those that the (r)UK has. You will have had to sign up to the full fiscal treaty/monetary policy (or whatever it’s called), taken the Euro, you won’t have a Veto vote, and a much smaller proportion of MEPs. iS would be a much smaller fish in a bigger pond.

    So there will be significant changes in your ability to steer/influence the policy making which affects you.

    Full Member

    I have similar forks (mine are WC dual position) and the same issue virtually froom new. As long as the fork has compressed a small amount the play goes. It’s because of the minimal overlap of the lower bush when fully extended.

    Unless you start to get play with the fork compressed don’t worry about it.

    Full Member

    I wonder which will come first, Scottish people stopping blaming England for all their woes, or British people stopping blaming Thatcher for all their woes?

    The world WILL stop spinning before either! 😆

    Full Member

    closed systems have a sprung return for the piston. It doesn’t just rely on seal flex. So a closed claiper on a open lever will just have the piston fully retracting everytime.

    Full Member

    seosamh77 – Member

    position of the Yes supporters who were posting. (BenCooper, gordimor, seaosamh77 etc).
    To answer your question, I personally don’t believe a word that comes out of the no campaign.

    So why is the YES campaign more believable? They are all politicians so by defult all liars. The YES campaign (AS in particular) has far more to gain by lying to win independence.

    Is the SNP source that leaked the story about Trident a liar or are AS/SNP? One or the other is.

    Plus I don’t particularly believe the currency is all that important, it’ll be made to work regardless.

    I agree iS will make something work, but it will be a compromise compared to what you have now.

    My personal opinion is that the UK is stronger as a single entity, but if you want independence, feel free to have it. BUT that should mean independence.

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