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  • Madison Saracen Factory Race Team to cease racing at the end of 2024
  • michaelbowden
    Full Member

    After a bit of Googling I think I have this BOE Gold issue down, now never one for being great at maths excuse any errors,

    BOE Kg Gold £/Kg
    310300 £24,715 £ 7,669,064,500
    iS share 9% £ 690,215,805

    UK Debt £1,417,978,690,000
    iS share 9% £ 127,618,082,100

    rUK owes iS -£ 126,927,866,295

    Now they’re all very big numbers but I’m fairly sure that iS’s share of the BOE gold reserve is sweet fanny adams when comparerd to its share of the UK debt.

    Edit – What happened to all my formatting?

    Full Member

    seosamh77 – Member

    michaelbowden – Member
    seosamh77 – Member
    so we’ll just take our 9% of the gold reserves and bank of England assets. Lets see what that does to the value of the pound eh?

    And we’ll deduct your 9% of UK debit from that 9% of the Gold Reserves. I wonder who will owe who……?
    we’ll happily make the payments as required. we’ll have the gold etc upfront though.

    Is this just another case of ‘this suits iS so this is the way it’ll be’??

    Alternatively, rUK could offer to ‘pay’ its gold debt to iS over the same period that iS offers to pay its proportion of the UK debt….

    Full Member

    seosamh77 – Member

    so we’ll just take our 9% of the gold reserves and bank of England assets. Lets see what that does to the value of the pound eh?

    And we’ll deduct your 9% of UK debit from that 9% of the Gold Reserves. I wonder who will owe who……?

    Full Member

    CFH. Fantastic album. Recently repurchased as inexplicably lost.

    Full Member


    My email is in my profile if you have a chance to check for the cable and it’s operation. I assume from that doc it’s line level input rather than speaker.



    Full Member


    If qwerty isn’t interested in the sub, I may well be. Happy to offer something for it.



    Full Member

    I tried using a Hope crown race that has a seal built in, but all it seemed to do was trap the water and I went through lower bearings eveing quicker

    Full Member

    back2basics – Member

    and if you want to call rosberg “scrappy” just look at all the qualy mistakes hamilton has made, and then he almost crashes in the wet in the previous race when he has to start from the pitlane,
    plus his crashes into button, alonso with his front wings already this year.
    plus he’s also had to take to the escape road a few times this year,

    yet nico

    he just does the job every race, and when he finally says “no lewis i aint giving up” he gets the whole frikin world on his case.

    Have any of Hamilton’s ‘moves’ forced anyone to retire or completely ruined their race?

    The crash in to Button whilst coming from the back of the grid? The one he apologised for the following lap and Button after seeing the race footage admitted it was 50/50?

    I’m not a particular Hamilton fan but you are very anti

    Full Member

    Good work!

    Full Member

    Is there much play in the shaft??

    Have fun washing the intercooler clean……

    Full Member

    mcmoonter – Member

    I’ve had more ‘success’ with Landies than ladies.

    I thought that had improved following the TV programme?? 😆

    Is this the one off the old engine? It doesn’t look that oily.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    Sounds like it is the turbo 🙁

    You need to clean all the pipe work and intercooler otherwise it can still run away from you on the remaining oil. I bet if you tip the IC up you get quite a lot out, then wash it out too.

    Had the turbo on the old engine failed?

    Refurbished turbo

    Full Member

    The seals in the turbo are on the impeller shaft and not user serviceable as such.

    You need to completely strip the shaft (removing the impellers) to replace the bearing/seals. This then requires the assembly to be rebalanced.

    There are seal/bearing kits available and companies that will then rebalance the assembly. But if it is the turbo there must be plenty of second hand units around on eBay and the like.

    As suggested check for excessive amounts of oil in the inlet pipe work. You can also check for play in the impeller shaft by wiggling it. Look for any sign that the impellers have touched the housing as this will show definite bearing wear.

    If all her is OK as I said ^^^ I had the head gasket fail on mine between the oilway and cylinder

    Full Member

    James Hunt would have never coped with today’s media. Infact if you’ve seen the film and assuming the scene had some truth to it, he punched a journalist out.

    Nor would someone with his lifestyle cope with driving a modern F1 car.

    Full Member

    I had the head gasket go on mine which did this. Or it could be the turbo seals. If there’s no oil excessive oil in the pipe work my bet would be the HG.

    Careful or it will try to run away on its own oil.

    Full Member

    are you usuing a 2x front mech. I had this problem when I first converted and just re-adjusted the 3x front mech.

    Full Member

    matt_outandabout – Member

    Underrated Unknown outside Scotland items of confectionary

    3. Tunnocks Caramel

    Very much know down in Surrey

    Full Member

    3. The Picnic

    Edit – Bugger beaten to it!!

    Full Member

    [/quote]molgrips – Member

    If I’m so unobservant, how come I’ve never been caught before in 20 years of driving?

    Same reason I HAD a 20 year unblemished record. A moment of inattention.

    However, I acknowledge it was my fault for not seeing the ‘No entry except for buses’ sign in that there Liverpool whilst following my Sat Nav to somewhere new.

    Full Member

    molgrips – Member

    I’ve accepted my mistake all the way through the thread. However, given that I usually notice speed limit signs, and having reviewed the images, I think that they could do with making the signs bigger. I know I’m not inattentive, so the fact I missed them says to me that they are easy to miss. And the fact that I’d already seen the 40 signs so assumed I was ‘in a 40’ for the duration of the DC. Mistake, of course.

    That’s sound very much like you not accepting you’re at fault (it’s the size position etc of the signage), or that your were concentrating on the road conditions/speed limits because…

    but I was concentrating on not going wrong and following my directions…

    Full Member

    TurnerGuy – Member

    When I worked at BBC Research Dept 26 years ago…


    Full Member

    If Dorking isn’t too far Eternal tattoos have done all my work.

    Full Member

    Mine does, but the alignment isn’t great. Not sure if that’s frame or brakes though.

    Full Member

    nemesis – Member

    You can’t expect me to read the OP!

    Good point this is STW after all!

    Full Member

    nemesis – Member

    Despite the expense of the motor car, it’s still cheaper than public transport.

    On the basis that most already have a car, in a sense yes but as usual you’re not really considering all the other costs like servicing, depreciation, insurance, etc.

    The OP said ‘hire car’ so it does include all of that.

    Full Member

    richmars – Member

    How on earth are fins on a pad going to cool a disc down?

    Conduction then convection.

    ^^ this.

    When you are braking the disc, pad, caliper and fluid are effectively one unit, so conduction to the pads then convection between fins and air.
    When not braking there will still be a small amount of conduction but mainly radiation and convection between rotor and pads then convection between fins and air.

    Full Member

    I wonder how many of you that have had problems were using shimano brakes with the finned pads? I’m going to have a stab and say that without the extra heat dissipation of the finned pads the rotors exceed their design heat range.

    Full Member

    Travel Insurance is not normally new for old, so sounds about right. But if you policy states new for old then reject and quote your policy T’s & C’s

    Full Member

    Self extractor is chainring side on X-Type. They’re the opposite to shimano.

    Full Member

    Mr Woppit – Member

    No, but NAIM don’t do “surround sound”, despite being the best music hifi on the planet. Putting a NAIM label on a Yamaha amp will not make it perform better.

    Extraordinary suggestion. Are you sane?

    Just as sane as your fervent worship at the alter of Naim! 😉

    Full Member

    Mr Woppit – Member

    The amps a yamaha rv-x 3067.. so not exactly a budget amp..

    Big bucks is not an indication of quality.

    You can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.

    If he put a Naim sticker on it would it help Woppit……..? 🙄

    Full Member

    bencooper – Member

    They also confuse SNP policies with independence. To be fair, so do the SNP in their white paper, but saying that SNP policies are unaffordable is not the same as saying independence is unaffordable.

    Because to the general public, the SNP policies/whte paper, is what is being sold as the outcome of independence.

    Full Member

    trail_rat – Member

    have you tried fitting their hollowtech 2 offerings – best hope your have narrow stays- what a pain in the tits they were

    My X-Type is fine, no clearance issues on my Stumpy FSR?

    Full Member

    BBC link In case it’s not been seen by all

    Full Member


    Serious question, have you sent pictures and mileage details to Gates to see if you can get their thoughts on the amount of wear you are suffering?

    Full Member

    That’s not a Customer Service fail. That’s a proper professional duty of care fail, that should be someone losing thier job.

    Full Member

    Try Tim @ Fork English

    Full Member

    theotherjonv – Member


    So if you have to replace the whole BB anyway, what does it matter if it invalidates the warranty – not a lot of point in a warranty for an item that’s just got binned?


    Full Member

    My Praxis has been in my Stumpy FSR for a year now. No idea on mileage but ridden all through the winter.

    It uses standard size bearing too, so when it does die I can just replace them.

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