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  • metaam
    Free Member

    My experience is there’s more chance of a chromed fitting blowing out of a compression joint, so lucky you then.
    To the OP. I was only trying to help, in future I’ll refrain from giving advice on forums, I obviously don’t know enough.

    Free Member

    “do NOT do this! ISO valves have taper fitting, tap taps are designed to seat onto flat surfaces. At the very least file down the taper, or do the job properly and use the adapters I linked.”

    I’ve been a plumber and heating engineer for 40 years and have never once had a problem doing this.

    Free Member

    There is no legislation saying an employed must supply tools.

    An answer from an employment solicitor;
    “There is nothing in law that states an employer should provide the necessary tools for an employee to perform their job. However, if the employer expects a job to be performed they should consider supplying the employee with the necessary tools, otherwise if the employee is unable to do the work in question then any action by the employer could be deemed unfair. Saying that, if a contract or a policy specifically states that an employee is expected to provide their own tools then they can be expected to do that.”

    I am a plumber who has worked in an employed and self employed capacity. In both instances I was expected to supply my own tools.
    A friend of mine is an electrician who is employed. He supplies his own tools.
    A builder who I do work for has an apprentice who supplies his own tools.

    Free Member

    I take it you have 15mm plastic pipe coming out of the wall. What size are the nuts on the end of the tails, 1/2″ or 3/8″? If 3/8″ you’ll need to use a compression fitting to convert from 15mm, it’s then a matter of having the room to fit an isolator as well. If 1/2″ you can put an isolator in and remove the nut and olive and screw the flexible hose straight onto the isolator.
    Don’t forget to use inserts in the plastic pipe.

    Free Member

    There are several threads on here and elsewhere about rattling Deore cassettes, seems to be a pretty common issue, as said, hopefully they’ve now resolved it. Thanks for reminding me there’s a warranty Montgomery (2 years), I’ve just contacted Bikester, so we’ll see how it goes.

    Free Member

    I tried the Deore one, but the riveting came loose pretty quickly. Sunrace are more money, but better quality IMO.

    Free Member

    I’ve gone back from 12 to 11 speed as it’s easier to keep running nicely and cheaper to replace worn/broken parts.

    Free Member

    Yep, if the condensate pipe is dripping when the boiler isn’t fired up then it’ll be the heat exchanger. New boiler time if that’s the case. 12 years is around the life span of modern boilers, consider anything over that as a bonus. I would advise a boiler of that age not worth repairing if it’s something costly like a heat exchanger.

    Free Member

    One thing many people don’t take into consideration with ASHP is the need to upsize all your radiators or remove and replace with UFCH due to the lower heat of the water in the system. Also many older houses suffer from too much heat loss for ASHP to work effectively. The cost of installing an ASHP and altering your heating system to work with it would probably take longer to repay than the life of the system.
    Converting an existing cylinder into a thermal store probably wont work very well as the coil in a TS has a much greater surface area than that in a normal indirect cylinder, allowing for a greater transfer of heat.
    Personally I’d say the best use of PV solar is to use a multi channel optimiser to run an immersion heater and space heater/s. Battery storage is also very expensive and hard to justify the outlay versus return of investment, even with current power costs.

    Free Member

    As far as Afan is concerned I think it’s been in decline for a long time. The cafe at Glnycorrwg used to be great, but when the bike shop owners took it over it rapidly went to pot. The camping facilities aren’t as good/maintained as they once were. The Penhydd was nowhere near as good when they rebuilt it. When they had to clear cut a lot of the forest it changed the nature of the trails massively, washing away all the dirt and bringing the rocks to the surface, making the trails much harder to maintain momentum on ( I know this was due to disease and out of their control), I used to love the final descent on Whites, but I didn’t really enjoy it much the last time I rode it as it had changed so much.
    I also think many riders are just looking for a different type of riding nowadays. Most riders I know are much more interested in the winch and plummet style of riding on steeper terrain than the old trail centre model. I ride at Cwmcarn a lot (there and Pontypool are my local spots), although I only really use the trail centre stuff for linking up the off piste trails.
    Personally I’d much rather spend the day riding at Barry Sidings (or any of the myriad other local spots) than riding trail centre stuff. I’d also choose to do that than pay for a day uplifting at BPW (especially now it’s so expensive).
    We can’t complain around here though, so much choice and there’s something for everyone.

    Free Member

    I’m certainly not doing that piemonster. As I stated in a post earlier in this thread, propoganda is a tool of war used by both sides, always has been, always will be.

    Free Member

    “In 2014 this battalion had indeed a far-right background, these were far-right racists that founded the battalion,” said Andreas Umland at the Stockholm Centre for Eastern European Studies.

    But it had since become “de-ideologised” and a regular fighting unit, he told AFP./quote]”

    Firstly I want to make it clear that I want Ukraine to win this war and I’m no Putin apologist, but I think it’s very dangerous to just assume the above quote is entirely correct and blindly work on the premise that our enemy’s enemy is our friend. Because that’s always worked out really well in the past hasn’t it? People who are holocaust deniers don’t tend to just alter their views at the drop of a hat.

    Free Member

    “They will write about the Mariupol defenders in the history books.”

    Hopefully for the right reasons. I’ve read some pretty disturbing stuff about the Azov Regiment.

    Free Member

    Well, if Putin does snuff it let’s hope he’ll lie in state long enough for mourners to be subjected to the same treat as those at William the Conqueror’s funeral.

    Free Member

    “I would be more concerned about the authoritarian tendencies of its current leadership rather than its partnership with Russia.”
    Considering we’re doing a deal to ship asylum seekers to a country that we recently condemned for human rights abuses, I don’t think that’ll enter into his thinking.

    Free Member

    I see Boris has just announced deeper defence and security ties with India. Hands up who thinks it’s a good idea to get in bed with a country that has historically been in a “special and privileged strategic partnership” with, and still gets 60% of it’s weaponry from Russia?
    My guess is he’s licking his lips at the thought of all those arms we can sell them and ignoring everything else.

    Free Member

    Is there an HMS DoY? If so I believe it could deal with any altercations with Russian subs without breaking into a sweat.

    Free Member

    I recently saw a Ukrainian woman being interviewed on Al Jazeera. She said one of the hardest things for her was talking to Russian relatives over the phone about what was happening and being called a liar.
    Propaganda always has been and always will be a part of war. I don’t know what it’s like now, but I look back on what I was taught about the Crusades at school, where it was very much put across that we were the good guys. Many things I’ve seen and read about that time since leaving school contradict what I was taught and lead me to believe lies are still being perpetrated nearly a 1000 years later.
    On another note, I don’t know if anyone else saw the programme (1st in a series) about Putin and the west on BBC2 last night. Very interesting.

    Free Member

    “Dag Hammarskjöld and Kofi Annan. Although I did cheat to check spelling. I vaguely got Ban Ki-moon s well but inaccurate enough an initial google on what I thought the name was probably didn’t count.”

    I’m surprised no one’s mentioning Boutros Boutros Ghali, did none of you watch Chanel 9 Neus?

    Free Member

    Wow, the way Facebook/Instagram are behaving it’s almost like the only thing they care about is the money. Hard to believe I know…

    Free Member

    However bad methanol is, it’s better than their home made ‘opiates’.
    Krokodil originated in Russia and it’s horrific.

    Free Member

    “It’s pointless posting to this thread now as it’s become an echo echo chamber and over-run by ‘free members’.”

    Whose opinions are obviously less valid as some of them don’t believe that Putin is worse than Stalin, Mao or Pol Pot.

    Free Member

    “Another month of this at a minimum?”

    I think it’s likely we’ll be looking at many months yet, if not years. I’d never be happier to be proven wrong though.

    Free Member


    Haha. Rumours that Canyon are also pushing for all vowels to be removed are unconfirmed.

    Free Member

    I guess they could opt for Mongolian, thus ensuring no member state is favoured.

    Free Member

    “Sure you’re right, given fox’s “murrica first” stance, it must be pretty embarrassing to be exposed ( finally?!) as a part of the Russian propaganda machine!

    I spend a bit of time on an American surfing forum. People here would be genuinely appalled by the lack of world view or empathy for non-American situations espoused by otherwise seemingly normal people……… and a lot of the posters are Californian which is generally a more liberal outward looking state!”

    There’s a predominantly American/Canadian thread on PB where people are alleging that this whole thing was planned by Biden so he could push the green agenda.
    Pretty scary how selfish and insular some folks are over there.

    Free Member

    “Its mad what you can get people to believe when you’ve spent decades developing a false narrative and ruthlessly punishing anyone who dares to suggest it might be a load of old bollocks”

    Nope, all it takes is for people to want to believe it. Brexit and populist leaders like Trump taught us that.

    Free Member

    “No, there’s no treaty and Taiwan isn’t officially recognized as a country. The US position is to be ambiguous about it.”

    Yes, I read here that there was;
    but looking further into it I can see it’s not the case. However Trump, then Biden have both ramped up rhetoric over Taiwan. Scary times.

    Free Member

    As far as parallels between RF/Ukraine and China/Taiwan I believe the US has a legal obligation to protect Taiwan, so it’s a different proposition.
    Having said that I think China will be very interested spectators to any US actions regarding Ukraine.

    Free Member

    I find it very interesting that the term remoaners is still being used. Given the likelihood of difficulty the government will face when they try to force their ‘vision’ through the parliamentary process with their very shaky majority (not to mention the House of Lords) and the back tracking that will probably ensue, perhaps we need to change the terminology from remoaners to regainers. And maybe from leavers to grievers.

    Free Member

    My favourite reply when being told ‘You shouldn’t be riding here’
    ‘Yeah I know,I killed someone down here last week’

    Free Member

    Wondering when I’m going to wake up from the nightmare that is politics in 2016

    Free Member

    I wonder if Alex Salmond has started packing his thermals for his move to Antarctica yet?

    Free Member

    Came on here to comment, but I can’t for the life of me remember what I was going to say.

    Anyone got any chocolate?

    Free Member

    As long as your boiler is large enough to cope with the added demand of the extension there’s no problem. The biggest issue is the type of system you have, if it is gravity ( on the hot water side) this will need to be upgraded,you will also need to get the system rewired. It’s all doable though.

    Free Member

    So if he loses and doesn’t accept the result what’s he going to do? Claim squatters rights in the White House? In his defence though I can’t believe these claims that he’s abused women, I mean, he doesn’t even look Mexican.

    Free Member

    Whenever I hear anyone supporting Trump I wonder if they have spent even a second considering why he’s running. Are they really stupid enough to believe he’s doing it for their benefit, rather than his own? Every time someone’s backing him up it reminds me of an episode of South Park where Cartman says ‘just give me a minute to go put some make up on so I can look pretty while you F#CK me!’

    Free Member

    I’d like to add that there’s no way I’d do it as a job, regardless of how many hours are involved. Kudos to anyone who can put up with the constantly moving goalposts and dealing with some of the little darlings.

    Free Member

    As someone with a good friend who’s a teacher I do have a clue as far as holidays are concerned, and when they are taken into consideration I would argue that on average teachers do less hours per year than someone working 40 hours a week with 3 weeks annual holiday.

    Free Member

    It’ll be interesting to see if Alex Salmond makes good on his promise to move to Antarctica if Trump does get in. I’d imagine there are a fair few in the Aberdeen area who wouldn’t be too devastated after Salmond’s involvement in Trump’s golf course. Every cloud and all that. Quite refreshing to see a politician hoodwinked by someone else lying for a change ( I know that Trump can be loosely described as a politician now, but wasn’t when they first had dealings).

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