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  • Issue 157: Busman’s Holiday
  • menothim
    Free Member

    Road bike doable? High risk of mud? Sorry – don’t know the area at all, but keen to explore from Lanarkshire and it’d make a nice loop down the Lanark Road, back the Biggar road….

    Free Member

    Some good follow-ups here: In terms of background I have had migraine for 46 years, and it has escalated significantly in the past 8 years. Massage, acupuncture, chiro, dentistry, optometry, ergonomics of workplace have all been tried or examined.

    I recognise the biggest factor is my life is stressful (because reasons), and that ain’t going to change any time soon. I work too much, and that likewise isn’t going to change.

    And I now feel toxic whenever I have to medicate – I can only imagine the state of my liver after a lifetime of meds.

    Equally, continuing to suffer teens of attacks per month and needing to medicate through – I’ve had enough.

    Agreed that hardcore keto is going to be tough and isn’t for the long term. But hopefully six months to ease systemic and brain inflammation and a chance to have a rest – that would be wonderful. And cholesterol be damned – that’s what statins are for.

    Free Member

    Yeah, take away my spinach and brocoli are your peril! Love my greens 🙂

    Free Member

    Welcome TJ, this thread has been expecting you 🙂

    I think a cautionary note is entirely fair, but describing ketosis as unsafe is just wrong.

    Anyways, there are loads of papers on Pubmed about the efficacy of keto for migraine. And given that I am chronic, have failed with a number of preventatives, is the “risk” to my health worse than a bruised brain and damaged liver from all the meds? I’m taking a rounded view…

    To everyone else, thank you. Some good food for thought in this thread – I think I really need to get the ketones to soothe my brain. High frequency episodic migraine has done a number on me, and the more I read, the more it seems there is mounting evidence of migraine being a form of insulin resistance in the brain – hence keto to get rid of the sugar for a bit to let myself recover.

    Free Member

    Thanks – some good thoughts there.

    @ DrP – I assume any high intensity exercise is out if you are on beta blockers?

    Free Member

    The snapshot/back-up file created by the Time Machine and Time Capsule function is called the Sparse Bundle…

    Free Member

    but I still take offence at folk shitting on my hometown

    Fair enough.

    My point of view differs… born in Bellshill, grew up in East Kilbride, trained/studied in Glasgow, worked in Wishaw before spending many years outside Scotland and stints abroad.

    My experience of Lanarkshire as a place to grow up was grim, and I wouldn’t bother to defend it.

    Sounds like it must have changed immeasurably for the better. Yay.

    Free Member

    This is going well 😂

    It is quite instructive…

    Free Member

    @tomd Brilliant! That made me genuinely lol 😃😃

    Free Member

    Sounded like you just wanted a cheap house but with no bams.

    Sure – and what’s wrong with that? Obv’s not local enough for the local people.

    Free Member

    Ha ha – I worked in Motherwell and Wishaw 30 years ago as Ravenscraig was being wound down and closed. I saw the poverty and the deprivation and the hardship firsthand. I was hoping to have my knowledge updated and my prejudices challenged. Are they lovely places now? How have they changed?

    And I drove through Law at the weekend with all the Union Jack flags and I’m fairly sure a Red Hand flag – that qualifies as bam for me 🤷‍♂️

    Free Member

    @Aldo – bugger. That’s a worry. Maybe a smaller club would be better.

    At the risk of getting flamed heartily – is there a Rapha Chapter in Glasgow (I am not a member of RCC, but get the sense that if you can get past the posing, there are lots of folks who want to ride lots).

    Free Member

    Holy thread resurrection…

    I’m living in Glasgow and thinking about riding with a club. As I do I live in the city centre (Merchant City 😉 ), it seems that Glasgow Green Cycling Club would be my closest club.

    Can anyone vouch for GGCC? Friendly bunch? Scope to move through the ranks of their club runs? Splinter groups on WhatsApp for unofficial rides?

    Free Member

    Thanks all. Reassuring then.

    Will be in Glasgow City Centre as I own a place there that’s been let for years – needs a reno, so we’ll move there and do that and then see where we fancy after that.

    Working from home will be no dramas – quite used to it and there’s enough space in the place.

    The key thing will be keep a focus on the benefits and the access to other places rather than worrying too much about the Weege itself.

    Free Member

    Sufferfest all the way for me – great range of workouts and ancillary things like yoga, strength training. The training plans are varied and adapt nicely to keep you improving without flaming out. And the vids are heaps good fun.

    Zwift if you wanna race or do group rides. Dull as ditchwater as a training tool.

    Free Member

    This is hugely encouraging, thank you. Not sure where in the city we might end up yet, but it doesn’t sound like it would matter too much anyways.

    Assume two roadbikes will be essential for the Dear Green Place: 1) One for the occasional dry day 2) The everyday bike with full mudguards to keep the rain off 😉 🙂

    Free Member

    If you offer 20% above, you need 20% of deposit on top of the LTV deposit amount.

    Yeah, that’s the kicker for me – tight budget and little wiggle room on the LTV. Hence the offers over thing annoys as it potentially forces me down the new build route… my experience of new build in England is not encouraging 🙁

    Free Member

    What about buying a cheap plot with a knackered old bungalow, knocking it down and rebuilding with a modern kit home?

    I love that idea – but I think my time and budget would be too limited to make it happen this time around, sadly.

    Free Member

    Thanks all – some great advice in there.

    Managed 2.5km on the treadmill tonight – took it nice and easy, but it felt good. I’ve started. Will keep it low and slow for a while and see how I get on.

    Free Member

    This is encouraging – thanks everyone.

    I do remember a thread on here ages ago that has stuck with me: There was a comment along the lines that for most blokes in their 40s they don’t know how to move anymore, and they focus too soon on cardio and endurance rather than strength, mobility and good movement patterns.

    Does that thread ring any bells for folks? And is the standard recommendation to do as much yoga, pilates, stretching alongside the running as possible?

    Free Member

    It’s for a double century (imperial) and a bit.

    Trainerroad is definitely in the mix – but also hoping to ride outside. And do some core work.

    Free Member

    Bump for the evning crew. Anyone?

    Free Member

    Some good input – thanks.

    It’s time to replace a) because the old one is getting a bit flakey and beat up from being schlepped around with me endlessly for work every day for six years and b) the accountant is urging me to make some capital purchases as I’m a self-employed/contractor/consultant type.

    I’m attracted to the smaller form factor of the Air because the laptop goes everywhere with me. And while it is a ‘business’ purchase, the cost of the MBPs is just a bit beyond the pale.

    Free Member

    Awesome – thanks for those links. Who knew?

    Free Member

    Nothing massively intensive. Mostly wrangling huge PowerPoint decks. No video. Some videos.

    Currently on an SSD, and would continue down that path.

    Free Member

    @Turnerguy – boomtish! (I’m not thinking of that book)

    @ Everyone else – thank you – very helpful. I think i am most definitely in a murky in-between zone. Sigh.

    Free Member

    Using Monzo and loving it. In the process of trying to move all banking away from the established players, and looking to take all investments (such as they are) to Nutmeg.

    Why? I like the emphasis on customer experience (just have a look at TrustPilot for any of the startups compared with the incumbents) and the fact that I don’t like dead-eyed corporates that are all about themselves, exploitation and tax avoidance. I hate the big banks. They are evil and corrupt.

    In honesty, I know Monzo et al are actually not that much better in the evil stakes, but an act of impotent rage makes me feel better than no gesture at all.

    Free Member

    Outstanding service.

    I was given a pair of Quiet Comforts back in 2008, and they were showing wear on the ear cushions and the head band. I took them to the Bose shop and was asked to leave them so they could fix them up – went back two days later and was given a brand new set of headphones. No idea why – didn’t want them to change their mind.

    So, an operationally faultless but clearly used pair of headphones were exchanged for brand new ones, with no receipts or proof of purchase or any such.

    I’ve not long since bought a new pair of Quiet Comforts and they’ve leapt ahead in the decade. My wife now has my old ones.

    I am a Bose fan as a consequence.

    Free Member

    <span style=”color: #444444; font-size: 12.8px;”>Of course none of this applies to the labour supporter who is a hard working underdog who barely survives the winter, shivering in a slum and feeding their kids bread.</span>

    Well, that’s patent nonsense. Any self-respecting champagne socialist (I think the real target of your ire, like me) has long since realised that bread is bad for you and cut it from the Ocado order.


    Why does the right (again, what a misnomer) persist with this bizarre view of the world that says to care for one’s fellow planet inhabitants is equivalent to wishing to live in poverty or equates to sacrificing everything they own. The Scandinavian countries are not without their difficulties (i.e. they are not utopia) but they seem to manage socially aware capitalism very well, thank you.

    We should all be a bit more Scandi.

    Free Member

    Garry_Lager has it – time to figure out a robust news and media avoidance strategy.

    And oldmanmtb has the most depressing post of the day 🙁

    Free Member

    Lots of opprobrium for the Tories (and also disdain for Labour). I have some faith in people left.

    I wonder if @jambalya and @teamhurtmore and the others on the right (misnomer if ever there was) on the Brexit thread will tell us proles why we are too dumb to see the magnificence of how the Tories are “governing”.

    Free Member

    @BillOddie – probably true, but so profoundly dis-spiriting 🙁

    Free Member

    @Zippykona – if only the Lib Dems were a realistic prospect, and not serial sell-outs (see Scotland early on in the life of Holyrood, and then again 2010)

    What do they want? Progressive change! When do they want it? In due course….

    Free Member

    😆 with Cinnamon Girl.

    Surely no-one would argue that’s good advice from the scientists in the NHS these days would they?

    Free Member

    I agree with you Cougar – it is how science works, but does the layman understand that? I don’t think so, and it leaves people frustrated and unsure of how to act or react.

    Free Member

    Hmm, TJagain, it’s all well and good to call for peer reviewed journals, but that actually doesn’t help people in the street does it? Harcombe advocates eating real food, emphasising vegetables and stresses the importance of portion control – that’s good advice, regardless of what other “quackery” or fraud she may be guilty of.

    We all know that science needs to be taken a pinch of “Himalayan” salt:

    1) A long history of results being misinterpreted – see Ancell Keys
    2) Science being used to drive dogma – see Ancell Keys
    3) Science being influenced by external forces and financial interests (see Coca Cola et al backing dieticians)
    4) Science journals not peer reviewing as they are scam journals
    5) Plagiarism
    6) One scientific study contradicting another

    Point 6 is actually critical – it has devalued trust in science and it doesn’t serve the end consumer well. When one study says fat is the devil, and another says fat is good, what is the average punter to do? Science has created a vacuum that others are now trying to fill because what works for one person may not work for another (this is a real problem that I address in a mo).

    So, the advice of the Whole30 is actually very moderate and practical and sensible, and isn’t driven by dogma – it simply says try something and see if it works for you. And that’s the rub, science in this realm (which is these days is largely about trying to find new blockbuster drugs) treats people as a population rather than as individuals. What works for you might not work for me, and that is where self-experimentation becomes useful and sensible.

    I think science is vitally important (my wife is a scientist), but when it becomes a rationalist dogma it serves no-one effectively.

    There is a wonderful book called Mindset by Carol Dweck that outlines the difference between the growth mindset and the fixed mindset, and my own interpretation is that many in the realm of nutrional science would benefit from learning about their own cognitive biases and developing a growth mindset.

    Free Member

    Ha ha – that’s a great write-up on Wikipedia 😆 The joys of an open internet where people get to disagree and present alternative points of view as fact 😉

    Personally, I’d do pretty much the opposite of what a dietician told me to do, but that is personal schtick, and you may be more sensible or reasonable than me.

    But good plan – go back to the diet that made you feel good and add in some active stress management and see if you can put yourself back on the straight and narrow. Good luck.

    Free Member

    What’s wrong IHN? No quackery there – suggesting a well researched, scientifically grounded and evidence based approach to dealing to a major source of non-specific-illness complaints for people. Look for the simplest path before going for bloods. Particularly if you follow a proper protocol, like the Whole30.

    Too hard to give up lattes and muffins for a couple of weeks to see if you feel better? Yup, quackery right there. Burn the witch etc etc 😕

    Free Member

    Cinnamon Girl nails it.

    And DT78 needs to stop grains, and probably dairy for a decent period (say 3 weeks) to see if it makes a difference. I wager it absolutely will. Follow the Whole30 and see what things are causing you problems as you reintroduce. Classic, well thought through elimination diet protocol.

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