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  • Last Coal V4 review
  • mega
    Free Member

    necrophilia and bestiality in one day – tick
    /bucket list

    Free Member

    Have you never tried this??

    Whoa – he’s got skillz

    Off to find Usher CD, bedsheets and flip flops

    Free Member

    give the guy a break –

    valves and tyre logos line up and there is even colour coded valve cap.

    Free Member

    not 32t but I used a middleburn ring on my 2×10 SRAM

    Free Member

    I have an A55 and it’s a really good bit of kit
    Great in camera panorama mode too if you are into that sort of photography

    As I understand it, in Sony’s SLT cameras the mirror doesn’t move so you can get very high burst rate and good reliability. The mirror is translucent so 10 % of the light goes up to viewfinder and the remaining 90% passes through to the sensor

    This can mean that the viewfinders are not as good as SLR camera’s though but I haven’t had a problem with mine, it’s not noticeable. A57 might have an upgrade over A55 in this area.

    Have bought a few Minolta lenses off ebay at a fraction of the cost that new Nikon lenses would cost

    Free Member

    S2000 seems more interesting than Boxster
    TVR would take some balls to own given their rep for mechanical self destruction

    My experience of Boxster ownership
    Nice car, nice noise, great engineering, potential for big bills….(google RMS failure)
    One day came back to carpark to find a nice big green blob of gob on the bonnet next to the badge – people don’t like Porsche’s

    My experience of Elise ownership
    People mostly react positively to the car, kids ask questions about it
    great community of enthusiasts
    if stuff goes wrong it doesn’t cost the earth to fix
    it feels a bit special and not like a dull, perfect, German sports car

    Now i’ve got kids and drive a banger but OP you’ve made me dream a bit (;

    Free Member

    I vote Elise – i’ve had 2xS1s in my time and they are really good to live with

    It’s like a modern old car – not much to go wrong but everything you need to have fun.

    Some cost considerations and stuff to check:

    If you go for a 118bhp standard K series car they have weak head gaskets and are sensitive to coolant temp
    I’d always go for an S1 over S2 as I prefer the looks and lower weight

    head gasket failure will set you back about £500 to put right at an independent specialist (assuming you pick up on it early and don’t warp the head….)
    the bonnet cable release can fail and is a pig to replace £100 try it out when you test drive
    tyres last quite a long time even with lead foot as the car is light – ditto brakes
    bodywork damage can be quite expensive to repair and serious dings can mean replacing the front or rear fibre glass clamshell. Not something I had to do thankfully but will cost quite a lot to strip and paint etc

    the front clam and sills get peppered by stone chips so you can use them as a bargaining tool

    very early Elise had MMC brake disks and special pads which were very light but cost £££ to replace

    When the S1 koni dampers fail you can buy cheaper better S2 series dampers (Bilstein) about £500 for all 4

    118bhp is fun but the temptation to tune and upgrade is quite hard to resist
    hope that helps some

    Free Member

    sweet – mid air high fives 8)

    Free Member

    the last movie on this page is great

    he’s been driving same car on the same track for 12 years – no one show him strava for god’s sake!

    Free Member

    I had 9mm QR fox 32 forks and went to 15mm revelations and noticed significant stiffness increase (am 90KG). I think 15mm to 20mm would be less of a marked difference

    Going 20mm might save you another 0.3s off your strava time but does it really matter? Buy whichever fork is the best deal and matches your bikes ‘colorway’

    15mm revelation RCT3s at 150mm are a very nice fork indeed – good mix of weight, stiffness, price and performance

    Free Member

    Excellent – please take a walk to the middle of Afghanistan and start writing some graffiti about prophets. Take a video camera too so it will give us all a giggle.

    Zokes. I am a Muslim. People in my family have fought in the British army in Afghanistan.
    If you feel strongly about something try and keep your comments on topic and not post as an attack another person.

    Free Member

    Not trolling these are my beliefs.

    Free Member

    Surprised at the rabidness of the greenies – seems to stem from a heightened sense of self importance

    The end is nigh, the end is nigh.
    yes it is, global warming (if it is happening..) could bring that on quicker but equally something else could **** us up so try and enjoy it while it lasts eh?

    Get on with enjoying your life, be sensible and relax a little and you’ll probably live longer.
    I fear more for a future where militant Eco warriors dictate how many kids we can have or how often we can plow our rice paddies.

    Free Member

    Exactly richmtb
    Seize the day and live for now.

    Regardless of what we do or don’t do it won’t be ok in the long run for our species so enjoy life now. Dont go out of your way to pollute.

    How about kids? ive got two, am i allowed any more or will they use up too much of earths resources?

    Free Member

    Well the sun came up this morning and most of us are still here. Nice to be able to express an opinion without personal insults being thrown which is why STW is an interesting place

    Free Member

    Ta will take a read of that.

    Free Member

    Mafiafish. Lots of good points there.
    But when a super volcano goes off there isn’t much you me or bambi can do about it.

    Free Member

    Erm no

    I’m an advocate of doing what the **** I like as something bigger and badder will get us all in the end and it wont give a monkeys if we are ‘developed’ or not.

    Besides most developing nations are the worst polluters.

    Honestly don’t get your knickers in a twist about pollution and green issues. In a few million years it won’t matter.

    Free Member

    It doesn’t matter – just live life and stop worrying about global warming

    Extinction level events occur every few million years and we can’t prevent that. 65 million years ago approx 70% of plant and animal life was believed to be wiped out at the end of Cretaceous period by some event. Life carried on and the earth recovered.

    Global warming if it is even happening is just one of many things that could have an impact on human and other life on earth. Humans need to put more effort into space exploration rather than pissing around trying to ‘save the earth’

    Live long and prosper

    Free Member

    My only experience of Saab was like Vauxhall but with more intersting design and lower build quality.

    Free Member

    im currently in between jobs. at the moment due to an injury i am on employment support allowence because my doctor says i am unfit to work.

    But you are still ok to ride your bike? What does he/she say bout that?

    Sounds like you are trying to look for work and to make something happen work wise and I wish you all the best with that. What’s in your business plan? Anything you can share or we can help with? My mate is a self employed chippy so could ask him for advice if you want.

    Free Member

    commiseration’s mate

    they’re not called shitroens for no reason

    Free Member

    One flew over cuckoos nest
    Top gun
    Lock stock and two smoking barrels
    Forest gump
    Bitter moon
    Four weddings and a funeral
    Leon +1
    Intouchables +1
    Starship troopers+1

    I don’t necessarily like all these but they achieve what they set out to perfectly IMO

    Free Member

    I imagine that spec wise they are similar
    Youll know which bike you like the look of more
    Specialized warranty and customer service will be better

    Test Ride, them preferably on a local trail – that’s the most important thing.

    Free Member

    times recorded on mobiles don’t count m’kay?

    I tried GPS on and android device, iOS device and Garmin all on the same run (SADDO ALERT!) and they varied by ~20%. The garmin seemed to give the most consistent readings.


    ( actually I’m a bit hacked off with strava as it turns out i’m shite and all my KoMs disappear 🙁 )

    Free Member

    gah all you duffers got me confused with the tales of people emailing each other sat it in the same room

    pick up the phone, call them and wee down it

    Free Member

    how about pick up the phone or….this is really a bit left field but…. walk over and ‘talk’ to the person

    Free Member

    pregnant ladies are not to be messed with

    she sounded pretty upset (understandable) to me rather than ready to kick ass

    I’ve changed my mind on this anyway.

    Assuming no serious damage to car, wife or bump, I’d let it slide, make a fuss of her, be thankful everything was Ok and get ready for the arrival of the little one.

    If the car is damaged i’d ask police for the drivers insurance details etc and claim through their insurance but not try and press charges or anything

    Free Member

    what a winker – glad she is OK
    Police for sure

    edit but perhaps don’t let her know you are reporting the driver so she doesn’t worry about it

    Free Member

    to be honest if it’s for government their equality policies mean you would be more likely to get the job if you are a mexican or a member of the village people.

    keep it – most people know what movember is and would realise that you are doing it for charity
    good luck for the interview

    edit bah – old thread. how did the interview go?

    Free Member

    are you using same network/isp for macbook and phone?

    Free Member

    OP Absolutely!
    We need some frost – i’m thinking of flogging my hard tail and buying a road bike also.

    Free Member

    thank goodness they are OK – best wishes for their recovery and getting housing sorted

    Free Member

    cough up

    Free Member

    Wow it’s like a pink lion bar

    Free Member

    Went to see Jedi recently. As has been said many many times he is brilliant and everyone i encountered who rides up at Herts seems to have a solid attitude.

    I look at it like buying tools. He gives us the tools to do stuff on the trail then it’s down to you to practice and learn to apply them when appropriate. My riding came on so much after seeing him the 1st time but it wasn’t an overnight thing.

    Enjoy the day!

    Free Member

    yep 🙂

    Free Member

    See you tomorrow. Supposed to be sunny.
    The hills were there before all,of us and will still be there after we are all gone

    Free Member

    Interesting thread

    when my ones are old enough I think i’l go with PAYG. will teach them to manage finite resources (credit) and calls to emergency services are free if no credit.

    Free Member

    whatever president they get – the USA will still be full of the kind of people interviewed in that video which is kind of scary

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