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  • BikePark Wales: New 33 year lease to bring many benefits
  • mega
    Free Member

    I’m sending healing vibes doode
    We’ve got the same blue lampshade – high five!

    Out of interest – for the folks who are saying they landed on their face, anyone ever done that in a full face helmet? Do they provide extra protection in that scenario? I’d imagine a big ‘yes’ but interested to hear any 1st hand experiences.

    Free Member

    Think they are based on the Disco rather than Range Rover so probably lots to go wrong.

    I reckon they will continue to depreciate heavily – they seem to have questionable reliability and questionable ‘image’ (being polite there)

    Free Member

    mine is really good – I bought a couple of spare batteries of ebay for ~£10
    amazing quality, and great mounting options.

    OP what price did you get it for?

    My only grumble is with the WiFi remote. I reckon I get no more than 130feet range. The website quotes ~600ft range. It’s a pain when trying to record a run down a trail remotely.

    Apologies for the hijack but does that sound normal? wondering if I have a dodgy remote or wifi card in the hero.

    FWIW the go pro app has even worse range.

    Free Member


    And I mean that in the scientific sense – there is something wrong with him. rather than kill him or leave him rotting in a room for the rest of his life he needs to be studied and conclusions as to what drives someone to do this need to be made.

    In simplistic terms – use him to find a cure.

    edit – then kill him.

    Free Member

    5 year warranty from Amazon – really valuable

    I went with 8 of these in our kitchen and they are great:

    Not quite as warm a colour as the outgoing normal bulbs but soon got used to that.

    Put these in the bathroom and they are eye piercingly white bright – like an operating theatre. I really like them but an acquired taste.

    Free Member

    sounds ok to me

    there was 5:10 psa t’other day

    Free Member

    what site? 😕

    Free Member

    well played mate and thanks for the warning. will keep an eye out for those scrotes.

    Not sure if leaving the reg plastered all over the internetz is a good idea tho? Once the toe rags get wind that the game is up, they might swap to another car, or just shift to another location. Might be good for the police to try and catch them at it?

    Hopefully the police will take an interest and follow up with the owner of the car.

    Your van doesn’t look like this does it? 😀

    Free Member

    samuri jnr later this evening 😀

    Free Member

    Great skills on show in the pics.

    Chicksands sounds great – i’m going to take a trip over there to see what it’s all about. Quite often having a wide variety of stuff close at hand in relatively small area means you can progress more in one session than weeks of general riding type riding where you spend ages looking for the next thrill

    Free Member

    I’m a complete pussy but love pushing my own lowly limits so probably yes after some careful deliberation

    speaking of altered sense of reality I reckon there could be some in this thread 😀

    I overjumped a 25′ double by a good 18′

    That’s 43 feet – the Rampage canyon gap is 70 feet. If you jump 43 feet on a hard tail I doff my cap to you sir! Hell even if you’re only imagining yourself doing it you’re still my hero 🙂 No way my brain ever sees me doing that kind of stuff.

    Free Member

    wishing you a speedy recovery – hope it wasn’t your ‘whacking’ hand 🙂

    Free Member

    how is this DH shop still open? I never hear anything but bad press about them – are they super cheap or something?

    I’m sure they fulfill most orders but they do seem to have more issues than most

    Free Member

    I think battery life on my macbook is up ~25%, this is the biggest plus from upgrading
    Also right clicking on the power icon show the app hogging most power which is useful on the road

    keychain stored in cloud (didn’t we used to call that ‘online’?) is useful too

    Free Member

    you are angry but focusing on the wrong person – sounds like your Mrs was put on the spot.
    Go speak to this person then see if there is anything to be angry about

    Free Member

    that looks like such an organic space – marvellous

    Free Member

    STW classifieds is brilliant for picking up kit at reasonable prices
    Amazes me the kind of high end stuff that appears which is only a few months or years old.

    Free Member


    Tyre logos all over the place
    White spoke positioning sub optimal for photo
    Crank positioning sub optimal for photo
    Rear sprocket / mech position sub optimal for photo
    Kashima shock and non Kashima forks?! – sweet jebus!

    Apart from that – flapping loverly – congrats! 😀

    Free Member

    commiseration’s OP

    I would like the police to setup a sting operation and nip this in the bud!

    With crown estate now charging for parking we should expect that CCTV and adequate security measures are taken to protect our property.

    Free Member

    if this issue is way up the list of bad stuff in your life, you are doing OK mate. It’s a shilly thing for someone to do but get some perspective, get it fixed and move on.

    Free Member

    bit off topic but

    “run engine cleaner through it”

    Doesn’t that stuff eat gaskets etc? I’ve always been told to steer clear of fuel, radiator and engine cleaners because it can do more harm than good.

    edit” oh and it doesn’t seem too bad especially if it includes the MOT fee

    Free Member

    I’m a DIYer and have have used LTP stone sealing products and found them to be really good.

    Their technical helpline is brilliant – really knowledgeable and the chap gave me a few tips and tricks.

    LTP products are sold in tile giant if you have one nearby – was handy for me when I ran out half way through

    Free Member

    old or new one – i’m not fussy

    Free Member

    check out the last comment here:
    NIMBY petition

    don’t wee on or lean your bike on me

    Free Member

    We had a couple of faults on our Islabike – their tech support guys couldn’t have been more helpful.

    The 2nd hand value of the bikes we bought have meant running them cost something daft like £30 a year by the time we got rid of them.

    Frog bikes do look good also.

    Free Member

    magic first reply 😀

    Free Member

    ta – 30lb is fine for a bike with that sort of capability – i’m going to demo an bandit 26 and 29 I think.

    Free Member

    I -really- like the look of transition bikes but the frames seem quite lardy. Being a superfit lean mean cycling machine myself (ahem) this puts me off them a wee bit.

    Any owners views on this?

    Free Member

    did all the women have 3 boobs?

    “Awww baby you’re making me wish I had 3 hands”

    Free Member

    Really sad news throughout this thread.

    I’ve just started cycling on the road myself and in the 3 weeks since I started, just today had my first experience of being cut up by a long vehicle overtaking me on a straight bit of road and pulling back in prematurely (ooh fnar)

    Seems like HGV appreciation of cyclists is a real problem – how can cyclists as a group get some action taken on this? We can wear a camera but i’m talking prevention, rather than a post incident record:

    There are steps a cyclist can take to avoid danger (dont pass a lorry on the left for example) but equally it seems we are sitting ducks exposed to bad long\HG vehicle driving.

    genuinely I want to do something about this but not sure where to start – I don’t want to stop cycling on the road but what I experienced today was enough to make me think about taking that choice.

    Free Member

    many people keep bikes they like and concentrate on riding them rather than buying and selling them

    Free Member

    they have probably saved you ~£400 in maintenance / fir tree surgery bills
    the fir trees will grow back to the height you had them at and will keep going if left unchecked

    I think you should be rather chuffed with them

    Free Member

    John at Cycleworks Guildford – top bloke – very helpful

    Free Member

    I have a few watches but this recent addition hasn’t left my wrist
    solar powered, radio controlled, digital readout (I use that for date and seconds) plus analogue time, world time, automatic light

    Free Member

    mad men

    Free Member

    Good thread

    Timed access to internet is quite easy to implement

    What about controlling content when they are on the internet?
    Do you want them to be able to access anything at all?
    how will you restrict content to what you deem appropriate?
    parental trust and advice to kid or actually restrict access using technology?

    I believe on home routers or using openDNS servers you can block sites based on keyword or restrict access to only a few ‘approved’ sites. There are also some more advanced solutions that will classify each website to a category and you can allow or deny categories – eg PORN category not allowed but SHOPPING category sites are allowed.

    I believe the toughest challenge is social media – Facebook, youtube and the like that have a wide variety of content. How can I let me teenagers look at facebook but prevent them from seeing inappropriate stuff in Facebook? Google products have safe search so you can restrict what youtube vids appear in a search but you have to be logged in for it to know your safe search preferences.

    So far from what I have seen the mobile internet providers (EE, O2 etc) offer parents much more control over what you will allow down your internet connection.

    For me google, facebook and the like don’t offer enough in the way of parental control

    Free Member

    Oh – Hold on!

    Are you sure you are supposed to be undoing non driveside? My cranks undid from drive side but it can vary depending on model.

    Free Member

    I used an old bit of pipe which was lying around in the garage

    sprayed a bit of wd40 an hour before trying but my cranks were old and manky – yours look quite new so you might not need that.

    why do you have to take the crank arm off? Are you routing the cable under the crank or something? Isn’t it easier to undo one end of the cable?

    Free Member

    I had to do the same recently and had similar issues

    found a 30cm hollow bar which fitted snugly over my allen key and gave me the leverage needed to get it undone.

    summary – MTFU 🙂

    Free Member

    I hope the family get adequate justice for the crime he committed.

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