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  • Mondraker goes down country with the all-new Mondraker Raze
  • meehaja
    Free Member

    good rant, but there’s no such thing as “not liable” unless all housemates meet the criteria. I had to take a substantial bank loan to pay the council tax when I found that 6 students and one ambulance driver gets you 25% off nut nothing else. worse thing was finding out a few years later that due to low income i didn’t have to pay either, but you can’t back date these things!

    Free Member

    Its a travesty and those responsible should be killed. Its not a remix its a butchering. Get Hoppipolla by Sigur Ros and here how it should be done.

    That is all.

    Free Member

    DMR converter kit, then you can be a SS without fully commiting to the lifestyle. you can even use your rear mech for tension.Just make sure you take your shifters off. And always, ALWAYS carry a hipflask. for added fun, ofer a swig to the carbon framed roadie at the lights, before leaving them for dust on your early 90’s bodged SS.

    People point, people laugh, but I’m usually wearing lyrcra so i bring it on myself!

    Free Member

    If I can get some kind of band on thingy, then I’ll be using that, if not then I’ll be looking to flog it on… I’ll keep you posted!

    Free Member

    Think you’re hard? Try Yorkshire cyclocross summer series. You can enter on any bike you like, and it will be the hardest hour of your life. Its great fun though!

    Free Member

    If you google “in line brake levers” there’s loads of advice… Its simple enough, but a bit fiddly…

    Free Member

    I’m about to buy a rank puller… that’l be my favourite tool when I use it. There is a special moment you get whn you use the right tool for the job, and it works so well!

    Free Member

    Courgette, cut in half, glazed with honey and sprinkled with some spice (BBQ mix works well, or thai spices). BBQ until blackened.

    Free Member

    Go, get very drunk, behave appalingly and deny everything. jobs a good un?

    Free Member

    A roads are fine, especially if you’re into crazy overtaking… You also get to see a bit more of real france, which is nice! What I will say though is fill up whereever you can. They’re not big on 24 hour petrol stations over there and some places (quite a lot) only take french credit cards as payment.

    Free Member

    oooh. suede? That might be nice!

    Free Member

    Tried so many times, but a lot of the cameras here in Leeds don’t work.. my Grandad got convicted of “cycling furiously” when he was younger and had to pay a quite subsantial fine for the time (he reckond equivilant of about £50 now money). I would LOVE to have that show up on my CRB check every year!

    Free Member

    Funny that… I was about to put my boards on ebay… I’ve got a generic skateboard from route 1 skate shop, cost me £40 new and its hardly used, I’ve also got a lovely long board, which is also practically brand new (I only used it 4-5 times before I broke my thumb/nose/jaw/head etc.)

    The skate board is set up nice and soft, so young legs will be able to turn it, and the long board is great fun for us older kids (slightly more acceptable as well!) and if oyu’ve never ridden one its a bit like snowboarding on wheels, but its smal enough that you can carve up the skatepark as well.

    Combined deal, £50 posted then you and your son can skate together and harmony will be returned to the world!

    Free Member

    who’d have thunk it? its all on the halfords website! Cheers anyway!

    Free Member

    I know the patch of “northshore” you speak of… its great isn’t it? I had a stone thrown at me by a chap in his 60’s who shouted “you can’t ride here!”. Probably should have shown him the bouncy end of my bombers or something, but I felt yelling back “we can, look!” as we rode away was much more polite.

    Why are people so violent/ aggressive all the time. I once had a land owner ask me not to ride a particular trail as it was heavily eroded and the large puddles were damaging the embankment causing mud slides. He promised he would rectify the situation when it stopped raining, but was concerned that a mud slide would damage his buildings below. Polite, friendly, and making a good point. he then suggested I try the footpath over the top of the valley as its really rocky and well drained.

    spread the love people!

    Free Member

    Was there an ELite 4? I think i remember playingthis? If so, If you’re being attacked by something small, wait unitl it crosses your screen then hit pause. you can then lock onto the little bugger and unpause, fire at will!

    Free Member

    ah middleton, the finest estate in Leeds. My favourite statement riding in miggy woods would have to be “your bikes gay” followed by his mate exciteably asking “can have a ride off of it?” had to snigger!

    Free Member

    I put a square taper BB in with a teaspoon and a hammer.

    Free Member

    google “wiggle voucher code” that shuolold get you one. infact, if you ever buy somethig online, google the shop name and voucher code. always worth a punt!

    Free Member

    Keep yout number up. Big and well lit, In once went on an emergency call to a man not breathing with just a road name and a house name. The road was 4 miles long. Fortunately his number wasn’t up (so to speak) but it should have been!

    Free Member

    I had my helmet x rayed at A&E after a bad crash (where I only hit my head lightly and it was a brand new helmet!)… they were very good about it, but the radiographer was a friend of an ex.

    Free Member

    Its a great job, I love it… but, It can be very hard on relationships, not just the shifts but the whole lifestyle. The hard work thing is over hyped IMO, Its like any job, its as hard as you make it, and I’m quite laid back so I don’t let it get to me! Training can be a ball ache, especially if you are residential (you’re looking at 12-15 weeks away from home).

    Management can make the job frustrating and you’ll, probably find it very disapointing and disillusioning, until you get a decent job and you feel on top of the world! If you want to chat anytime about the job, my email should be in my profile, also is a bit geeky but a good resource for info!


    P.S “not local”, You want to come to Yorkshire? Seriously? they’re hiring 100’s of staff at the mo, but do you really want to work for a trust who’s ex exec is in prison?

    Free Member

    I had this, and it turned out the cable for the front mech was catching on my shoe. every time the shoe went round “tick”. MAde my day when I solved that one!

    Free Member

    Cut the hair. It’ll grow back once you’ve got the job…

    I shaved off mohawk and took out all my piercings when I started my job. T’was a sad day :-(

    Free Member

    take some decent coffee with you and some posh biscuits, that’ll make everyone love you. 12 mile commute will hurt like hell for a week. then youwont notice it. then you’ll notice when you ride for pleasure you’re suddenly loads fitter than your friends. All is good, enjoy your new job!

    Free Member

    We had some really confusing traffic lights near me a few years back that always had a cycle when all the pedestrians could cross and a stage where the green light shone, for what was in affect a builders yard and nothing else. All night. So, when attending an RTC nearby I asked the police officer about the stupid lights (since the driver had totalled one of them) and he said that the lights were stupid, but it meant that traffic queued at the top of the hill, as, if the lights ran normally, the traffic would all queue at the big junction at the bottom, where A: there wasn’t much room for cars to queue and B: Motorists would block the junction, snarling up more roads. Whereas at the top, there was nothing to do but queue.

    made sense that way, so maybe yours is similar. Or just stupid. there are a lot of stupid traffic lights!

    Free Member

    I used “bigassscrews” with rawl plugs straight into brick, and also bracketed underneath to take the weight.

    Free Member

    Specials are playing Leeds in a few weeks. best part of £50 if you want to ruin all your happy memories of what was a great band? IME never go and se your hero’s when they reform… the only good one I saw was the Who, and if you shut your eyes they were amazing. If you looked at them, it was like my dad playing air guitar.

    That said, I’d go see the Get Up Kids i they reformed. They were great live!

    Free Member

    see, your standard inbred will take 4/5 inch forks, comes as geared or SS and is a nice bit of kit for the money. The 456, as the name suggests, takes a 4,5 or 6 inch fork, is avaliable as a geared bike only and is like a beefed up version of the inbred. I believe it can take 8inch rotors at the back, and if I remember correcrtly, all the tubes are the same diameter (generally bigger than the inbred). The inbred is more of a XC/ singletrack bike, where as the 456 is more of a “messing about in the woods bike”.

    I replaced my Orange Patriot with a 456 as I wanted a hardtail that could handle a bit of DH and being thrown around, but could also be used for “normal” riding. If you’re keeping the MX comps on there, then go for the inbred and it’ll ride very nicely. If you’re thinking of putting some big forks on then go for the 456 and it to will be lovely, but in a very different way.

    Free Member

    I raced cyclespeedway with a set of these for a while… I liked them (skinny ones mind) nice and predictable, slipped when you’d expect etc…

    Free Member

    settled on monsters vs aliens in 3D… top notch!

    Free Member

    isn’t xcape full of scary preteen chavs at the weekend?

    Free Member

    if it hurts more when you take a deep breath, and it feels lke its “rubbing” when you’re breathing then it probably is pleuresy. All A+E will do is give you pain killers if it is pleurey. they will however also give you ECG etc to make sure its not cardiac in origin. NHS direct will just cal an ambulance (thats pretty much all they do!) the minute you say pain and chest in the same sentance. If the pain is unbearable then try out of hours GP or A+E,but remember, it takes quite a while for pain kilers to kick in and a therapeutic dose may be a whole days worth (spread over a day, not all at the same time!!).

    GP is best bet as may be able to prescribe anti inflammataries as well? not sure if these will help (its not really my area) but a+E have a knack of making you wait 4 hours for 2 brufen and the advice to go and see your GP!

    good luck

    Free Member

    Work those abs! I’ve had to dig mine and our lasses… its the blisters that kil me!

    Free Member

    Interestingly I once got hit by riot police with a batten and a shield when I told them that the person they had under arrest wasn’t “struggling” he was fitting. I was told it was none of my business and when I suggested that his blue face suggested he’d be dead shortly I got hit and dragged away from the scene to a van, where I was promptly released by more professional coppers.

    I have the utmost respect for the police and the work they do, working with them on a regular basis I can confirm that most of them are pretty sound, decent people. Unfortunately police tactics are often heavy handed, and once you get into an us vs them situation, people get aggresive.

    I expect a lot of people got hit a bit harder than was nessercery that day. Some deserved it, some didn’t. I know some police got hit too, and though some of that might have been retaliation, most of it was probably just people trying to look hard by throwing stuff at the police.

    The focus of the investigation should be less about one officer doing what hundreds have done before him, and more about the whole tactics of teh operation.

    The individual officer doesn’t matter particuarly, much like the jean charled de menezes case, it doesn’t matter who puled the trigger, what matters is why did it happen.

    For the family of the man who died, nothing will bring him back, but if his untimely death can make actual changes to overly aggressive police tactics then at least something has come out of all this.

    Interestingly, I wonder wether his family were in support of the protests?

    Free Member

    When you do get to speak to a manager, ask them to stop calling me and asking for teresa… she’s never lived here, and still I get 16 calls today alone for her!

    Free Member

    I got one from asda for £9.00. Its black, made by bell and hasn’t broken yet. its not particuarly light, but its not heavey either?

    Free Member

    I am cursed with big hands and little fingers.. its a nightmare I can barely handle, but anyway…

    Lots of finger exercise, carry on playing even when it hurts, play less lead? these are all reasonable suggestions. however, in exchange for the sabbath I shall shaer my secret with you;

    Get your guitar set up with as low action as you can get away with and don’t push as hard! Most of the cramp in fingers come from pushing as hard as possible, relax, and things get better. or get a kazoo.

    Free Member

    Any surgery should be able to do this, If you make the point that you are paying, even the dragon on reception should go “kerching”. Assuming you are reasonably well the whole thing should take about 5 mins an they usually charge you a ridiculous ammount for this.

    Free Member

    I find them a bit tight, i.e no give around the waist. Mine are 34’s and they fit perfectly, when they’re on, but the elasticated waist isn’t very elastic, so for example, if I need a wee i have to remove the shorts to thigh level, which is a tad embarrising at the side of the trail or whilst stood at a urinal…

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