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  • New Second Generation Geometron G1: Even More Adjustable
  • meeeee
    Free Member


    Just wandering off the topic slightly, what are the current brew kits like? Its about 20 years since i made one (found the Hambleton Bard Old English ale pretty good), do they still have the ‘homebrew taste’ or have things progessed?

    Any to look at that are worth a try?

    Free Member

    is the main advantage of a chiller just reducing the time to cool the wort before adding the yeast?

    I know it can help precipitate proteins out to reduce haze, but does this affect taste at all or is it more of an appearence thing?

    Free Member

    so for BIAB i’d need:

    Grain Bag
    Fermenting bin

    anything else? Do i need a chiller of some sort, or can i get good results without. I dont think i had a chiller when i was doing it previously.

    time to start shopping and finding recipes :D

    Free Member

    when I get back in the car after a night ride I always think what the **** is up with my headlights as they look like I’ve got two yellow flamed oil lamps attached to the front compared to the super white light of my LED bike lights!

    Free Member

    maybe its the new orange 5

    Free Member

    Catvet – How much are you looking for the complete set up, and where are you ?

    Sharkbait – do you know how much its going for? Whereabouts in NW

    Free Member

    ive used these before and found them very good:


    edit: they are ‘hotties’ logs, so can probably get them from other places as well

    Free Member

    db – are those wheels / tyres still available,

    if they are could you send me pics and price your looking at?

    martindmail-singletrack (at) yahoo (dot) co (dot)uk

    where in midlands are you?


    Free Member

    takisawa – could you forward it to me as well please?

    martindmail-singletrack (at)yahoo(dot)co(dot)uk


    Free Member

    thanks, will look at them.

    Do you notice any major heat loss / cold spots around them in winter?

    Free Member

    wasnt sure how effective they are but might try one if you reckon they are ok

    Free Member

    got this now, thanks dooosuk

    Free Member

    sorry to ressurrect an old thread but can anyone who has a copy of the legendary balancing notes please send them to me? Thanks

    martindmail-singletrack AT yahoo DOT co DOT uk

    Free Member

    wagenwheel –

    How tall are you and what height step have you got? I’ve been wondering about getting roof carrier for my berlingo but will need to use a step as well!

    Free Member

    cheers, will try the fernox & will email you later this week when i get a bit of spare time

    Free Member

    fixed mine by bolting it to an old lupine bar mount. I used the alloy helmet mount that comes with the gloworm light, drilled a hole in the flat plate part and bolted this to the lupine bar mount using the hole in the mount that attaches it to the lupine light head.

    I dont intend using the light on a helmet so this works fine with me, and even if i did decide to mount it on the helmet its only one bolt to undo. Its very secure now, no wobble at all.

    I think gloworm just need to alter the fitting side of the bar mount so its a bit wider, and use a more rigid grippy rubber strip rather than the foam, + a stronger O ring. (ie just make the underside of the bar mount like a lupine one!!)

    You could do the same with the Hope mount as well, just drill the flat plate part of the helmet and bolt it to the hope mount.

    Free Member

    just been in garage playing around with mine again. Large diameter bar (easton haven) and its butted up against the stem, but if i bounce the front wheel up and down a bit the mount slides round the bar. I think i have stopped this temporarily using a bit of fast-tack mounting spray.

    Seems like the foam stuff on the mount isn’t quite grippy enough and also a bit too cushioned? The stuff on the back of my old lupine ‘o’ ring mount, (which is a slightly harder sort of rubber rather than foam), or the stuff you get with computer brackets is a lot grippier.

    Also the narrow footprint of the mount seems to allow some slight wobble which isn’t helped by the light being offset from the mount. All this might be fixed using the fast tack spray and the smaller o ring, but not had a chance for another ride yet. If it still wobbles i’ll have to try bodge a support of some kind for under the light head.

    Free Member

    yeah its butted right up against the stem amd the light head is firmly screwed to the mount. I’ll have a look again tonight and see if that areas completely flat, and i’ll fiddle around with the positions and see if i can get it any better.

    Its not slipping round the bars or anything, just seems as if the light head part is moving up and down slightly on rough stuff, due to it being off to one side of the bar mount, and the bar mount only having a relatively narrow mounting area.

    Might try the smaller o ring see if that will stretch round and keep it tighter, or failing that a little blob of sugru or something.

    Free Member


    I tried pointing the image browser at the iphoto library, but it didnt see it as a ‘folder’ so wouldnt accept it and show images.

    If i export all the iphoto files into a new folder does that mean i have duplicates on the computer, and i can then delete the iphoto library and it wont delete my photos in the folder i have exported to?

    I noticed there is an option in iphoto to import directly into iphoto which was ticked, (or some similar wording, am on work computer at moment). Should i deselct this for future imports then it will import into a folder of my choice that i can also use for other programs?

    I am liking the mac, but yes, as you say will have to unlearn my windows ways!

    Free Member

    will my kids actually be able to play with it as the Star wars stuff [ x wing tie fighter and other ship just break when played with

    i was just chatting to my brother about this the other day. New lego doesnt seem to stay together as well as the old lego (from 70’s and 80’s) that we have.

    Maybe its different plastics they use now, but building stuff with the new pieces its loads easier to seperate them than if we build the same thing with our old stuff.

    Free Member

    will keep an eye on it then and might get some rat traps / poison

    Free Member

    no hairs or droppings at the moment, about 15cm diameter. Theres some scratch marks on the rocks inside it. Its not that deep at the moment, maybe 40-50cm, so it might be work in progress, or it gave up as the ground is rocky. It seems to have moved some 7-10 cm stones out when its been digging, so wondered if it would be bigger than a rat.

    Its on the edge of some woods, and by right on the edge of a couple of small (15-20m diameter) natural ponds. Hardly any houses nearby so no real household waste / bin bags to raid, and its about 25-30m from our house.

    Free Member

    i put 4 cheap tyres on my car last time they needed it as i was going to sell it shortly afterwards, but ended up keeping it.

    Anyway, i cant tell any difference between them and the Pirellis it had on before. But i dont drive like a loon!

    Fronts were Sava, and cant remember the rears but they were random unbranded cheapos from Black circles.

    Free Member

    i’d buy them now even if you plan on not fitting them until the cold spell arrives. Usually prices just go up and up once the wintery weather comes.

    Free Member

    is it just me or is the TOB website really really s-l-o-w :?

    Free Member

    yep we had that as well, with the added kicking and dropping as well. Ahh the good old days of school, makes me go all misty eyed thinking back :lol:

    i wonder what other things have died out. How about the ‘smell the cheese’ joke or that one where you get someone to twist their arms over then you pull down on the fists shouting ‘bingo!’ Both classics that you only fall for once!

    Free Member

    got mine from them last year, spot on, quick delivery, wheels fitted fine.

    Free Member

    yeah, its sealed in a bag, like a sort of huge rolled up sleeping bag, rather than just being a roll of rockwool type stuff that you can see the fibres in.

    EDIT aha, i think it might be Spaceblanket.

    Free Member

    +1 for climbing, see if theres a bouldering wall near you then you only need some rockboots and a chalkbag. Much more interesting and rewarding than going to the gym / excercising at home (imho!)

    Free Member

    Free Member

    HP-source / Soma Rich / Southern Yeti…

    How do you do those photos with multiple pics of the people in them, is it a feature on the camera or done afterwards in photoshop?

    Free Member

    cheers i didnt try disconnecting the cable, will investigate that and shifter at lunchtime.

    Free Member

    i used parcel force when i sent my old mtb down south. Wasnt very expensive if i remeber, and they picked it up from work (i just booked it all online)

    Edit – it got there ok as well!

    Free Member

    DONT DO IT, step away from the keyboard now! Worst online shop i’ve ever come accross.

    Free Member

    Blaggers, email me your details (name, add, tel and DOB) and i’ll send it in for you, cheers :-)

    MidlandTrailquestsGraham – i’ve done your this morning, thanks.

    Free Member

    emailed you back MTG, so just one more slip left for another lucky STW’er :D

    Free Member

    Probably the funniest 2 player game ever. The jungle one was best IIR. Loved it big time.

    i was thinking after i posted that clip it doesnt really look like that much of a game, but i think its one of those that you have to play to realise how great it was!

    Might see if i can find an online version of it now :-)

    Free Member

    i used to love Spy vs Spy on the C64, spent hours playing that with my brother trying to blow each other up!

    Free Member

    not tried this on a pedal, but i once got a 40cm masonry drill bit well and truly stuck in a wall. I managed to get it out by grinding 2 flat areas with a dremel on the part the drill chuck fits on, then using a spanner on these.

    If you’ve got access to a dremel or something similar you could try that?

    Free Member

    that polaris one isnt a true rigid box, its more of a stiff type foam. If its for a carbon road bike i think i’d go for a full on hard case.

    bikeboxalan ones are very good
    (suposed to be able to get a mtb in one as well, but pricey (although they hold prices really well from the 2nd hand ones i’ve seen). You can hire them from bikeboxalan. Check the dimensions though, i measured it and it wouldnt fit in my car. Supposed to be mega toughh though.

    Polaris also do a full hard case one,
    i used that for my carbon road bike this year (hired one) and they are pretty good, but i think you’d struggle to get a mountain bike in one.

    Problem with full hard cases and mountain bikes is the weight. A proper hard case is about 10k (some are more), so with mountain bike in you may be over the weight limit.

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