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  • Starling Cycles Mega Murmur review
  • meeeee
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    and lauterbrunnen valley, trummelbach falls

    If you do the Gelmerbahn funicular, if they still do the return reservation DO IT! (Otherwise you get stuck at the top in the boiling hot sunshine for over an an hour and a half with motorbike leathers on your legs and no suncream on face or arms :()

    Free Member

    weight is only 100g, and found some flexible epoxy on amazon so might try that.

    Rivets is also good idea. Not got the unit in front of me yet as just got it off ebay so not sure if theres enough room for them yet though.

    If the plastic garmin adapter is large enough might actually be able to remove the metal plate and screw it into the existing holes

    Free Member

    i just tested the checkout + postage, if you checkout in £ on it comes to £117 total posted to UK, compared to £119 for just the head unit on amazon uk

    Free Member

    good site here with lots of the old Lyons Maid lollies on:

    lyons maid history

    Good memories of scoffing lots of these when i was younger.

    But what happened to jokes on lolly sticks ? :(

    Free Member

    I used to live at Newby Bridge and I’d go gummers how, but I like gummers how!

    If you go tow top then I’d go gilpin Brigsteer way

    They’re all lovely rides though so see how you feel in morning. Gummers how isn’t that bad though. Actually if you’ve got a cross bike or road frame with sturdy tyres on then go up through chapel house woods on the fire road to top of gummers how, it’s well surfaced and a nice gentle climb.

    As you’re riding to work you’ll have to ride back though so do two different routes. Up Tow top on the way home……go on you know you want to!

    Free Member

    +1 for a book, I’d contribute to a kickstarter project

    Free Member

    and even if you’re comfortable with that then the sites keep changing so you’d need to keep faffing about to chase new ones

    yeah i thought this might be the case, not sure i can be bothered faffing round adding new ones as they get shut down. Thought it sounded too good to be true!

    Anyway am still tempted by a fire stick / box(most likely a none hacked one from amazon). What are the games like on them, worht paying extra for the box to get getter games than the stick version?

    Free Member

    only access us via steps so can’t get an elevating platform in.

    Just found a copy of the national access and scaffolding confederation document about wall ties which seems to give me all the info I need.

    Thanks for all the advice guys, last two posts v useful

    Free Member

    Not enough space at the base to get a decent ladder angle.

    ill get a quote for someone to do it but I can hire a mobile 7.8m tower for a week for 98+vat plus I’ll need to move it a few times to get access to the whole wall so can’t see getting someone in to erect it and move it will be that cheap.

    I’m pretty confident at heights and ropework as been a climber for over 20 years just wondered if scaffolding can be attached this way . How is the proper heavy duty full wall scaffolding attached?

    3rd option is abseiling out the velux windows which I’ve done in previous houses!

    Free Member

    i knew i shouldnt have asked on here :-)

    Free Member

    but doesnt the flavour from a bbq come from the fats and juices released from the food hitting the coals and making smokey flavours? So hot coals heated by a gas flame or normal charcoal should give the same result?

    I wonder if in a blind taste test people would be able to tell the difference.

    Free Member

    Thanks for all the replies.

    Only a few garden tools and folding chairs in the shed so not bothered about its security really.

    That rubber roof stuff looks good too will look into that as well, thanks.

    Free Member

    what do you do at the ends of the shed (ie the ends that run parallel to the corrugations). Do you just leave an overhang?

    Think i might use this instead of felt, as if i can stop it leaking i may hang onto it for a while.

    Do i just need corrugated sheets, Ridge tiles and the nails +~ the little plastic things the nail goes through?

    How do you cut the sheets?

    Free Member

    oooh lots of replies and questions!

    nickjb – yeah its budget restricting the choice, she wants a shiny new one as never had a nice bike before so that rules out 2nd hand full suspension

    cinnamon girl- wheelsize – well i’m still on 26″ so doesnt really matter if she’s on 29 or 27.5 as i’ll have to carry different tubes for her anyway.

    will have a look at the two reccomendations above…

    Free Member

    also quite rocky here so 10mm travel would be good

    Free Member

    5’10, meant to put that in the previous post but you replied before i’d edited it!

    Free Member

    not sure! Is there much benefit in the womens designs over mens? She’s happily ridden my Blur LT and Specilaized Epic.

    Some of the womens ones seemed more to be a bit lower specced from what i could see, but nicer colours.

    She’s about same height as me 5’10

    Free Member

    trading in to a dealer on the 28th, just didnt want the system to automaticaly send me a fine if they havent received notification of the sale by 31st

    Free Member

    If you have a small drill I’d drill into the centre of both bits of the plastic and use a small piece of stiff metal, Eg paperclip, in both the holes, all epoxied together.

    although depends on diameter of the plastic as to whether this is possible or not

    Free Member

    at its last service i guess, probably about 9000 miles ago, its on variable servicing but says it doesnt need another yet. Might get them done at the MOT though as it’ll save me taking it in again later in the year.

    Free Member

    Italian tune up it is then :D

    Free Member

    can you make a mark on the bolt and the corresponding metal its in then undo it a bit and retighten to that mark with the torque wrench set low, and then gradually increase the torque wrench settings until it reaches the mark?

    I’m not an engineer so have no idea if that method would work, but in my non engineering head it seems like a good idea :D

    Free Member

    Skoal Bandits?

    Free Member

    Troyes it is then, now I just need some way of sneaking off for a few hours while I’m there to check out this tool museum!

    Free Member

    I’d say Tassimo.

    I would say I appreciate nice coffee, and although the tassimo has a lower pump pressure than the dolce gusto the taste of the coffee is a lot better than the folce gusto. It’s not quite the same as a proper espresso but it’s quick and easy and there’s a good variety of discs available, and it makes pretty good lattes as well if you prefer milky coffees .

    We initially bought a dolce gusto as when I looked into it lots of people said this gave better crema and was better as it had 15 bar pump, but to me the coffee taste was terrible. Took it back ( said it was faulty!)and swapped it for a tassimo.

    The machines themselves are all pretty similar, you can stop the drink early to make it stronger or add more water by pressing the button at the end. They are all on offer on websites like Amazon or argos, just pick one that has a water tank size to meet your needs. We got the T40 from argos.

    Free Member

    If you want to challenge it go to

    You pay 16 and they will either get it cancelled or pay your fine.

    I used it a few weeks ago when the wife parked in morrissons for 3 hours getting her hair done, instead of the max 45 mins you were allowed.

    They had anpr cameras so got a ticket in the post. Loads of signs in the car park so I thought any appeal would fail but they got our ticket cancelled for 16 quid instead of 85 quid fine!

    Free Member

    Apparently there were 4 of these types of engine built, but they can only find records for where 3 of them went, no one seems to know where the fourth one ended up. How can you lose an engine like that :D

    Free Member

    i once said to a girl i was seeing who hadn’t shaved her legs ” its like shagging a cactus” ( i was a bit drunk at the time)

    Her immediate response was GET OFF NOW! Cue much apologising / grovelling / foreplay from me to try and get back into the action.

    No idea why i said it out loud, she’s never forgotten it though and still tells that story to people.

    Another girl, (again a bit drunk)i was making a hot dog when she shouted from the bedroom she wanted some action, so in i trot, hot dog in hand and she’s there on her knees. I had nowhere to rest the aforementioned food item though so i plonked it on her back and kept picking it up now and again for another bite whilst humping away!

    As you can tell i’m a classy gent!

    Free Member

    cool thanks for the replies

    Free Member

    are they legal? to buy from legitimate source would cost far more.
    I’m dubious, I must say!

    well mine came with a garmin sticker and a hologram seal which is good enough for me :lol:

    They probably arent legal, but they work, and after having bought most of the north of england on paper maps, memory map and viewranger formats over the years i dont see why i should really pay Ordnance Survey again for the same maps just because a company is using a slightly different digital format to others. But everyone can make their own moral judgement on this :-)

    Free Member

    you can get full uk coverage OS discoverer from ioffer for about £20

    Free Member

    Well sorry to let you all down, I’m not posting this from my hospital bed with a head like the elephant man.

    All quite boring really, went in Fri eve after a couple of beers, cleared my exit route of lawnmower and pointy tools which made them a bit grumpy so let them calm down while I had a third, then peeked in and they were all back in their little waspy beds.

    Having had 3 beers and deciding I was invincible I couldn’t be bothered to start muffling myself up, and it was far too warm so dressed in highly protective shorts and t shirt I blasted them with my death in a can for the required 15 seconds, which does seem like ages when you’re expecting lots of wasps to come out. The buzzing got a bit louder and a few popped out at the end so I legged it and shut the shed door then went to tell the wife I was a proper man now I’d killed a wasps nest so would she like some loving from the hunky insect exterminator. Sadly my offer was turned down as she was too busy watching big brother and apparently I stank of fly spray.

    Saturday morning I went in and poked it off the shed roof with a spade and chopped it open to see what’s inside. Luckily I chopped it with the even longer handled hoe as I can tell you, inside, we’re a lot of pretty pissed off wasps so I legged it back into the kitchen and left the grumpy things to fly off to pastures new. Maybe next time I’ll give it another spray before chopping it open. Pretty interesting inside though, loads of little compartments full of wasps in various stages of development.

    Free Member

    Have you done the deed yet OP?

    D day tomorrow evening! Watch out for angry swarms of wasps in the South Lakes….

    Got can of Digrain stuff, so powerful the can is supposed to have some recoil when you fire it! Knowing my luck though it’ll hit the nest and knock it onto the workbench where it will roll towards me and explode in a buzzing waspy mass.

    Quite looking forward to it now :-)

    Free Member

    Well I was all sorted to get the pros in but then I had another look at it tonight and thought stop being such a Jessie, kill it yourself then triumphantly tell the wife thereby getting extra love points and also save £45 which I can spend on bike bits……. Or on overpriced hospital TV if it all goes wrong.

    Definitely not going for the Tinners approach, I mean WTF, did you not even have the teeniest tiniest inkling of a thought that that approach could end in tears?!

    There’s two approaches I could take…

    1 use a foam and leg it hoping they don’t swarm out before I reach the door. Or…

    2 I could reach part of the nest from the door with something like a hoe. If I get one of those one shot aerosols that locks ‘on’ so it releases all its contents once activated, I could set that off, walk to the door then batter nest with hoe and shut door!?!

    Are all wasp sprays the same, any recommendations? A mate advised Digrain stuff, but nippon or rentokil is a bit cheaper.

    Free Member

    The sprays have a reach of about 15′ – unless your shed is of Mcmoonter proportions you should be able to spray it from the safety of the door way…

    ah but its tucked behind a roof truss, on the wrong side of it so i cant actually see it until i’m at the back of the shed and facing the door. Thats why i want to know how fast they come out!

    I think i might ring someone… :oops:

    Free Member

    bigim – i need to get it out as i need to empty the shed as we’re moving house. First noticed it yesterday when i nearly smashed it yesterday getting the patio umbrella out.

    mackem – our council wont do it they said either DIY or contact a commercial company.

    I’m leaning towards getting someone in to do it, but theres a part of me that feels i should at least try things like this once in my life…

    Free Member

    So how easy is it to come by wide bore needles? They’re only little flimsy things down at the exchange drop-in.

    you can get them from fishing shops eg


    Free Member

    does your sealant have latex ‘bits’ in like Stans, or is it just a liquid, just wondering if the bits inject ok?

    Free Member

    if its hot and sunny, Happy Mount Park is good for kids as they have an aqua park with loads of water sprays and fountains for kids to play in.

    happy mount park[/url]

    Free Member

    We used to use one at a place called martin Mill, near Deal which I think isn’t far out of Dover. Only stayed there for a couple of nights before heading to France though, but it seemed a nice site.

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