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  • A Spectator’s Guide To Red Bull Rampage
  • Me
    Free Member

    Any good local bike shops?

    … :wink:

    Free Member

    Well I’m hoping to do a few more solo 24’s this year and I haven’t ridden a bike since November!

    Apart from a bit of stubbornness and an ability to keep your brain occupied all you really need to know is how to pace yourself and when to eat (…all the time!)

    Sorted 8)

    Free Member

    16k pretty standard for a small/medium sized bikeshop tbh. And a lot better than the minimum wage everyone else in bikeshops are on… :cry:

    Free Member

    provide some great trails the FoD deserves, I wouldn’t mind paying a few quid to ride there.


    Are there 2 FoDs? The one I know has miles and miles and miles of fantastic free singletrack already thanks…!

    Free Member

    Yes, did Whitehaven-Sunderland leading a (geared) group on a charity run.

    I used 32:16 but you’ll wish for a higher gear for the last 30 miles- all gently downward sloping railway line.

    But yeah, it was good. Forces you to pootle and enjoy the scenery but lets you feel the hills too. Hartside and coming out of Garrigill- you push, you lose :wink:

    Free Member

    ^ Using car spray paint from Halfords.

    Make sure it’s really clean before you start and use a fairly fine wet and dry paper to give it a good going over. Give it a little rub again after primer and between each coat, just helps the paint stick.

    Best advice I ever got for using spray paint is ‘mist’ it on.

    Good luck!


    Free Member

    Helvellyn with no dabs. I’m pretty sure it’s been done but I’ve forgotten the loons name.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Was really good, love the course. Think the age categories need a bit of work tho- I came 2nd in Expert with 20 odd masters in front- why not just have a 4-lap category?! Unless someone wants to give me a prize, in which case I’ll shut up :wink:

    Free Member

    In for 4 laps, hopefully finish before everyone’s gone home!

    Was one of the one’s out today marking the course, yeah there’s a few snazzy orange roots but it’d take a lot of paint to get them all done! Just hope no local rouges make any ‘alterations’ to the course before tmw…!

    Free Member

    I kinda like mine without decals, looks more grown up!

    Fork lowers look good in same colour imho, though lots would disagree.

    Free Member

    Back to the OP… It’s not the brake lever postions that’s strange on the mbr cover, they’re a few inches out to allow for one finger braking (tho he’s using the wrong finger, tut tut)

    The mad thing is the shifters are between the brake lever and the stem- you’d have to move your hand miles to get there!

    Free Member

    Don’t go anywhere near North Road.

    Head of Steam is good!

    Free Member

    Shud've gone to aldi :wink:

    Free Member

    fully rigid


    ongoing neck/wrist/hand problem

    … !

    But yeah you'll be fine, might even be an advantage if there's as much road/fire track as previous years! (not complaining btw, I like the old course)

    Free Member

    local bylaws restrict MTBing outside of the designated area in Sallowvallets Enclosure to hard surfaced tracks only…

    yeah that's gotta be a concern, don't know what the FC would make of the cheeky stuff being advertised. No idea why stuff like the Alien one got removed but I guess (the risk of)people injuring themselves or local tensions had something to do with it- neither of which would be helped by more traffic.

    But I'm clearly biased as I know where the good stuff is and like it quiet!*

    But nice idea, including the wye valley too?

    * 'specially the stuff I 'found' whilst going for a walk with my rake…

    Free Member

    yea mines gone :cry:

    Free Member

    SPAM Blast / FoD enduro both sept and sortof in the sw.

    Free Member

    There was an option on the entry to buy one. Dunno if you can get hold of them after but keep emailing I guess!

    Free Member

    Event Buff? Awww I missed that!

    Perhaps the really tight bits were put in as a response to 29ers? Try and stop cyclocross-in-all-but-name type bikes whitewashing?

    Liked that the course went round the back of the soloist area around halfway, really useful.

    Needs some danger though, just a little drop or something. Dig out a chunk out the (normally very muddy) straight downhill near the start (that hits he edge of the campsite) or something, put a longer chicken run in for solos/wusses. That'd get a bit of atmosphere, wake up the riders and answer the eternal complaints of it not being technical enough!

    But yeah, really good event and enjoyed it!

    Free Member

    Muddypuddle, robob, attractivefish, mafu26, racing_ralph – YGM ..but I'm tired so I've maybe sent you pics of my gran in the bath, who knows.

    They're my brothers pics and he's got another memory card somewhere so will look through that later too. Any more no.s want checking?

    If I could get a cheeky request in, anyone got pics of me? I was 22, Durham kit all black or white top sunday morning, tom.hardsATyahooDOTcoDOTuk Thanks!

    notjustabike, was it you that shouted "look at the cornering, more twists and turns than John Travolta" at someone?- Good heckle!

    Free Member

    Spud/Collie, I reiceved the information pack thing sometime ago so might be worth an email.

    What ratio you soloist singlespeeders using? I think I'd have to granny gear it to survive 24hrs on an ss!

    Whatever happens it's going to be 'sticky,' think rain's forecast there this week…

    Free Member

    Me too. Got my mud tyres, bum lard and rice pudding. Sorted.

    Last year I had to pee 3 times a lap towards the end tho, any idea why (too much caffenie maybe)?- probably cost me a lap!

    Free Member

    Forest of Dean Enduro[/url] 26th September, done it past two years and it's pretty good, very singletracky.

    If you see anything else let me know!

    Free Member

    Most we've done is 12 with kit.

    Free Member

    Ok I'm not a stalker, just bored of revising, but:

    OMC – Member

    I have an 09 enduro and think it's a very good all rounder. I've done all day XC rides, endurance races, loads of trail centres and DH at Cwm Carn.

    from here

    Probs not just been ridden 6 times then…! BUSTED!

    Free Member

    article here

    If you try it let us know how you get on!

    Free Member

    Anyone else start peeing loads? Or have I got other issues…?!

    Free Member

    Sure, YGM

    Free Member

    Go WEST to a WOOD. shhhh

    Free Member

    Hey could be worse, some twot threw a beer at me from a car I was walking down the road this evening :?

    Free Member

    As above really, keep doing them, keep writing about them- the 7 deadly spins thing inspired me to try and do a c2c double in under 24hrs… I ended up soaking wet sleeping on the doormat of a public toilet in Garigill!

    Free Member

    Hexham Common/Edmundbyers?

    Free Member

    There too, def reconmended. Shame he didn't talk about that mtb tho- although it looked too shiny to've been ridden!

    Free Member

    Dissertation due Friday but yeah bring it!

    I'll be singlespeeding in sport by the looks of things but I've spent a bit on props for the Durham shouting squad, if you see us do a wheelie!

    Free Member

    I have both- Julies have been perfect from the start, not a lot of modulation but plenty powerful. Never serviced or bled and have been brilliant from word go.

    Strokers just look better, levers and caliper just look less clunky than the Julies. There's barely any weight difference tho (at least not enough to feel holding both). Modulation is maybe slightly better, poss less power but I've used different rotors. They have, however, been a pain in the ar$e- one of the pistons is sticky so I've been braking agaisnt the adapter on more than one occasion. A friend has just sent his back, can't remember why but he wasn't happy at all and doesn't want them returned, they were straight out the box.

    So… if you're feeling lucky go for the Strokers. Hope that helps!

    Free Member

    Ran into the clay pidgeon society on a ride once- tweed, guns and an old jag, they had it all.

    Generally people are alright, sure there're some nobs but that's true of any group …even northerners!

    Having said that, been to Klute once and won't be going back…

    Collingwood '07-'10

    Free Member

    2nd Ty'n Cornel and Dolgoch (for doethie valley alone)

    Skiddaw house is a good ride out.

    Free Member

    yes please!

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