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  • Bike Check: Ministry Cycles CNC Protoype
  • mcj78
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    grumpysculler – Member
    And now parliament will have to consider debating blocking another referendum:

    Democracy at work!

    Yeah, that’ll learn them pesky jocks eh – a load of predominantly English right wing tory punters telling Scotland they can’t have a democratically decided vote on becoming an independent country, best pro-indy propaganda i’ve seen yet, well played :lol:

    Democracy in action indeed

    Free Member

    Is this where we start chanting “Lock Her Up” and “Make Scotland Great Again”??

    The wild irony here is truly wild :lol:

    Free Member


    Will iScotland have its own Maths?

    Westminster seems to so hell why not?

    Free Member

    Still flogging that horse?
    Scotland cannot continue a membership that it does not have.
    List of member states.
    Note the absence of Scotland.
    There is provision in the treaties for exactly the circumstance of a member state dividing; I’ve linked to it before.
    IndyScotland=new country=apply for membership like any other non-EU country.

    You are José Manuel Barroso & I hereby claim my 5 Euro.

    Free Member

    kimbers – Member
    Do they get population or geographical share of North sea oil post indy?

    makes a biiig difference!

    Yep, whichever it is though – it’ll be 100% of that figure & not the current value.

    Free Member

    When people speak of “Scotland’s defecit” – is that the money Westminster has borrowed on our behalf to be spent on projects in areas outwith Scotland like the latest megacity-1 vanity project or suchlike, or, is it money that Scotland’s independent treasury has borrowed of its own volition & pissed up the wall on frivolities like social care & education?

    Free Member

    If it’s the article I’m thinking of it was a pretty light & fit female rider so I expect 70 miles at GT on a single charge wouldn’t be likely for most eBike riders. Having said that, in my unfit days I struggle to get to the top of the red (and it took ages) and certainly wouldn’t have wanted to do it twice in a day – whereas doing two loops of the red on an ebike is likely to be viable for most people. I’m fortunate to be in the position where I could also solve the problem by losing some weight and improving my fitness, but for people with more permanent fitness issues I can certainly see the benefit of an eBike.

    Yeah that sounds like the one – I could do a couple of laps or a big mixture of the black / red / blue without too much hassle & not much in the way of a break in between, but i’d not be planning on walking up many stairs the next day :lol:

    I remember after the article was published a few folk were saying “well, I can do that without an e-bike” kinda missing the point that 95%+ of riders couldn’t, but might like to with a bit of help on the climbs.

    Free Member

    I also love day drinking

    Free Member

    Well, let’s be honest – most of the mega epic natural legendary XC proper real hardcore manly mountain stuff you so desire can usually be tackled quite easily on a cx bike… places like GT were attracting plenty of “real” mountain bikers before they were revamped as trail centres

    Free Member

    I’ve never joined the e-bike debate previously, but I honestly can’t see where all the hate is coming from – seen a lot of it from folk who’d relish an uplift day or a gondola delivering them to the top of the trails too… :lol:

    At 38 my knees are shot from years of football / running etc. – a lap of the black at Glentress leaves me in agony for 2 days afterwards, i’ll happily knock out 60 miles on the road bike with nary a whimper but the steep technical nature of many mtb climbs & the constant rocking around of the joints under load absolutely kills me, so yeah – if I had a load of cash to be spunking on a new mtb i’d be seriously considering one with a motor to take the grinding climbs out of the equation & allow me to do more.

    Taking the injury angle out of the question, wasn’t there an article recently with someone riding the full trail network at GT on a single charge – 70-odd miles or something? Allowing people to go further than they normally would is surely a good thing – same (rider) energy expended but 70 miles knocked out in a day instead of 30, one guy I know who’s not short of fitness or ability absolutely loves them as with a bit of effort you can hit the uphill sections at the same speed you’d usually be reserving for the downhill sections instead of picking your way through rocky climbs at crawling pace.


    Free Member

    13thfloormonk – that’s what i’ve been thinking, they’d look the balls with the black Record hubs & black spokes / nips (i’ve used the black DT prolock ones instead of alloy in the past & they’ve held up well) bit of shopping around / voucher wangling you can pick the hubs up for just over £150 a pair… :wink:

    Free Member

    Not a trade team unfortunately, however I think the comedy Gregg’s one deserves a mention for the attention to detail & the sausage roll sticking out the rear pocket

    Free Member

    Carrera double denim anyone?

    Seen a guy last year at a charity ride with the full thing on – it was breathtaking :D

    This one:

    Free Member

    We could still have a whip round to pay someone to run him over?


    Free Member

    If anyone wants one of those manrose inline fans for the cost of postage let me know – I have recently replaced a little used one with a through the wall fan

    Hey, i’ll put that to good use if it’s going spare? Our bathroom is internal & the current one is just a random noise generator :|


    Free Member

    ^ dammit, i scrolled through this entire thread hoping to toss in the ol’ “hoof her in the slats” joke…


    Free Member

    My missus bought a pair of Grenson chelsea boot brogue things similar to those ^ – think they were about £150, very nice but the leather doesn’t seem particularly thick (apparently Grenson quality has gone south over the years since the manufacturing moved abroad or something) & after a year of not being properly cared for there were cracks appearing in the creases – i’ve given them a clean to get shot of the watermarks & several applications of leather cream / polish to try & salvage them and they’ve come up pretty well. I’ve a pair of Loake brogue shoes & think they’re better made for roughly the same dosh.

    Free Member

    Yeah, although it was a (probably) older Bontrager branded one – not the prettiest but mud seems to hide it pretty well, just don’t wash it & you’ll be fine :)

    Free Member

    I’ve just discovered the newborn baby diet (no, don’t eat them) – just miss out meals at random, never sleep & don’t stop moving – you’ll be dropping the pounds in no time – i’ve lost 2 kilos in 2 weeks and barely left the house… 8)

    Free Member

    Definitely try and get an Mri booked in to assess any possible damage to prevent it potentially getting worse – I’ve had problems for years after a meniscus tear and it recently transpired the tear was only half the story & there’s a bit of bone bruising and wear & tear to several areas of cartilage (base of femur/back of patella primarily) which causes a fair bit of pain when the affected areas line up – consultant told me it obviously won’t heal itself & anything that makes it hurt is causing further aggro so essentially if it hurts, don’t do it :? more than an hour or so on the mtb on anything other than smooth easy trails aggravates it, so much so I’m selling my last remaining mtb & investing in some 38c cx tyres for my cx/commuting bike instead :(


    Free Member


    I like it :wink:

    Free Member

    mawglobal – my arm span is approx 168cm so a few cm shorter than my height, I think my arms are slightly shorter than average mind.

    Sounds like you have slightly longer arms than me – however 3″ (or ~7.5cm) might sound a lot, but divided by 2 arms = 1.5″ or 3.75cm which doesn’t factor in any possible difference in shoulder width which could also account for a longer arm span, but wouldn’t make any difference to forward reach.

    I’ve found this helpful in the past when trying to work out which size I needed – used in comparison with a couple of others & average out the difference should point you in the right direction

    Bike fit calculator


    Free Member

    Had a Mythos few years ago – looks like a very similar geometry, I’m the same size as you & had a small. If I recall the small was listed as 44cm at the time (seat tube) & had a top-tube of 53cm, I tried the next size up (54.5 ett) but it felt miles too long – can you throw a leg over something with similar geometry too see how the TT length feels? Obviously variable things like geometry / setback seat post / stem length & will account for some difference but it might help to get an idea.

    Free Member

    I had a similar shortlist in the summer there – had been scouring t’ebay for a volare in 853/931 flavour or the Ritchey one (or even a really nice older frame), ended up taking a punt on a bargain 931 Moda frame – it’s gone together at about 18-19 lbs & rides lovely. Geometry is more racy than my practical Charge steel commuter and in terms of acceleration / handling / climbing / general funment it’s night & day – have done the same 50 mile route on both & while the times weren’t massively different, it was a bit of a slog on the Charge whilst on the Moda I could have turned round and done it again (slowly) – the Charge is probably the same weight as that CDA so bear that in mind, you might not notice too much difference over 20-30 miles but once you’re doing 50+ you might be thankful of something slightly more racy / light


    Free Member

    Done that trip – not with the bike though – train was very straightforward though, takes a couple of hours & is very pleasant as you head right down the coast being dropped pretty much right in the centre of Finale (10mins walk back to Borgo or 5 mins to beach),someone will be able to fill you in better on the bike transport practicalities.

    If you find my bottle somewhere around Finale, give me a shout – lost it there in June :oops:

    Free Member

    I’ve a Roomster too – love it, front end of a Fabia on an Octavia floorpan with the back end of the popemobile, the rear seats fold up independently or can be removed completely – if you remove the middle, the outers also can slide sideways to give you more loading options, got my road bike in ours upright with both wheels on & the saddle up – although now it has a dog guard fitted & a baby seat so I’ll have to do some head scratching to work round that lot :lol:

    Free Member

    I remember lusting after the 90’s spooky frames – had a look at their website hoping for some interesting stuff & got as far as this…

    Spooky Cycles found its start in New England in 1992 when a group of straight edge punk friends dissented the current available riding gear that wasn’t designed for their type of riding. As they sat around a table a plan was hatched on a napkin and Spooky was born.


    In 1992 Spooky Cycles set out to build the bike we wanted to ride because no one else made it. In 2016 we returned for that same reason. We returned prepared, and we haven’t come alone. After nearly 25 years we’ve found ourselves and we’re recruiting.

    So it’s taken 25 years to come up with some bikes that might have been novel 10 years ago?

    Is it the same people or is someone flogging the name?

    Free Member

    Not entirely techno, but if anyone needs 7 hours of genius over the holidays you could do worse than download this lot – Optimo’s last night of their Sunday night residence at the sub club 8)



    But yeah, in the meantime

    Free Member

    535.3% APR – fairly obvious :D

    mefty – Member
    Provident Financial is a fantastic business – just pray none of the lefties look into what they do

    Free Member

    I’ve got a cellar in my house – decent size but full of old paint tins and other crap, never thought about a comedy plastic skeleton until reading this thread but am now perusing them on ebay :lol:

    This would look good dumped in the corner – a full one might be too obvious

    Free Member

    Not sure if your employed can switch from provider to provider – they’ll probably be bound to a contract with one or the other. I was looking at a new steed recently but discovered my work has shifted from cyclescheme to halfords – halfords claim to have access to half the bike stock in the land but when you look at the “partner” stores t&c some will as scotroutes says add an admin fee (seen 10%) and others will only do them on full rrp.

    At least it’s saved me a beating from the wife I suppose…

    Free Member

    Controversial to some but i’ve ditched the stone & won’t be going back – best advice anyone ever gave me (not just pizza related either), just pap the fresh base on a scorching hot big-old heavy frying pan for a minute or two (gas hob is your friend here) chuck toppings on then finish under a bollock searing hot grill for a couple of more minutes – ta-daaa!

    All you need to do is give the pan a quick wipe with a lightly oiled bit of kitchen roll between pizzas and you’re rocking. I was a cynic at first but it works, believe me – a big old heavy cast iron pan on a gas hob at full pelt will get hotter than your oven ever will.


    Free Member

    If everything else is new & set up is spot on it looks like it might be… come to think of it – I actually replaced the chain & cassette on my commuter earlier this year, thought the rings were fine*, turns out they weren’t – another £55 and 2 new chainrings later I was back in action :lol:

    *they were with a worn chain

    Free Member

    It’s not exactly 4k HD but it looks fairly clear to me – cyclist is filtering up the left hand side of stationary traffic & is hit, as CTK says, perfectly on the half volley by the door as he goes past, sending him into a lamp-post causing damage to him & his bike. Government minister accuses him being at fault by cycling too fast – faster than light perhaps, that’s why he couldn’t possibly have seen him even if he had looked – then offers a cursory apology and a gentleman’s handshake which heals injuries & can be exchanged for replacement bike parts at any high street retailer. Government Minister then leaves the scene, as does his driver – neither of whom have left their details with the injured party, as there is obviously nothing to see here please move along.


    I especially liked the aide bloke hiding his ID badge in his pocket.

    Free Member

    Chain too long? In combination with bad b-screw adjustment at the back? Gypsy curse?

    *Edit – loose lockring?

    Free Member

    It was Kezia Dugdale the MSP and leader so I called her Scottish Labour which is ok ?

    Thought that Corbyn bloke was the Labour leader? She’s the most senior Labour MSP at Holyrood if that’s what you mean – seems nice, but isn’t really running the show now is she… bit like that Mundell fella.

    Free Member

    Their calculation was that raising the top rate to 50% would cost £30m in lost tax. Scottish Labour think it would raise £100m (Leader on TV earlier). So who is right ?

    Who? Surely you mean “Labour”

    Free Member

    And here is the crunch…. Weißt are told to respect religion, but followers don’t respect other factions of their own faith.

    Yep – call me cynical but I can imagine the producers fully knew they were getting a big brother-esque reality show where a bunch of Muslims from different background with widely different ideas of what exactly the religion espouses constantly argue with themselves & anyone else they meet, about everything and nothing and the average punter on the sofa at home sits back & watches the drama unfold whilst muttering “bloody Muslims” under their breath :lol:

    Free Member

    Pimpmaster Jazz
    I’m sure there are worse

    Correct – scouting… for… girls… :x

    Free Member

    We bought a house last year that came with one, (the sellers new place was all integrated – left the big range cooker too – result) at first we thought it was a big honking silver monstrosity, but tbh it’s bloody brilliant (even if the ice chute needs defrosting more regularly than I can be bothered with – I end up just fishing the cubes out of the internal tray) – we just covered it in offensive fridge magnets / other magnetic tat so it doesn’t look like a bit off a space shuttle has fallen through the kitchen

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