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  • Fresh Goods Friday 707: The Spot of Bother Edition
  • mcj78
    Free Member

    Another option – cheers!

    Free Member

    Those Tibo speakers look like a decent option, had missed those! The Sonos route would work but is a bit spendy once you start adding speaker systems on top of the £350 Connect module – at least I have a couple of options I suppose, the old system isn’t on the scrapheap just yet!

    Free Member

    Amp is an old Cambridge A500 – no optical out, so looks like my only other realistic option is to go for a pair of smaller speakers – Q Acoustic 3010 or the like & sit them next to the stereo instead of on stands & hook a bluetooth receiver to the amp

    Free Member

    I’ve also looked at bluetooth receivers designed for streaming music from computers etc. to stereos – but not sure if there’s much in the way for “sending” a signal from the stereo (optical out?) to bluetooth transmitter… it’s giving me a headache already – it’ll be “up the loft” by 8pm :lol:

    Free Member

    That sure is purty 8)

    Free Member

    Not of vital international importance, but i’m positive there was a photo of Trump apparently having shit himself whilst wearing cream trousers on a golf course recently – anyone else see it or was it actually fake news? :?

    Edit: think it was a piss take – too good to be true :lol:

    Free Member

    I’ve used self adhesive nylon patches designed for tents / kites etc. before to reinforce small cuts on road tyres, they’re really thin & don’t add any bulk – spot of superglue to hold the outside cut together then apply patch on the inside to stop the tube forcing it’s way through. Providing the cuts aren’t so big that the inflation pressure alone will force the tube through you should be fine… on the rear… under 5mph :lol:

    Free Member

    Surely it’ll be easy enough to identify the MyHermes guy – especially if you had other parcels that he was actually supposed to pick up? I’d be leaving it to the police – but i’d definitely also be plaguing the MH twitter / fb pages & demanding to know what they’re doing about it, reminding them that during a pickup one of their drivers stole several thousand quids worth of goods from your office & if asking they’d passed his details on to the police yet?

    I’d also be tempted to book another collection, if the same guy turns up – bombers 8)

    Free Member

    Bez – Member
    Where are we on riding so tightly together on public roads that you can’t respond to someone else braking without crashing into them?

    You’ve obviously never had me draft you for 10 miles on a Friday night heading home :lol:

    Free Member

    Kryton57 – Member
    Ok, so its comes down to a Colnago with shit wheels & 105 vs and an Eastway covered in Ultegra & Ritchey with good wheels.

    One of these? They look great value for the price – the 105 version with carbon frame & hydros is £900 :o

    Was thinking about the 105 one as a new commuter but then bought a bargain Genesis Volare 853 on bloody ebay instead :lol:

    Free Member

    I’ve always been a Campag rider, but they’ve really dropped it on discs – an EPS hydro groupset would have been fantastic.
    However, that’s clearly 4 or 5 years away so I’ve got an Etap HRD groupset on order – originally to be delivered Jan 17, but now tentatively May 17.

    Campagnolo are notoriously fussy about releasing new stuff only when it’s been properly tried & tested – the eps gear was floating around for donkeys on pro bikes before it got released – the most recent pics of their disc brakes look pretty close to being finished though, not sure if 2017 is being a bit optimistic mind…

    As for discs, I have Spyres on my commuting bike & they’ve been pretty good as long as I remember to adjust the pads every now and again, Campagnolo Athena calipers on one road bike & Ultegra 6800 calipers on another – the calipers on both are easily as good as the Spyres (probably better in fact) but both of those bikes are much better maintained, the commuting bike barely gets touched week to week & gets exposed to all sorts of crap & just works well pretty much all the time – had the cables freeze a couple of months back though – wouldn’t be an issue with hydros.

    For a money-no-option bike, i’d probably go for something with hydro discs & fancy wheels, but you’ll always get much more for your money with calipers – especially for a “nice day” bike that won’t see massive miles per year where discs might not be a huge advantage – but if it’s going to be run in all weathers then discs are a good bet. Upgrading is something to think about too – you won’t get many disc wheelsets under 1700g for less than £400 & many of the disc wheelsets on bikes are 2kg+

    Free Member

    That house isn’t half as pink as the one near me

    “skelped baboon’s arse” on the dulux chart that one 8O

    Free Member


    One really sad part of all this is watching Davidson having to toe the london line. She has had to contradict herself because of this and say things she clearly does not believe and the slow journey to a scottish conservative party that resonates in Scotland has been halted and put into reverse which I see as a personal tragedy for Davidson.

    How does the old adage go – lie with dogs, get fleas?

    Ruth’s been used as nothing more than the mouthpiece for a long time – just look at her face in this video, from the moment she starts talking you can almost feel the embarrassment – her face at 1:06 speaks volumes…

    Free Member


    FAKE NEWS alert!!

    You are Donald Trump & I claim my 5 gallons of underage hooker piss

    Free Member

    It seems to me that the referendum is not about voting to be in or out of a Union but which Union…

    It’s more about wanting control of your own affairs because you have little in common, on a political level at the very least, with the current one.

    Much akin to the entire “Brexit” argument in fact (except the bit about sending all them brahn folk back coz they steelin our jobs mate) – England & Wales reckon they’d be much better out of the European Union, Scotland reckons it’d be better off out of the British Union.

    Free Member

    David “leaving the EU would be a disaster for Scotland” / “brexit has amazing possibilities for Scotland” Mundell :lol:

    Free Member

    This thread creates an image of a small gathering of drinkers in a flat roofed Glaswegian bar with union jacks flying outside & a sign on the door which reads no dogs no blacks no Irish having reality slowly dawn on them!

    Fixed that for you – pub should be busier now :wink:

    Free Member

    It’s nice – but it’s no Honda Element! 8)

    Free Member

    Chickens ftw – you’ll need a couple of cockerels too, just in case one goes on cock-strike – have them in adjoining cages so they don’t get lonely.

    Free Member

    Back on track – seen some good deals on the Cube Agree, slightly racier than the Attain posted up there^ i think – a looker too:

    Free Member

    I’m in ours, however I do think that their overall power has waned slightly in recent years & would agree with Morecashthandash on the reasons.

    I know a few people whose jobs are supposed to be relocating & those who aren’t in the union are largely relying on those who are relaying second hand information regarding what management’s legal obligations are, as they seem to have kept quiet about a few options available to staff for whom this causes massive problems. Those in the union have been back & forth numerous times to meetings with HR where the union rep has been absolutely worth his weight in gold, whereas the others are pretty much saying – “yeah, i want what he/she’s doing”

    Free Member

    Instead of a bit of tubing – you could use a longer bolt & some of those presta valve ring screws as spacers to secure it all (I realized this after cutting mudguard stays & using p-clips to clear my discs)

    edit: PDW sell these little kits for their mudguards too

    Free Member

    I love the discs on my commuter but i’d echo the above re. discs on a summer “nice” bike, at that price you’d want hydraulics which, whilst not unattainable, will eat up a fair chunk of the budget – you’ll be able to pick up a cracking (non-disc) bargain for £1500 if you shop around.

    There’s also a bit of a lack of reasonably priced, light-ish disc wheels to upgrade to at a later date if you do go the disc route, mate of mine has just bought a set of disc Zondas (£450) for his fancy arse carbon Di2 Cannondale but they’re still a couple of hundred grams heavier than the non-disc ones that I have on my “nice day” road bike… speaking of Cannondale – the CAAD12 disc at £1600 is around 20lbs & gets good reviews if you’re not adverse to aluminum.

    But then I own 3 steel road bikes so am by definition some kind of pervert. :lol:

    Free Member

    No, best to keep making the jokes and help when we can.

    Well, unless you’re a member of the greater London emergency services there’s probably not much to help with – as for making jokes about it, crack on

    Free Member

    Just launched Scottish Centre on European Relations[/url] website “a new independent and unaligned EU think tank, based in Edinburgh”

    Might be interesting reading for some

    Free Member

    Apparently a car driven into a number of pedestrians on Wesminster Bridge, not looking good – Policeman stabbed & attacker shot by armed police.

    Grim – probably best to refrain from making jokes about it eh?

    Free Member

    Every time I see something like this I always wonder if thee’s some frantic panicking by the seller in case ebay tries to collect the sellers fees after the auction… :lol:

    Free Member

    ^ Yeah that’s an interesting one – especially as they’d been estranged for 40 years or something & the mother specifically requested in writing she get nothing. The daughter challenged the will under the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act and was awarded £50k, appealed the amount & it was tripled, then the charity that was originally left the money appealed & it was reduced to £50k again.

    Dunno if any of this would help the OP, it’s a difficult situation – while your father might have wanted his wife to get the bulk of it, it must be hard seeing someone else ultimately wind up with it who he might not have.

    Free Member


    can’t bear to see Salmond’s face

    Aww, you’ve upset him now

    Free Member

    I’m waiting on one from Yodel – this thread fills me with mild trepidation :|

    Anyone ever seen their tracking details go from “at local hub 16/3 8:50am – est delivery 16/3” back to “at sort centre 17/3 00:57am”?

    It’s almost worth it for the chat response:

    “I see there was some delay. And it is quite odd that it was sent back to the sort center this parcel will be with you in 24-48 hours and only then we will be able to see why that has happened”


    Free Member


    As you admit yourself, the electorate is not in favour of another referendum. Admittedly it is very close, but in a situation like this the onus is on the side demanding change to prove that an appetite for change exists. Otherwise we continue with the status quo. Show me proof that this appetite exists and I will join in calls for a second referendum.


    kennyp – Member
    As you admit yourself, the electorate is not in favour of another referendum.
    Was the electorate in favour of the last referendum? It came about because 36% of 66% of people voted for a party that promised it, but what proportion actually wanted it?

    Sorry – 9 week old baby at home who remands I only get to play on t’internet at work :D

    But yeah, i’d say at this point it’s closer than prior to the previous referendum, as Northwind says. I think a lot of folk (everywhere, not just here) display a frightening amount of political ignorance & are happy to rumble on with the status quo providing they can sit down at night with a nice cup of tea and watch Eastenders without some rampaging foreign hordes bashing down the door to steal the children. Maybe political ignorance is a bit strong – maybe call it political malaise, but as seen in the last referendum election, when people are faced with the reality of an actual vote – as opposed to being asked to make a decision on whether or not they would like to possibly have a vote, the end result can be quite different.

    I think this bloke gets it

    Free Member

    Here you go then…

    Ok, that BBC article mentions 2 of 5 polls conducted this year – one for the Herald, one for The Sunday Times & gives us an average of 48% v 52% in favour of Scotland rembrexiteering – shenanigans aside, it’s a bit close for comfort for the PM – especially with the police investigation into tory election fraud hanging over her, a brexit secretary who doesn’t have a clue what’s happening, a treasurer who can’t count, and she’s under fire for ignoring the democratic will of the Scottish electorate – lucky she can rely on the BBC to blame everything on Jeremy Corbyn eh? :lol:

    Free Member

    Until you back up your jibe about “tory think tanks” then I’m happy to.

    Smashing, any further forward on this monumental list of anti-independence opinion polls & i’ll point them out to you? :lol:

    And given that just about every opinion poll says that the majority of Scots do not want another referendum

    Free Member

    Care to show us some polls you regard as independent (if you’ll pardon the pun) then?

    Ok, forget I said anything…

    However – would you then care to show me a sample of polls you regard as independent, displaying statistical significance in support of your original claim?

    And given that just about every opinion poll says that the majority of Scots do not want another referendum


    Free Member

    Well. Apart fro the fact that they can still stick to the manifesto pledge, they just can’t dictate the timing. The problem is, the only way the SNP stand a chance of winning this is if they manipulate everything they can in their favour. Don’t really see why the UK govt should have to allow them that advantage.

    They’re already playing it pretty well – by making noises about another indy referendum before brexit negotiations have even begun they’ve also strengthened the hand of the EU negotiators – fishing / farming / oil / renewable energy etc. etc. based in Scotland are all bargaining chips for the UK when seeking a good deal leaving the EU, the EU could turn round & say they’d welcome Scotland with open arms & have access to those industries anyway…

    The SNP also made it abundantly clear in their manifesto that they’d seek another referendum if the political landscape (i.e. brexit) changed & were still democratically elected, voters knew this – it’s not like they promised never to do it again, everyone knew it was always a matter of time & it will be.

    By saying she’d refuse a second referendum Teresa May is only bolstering the pro-independence cause & gives Nicola Sturgeon free reign to portray her as running roughshod over the democratic process – it’s not just rabid Scottish nationalists that voted against brexit…

    Free Member


    And given that just about every opinion poll conducted by tory think tanks says that the majority of Scots do not want another referendum, surely Mrs May is just going along with the wishes of the majority of the Scottish people?

    You’re welcome

    Free Member

    Mundell has added – “it’s not fair” :lol:

    Free Member

    Funny you should mention that, but John Innes lives in my town (in Scotland), is Scottish, and now doesn’t talk to his former best friend, who was pro-Indy.

    Sounds like a reasonable chap eh? :lol: Most folk on here are complete strangers yet can have a bit of friendly banter over differing political opinions, shit – a good few of my close mates are rather staunchly unionist in their views, but I couldn’t possibly imagine severing ties with my best friend over it… happily admit I jumped to the conclusion it would be someone south of the border that started the petition – still, it’ll get the Yes2 campaigners riled up a bit, how many petitions are we going to see in the coming months?

    Free Member

    Teresa may just been asked in PMQ’s with the level of debt, could the UK afford to be an independent country? her face is priceless – dunno if this’ll play on here: (edit, nope)

    If not – try this[/url]

    Free Member

    teamhurtmore – Member
    There’s bias and there’s just making stuff up

    So all the quotes from renowned economists on GERS figures being essentially meaningless on that link are fictitious?

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