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  • Bike Check: ICE Trikes Adventure Trike
  • mcj78
    Free Member

    “What’s this – my foot has unclipped mid sprint? Why i’ll just casually pop it in back in before obliterating everyone then I suppose”

    I’m annoyed there was no wheelie though…

    “what is pressure?” :lol:

    Free Member

    Haha, gotta love Sagan :lol:

    Free Member

    I find it quite satisfying changing freehub cartridge bearings with just some hot water & thumb power – no lump hammer required!

    But the feeling when you get c&c hubs adjusted just right, first time is wildly smug inducing.

    Free Member

    Ahaa, cheers – wasn’t sure if anyone was using them in the tour, still not used to seeing them in the peloton *awaits flying limbs* :lol:

    Free Member

    Just switched on around the 164k to go mark & could have sworn the camera zoomed in on a chrome painted Specialized bike which looked like it had discs – Am I seeing things?

    Free Member

    Never tried any of the Rapha shorts, but as mentioned somewhere above – the pad that Chapeau uses on their top-end stuff is brilliant, the red one is designed for a racy position on the bike & the green one is aimed at folk who ride a bit more upright. It’s made by Elastic Interface who also do Rapha & tons of others’ pads so there might be something similar out there at a lower price, it’s probably the most comfortable pad i’ve used out of many – looks like this:

    Free Member

    Anna Soubry pretty much nails it, and it’s nice to see her esteemed colleague in the row in front, err, taking his mind off the problems his party is facing.

    Is that some right honourable gentleman watching a bongo vid in parliament? :lol: :|

    Free Member

    Aye, start a return via ebay – you can upload pics etc. to help your case, any buffoon would know that you hadn’t caused it to rust through overnight & it’s pretty clearly not as described

    Free Member

    I’ve always put in a few miles commuting on a road bike, but in the last couple of years I’ve had problems with cartilage deterioration in one of my knees that means riding over rough surfaces & constantly twisting and turning makes it feel like it’s full of broken glass – toyed with the idea of a lightweight full suss XC bike and easier trails to see if that helped, but ended up buying a pram instead :lol:

    Free Member

    My mistake – the tory rally I alluded to previously was actually held in a haunted warehouse in the middle of a deserted industrial estate

    Free Member

    Can’t post a video from twitter, however the tories have now gone full Trump & promised to “make Britain great again” :lol:

    They did so in a top secret aircraft hanger in the middle of nowhere to an audience of about 40 party members & some journos…


    Free Member

    Of all the times i’ve seen this damn monstrosity, i’ve only just noticed there appears to be a catflap in the wall… :|

    Free Member

    Heard this morning our glorious pm’s now been reported to Police for breaching electoral rules over comments made on question time on Friday – accusing Diane Abbott of wanting to erase the records of “criminals and terrorists” from the national DNA database, when she had actually said that innocent people & those who were victims of crime shouldn’t have their DNA profiles kept on record…

    more here[/url]

    Free Member

    Dunno if it’s a another direct side-effect or (quite possibly) booze/de-hydration/diet related – a group of us went to Tanzania years ago & one guy taking larium had wild constipation for about a week, he was not pleasant to be around during this time… it ended with him suddenly sprinting down the road, frantically undressing Tom Dumoulin-style as he went, in search of the nearest hole in the ground.

    Free Member

    We got my missus’ wedding ring insured through a specialist insurer recommended by the guy who made it which includes an agreed valuation & it being re-made to spec if anything were to happen, I think a lot of policies just give you a voucher for their partner on the high street for an “equivalent” ring – something to check for if it’s something that wouldn’t be easily remade.


    Free Member

    I just popped on here to post about knee-based grief & read through this thread with interest – had problems for years including surgery for a meniscus tear & recently had another scan showing a few areas of complete articular cartilage loss round the femur / patella interface & been advised to stop doing whatever hurts…

    Sadly this seems to be mountain biking as I can do 100 miles per week commuting on the road bike and then another 50-80 miles on the weekend on the good-est road bike without too much grief – maybe down to the reduction in twisting movements, impacts etc. – has anyone had similar issues & found anything that’s helped (a change in riding style / moar suspension / lighter bike?) or are my days of trail-centre mincing over?

    The last thing I want is to make it worse at 38 & I don’t want to think about surgery until it’s a last resort – would rather cut back before going under the knife, last consultant I spoke to mentioned some kind of micro-abrasion which is supposed to stimulate the regrowth of fibral cartilage in the affected area but that’s not something that sounded too appealing…

    Heal up soon OP!


    Free Member

    barrykellett – Member
    The carbon wheels video above is worth watching.

    That guy is brilliant – seen a few of his vids, I could (and have) watch him rabbit on for hours :lol:

    Free Member

    I’d go for the Fulcrum 7 / Campy alternative too, have a set of the new-ish 7’s with the wider rim & they roll really nicely – actually prefer them to the mid-range Shimano ones I also have that have been lying in the corner of the lbs awaiting a spoke for the last few weeks.

    Oh, for reference the only difference in the CX models is better sealing on the bearings, sometimes one is £20 cheaper than the other for some reason – keep an eye out if you decide on those.

    Free Member

    i’m currently looking around the back garden to work out what I could attach one to – the hedge probably won’t cut it :lol:

    Free Member

    Except when the local tip don’t let you take anything away due to H&S rules, as happens at my local.

    Ah right, couple i’ve asked in the past are only to glad to get shot of them – they can’t scrap them & have to arrange for them to be sent back to Calor, so when it gets to this time of year & people are clearing out the shed, the cage ends up overflowing with old crusty bottles – it’s health & safety gone mad I tell you…

    Free Member

    Another top tip – go round to the local tip & take one of the old crusty bottles they’re dying to get shot of as they clutter the place up – any size, any shape, any type – as long as it says Calor on it, then take it to Calor supplier & only pay the refill price – saves you having to stump up & actually “buy” a bottle, they just exchange it for a nice shiny new one, they don’t actually refill the old one for you.

    HTH 8)

    Free Member

    The memes have begun…

    Free Member

    He was a bit lighter at the end of the stage.

    Several kurics lighter

    Free Member

    And that’s why his bike had easily accessible dual bog-roll holders built in :idea:

    Free Member

    Just seen a gif pop up on FB of Dumoulan peeling off his gear whilst rushing into the nearest ditch to jettison a bungle’s finger – pretty bad form if the rest pressed on regardless – is nothing sacred anymore? :cry:

    edit – didn’t know they held off for a bit, must have been one for the history books.

    Free Member

    Because, given that the vehicle is immaterial, if I were to list every possible analogous scenario it’d be fairly tedious to read, so I just picked one. Car-on-car, fine, doesn’t matter: some people behave like this on foot and I’m not equating cars with shoes either.

    Don’t start me on shoes :lol:

    I know what you meant, was just being slightly obtuse – can’t resist, especially on an e-bike thread, with a 4 month old child in the house this is as close a chance as I get to intervening in a stupid pub argument with the sole purpose of making it worse :wink:

    Love all the arguing about semantics, sometimes you can’t just glue two words together and make a thing. Some wheelchairs have batteries, this doesn’t make them electric chairs.

    Aye it does.

    Free Member

    Metasequoia – Member
    He didn’t say e bikes are basically cars, he said the behaviour is the same as someone in a car honking a horn when approaching a cyclist and expecting them to get out of the way.

    Wouldn’t expect to see many cars on trails – even at trailcentres – but ok, usually people allow for a degree of humour on here, bad as it may be… it’s someone faster on a bike overtaking you, despite the protestations of many, motor or not. In his analogy, he’s kept the bike being overtaken, but replaced the e-bike with a car – what am I missing here? Why not say it’s like a car honking it’s horn at another car?

    Bez – Member
    Did you actually read what I wrote (you know, about the vehicle being completely irrelevant to what’s being discussed here) or did you just see the words “e-bike” and “car” and invent some other words around them?

    Yes, but the vehicle is completely relevant to the thread, it’s up there in the title… I mean, if the vehicle in question is completely irrelevant as you say, you could have at least made it slightly obvious by saying something like “it’s the same as Ayrton Senna driving right up the arse of Shergar & calling him a donger through a circus megaphone” or something.

    Bez –
    I’ve not invested the time required to digest the whole thread

    If you had there was a good point mentioned on the previous page – would the OP have been annoyed & started a ranty thread if he’d been overtaken at 18mph on a climb by someone who was benefiting from freakishly good genetics & a serious training regime instead of a motor? Nope.

    Hope that helps :D

    Free Member

    Bez – Member
    It’s no different to honking the horn in your car when you approach someone on a bike and expecting them to dive into the verge.

    It took a while but there we go – e-bikes are basically cars – this thread is comedy gold :lol:

    Free Member

    That Pure Bros Cycling flickr page is where I got that RAL 7001 pic. (the kinda bluey grey one :lol: ), some really nice bikes on there – liking this pepto bismol flavoured thing too

    Free Member

    Nice – any more pics of that? I’m sure i’ve seen it before on here & liked the colour, bright but not mental, i like that

    Free Member

    Liking some of the brighter ones – that yellow is really nice (RAL1016?) – looked at it on a chart and it looks quite luminous but once it’s finished it’s not really that retina melting, it’s bright, but not “holy shit that’s bright

    Have popped into the powdercoaters i’ll be using before – they seem to be very busy & have a good stock of colours, just depends if they have it in stock at the time I suppose but I know what you mean

    Free Member

    Some might find this useful 8)

    Free Member

    Yeah, obviously this being stw i’ll ignore any suggestions anyways, but just checking if there were any RAL shades that always work fantastically well or others which without fail, just look plain wrong :lol:

    Free Member

    While we’re on it, can we start a petition to enforce an equal 50% gender split in the manual labouring, refuse collection & sewerage sectors? :wink:

    Free Member

    I have a pair of Zonda’s & would recommend them too – they’re about the lightest / stiffest you’ll get for the price, seem pretty sturdy too. Have you looked at the Fulcrum alternative (Racing 3)? Sometimes you can get better deals on one over the other & apart from the rear spoke lacing they’re the same.

    neilsonwheels – Member
    The freehub bodies are serviceable and Shimano freehub bodies are made of cheese.

    The inner freehub bearing is a pain in the arse to remove due to the c-clip pressed in there, last time my outer bearing went a bit gritty I asked the lbs to replace both & they said they couldn’t get it out – have heard of people displacing it by drilling a small hole in the shell to push it out 8O replacement freehubs are also about £65, at least the disposable Shimano ones are cheaper :lol:

    Free Member

    How about a retro style (similar to a Rapha one from a few years back actually…) jersey sponsored by everyone’s favourite high street purveyor of lukewarm, salty meat based snacks? 8)

    Free Member

    Now these are starting to make sense, found them in the woods one day & wondered who would do such a thing (they now have a big bag of cans planked next to them) :lol:

    Free Member

    If you’re losing motivation just patch it for a week or two, then i’d echo the comments about taking a pile of clothes / food etc. in & cut it down to 2 days with a rest day in the middle.

    I’m about 18 ish miles each way & this time last year after a winter of abstinence I was flattening myself trying to do it every day, just to prove that I could – after a couple of weeks of proving that I could do it, I felt like flinging the bike in the river. I was also pretty burst at the weekends & couldn’t face going out on the bike again just for fun, cycling had turned into a bit of a chore – plus I had to be fresh for the ride to work on Monday, right?

    This year, with a new baby & a shorter working week i’ve re-addressed it somewhat – no more beating myself up about missing days here & there, and if I need to be back early or whatever, commuting takes a back seat – likewise if there’s a hint of drizzle, or the possibility of a headwind stronger than 5mph :lol: – the days I cycle in I get up & head out at 6:15 so i’m in work early enough to make sure I can leave early enough to get back at a reasonable time. 2 days out of 4 is plenty, although it usually seems to be back to back days which isn’t ideal, but what is…

    Most importantly – a new bike is a fantastic motivational tool.

    Free Member

    I’m loving it – wondering if his brother having that tape is part of an effort to get him disbarred & he changes his name to Saul Goodman to get round it somehow…

    Free Member

    Hairy hotpants FTW :lol:

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