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  • Specialized Trail Pants review
  • mcj78
    Free Member

    It’s a KMC quick link – tried turning it round just in case but made no difference… Actually, I’ve not tried the cassette locking tightness yet although this exact thing happened to me at Glentress one day after a hasty cassette swap & I couldn’t work out what the hell it was – another thing to try before I set it on fire & break out the credit card :lol:

    The bike’s due a proper strip down & rebuild – if I can cobble it through until October-ish I’ll strip it & get the frame blasted & powder coated to cover all the scratches and do everything properly… Well, at least replace the cables, BB & chainrings… and the bars & tape… and headset in fact… :|

    Free Member

    Hi all,

    Cheers for the responses – the chainrings have probably seen 3k (ish) miles & now I have proper look at them, they are looking a bit worn so I guess it could be that, but everything still shifts lovely – i’ve been pretty impressed with the Sram kit actually as I ran this right through one winter one year with nary a tweak required…

    Anyway – when I replaced the chain prior to changing the cassette it seen probably 40 miles using only the 46 front & the bottom 2 cogs on the old one, which looked literally like new, my commute is pretty flat & i like spinning rather than mashing so I usually only really ride across the middle 5/6 cogs… wife had left for work already with the car & I decided to man up and mash the bigger gears for a change… perhaps “mash” is the operative word here

    That new bike might be a shout :oops:

    Free Member

    with regards to the paint scheme, i’ve seen the 5 (and the s/s one too in fact) up close in the local Evans & it looks much better in the flesh, none of the photos i’ve seen of them do the finish justice, might still be a bit polarizing for some but I really quite like it… especially the “vomit splatter” ss one :wink:

    Free Member

    Jesus – 3 pages in before we got any AV Club GWAR covers :wink:

    Here’s more :D

    Some Kansas – Carry on My Wayward Son

    And Pet Shop Boys – West End Girls into Jim Carroll Band – People Who Died (reworked for Dave Brockie / Oderus Orungus)


    Free Member

    TBH I thought it had udders at first – then I realized it was a big mental set of bull conkers :oops:

    Free Member

    nbt – Member
    In fact ere you go – result #1 on a google search for “dairy bull right of way”

    Bulls of recognised dairy breeds (eg Ayrshire,
    Friesian, Holstein, Dairy Shorthorn, Guernsey,
    Jersey and Kerry) are in all circumstances banned
    from being at large in fields crossed by public
    rights of way. Do not keep them in fields with
    public rights of way, statutory or other types of
    permitted access.

    Should have said – i’m in the West of Scotland so not sure if the legislation is slightly different because of “right to roam” effectively granting permitted access to most outdoor spaces?

    Wasn’t a big deal to cycle back the same way however lots of folk go off hillwalking out that way & that would be more annoying having to turn tail midway through a 15 mile walk

    Free Member

    It was a big brown one – balls like spacehoppers, ring through it’s nose, no horns – I thought maybe they snapped off goring the last cyclist who went that way – sorry can’t be more specific, my farm knowledge consists of going to the Royal Highland Show & patting the lambs.

    Couldn’t see the rest of the field due to the hilly nature of the land – I wasn’t sure if lone bulls were usually fine but if coos were there too it’s a no-go, likewise coos with calves – there were some sheep who didn’t seem too bothered by him.

    It didn’t look too angry but was a fair old lump of beef, made me hungry in fact – had a nice rare onglet steak that night to restore my pride.

    *edit – he was right behind the gate so I was also slightly concerned that he’d do a runner as soon as I opened the latch, so impossible to maintain any sort of distance…

    Free Member

    mrlebowski – Member
    It’s alright, it was just weed- not something really nasty like tobacco
    Yeah, ‘cos weed is so innocuous…..

    I’m guessing you’re Mr Lebowski, mrlebowski, not The Dude?


    Free Member

    perchypanther – Member

    Horse rustling – Wishy style

    Haha – if I had 10k of Columbian marching powder in my house, I would not be hiding it next to a 7 foot stolen horse sculpture 8O

    Free Member

    In my work we have (had) a fantastic collection of fridge magnets from all corners of the globe – the tackier the better – from when people have been on holiday / conferences etc. & over the last year or so 10-20 of the “best” ones have gone missing… although strangely the one I brought back from Florence of the statue of David’s pecker is still there. (we thought initially the cleaners had accidentally knocked a few off & broke them then destroyed the evidence, but they have done so in the past & left them on a nearby table for the gaffer tape fairy.


    Free Member

    StirlingCrispin – Member
    Last month in Hertford I had to leave a poured pint standing on the bar because the idiot barman refused to take my Scottish money.

    Mate of mine worked in London for years & used to come back to Glasgow every month or so recounting tales of bar staff turning their noses up at Scottish notes for large rounds of fighting strength lager, half of which had already been drank by the time the cash appeared to pay for them… it annoyed him at first but I think he secretly liked causing a scene, even if he had a couple of hundred quid in English notes in his pocket he’d use the Scottish ones first, “out of principal” :lol:

    Free Member

    I swapped some brakes from one bike to another & despite the forks being exactly the same model, the hose was somehow exiting the caliper at 3 o’clock instead of 1 o’clock like it did previously, making the hose a bit unsightly… (wait for it) a bit of fiddling & mopping up brake fluid later it was at a more respectable angle, bled the brakes & was ready to go – only then did I notice the pads weren’t hitting the disc properly because i’d attached the brake mount upside down… ohhh, right… had to do it all again as the when the brake was mounted correctly, the hose was pointing back at the forks instead of straight up :?

    Free Member

    I liked the book but can’t remember for the life of me what the overlaps were now, something about the lost musical score / someone’s birthmark / sexually harassed robot etc. etc. was it not about human nature & how some folk will be nice & others manipulative toe-rags to further their own cause?

    The film was ok although my wife hadn’t read the book & was pretty confused by it – I thought the underlying theme throughout was that Hugh Grant is a massive donger throughout all history? :lol:


    Free Member

    Yep, expired Sunday i’m afraid!


    Free Member

    prettygreenparrot – Member

    Is that you up my tree? :D

    Seen it again last night – fruit bowl was empty so slim pickings round here until tomorrow i’m afraid, will stock up on parrot food so it remains well fed – might leave out one of those wee wooly hats you get on Innocent smoothies as it’s a bit nipply out too :P

    I’ll update this if I ever get a photo of it wearing a bobble hat & smoking fags perched on the end of a pint of Tennents.

    Free Member

    This thread escalatored quickly


    Free Member

    Bencooper – that’s reassuring, must be hardier than I thought – i’ll leave food out for it & see how it goes, if that doesn’t work & i’ll leave out 20 Regal and a couple of cans instead in case it has acclimatized to the local environment already… could always buy another couple & release them so it’s not lonely :wink:

    Free Member

    sweepy –
    Polly wants a cracker

    How could I have missed that – i’ll leave some of those too… might as well put out some cheese & wine to complete the deal in case it’s cultured :lol:

    Free Member

    Cougar –
    What would you do with it when you caught it?

    Ransom – must be a good £10 in reward fees up for grabs :) Nah, i’d likely use it to terrify the wife for an hour or two because she’s scared of birds, then i’d teach it some awful language before asking the owner to come & get it – they’ve been posting messages on the local FB community page for a few weeks now.

    It would be pretty cool to have a wild population of them flying around – good looking things – there’s an RSPB centre nearby & might drum up some trade for them too!

    I’ll leave out some fruit tonight & see if we get any takers…

    Free Member

    That pine mountain looks great for £750 – unless it weighs 40 poonds that is… could be a contender for n+1 and/or d-/=1 8)

    Free Member

    Sounds like OP had somewhere around 8-10 hot, but also 8-10 crazy, this video will explain why that’s a bad thing… good advice for life in general imo 8)

    Free Member

    I’m surprised no-one’s suggested hoofing her in the slats yet tbh…

    Sooo, this new bike you’re getting?

    Free Member

    It’s a shitty thing to happen, but it will get easier – most people will have been through it at some point & will testify to this – take your mind off it any way you can, however go easy on any mood altering self prescribed remedies – sitting mashed on the couch for a few weeks in the middle of a small mountain of beer cans & takeaway boxes probably won’t hurt but don’t make too much of a habit of that or it becomes just that…

    Buy yourself a new bike, that’s a good start – you deserve it – then get onto one of these humping apps or whatever folk are doing with their spare time nowadays & sooner or later you’ll have forgotten all about that heartless bint whatever her name was.

    Hope that helps.

    Free Member

    Malvern Rider – Member
    Ask yourselves this question: Did someone sit on yr car or did they actually Find You In The Alps?

    “This is what happens when you feed a stranger scrambled eggs”


    Free Member

    Pick the funniest looking one – ours looks like a cross between a red squirrel & a dwarf-fox, with a hint of micro-lion… allegedly some kind of pomeranian cross, comically hairy but very good at swimming which is always funny to watch & grunts like a pig when out of breath. Likes pubs.

    Free Member

    I use it for commuting to keep track of how much petrol money i’ve saved which can then be justifiably used on spangly bicycle componentry, and also it gives a rough count of calories burned which can obviously likewise be traded off against high calorie meat and/or pastry based fried goods with impunity 8)

    Off road it’s handy for linking up trails as I tend to get a bit disoriented at times, sometimes looking back at routes it’s easier to see where you should have linked up with another trail via that fire road section when you were breathing out of your a*se, instead of slogging it round the bottom end of the GT black route for example…


    Free Member

    Another +1 for Rockshox coil U-Turn, got 2 pairs of old Pikes – 95-145mm (one on hardtail, one on full suss) – on the fs the travel doesn’t really get moved all that much, but on the ht it comes in pretty handy for climbing as the head angle changes a fair bit when going from min to max travel.

    Free Member

    Hey, cheers for the link Matt – had a look & it appears there’ll be something suitable there!

    Hustler – good point, i’m forgetting there’s all sorts of options that change the cost considerably – they’re fairly standard single vision lenses (-3/-2.5), full frame, don’t need any tint / polychromatic action


    Free Member

    BadlyWiredDog –
    It may be that I am just fat and delusional of course… but the whole two sizes fits all concept seems optimistic. I did wonder if that inner seam is simply wrongly stitched, but you’d expect Howies to get stuff like that right, so I suspect it’s more that the fabric has more stretch than the stitching, even it’s zig-zagged, it still has finite stretch, so if you’re muscular in the wrong place, it simply won’t stretch enough even if technically you’re in the right size range. Who knows…

    I’ve had a similar experience tbh – i’m 5’7″ / 32″ waist & 70kg and feel i’m at the upper limit for the s/m size, especially round the thigh – I agree with the comment about the seam across the crotchal region maybe restricting the materials ability to stretch as much as it needs to…


    Free Member

    Cheers for the responses people – we’ve certainly no reason to think there’s anything untoward, just wanted a few opinions on the matter as we haven’t much experience in this area – all upgrades / changes etc to the property were carried out before the sellers bought it, so I can understand why their solicitors are removing clauses relating to those, will speak again to our solicitors on Monday to have them explain it from their angle.


    Free Member

    Our solicitor contacted theirs requesting the clauses be reinstated but they’re reluctant to budge – the partner in the firm is away at present but we’ll get him on Monday & see what he thinks. We really like the place & have been looking for a while now – everything’s gone smoothly up until now but tbh this has raised some doubts – we aren’t in a chain so are ready to conclude anytime which you’d think would be more beneficial to the seller than re-advertising over changing the standard clauses with the risk that the next buyer does the same, or their sale falls though etc etc… bit of a pain in the hoop – might pop round tomorrow & sound them out to try and see where their reasoning lies regarding the clauses, or if it’s just their solicitors being arsey… or do their solicitors think there’s a potential problem down the line & are covering their arses? :|

    Free Member

    Hey, yep in Scotland – basically the clauses involved relate to (3) guarantees in place relating to remedial works done to the property (8) alterations to the layout etc. (15) title conditions relating to boundaries / communal areas / shared access etc. (no burdens were noted)

    We’re thinking that the sellers solicitors are just distancing themselves from any work that was completed prior to them buying the property (prior to the current owners, the place was owned by a guy who now owns a huge mansion in the village & during his ownership there was a fair bit of money spent – really nice finish throughout…)


    Free Member

    I bought the 3/4 tights & the ls top on the sportpursuit deal recently, pretty impressed – especially for that price – however if i’m being picky the tights feel slightly tight round the top of the thighs, dunno if it’s down to the big crotch seam running across the pad maybe restricting the stretchiness in that area, but defo more like a “S” than “S/M” in comparison to my small Endura FS260 efforts. (i’m 5’7″ / 32″ waist & 70kg for comparison)

    Free Member

    Apparently a couple of legal bods have offered their services free of charge so it appears the legal action will be going ahead to have his appointment overturned sooner rather than later…

    Free Member

    epicyclo – Member
    Over £20,000 in less than one day. Boy, he is popular in the wrong sort of way!

    It is going to stuff the LibDems in Scotland long term unless we see a resignation. Their appeal has always been as the principled party, and this little episode tops the job they did on themselves in coalition.

    It just highlights how far removed from public opinion certain politicians (parties even…) are these days – to think he could get away with that level of deception then lie about it, then lie about lying about it, then go along with an inquiry into the whole shambles & only hold his hands up after being caught rotten by that very inquiry doesn’t bear thinking about… especially after alienating much of the party support (in Scotland especially) with the whole tory coalition…

    £27400 :wink:

    edit: now under police investigation Guardian

    Free Member

    According to the BBC, that funding appeal to challenge his appointment in the court of session has hit £10k, jacket / shoogly nail…

    Free Member

    +1 for old style Pikes here too – I’ve a 140mm coil set on my 2006 frame – stiff as you like & bomb proof (although i’m a 5’7″, 11 stone weakling hunkasaurus riding a small frame – like a full suss BMX)

    Free Member

    Yep, I mangled the crown race on my CC S3 a while back & replaced it with a Hope split one – remember at the time struggling to get a replacement CC part & eventually found out the newer style hope race & lower bearing is the same (one of the lower bearings is a bit cheaper than the other which might be useful)


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    DaRC_L – Member

    Hmmmm can I put the cynical POV…
    it’s May, the start of wage negotiations at a number of large organisations, a small dip into deflation means that the organisations can argue for no pay increases.
    The latest news on the Oil front is that price per barrel is rising due to IS and general Middle East turmoil

    So no wages rises, then as soon as the negotiations are over inflation again.
    Of course none of this helps the debt to GDP ratio.



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