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  • Best eMTB Of The Year: Haibike Nduro 7
  • mcj78
    Free Member

    Yep, Putin got this covered… he’s going in solo, taps aff

    Also read an interesting article (forget where) that claimed Turkey were turning a blind eye to ISIS activity & profiting from their half-inched oil reserves along with attacking Kurdish militants in the area who were fighting against ISIS or something…

    Free Member

    I usually check out my form in the mirror (gym), I have a bit of trouble with my knees so the section between sitting up & standing is a mild concern for me given the action involved. Don’t fancy my knee locking out under strain & me dropping a 20kg weight on my nut so i’ve dropped down to a 16kg & the movement feels a lot more “natural”… gonna persevere with it for a while & try to build it up but it’s not an ideal exercise for me on the whole – if you feel your form is off try dropping the weight slightly for a few reps & see if that helps, it did for me.


    Free Member

    lemonysam – Member
    Idle curiosity? I did loads of stuff like that when I was younger. No one ever lept to the conclusion I was in the IRA.

    Never go to a Makerspace or electronics club, you’ll shit yourself.

    When I was much younger, a guy round the corner from me dismantled his old radio out of idle curiosity and absent-mindedly left the bits outside in a cardboard box, his neighbour thought he was in the IRA & a small remote controlled bomb disposal robot a bit like a crap Metal Mickey magically appeared & removed it, childhood gossip reported an explosion of sorts but we didn’t hang around to explain matters lest we be incarcerated. :lol:

    I’ll admit my bomb recognition skills are honed from many hours of bad movies & not real life, but I now see the scale issue – I thought it was a full size flight case like what movie bombs come in… although it’s to scale for a small child’s bomb :wink:

    Ok, ok – give him some money & stop being so racist America


    Free Member

    That video’s quite interesting – I always thought it looked like a bit of a piss-take but if all he’s done (or rather, his parents…) is remove the shell from a clock & stuff it inside a metal briefcase you have to ask why the hell anyone would do that? First thing I thought was – that does look like a bloody bomb…

    I mean, if he’d re-programmed the clock internals to display profanities & jammed it inside a stuffed toy attached to a drone then I think we would all agree that would be quite awesome, but I smell shite, use the stupid American litigation game to build a new life in Quatar…

    Free Member

    Seen this pop up on FB – dirty bastards, hope you get it back!

    Free Member

    I hope they get cat aids, no pudding & end up living in a trendy ex-council 1.5m 2 bed shithole in London’s trendiest up & coming area only 3hrs by rancid public transport from their nearest organic hipster bakery. And the bakery is secretly re-selling them Aldi loafs for £7. And the kids go to private school & come out with nothing but attitude & resent them.

    Other than that I wish them well in their chosen life path.

    Free Member

    Top tip: ghee

    That and double the spice content of whatever recipe you go for (although some of the above look rather fearsome)


    Free Member

    bencooper – I think it’s a special anti-torque design feature, pedal too hard and the hub fractures in the middle, protecting you from potentially straining a calf muscle.

    Or an ingenious energy return system whereby the spokes on the drive side flex massively under drive & return the energy on the dead-point of the pedal stroke – it’s hixtie genius!

    Free Member

    Plot twist – the wife was in on the action too? :wink:

    Free Member

    tell the wife in the nicest way possible – a handwritten note on some nice scented paper perhaps, then tell the ex you’ve caught the bad cat aids, probably from some scrubber you boffed up the wrong ‘un while seeing her & THEN ignore all future contact :idea:

    Then post a link to both their facebook pages on here so we can all enjoy the fallout.

    Yes i’m a terrible person.

    Happy to help! :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    I thought about trying for tickets but having recalled speaking to a few folk who were at the Glasgow gig last year, I decided against it – very polarising opinions, either the best or worst gig ever witnessed… won’t set foot in titp & making a weekend of it in Manchester is a bit of a gamble – don’t fancy being stuck in the middle of a middle aged swaggering bucket hat apocalypse.

    As for Ian Brown being the only one becoming subsequently successful – ever heard of that time Mani is/was the bassist in Primal Scream for 15 years? :wink:

    Free Member

    That’s the one onewheelgood – makes me feel slightly ill :lol:

    Free Member

    Didn’t they have a bad spell a few years ago & pulled their “new” full-suss design before it even hit the stores? Can’t remember much about it, but i’m sure I seen the press shots prior to the release and it was an ungodly looking thing which apparently rode like a toaster – anyone? :?

    Free Member

    Had HTC phones for the last few years with no problems – always went with the metal bodied ones & they’ve taken some abuse with no real problems, few dents here & there but still going strong! 8)

    Free Member

    Aye, they lost me shortly after that :lol:

    Free Member

    We picked up a freshly re-upholstered sofa & chairs from ebay for a couple of hundred quid – on picking it up (from a house which woudn’t have looked out of place in Vogue interiors) the folk selling it told us she just needed rid of it as they’d changed their colour scheme after spending £1200 having it re-upholstered to match the old one… it was only a few years old & originally cost about £4k 8O

    There are bargains to be had out there s/h if you have a bit of patience – we knew the dog would be all over it like a literal bad smell so didn’t want to spend a fortune on a new one

    Free Member

    Sounds similar to an old injury that still annoys me sometimes – I eventually discovered i’d torn my lateral meniscus, doctor said I probably wasn’t making it any worse by walking & cycling, especially cycling as it’s non impact & strengthens the quads which helps support the joint and resists any twisting motions that could make things worse. Could also be a cruciate – I apparently slightly tore that at the same time… I eventually had surgery to try & tidy it up as I wanted to keep running / playing footy / badminton etc. but it made little difference – if I bend my leg & twist at the same time it occasionally locks up, my missus had to rescue me when swimming in a lake in a dramatic pedalo rescue one time :oops:

    I’d get it looked at – in the meantime, at risk of stating the obvious, avoid anything that hurts – that might be making things worse.

    *edit – although when you see doctors still discovering new ligaments in the knee as recently as 2 **** years ago it makes me slightly suspicious that they actually had the slightest clue what was going on, in mine anyway :?
    mysterious “new” ligament

    Free Member

    Got a couple of pairs for my road-esque bike, been completely trouble free other than a freehub bearing on one seat after a few thousand wet road miles, bdop cycling in Taiwan are good suppliers, I got a replacement freehub for not much more than a set of decent bearings (inc. postage) from them!

    Free Member

    I’ve got sets of the 2007 style Minis & the same era M4s with the mini levers & love them – don’t do any big mountain stuff i.e. Alps trips etc. but i’ve never found them wanting on trail centres or munro type descents – had SLX (675) & found them a bit wooden although there seemed to be plenty of power, i’m also a fan of the slightly industrial look of the Hope stuff… saying that – if I needed new brakes next week it’d be hard not to take a punt on the XTs at £100 a set.

    Free Member

    Fair play for accepting a return – although it from the photos it looks more like a “dink” than a “dent” – could have got off on a technicality :wink:

    Free Member

    I did the black on Saturday too – really enjoyed it although I had forgotten how punishing some of the climbs are, it certainly feels like more than 17 miles although 3700 feet of climbing in that distance on a heavy-ish bike would explain why my legs were cramping up by the time I got back to the car… well, that & lack of fitness…. was gonna go round the blue for a leisurely spin afterwards but managed to lose my front wheel heading down the last section of Falla Brae & valiantly broke my fall with my knee to protect the bike from scuffage which curtailed that plan.

    Seen a few hints of these magical secret trails everyone speaks of – as I was getting to the mast there were 3 men & dog heading down from there towards a gap in the trees on the last section of the climb, then another gap at the top bit of the boundary trail and another exit further round deliverance – from the mast down to redemption is a great section of trail so I dunno if I’d take a detour instead of doing that… need to wait for this knee to return to its original size & shape before that’ll be an issue though :lol:

    Free Member

    I’m heading there tomorrow & thinking of doing the black too – I usually start off on zoom or bust then back round the red missing out the bottom end of it & back up again to top of spooky woods then back down the blue via the jump park bit – think I stumbled (literally) down broon troot once with a mate of mine who’s more familiar with the place but personally i’m not clued up enough on the unofficial trails to knock out a decent day of it all… not been round the black for years & last time I was on a Santa Cruz Chameleon running a 34 ring up front with a 12-25 at the back on 2″ tyres, fun at the time but a bit of a slog & I could barely stand up straight the next day.

    I’ll be going solo on an old all black Heckler with a bright green helmet – although I can usually be heard swearing through bursts of heavy breathing from afar before anyone actually sees me…

    Free Member

    I’m getting good at this now :wink:

    Free Member

    If it’s leaking from the HE will the dye end up in the condensate pipe then I take it?


    Free Member

    More “progress” on mine – I checked the CH isolation valves again as I was stumped as to why I couldn’t get pressure back into the boiler & yep, you guessed it – I am a fanjo & one wasn’t fully open so back to square one again… :oops:

    I then checked the condensate drain for excess run off so I disconnected the plastic drain pipe underneath the boiler & fed it into a bucket – heating back on & an hour later there was over a litre of water in there – sounds like slightly more than condensate is running into it & so it appears the heat exchanger is shot, don’t know if this would cause the hot water to run hot & cold though? If it’s a heat exchanger + diverter valve I think it’ll be new boiler time…

    Free Member

    Nobeerinthefridge – Member
    best bit is, no waiting around
    If it was all about not having to wait around, I wouldn’t be making my own!

    Well, I suppose it does provide the opportunity to sit patiently & enjoy a cold beverage whilst you do so :lol:

    Free Member

    johndoh – Member
    So – when using a pizza stone, in what order do you construct?

    Whole lot onto a cold stone (which is what my stone says to do)

    Whole lot onto a hot stone and straight back in the oven before it cools too much

    Pizza base onto the hot stone then build it up (easier to do without losing all the toppings)

    Whole lot onto a pizza paddle then put it onto the hot stone to minimise any cooling


    Avoid any doubts by flinging the base into a large smoking hot frying pan then get the sauce & stuff on & finish in the grill – Bob be thine Uncle!

    Seriously guys, try it once & you’ll see what I mean – best bit is, no waiting around for oven/stone to heat up properly :wink:

    Free Member

    Recipe that works well for me is; 1kg 00 flour / 2 sachets of dried yeast (if you can’t get fresh) / tablespoon of salt & 600ml (max) of tepid water to bring it all together – 10 minutes of bashing or stick it in the food mixer if you’ve got a dough hook, cover & leave overnight, then knock back & divvy up into 6/8 balls depending on preference & leave again to rest a bit, then use fresh or freeze – if freezing, let them thaw until they’re at room temp before using.

    Best method i’ve found for making pizzas at home is to use a preheated big cast iron frying pan on a gas hob full bung until the base starts to brown in places (you can fling the base in first then add the sauce & toppings once it’s in there) then finish the top in the grill or oven, again up full blast – your oven won’t get nearly as hot as a big ol’ heavy pan on the hob, although if you’re using an electric hob it might not heat up sufficiently & the pizza stone might be better. I had a pizza stone for years which eventually broke – someone told me about the frying pan trick & i’ve never looked back.


    Free Member

    Hi again all – bit of “progress” to report… :?

    Over the weekend the heating didn’t seem very warm, even with the thermostat set to 20+ degrees & the hot/cold water issue was becoming more & more frequent so I isolated the heating circuit via the 4mm allen bolt valves on the out/return pipes & topped the pressure in the boiler up before I went to work yesterday morning – got back 12hrs later & it had gone from 2.0 to 1.0 bar so looks like the pressure is dropping from the boiler side of things after all…

    I then opened the valves again & turned the heating on to check the flow but when requesting the heating it wouldn’t fire – hot water was fine as I checked that too, but when I tried to top the pressure up again it wouldn’t have any of it – the water was apparently going straight into the heating circuit as I could hear water flowing through it. I checked the pressure of the external EV & it was up about 2.5 bar so I decided to switch it off as the pressure on the boiler was lower again now & I didn’t want to run the risk of it running completely unpressurised if someone turned on a hot tap. I didn’t dismantle the PRV pipe connection at the time but it did feel pretty warm so water might well be exiting via there – have contacted the boiler guy again & just waiting for him to phone me back at present, does it sound like the diverter valve now? Would that cause the boiler to dump pressure like that?


    Free Member


    I’ve got a long list of questions I’m currently asking through my solicitors.

    Ask them to check for giant spiders up the loft too – I found this up there the other week (yes those are standard issue 6″ floorboards…)


    Free Member

    robdob – Member

    I’m going to budget for a new boiler for my next house no matter what.

    This x infinity – I moved house in July & the boiler’s never been quite right, now looks as though it’s shit its diverter assembly & maybe an internal leak from something else into the bargain that’s causing 1bar per day of pressure to vanish, grrr! No way of proving that it was wonky before & tbh I have no reason to doubt the previous occupants as they had boiler insurance cover and liked to get their money’s worth out of it, so probably bad luck… I was contemplating joining the stw woodburner massive this year too, maybe next year :cry:


    Free Member

    I have a few t-shirts that are absolutely howling – wash them at 60 but within an hour of putting them on they’re rank – can’t get rid of the smell at all, dunno if it’s crappy low grade cotton or something that traps the stink bacterions round the pit region – are you talking about new-ish shirts or older ones?

    Free Member

    Hammy – i’m guessing the talc trick is just to fire some into the PRV exit pipe & see if it’s there the next day?


    Free Member

    Smudger – some good points there, I checked the new EV the day after fitting it & the cold pressure was the same so it appears to be fine – when the heating’s on it warms up on one side so there’s hot water getting into it. Our friend who fitted it had a similar problem with his boiler & the EV was the culprit so we put the new one on the system to see if it cured the problem as it would have been an easy fix as he had a new-ish EV in his van.

    When the engineer came out after that he checked the old one & it was full of water with no air pressure in the air side so he thought that the bladder in that might have been leaking but it apaprently wasn’t the root cause of the pressure problem. Is there any easy way of me checking the safety valve without getting the engineer back out – could I disconnect the pipe & stick a bucket under it?

    Cheers again!

    Free Member

    Flux – yep, drained the boiler then released the air from the vessel, changed the schraeder valve over, set it to just under 1.0 bar then re-pressurized the boiler via the filling loop to about 1.5 bar, when the heating’s on the pressure doesn’t seem to rise at all, just drops slowly… I could give the isolation taps a try – just need to work out which valves to turn, the gas inlet one is the yellow one right? so other than that there’ll be the mains water inlet & the heating out / return pipes? Anything else i’m missing?

    Bigad – very kind, i’m in Renfrewshire, going to contact the heating engineer again & see if he has any other ideas but in the meantime…

    I shall first try to isolate the heating and use the hw as normal to try & determine if it’s a boiler or pipework leak, then if it seems like a pipework issue i’ll isolate the kitchen radiator via the valves in the dungeon & see if that makes any difference…

    Cheers guys – next i’ll try to charge the missus £60 per hour (to be redeemed as bike parts allowance) for the time spent on this shitting thing! :lol:


    Free Member

    The blow off pipe feeds into an internal soil pipe that runs through the middle of the building so not easily accessible, not ideal, when the engineer came out he took the pipe off the valve & checked inside it for any sign of water but it was apparently bone dry (his words)

    The pressure drop wasn’t immediately noticeable but became more apparent when we fired the heating on, so it was losing pressure slower when we were just using the hot water, we only moved in a few months ago & I bled all the radiators at the time & thought the pressure drop was just some residual air moving round the system & venting off when it reached the boiler… NOPE :|

    Been down the dungeon again & I think there’s isolation valves on the pipes heading to / from the kitchen radiator so to rule out a leak there I’ll turn those off when I get a chance over the weekend & see if that makes any difference

    Cheers for the replies all – I’ll get to the bottom of this if it’s the end of me!

    Free Member

    Cheers guys, when the water goes cold the radiators do start to warm up so the diverter valve had been something I had thought about but wasn’t sure how that would cause the pressure to drop, is that a possibility then? When I cleared out the condensate trap a couple of weeks ago when the boiler wouldn’t fire, it was jam packet with crap from recent water works in the area – had been losing pressure before that & thought that was related somehow but apparently not, it’s bursting my tits & I don’t want to rip the whole thing out in case it’s a stupid £30 part… Or even a stupid £200 part for that matter, but dunno if I fancy throwing more than that at a 15 year old boiler :?

    Free Member

    Cheeky bump for the tea-time massive before I take a big hammer to it, any other ideas? 8)

    Free Member

    Trail Rat – the engineer I had out had the pipe off the prv & said it was bone dry, I thought once the prv opens the seal’s gone & it has to be replaced?

    When in the shower (or running a bath) the water runs hot & cold too – if that helps any?


    Free Member

    Flaperon – yep, unfortunately it’s losing 0.5-1.0 bar per day, was hoping the leak sealer would have done something as then there would have been something to aim for but now it’s just frustrating… I cleaned the condensate trap out & it was full of crap from recent water works in the area, might be one to keep an eye on though – i’ll maybe disconnect the condensate pipe & run it into a bucket to see how much is coming from it


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