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  • mcj78
    Free Member

    Imagine what would happen if that wasnt the case?

    I know, we’d probably have to stop sending so much to westminster & they’d have to borrow even more to subsidise the rest too…

    Free Member

    Or maybe they don’t fancy the weather.

    Free Member

    I would be asking myself why is immigration to Scotland so much lower than rUK especially outside of the central belt. There isn’t a shortage of people coming into the UK, plenty settle in the north of England, what makes Scotland so unattractive compared to Oldham for example?

    It’s because we’re all wild racists up here & turn them back at the border with flaming torches & pitchforks.


    Free Member

    I use it with the wookie build on my htc phone which will screen mirror to my sony tv (32″), only really use it for occasional footy games & the quality certainly isn’t hd but it’s watchable. Never really bothered with movies etc. – mate of mine has some mystical box from a bloke down the pub that delivers everything in perfect HD quality, not sure how that one works – maybe linked to the satelite dish with a decoder in the box.

    Free Member

    Polo / cardigan combo – acceptable

    Polo / cardigan combo with ill fitting jeans bulging out…

    *edit – should be worn with red trousers :lol:

    Free Member

    When in doubt, just ask yourself – what would Antonio Fargas wear?

    Free Member


    Small young companies growing and selling into a rapidly developing market isn’t always easy to get right!

    The last time they had an online sample sale it went slightly tits up too – couple of years back I think, I tried to buy a few things but when proceeded to checkout everything in the basket was suddenly out of stock, at least then I didn’t get charged I suppose :lol:

    Free Member

    I ordered a few things, money was taken from bank straight away (£80 or something) & received a confirmation email – heard nothing until last week when I got an email saying most of the items i’d ordered were out of stock & I would be refunded for those with the remaining single item being sent out shortly. Then I got another dispatch email saying that the whole order had been shipped, ultimately only the one item arrived & i’m still waiting on a refund for the rest :|

    Free Member

    I’m in the wrong game – off to set up a tax-free microdistillery re-branding 40% ethanol as gin, later losers!


    Free Member

    A haggis supper flight we call that now, upmarket rebrand :wink:

    Free Member

    Ah, the return of the whisky tax myth…

    Grievance-mongering 101

    Looked at that, it seems to be drowning in the semantics of export tax v excise tax, where it’s collected & by whom… however, in the comments section there’s a handy link to a Scotch Whisky Association breakdown of total “tax” on whisky *edit, link no working*

    According to that, the total tax paid on the price of a bottle of scotch whisky is 76% – if that’s correct, you appear to be suggesting Scotland receives 76% of the revenue from all whisky produced in Scotland, or am i misunderstanding?

    On the matter of deep fried items – the best chippy (as anyone in the know will attest), is this fine establishment:

    Deep fried pizza suppers etc. i’m not too au fait with these days, although there was a place in Glasgow that offered a large pork sausage wrapped in kebab meat, dipped in batter & deep fried – it had a rather rude name as I recall :wink:

    Free Member

    5 million holding more than 55 million to ransom sound fair to you?

    I know it’s highly unlikely that the UK will ever stop this outdated practice of changing the clocks to make everybody more miserable……but it still boils my p1ss!

    Seems fair from deepest darkest Glasgow – that’s the trade off we get in return for all the money* & shortbread we send down to Westminster innit :wink:

    *Scottish £1 notes, just to annoy everyone – every time a Scottish person heads south, Nicola Sturgeon personally gives them a dozen just to piss English shopkeepers off & tells ’em to shout loudly about “legal tender” if questioned about their authenticity… :lol:

    Free Member

    mrlebowski – Member
    Let them have their “Freeeeeeddddooommmmmmmmmmm…….!!!”

    Then maybe we can drop the archaic concept of changing the bloody clocks in a few days time & plunging the country into darkness for the next 6 months!!!!…

    Yep, how dare we – those uppity Jocks again…

    Free Member

    You can take the piss if you like, but rUK is still not only Scotland’s biggest export market, it’s the majority of Scotland’s export market.

    Cheers, so where will rUK get all these things from post split instead – US & Australia?

    Free Member

    More than you will when you’re independent from the country which controls the levers for the currency you use…

    I thought we were equals in all of this, at least until any proposed split – it in together & all that jazz, or is that just the austerity bit? So, to confirm – is it the ENGLISH pound we currently use & do we not have the right to use it, post any theoretical split if we see fit? If we did, would RUK deliberately scupper the currency (haven’t they already though?) just to devalue assets held in Sterling by those uppity Jocks?

    you don’t have the oil revenues the economic case was based on last time

    Well, we’d still have 100% of the revenue to worry about, instead of the 30% we currently receive.

    you don’t have money heading north to make up for the lack of oil money…

    True, but…

    Scotland has been sending money south for most of the past 40 years


    AND you have trade barriers between you and by far your biggest trading partner.

    Ok, you got me – we’ll continue to send the whisky*, irn-bru, deep fried chocolate bars, shortbread & Broons annuals down south & you guys keep sending up the good old English tea & scones, vats of coronation chicken, bunting, morris dancers and the juicy Westminster scandals we all love reading about & we’ll all carry on with a stiff upper lip and forget that the EU will be doing the exact same thing to the UK post article 50 triggerment (we’ll make up our own language as well)…

    It’s a toughie…

    *the revenue from which has always been listed under UK exports, as opposed to featuring on the tartan tax return, hasn’t it?

    Free Member

    On the other hand – can any of you tell me which of that 14.8 billion we’ll still be able to fund once post-brexit austerity really bites on the back of a widely predicted (further) slump in the the pound?

    Free Member

    Dunno if it’s entirely carbon safe (someone’ll know!), but acetone worked fairly well when I was trying to get vintage residue off some old rims a while ago, the worst of it just turned to chewing gum though & had to be physically scraped off – have since heard that a hairdryer is also your friend here.

    Free Member

    I had a low speed (walking pace) parking bump 2 years ago…

    The one I knocked claimed new bumper, bonnet, front wings…

    This your car?

    Free Member

    When they did the tour of the finished build it looked like walking into one of these out of town furniture warehouses – amazing building but I reckon places of that scale suit more ultra-modern / Jackie Treehorn style furnishings :|

    Free Member

    You missed the classic;
    Both ends…..[dramatic pause]……sorry.

    Yeah, it’s a fine line though – you don’t want to get too comical or they’ll get suspicious, “fizzy gravy” is probably best avoided too :lol:

    Free Member

    You need these key phrases to be inserted into your excuse as you see fit:

    “suspicious lukewarm prawn vindaloo”

    “shitting through the eye of a needle at 30 paces”

    No-one wants anymore details than that, and will avoid asking any further questions whatesoever.

    Happy to help 8)

    Free Member

    Just stuck a bid in on the Trek District – we’ll see what happens. Would be cool to have something of his

    I remember seeing those when they came out & thought they looked rather tasty, belt drive carbon ss with high end carbon wheels & finishing kit, totally overkill but damn tasty nonetheless – bet it goes like the clappers!

    Free Member

    I reckon one of these would be perfecto – there’s a big thread on here somewhere full of various builds, i’ve got the previous incarnation & it’s great – have run it with 25-35c tyres but there’s probably room for 40c if that’s your bag, really nice to ride – would have another in a heartbeat

    Charge Plug


    Free Member

    Cheers Binners – that photo was just after I’d rebuilt it, looks more “loved” these days – had a dilemma recently whether or not to keep it or the (probably more practical) heckler I just sold… knees are dodgy so a few hours of riding is about all I can manage in a day, might as well give myself a good thrashing along the way :lol:

    Free Member

    binners nailed it with the chameleon description – fits the bill especially if you’re not bothered about all day comfort, as anything over 3 hours or so on mine feels like being repeatedly kicked up the arse by an angry chimpanzee wearing rigger boots… I wouldn’t change it though – 10 years young & still going strong, now reverted to 2×9 as it’s my only mtb these days

    Free Member

    I had a set of the grey anodized TB14 & was gonna put them together with the silver Novatecs but ended up going modern instead – cyclebasket have the black ones for about £50 for the pair but no sign of the silver ones for some reason! Spent bloody ages earlier this year looking at retro flavoured wheels for a stainless road frame I built up recently… and ended up with Zondas :roll:

    They also have these if OP fancies sticking with 126mm rear:

    Free Member

    The Ambrosio Zenith are rebranded Novatec A171/272, the Novatec ones are a fair bit cheaper if you want to go that route, nice hubs by all accounts & look the part. Rim wise there’s those PX retro ones or similar Halo ones, plus the rather fetching polished H+Son Archetype or TB14 for a bit more cash – all depends on what you want to spend really, or you could try your hand yourself, it’s no that hard (and you can always give up & take them to the lbs to do – prob £20 per wheel for building).

    Pre-built ones are probably a bit scarcer, Halo did some on their retro rims but not sure if there’s much else apart from Superstar really

    Free Member

    I’m in the same camp as no_eyed_deer, I used to commute right through the winter (unless icy) & ended up absolutely hating it – the number of close calls I had went up considerably regardless of lights that would put Clark Griswold’s house to shame, if someone’s driving down the road on their phone with the windows steamed up in the rain you’re nowhere near as visible to them as you should be regardless if you’re lit up like a Christmas tree, especially on unlit backroads where it’s difficult to see where the road ends and the hedge begins & that’s before you factor in the glare from cars coming the opposite direction. I probably do more off-road riding in Autumn / Winter than “summer” & just forget about commuting for a while (as above, unless there’s been a ton of rain the trails are usually brilliant at this time of year)

    Free Member

    kimbers –
    Shudder to think why trumps daughter didn’t want a kiss from dad after the debate

    Don’t worry, they all know the drill :lol:

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I was about to buy some cheap £8 cable cutters a few weeks ago & then went bananas and treated myself to £22 Park ones, and my aren’t they wonderful – I now can happily throw away the 3 foot pile of cheap shitty misaligned/bent ones that are lying in a corner of the loft… 8)

    Free Member

    CountZero – Member

    It’s not a patch on Nilsson’s version.

    Blasphemer! 8O


    Free Member

    On a slight tangent – can anyone remember which episode J&V are throwing a tennis ball or something to each other in the flat & take out a shelf full of ornaments to the cries of “oooooooooh shit”? Been annoying me for days, tried to find it on YouTube but no luck…

    Free Member

    Another true story – I seen Navid at a John Byrne exhibition in London a couple of years back, dunno if he bought anything but after he signed the guest book my wife had to physically restrain me from writing “Navid fae still game” under it

    Free Member

    Yeah, I sometimes get overtaken by some **** weaving in & out of pedestrians on a shared cyclepath doing 20+ without turning a pedal… wears a full face motorbike helmet, only a matter of time before he takes someone (or himself hopefully) out :?

    Free Member

    As Nobeer says, to get the most for it stick it on eBay as a fixed price listing for more than you expect (£600 or whatever) for 30 days & then wait for interested people emailing you with offers, ideally cash on collection to avoid fees – I split my old Heckler recently & done better than I had feared this way

    Free Member

    Just noticed PX have the 32c Hypers back in stock for £15 – can’t go wrong there, I found no difference over 20 commuting miles between the 35c versions & the 28c Zaffiros I had on previously, other than increased comfort. The Randonneurs are a bit tougher I think & have more tread – the Voyager Hypers are almost slick.

    Edit – also, the Rando’s are about 600g per end (wire) V about 400g for the Hypers (folding)

    Edit edit – check here for rolling resistance / weight comparisons, it’s a great site: they see me rolling…


    Free Member

    It’s come apart too cleanly to suggest an impact – christ, you see vids of big dh crashes where the impact has snapped both stanchions clear in half but they’re still attached to the crown – i’d be going bananas with Evans/Sram personally, could have been nasty 8O

    edit – it’s hard to tell if it’s just fallen out of the crown or sheared off cleanly in line with it…

    Free Member

    Had the exact same experience with our Honeywell one – you could just about use it manually but that kinda defeated the purpose… ended up getting a Nest, it’s pretty good – the learning functions seems to work quite well & it looks quite nice, easy to use too. The missus likes to check the temperature during the day via the app in case the dog gets cold, another time some friends were staying at ours when we were away & set the temperature to about 26 – she turned it off… :|

    Free Member

    Have a look at the stronglifts 5×5 program for starters – it’s easy to follow & ideal to fit into a lunchbreak, I started using it at the end of last year as I only tend to commute when it’s decent weather & felt the difference fairly quickly. There was a few threads on here a while back discussing it & other strength training, I also like kettlebells as you can get a lot done in a short space of time but you’d be better off doing a few classes with instructors to get the technique correct for those before heading into the gym & swinging them around at random.


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