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  • Mondraker goes down country with the all-new Mondraker Raze
  • mcboo
    Free Member

    MT have you the scene from The Office when the IT geek pays a visit?

    “You know when he’s fighting Chuck Norris in Enter the Dragon?”
    “You not seen that?”
    “Have you not, I can’t… that is a classic.”
    “No, I’ve not seen him fight Chuck Norris in Enter the Dragon, I’ve seen him fight Chuck Norris in Way of the Dragon.”
    “Ah, that’s what I meant, that’s what I meant.”
    “Is it? Why did you say have you seen him fight Chuck Norris in Enter the Dragon? He fight’s Bob Wall in both, but Norris is only in Way of the Dragon.”
    “Yeah, I know, so when he’s fighting Chuck Norris-”
    “In what?”
    “In Way of the Dragon.”
    “Correct. At last.”

    Go on mate, correct me…..

    Free Member

    Have a search for old threads on On-One Ti 456 which appeared last year to great acclaim, I got one, like it a lot.

    Ragley Ti about to drop, more expensive but will be worth a test ride. Again, quite a few threads on here. Brant built both.

    Free Member

    God I hope they do a 3rd series. January Jones, is there a more beautiful lady on the planet?

    Free Member

    I could never see the point of trading anything other than narcotics. Fast forward 25 years I’m watching The Wire, can kind of see where Stringer and his boys are coming from.

    Free Member

    …..and no taking a ring off a 3 ring front set off doesnt mean you lose the chain as long as your front mech is set-up properly.

    Free Member

    I long ago binned the big ring as never used it and like having the extra BB clearance. I keep the granny for big days in the hills but for regular fast XC 34 tooth 1×9 would be the ideal set-up I reckon.

    Middleburn Uno is the crankset de jour in our gang. Heading that way myself, big weight saving when all the bits and bobs come off, see James post above

    Free Member

    “Bawbag, gee-us sum oh them chips afor ah come oher there and drop ye we a flyin drop-kick tae the solar-plexus”

    “Twos-up on that smoke”
    “Nah, dowts”
    “Dowts? Twos-up or yoor getin the malky”

    Teenage years in Perth circa 1985, dont think much has changed.

    Free Member

    I used to get starving after about 90 mins, tried Torq bars but found it all a bit up and down. Use powerbar in the camelback now for anything up to about 3hrs. For all day rides it has to be Eccles cakes from Dunns Bakery Crouch End N8. Not the original, but the very best.

    Free Member

    ….and they are def doing something for the road. “Coming Soon” according to their website.

    Free Member

    Joxster good point….I’m running 44×16 right now which is just right for a London SS. The chart i’m looking at says = 72″.

    34×12 = 74″ which is pretty close……chart according to charliethebikemonger.

    I would like to know if they are planning on bringing a road/track Uno spider. I use a 3 ring RS8 on my MTB and love it but I know some people get a bit of flex in the Uno as is. Am 90kg and live up on a hill so strength matters.

    Free Member

    I think for a lot of people carbon just feels “wrong” on something that is meant to be thrown about. I had a carbon Scott Genius MC10, very light and gucci, used it for general XC stuff, no jumping around……snapped it doing a very routine ride around Epping.

    That has pretty much put me off CF for life I reckon. I know I got seduced by the “ooooh its carbon” thing when I bought it, remember the manufacturers have a vested interest in keeping the technology cutting edge, some of that is great, some of it pointless.

    I moved onto an aluminium SC Blur LT, a far far better bike than the carbon Scott for reasons of design not material. I’m now seeing SC are bringing out a carbon Blur which I’m sure will have mega bling appeal but does beg the question, whats the point?

    Next project for me is a road bike, reckon it will be Ti, something I can live with and enjoy for a long time without having kittens if I drop it it putting it into the car.

    Free Member

    Buzz “BTW. finding someone to ride with and encourage you is way more important than the “What Bike” aspect IMO.”

    …..and so say all of us

    Free Member

    oh the shame… do I do that? and thanks.

    told you it was a nice fence.

    Free Member

    Man I just cant figure out this posting piccies malarky. Is there somewhere I can go and practice posting pictures without utter humiliation? I’ve got a lovely picture of my Blur to share with you and quite a nice fence. or even better someone take pity on me and walk me through it.

    So far I have got the picture onto Picasa in a web album. What now….?

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Free Member

    Welcome. If I may, another way of asking this question would be “Experienced riders of STW who I know likely have several bikes at any one time and have p1ssed away £££££ over the years on various bits and bobs. If you had to have only one bike what would it be?”

    Lot of guys on here have full suss XC, all mountain big hitters, singlespeeds (don’t go there, yet) and everything between. I’m guessing about 90% of folk if they only had one bike for everything would go for a nice comfortable hardatail that can take a decent 100-120mm fork. Light, fast and good on all but the really big stuff. Yes demo a few but I’d def have a good look at a steel On-One Inbred 456. Fantastic frames and they do great builds at great prices.

    I’ve got a One-One Ti hardtail for year round fun and a Santa Cruz Blur for dry summer XC madness, cant see me changing either anytime soon. Took me years to get there though.

    Oh and if you have the same bike in 2yrs its because you didnt get into it. Its just kind of like that…..

    Free Member


    Mrs landed a new job this morning after 7yrs producing and caring for my kids. Met her for lunch at 1230, just got back to find the boss’s are closing the office right now!

    Punch out at 1450…….i’m going to buy some shorts. Have a loverly weekend all. A good day.

    Free Member

    Sandhurst gurkhas used to put all us toffee nosed officer cadets in our place and no mistake. Specialist skills seemed to be lying still in freezing conditions for hours at a time then crawling on their bellies for hundreds of metres over open ground without being seen before leaping out of the gloom with an automatic weapon and a great big knife.

    Smart, cheery, well mannered, honest and brave. Because no-one in our present government has every been a soldier they have no comprehension of the issue or the emotion it provokes. Call it sentiment if you must but we ought to be BEGGING these guys to come and settle here. Do people understand how difficult it is to make it into the Gurkhas, what calibre of man wears that uniform?

    Sorry, I’m off on one……

    Free Member

    Gucci loafers, no socks, pink shirt, chinos……not its not a look i’d go for myself but I reckon the fella is half way out the door already.

    Boss#1 just came back….sitting at his desk reading the Telegraph. i’m seeing reasons for optimism. may have to move my target up to 1330.

    Free Member

    Boss#1 showed up at 0830, read his paper, “gone out for a bit”
    Boss#2 just arrived……not wearing socks. A good sign methinks.

    Wonder if I can be back on my fixie by 1400…..

    Free Member

    I ride around London (or “Town” as we urban sophisticates call it…..sorry Trampus) all the time, just love it. Starting to worry myself, keep looking at all these cool dudes on their fixies and thinking mmmmmm they dont wear helmets, maybe I shouldnt bother. After reading this I’m keeping the lid.

    Free Member

    My mate Andy the doctor got sick of being the only guy in the group with a pump that actually works I took pity and shelled out a whole £15 for a duplicate Topeak Peak DX Mini. Tiny little thing, works really really well. Actually have it at work today to repair a puncture on my road bike, can get it up to 80psi no problem so trail pressure a doddle. Look no further.

    Free Member

    Lucy, thanks for clarifying. Roll on summer in Switzerland.

    Free Member

    Had a chat with the LBS at lunchtime, their opinion it’s been stretched right out because of my size (90kg), the fact that i’m running 44-16 and live on top of a great big hill……reckon for the price of a £10 chain I can get plenty more out of the ring and sprocket if I change it now and wont risk snapping my chain right in front of a bendy bus.

    Free Member

    Yep can always remove a link but wont that cause the chain to be way out of sync with the ring and sprocket and cause them to wear out fast?

    Free Member

    Bimbler that’s just not fair……my old chain is all black and horrible, here’s me trying to get a few more weeks of riding out of it, there you go dangling jewelry in front of me.

    Go on, what they cost?

    Free Member

    I have a chain checker for my geared MTB, makes it nice and simple, I just change it regularly. In this case am on my first ever singlespeed so not sure what the scoop is. Dropouts being horizontal I am about to run out of room if I pull the wheel any further back in order to keep the chain tension nice and firm……

    Free Member

    another big vote for islabikes…..2-3 they can muck around on wooden bikes with no pedals, or even better those pink or blue scooters (best toy ever IMHO)……

    Free Member

    Good choice of frame, nice kit…….now go bash it up around some trails and get it all scratched and muddy like its supposed to be.

    “built to go fast” rememeber

    and please bin the bar ends……those bendy bits it the middle of your risers mean you dont need them.

    Free Member

    Yep me too, was made redundant, lost sight of what I wanted to do, floated around not really looking for a job then started flapping. Didnt get treatment, got through it but came back when I actually started a job (go figure).

    Go see your GP, that was enough for me, lovely lady put me on Valium for a short while, sorted me right out. I think I had been having them on and off for a long time so glad I went and talked to someone, I now know the symptoms and what triggers them. Sleeping better than ever.

    First stop, go see the doc, have a good long chinwag, pour it all out.

    Free Member

    For all day riding even on big stuff I’d honestly look no further than a nice Ti hardtail, maybe a Cotic Soda or in my case a 456. Have had a lot of back problem myself but can ride the On-One all day long. Just did a big trip to the Lakes, was really the perfect bike. Also have a Blur LT which I love a lot but dont honestly ride so much now.

    Like the guys say, go demo a few, take your time.

    Free Member

    Sorry I should have posted a picture, whats left of the nipple cant be removed without drilling, doesnt sound like anyone recommends rebuilding with a missing spoke. thanks

    Free Member

    the nipple itself broke off, not the spoke. have still got the hub of course so isnt the end of the world but it’s a pity, is lovely rim.

    Free Member

    it sheared right down almost to the face of the rim, cant get any purchase on it at all and rounded it in the process. LBS had a look at it back when I bust it, didnt want to to go near it with a drill…..

    Free Member

    thanks all…..ordered some Stroker Trails, hopefully they will be fine, I can flog the rotors and buy some splined ones eventually. going down the 15mm QR fork route on a Blur LT1… its a headache, hope its worth it.

    Free Member

    Ah cool… slowly building a new bike for the summer, dont really want to shell out for new wheels just yet and finding it hard to get enthusistic about Shimano brakes, especially at these prices.

    Free Member

    You know I havent been on STW for yonks (maybe 2yrs), only came on today to see if you lot were having a gibber about Brants new frame pics. Rudeboy did you used to go under a different name ’cause I always remember some gobshite picking holes in all and sundry then having a huff ’cause your 20yrs of hardcore riding havent earned the respect they deserve?

    Can I just say (and honestly I dont really know a whole lot about geometry, I just know what feels right for me) I bought a Ti456 from Brant in October, has been just loads of fun, super comfortable and made riding through the winter a joy. Where else do you get to speak to the guy who designed your bike, get some good advice about set-up and be on the recieving end of some proper left-field sarcasm.

    Good luck with Shedfire fella, if the new Ti frame is half as good as the 456 you will sell loads.

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