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  • Spanish Bikepacking Diary – Day Three Continued
  • mcboo
    Free Member

    Just found a dealbreaker…..Virgin dont carry Sky Atlantic.

    Free Member

    You wont find a bigger fan of the Olympics than me, but if they cant let us do a 1hr ride once a week on a Wednesday night I’m going to wonder why.

    Free Member

    I did a 10hr pairs XC race last summer, had a nylon Assos jersey and a Rapha Lightweight Merino (Smartwool) jersey. I changed most laps until I found I was getting really clammy and cold in the nylon jersey but stayed nice and snug in the merino top.

    I think that is prob is to do with the merino/synthetic contstruction of the Rapha shirt, but I pretty much only wear sportwool jerseys in summer now. Regular merino is lovely as 3 season base layers, but as above it does stay wet and get all heavy, wouldnt wear one in the heat.

    Anyone sees any Icebreaker long-sleeve 200 base layers on sale please do a PSA. Lovely fit and last for years.

    Free Member

    I’m thinking about selling my Ti456 and getting a 29r hardtail 100mm forked. Thinking being I never need the 140mm fork travel on the 456, but question is does 100m travel on a 29r equate to say 120mm on a 26r?

    Free Member

    Are we suggesting we mimick mainland Europe and INCREASE benefits? See all that stuff about a crisis in Euroland? Guess what, they are tightening their belts like crazy over there.

    Because of a calender quirk we just had a 5.2% rise in benefits payments yet public sector workers (and just about everyone else) are getting nothing for the forseable future. Utter madness.

    We want to take everyone out of income tax up to £10k at least.

    Free Member

    Oops CG and Mrs Toast ruin TJ’s desperate attempt to monopolise ethical purity.

    Free Member

    grum – Member

    ‘s all about context, innit.

    This should be the end of the thread really.

    Really? Cause page 1 you were indignant with rage about the “culture of belittlement”.

    Free Member

    No I attacked him first. I called him a po-faced, humourless, supercilious, patronising old bore.

    Clearly nothing could be further from the truth. I withdraw the accusation without question.

    Free Member

    What point was the OP making again? I cant remember and I’m the OP.

    Free Member

    TandemJeremy – Member
    I am depressed by how Neanderthal and blinkered your attitude is in the 21st century McBoo

    I get called “Love” and I’m the Neanderthal? I’m the victim of a hate crime!

    Free Member

    Didnt we do this last night re:bonuses?

    Free Member

    And then have another daily wail style frothing rant.

    I read the Guardian. See post #1.

    Free Member

    Read the posts from the women on here. I suspect they are rather more qualified to comment than you.

    Really? How so? Were they standing behind me in the station at 0710?

    Free Member

    Really I have never read anything quite so depressingly po-faced as that last little peach from Jeremy.

    Free Member

    It belittleing and demeaning and disrespectful to refer to someone you don’t know by a term of endearment. It says “I am more powerful than you”

    Really? That 60 year old woman who sold me 4 oranges in Liverpool Street station this morning was putting me in my place was she?

    She called me “Love”.

    Free Member

    I try and use my own judgement. How is it possible to do otherwise?

    Free Member

    I’m not particularly worked up or frothing thanks Teej, all is Zen here at the pumping heart of global capitalism.

    We’re having a wigwam built on the roof for the summer, going to be green-tea chillax heaven.

    Free Member

    grum – Member
    mcboo, do you really think I can be arsed trawling through old threads to find it.

    Not when it’s so much easier to make up bullshit right? Epic epic failure.

    Free Member

    Is there really a public sector directive TJ? That come via your controlers in Havana or straight from the Politburo in Moscow?

    Free Member

    Grum: Think you’re leaving out a few facts from the other thread, but whatever

    Really? I’m all ears.

    And it’s watevva.

    Free Member

    I’m thinking of selling my bikes in favour of a sedan chair.

    Free Member

    grum – Member

    TJ I’m as common as muck and proud of it. How’s your po-face this morning?

    Didn’t we go through this in another thread? Where you were claiming to be a ‘salt of the earth’ ‘common as muck’ type but to turned out you had a totally normal middle class upbringing?


    Grandfather 1 – Labourer
    Grandfather 2 – Gentleman’s-Gentleman (ie a valet)
    Father – Cooper for 42yrs

    My salt of the earth credentials are beyond question, but thanks for asking.

    Free Member

    TJ I’m as common as muck and proud of it. How’s your po-face this morning?

    Free Member

    Its the epic snobbery implicit in the article, working class folk everywhere talk like this.

    Me I’ve taken it to an extreme, where I call the 50yr old SE London geezer sitting opposite me “Suger-Lips” and “Hot-Stuff”. He’s getting used to it after 2yrs but I do get the odd “Shaaaaaaaraaaaaap” in retaliation.

    Free Member

    I had a quick look at Argentine Military in wiki yesterday. They really are still flying the same planes they had at the end of the 1982 war.

    Lovely people the Argentinians, can anyone think of a modern conflict that has been fought with so little actual hatred? Lots of actual bloodshed, but the point being we can and will get along.

    It’s not going to be a poplar position in BA but young Argentinians ought to be damn thankful they didnt win in 1982. A thoroughly nasty, Fascistic, anti-semitic gang of murderous bastards were running that marvelous country into the ground and would have continued had they not been exposed for the thugs they were. Who knows how S.American politics would have gone had they remained in power. Things are better today.

    Free Member

    Why are you always banging on about personal attacks TJ? Argue your point or dont. You were shouting racism at me last week which was utter garbage as well.

    Be a grown up for goodness sake.

    Free Member

    If you are for introducing performance driven pay across the public sector I am all for it.

    Are you?

    Free Member

    rightplacerighttime – Member
    Actually, I don’t mind how much we pay the top people, so long as we tax them at 100% above about £500,000

    I’m sure that a distribution of take home pay that gives the top earners about 25 times more than the bottom earners is reasonably fair.

    Yuck. Socialism.

    Free Member

    Different people are motivated by different things based on what they place value on. There are many ways to engage and motivate your employees. This is one tool in a large box.

    And so say all of us

    Free Member

    Right…..I can just FEEL the motivation oozing from the friendly staff at Haringey Council each and every time I deal with them.

    Jeremy your world view appears to be

    Public Sector = Good, verging on sainthood.
    Private Sector = Downright evil/deluded Daily Mail reading fools.

    Which is why you work in healthcare in never-reformed Scotland, and I left my homeland to seek my fortune.

    Free Member

    TandemJeremy – Member
    That makes my point – the threat of the sack is being used to motivate teachers. surely they should be being offered bonuses as according to you guys that is the only way to motivate staff?

    Hah if only that were true. The reason we need Academies and Free Schools is precicely so that teachers can made accountable to the headmasters and parents. There hasnt been ANY threat of the sack in LEA run comprehensives. That will remain the case in unreformed Scotland.

    Bonuses are good, they can make you work harder and better and promote innovation. In banking they grew too much and became something that people felt the were entitled too. That is no longer the case, believe me.

    TJ you choose to work in the public sector, some of us work in business. Take off your hairshirt and stop being so bloody patronising.

    Free Member

    Seems you have to have a P next to your name to be on this thread. No Hitters then.

    Free Member

    I just had time to look at the cover, worth it for that shot alone.

    Free Member

    I met Mark Beaumont in a restaraunt in San Sebastain a couple of years ago. Very nice fella.

    He’s not from Perthshire, he’s from Dundee. Not the same at all nonononooooooo.

    Free Member

    Morning jota. I clicked on your linky, read the About section….

    My name’s Dario, I’m a young entrepreneur and independent filmmaker.

    …..I mean, whats the point?

    Free Member

    Great thread fellas.

    Free Member

    I can do this all day

    The word socialist was added to the Preamble of the Indian Constitution by the 42nd amendment act of 1976, during the Emergency. It implies social and economic equality. Social equality in this context means the absence of discrimination on the grounds only of caste, colour, creed, sex, religion, or language. Under social equality, everyone has equal status and opportunities. Economic equality in this context means that the government will endeavour to make the distribution of wealth more equal and provide a decent standard of living for all.[citation needed]…

    Following independence, the Indian government officially adopted a policy of non-alignment, although it had an affinity with the USSR. The party’s commitment to socialism has waned in recent years, particularly following the assassination of Indira Gandhi and her son Rajiv Gandhi. Elected in 1991, the government of Narasimha Rao introduced economic liberalisation with the support of finance minister Manmohan Singh, the current prime minister of India.

    Free Member

    Your one redeeming quality Mcboo is your sense of humour, you have to have one to believe what you do.

    I’m also un-approachably handsome. And modest.

    What do I do exactly chap? Professional orphanage burner?

    Free Member

    rightplacerighttime – Member
    But just to be going on with, I’m not sure that there is any sort of capitalism that doesn’t concentrate wealth into the hands of fewer and fewer people.

    And I’m against that in principle.

    When you come back maybe tell us why it matters if some people get very rich if lots of other see real and lasting improvements in their lives. Me I’m disgusted that the average compensation of a FTSE100 director went up by 49% last year. What on earth for? Have they no idea what is going in the economy? I’m an economic liberal but that kind of thing makes me want to reach for a pitchfork. That doesnt mean the whole system is wrong though, it suggests we need to break down so cosy cartels in the boardroom.

    Free Member

    Some people. People like you

    Its only just gone noon and we already have our second member of the STW Flat Earth Society. El-Bent and TJ and a big pile of magic beans.

    Where is TJ anyway? He was about to explain how India started to get wealthy after 1991 but it had nothing whatever to do with economic liberalisation.

    We seek him here we seek him there….

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