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  • Fresh Goods Friday 672 – The Metal Mullets Edition
  • mcboo
    Free Member

    Nope. Still not doing it.

    Free Member

    scaredypants – Member

    “If I was a Palestinian I might become a suicide bomber too…..”
    where’s the problem ?
    wouldn’t you consider drastic measures if your community was essentially walled in and persecuted by some other group ?

    Oh bless you make it sound so reasonable, blowing up buses full of folk on their way to work. No, there is nothing that would make me commit such an act.

    Free Member

    Deliverance seems like a waste to me….its just a straight, very steep drop no? If you go left there, its a great twisting route round to near the top of Summer Lightening.

    Free Member

    Here you go.

    If you start in Westcott you get a nice 45 minute warm up on the way up to Barry Knows Best, down to Peaslake, up the other side and back down Pitch.
    Tea and cheese stick at the Post Office in Peaslake then up to Holmbury.
    Enjoy the view then down Yoghurt Pots and Telegraph.
    Climb up to Leith, over the other side and into the extended Summer Lightening all the way to Westcott.

    Is lots of riding I dont know about but these are the crowd pleasers, I get down there a few times a year and havent felt the need to look for more trails. Best riding I’ve done in the UK.

    Free Member

    anywhere in London do it anyone?

    Free Member

    Whatever your views on Israel she has a lot of form, verging on anti-semitism.

    Tonge said in 2006: “The pro-Israeli lobby has got its grips on the western world, its financial grips. I think they’ve probably got a grip on our party.”

    She means Jews.

    I first heard of her when she came out with the old “If I was a Palestinian I might become a suicide bomber too…..”

    Those numbers on the growth of religious fundamentalism in Israel are scary. I just dont get religion.

    Free Member

    Evans can be a bit hit and miss but on balance they are a very good outfit. Huge variation in the knowledge of the staff but there is always someone around who does know what they are talking about.

    I needed a new internal headset fitted, LBS werent sure they had the part in, couldnt take the bike for a week. Evans took it next day and sorted it with stock parts.

    I try and make a point of buying tubes, oils at the LBS and using the workshop whenever I can but it is sometimes a bit of an effort and almost always hits a bit extra in the pocket. They have definately upped their game in the customer service deprtment since Evans opened round the corner. Are good guys but were a bit surly in that very “Bike Shop” way we all know……all smiles and warm welcomes now……thats why I love the free market.

    Free Member

    I like the Trek…..and the Scott. Agreed next time it could be 29′ .

    Free Member

    I need to get a better picture, looks like a gate here. Got it for a bit of XC but mainly an all day marathon racer. Fast and light and comfortable and half the price of the Giant I looked at at the time.

    Taking me along the length of the Pyrenees in 4 months.

    Free Member

    Julianwilson makes a good point. Sticking a round £35k on the policy and saying you have to leave if you cant make that is a little arbitrary, doesnt take into account the industry or geography.

    Free Member

    Oh Kimbers…..lefties just chuckle, righties crack heads? You been listening to too much Billy Bragg fella? I’m a lover not a fighter.

    Free Member

    (though I was thinking of swapping the pastry topping with a hash brown/rosti topping perhaps?)

    This…….Hash Brown topping. Oh my Lordy.

    Free Member

    So despite your eagerness to volunteer, you actually have no useful skills.

    Thats OK I have a positive mental attitude, I’m a fast learner and an incredibly hard worker.

    Free Member

    Cool! Will you be going to work for free in Tesco afterwards

    No I will be returning to my cave at the pumping heart of global capitalism. Thanks.

    Free Member

    5. Me and like minded souls volunteer to make the games work rather than die of national embarrasment.

    Free Member

    a (drink-soaked) former Trotskyist popinjay

    Copywrite George Galloway

    My 9yr old read Call of the Wild last year, loved it. Reminds me I need to get him started on To Build a Fire, that one scared me.

    Free Member

    Would you consider 60 or 65 to be an appropriate age to be wearing breathing apparatus in a house fire searching for and then rescuing casualties? Or manipulating the cutting equipment and physically removing people from cars that have been in accidents?

    Quite possibly not. I’m not suggesting firemen get kept on at that age and certainly not found some non-job just so they can keep accruing years until they get their pension. Soldiers generally leave at 22yrs so most folk are done at 40-45……its a young man’s game.

    If it wasn’t the fire service but was a life long private pension scheme that this was happening too would you accept such a change of conditions and keep paying the new inflated premium for longer to achieve less at the end? I remember the uproar and anguish caused when private schemes collapsed.

    Sorry but terms and conditions are not set in stone. An employer has the right to change those terms and the employee has the right to stick two fingers up and take his/her talents elsewhere.

    Free Member

    Because he is being patronising and offensive asking a good question

    MSP do you only talk straight to people on the internet? Honestly I like to think I’m up front with people in person too, I’m sorry for you if you arent.

    Free Member

    You dare me?

    Free Member

    Lummox if you arent happy why dont you stop whinging, withdraw your labour permanently and go do something else with your life?

    How many applicants per vacancy do the fire service get?

    Free Member

    Apparently the great American writer jack London had this to say on the matter of strikebreakers:

    Ah Jack London was one of my favourites at school. I liked his books a lot but I could never figure out if he was a socialist or white supremacist. What do you think?

    Free Member

    But the chances are that you won’t get the chance to do so ‘legitimately’. I suspect there will be a ban on ‘free speech’ for the duration of the olympics. Not that it will stop the inevitable…

    Oh do calm down

    Free Member

    The Guardian – “Unite General Secretary Len McClusky cannot truly exist. He has been invented by the Daily Mail newsroom to keep Paul Dacre in clover.”

    Free Member

    Where do I volunteer as strike cover?

    Free Member

    Whole milk? Really? I’m cutting it out (of lattes) in an effort to get skinny, am upping the riding and running. Should I stick with whole milk?

    Free Member

    TandemJeremy – Member

    joeegg – Member

    Where’s the dividing line between someone wanting to maintain Christian values in what is still a Christian country and a racist.

    Its not – its a secular country. anyone wanting to maintain “cristian values” is as bad and is highly offensive to me

    Time out!

    Free Member

    khani – Member
    Just remember, the arseholes are in the minority on both sides, everyone else is just getting on with their lives..

    Enough about STW, what about the EDL…..<boom, boom>

    Free Member

    brakes – Member


    shame the Walrus & Carpenter isn’t open at that time…

    Wolseley. They’d love us in there.

    Free Member

    I rode down the Lea to Limehouse the other day, then along a blue route (Cable Street) to Tower Hill. All very nice and safe (loads of cyclists, cars give you a wide bearth) but it got really grim at the Tower. I’m a big strapping lad, still felt pretty intimadating getting across to the start of the Embankment and then no bike route. Would not want to be a beginner commuter or lady rider there, no fun.

    Free Member

    I just posted previously to make you think about somert else rather than just tyres.

    Is it Him?

    Free Member

    bwaarp – Member
    How many of you can’t get it into your heads that this has genuinely taken jobs off people who were being paid for it (especially in the low skilled hotel industry where 1 day of training suffices or the “slaves” have experience in that sector already).

    If you want to have a work experience scheme, keep it in the public sector and have them do community service work. Knowing how expensive mountain biking is those of you supporting this scheme are probably 40 year old tosspots who work in the city.

    41 actually.

    Feeling a bit shouty today are we?

    Free Member

    I’ve used Nics for years, they are still the (relatively) heavy duty tyre for me for trips to Spain/Lakes. My new bike came with Rons 2.1s, as njee says they are a bit lighter but are pretty good in the wet and tremendous when its dry.

    Not expecting them to last but while they do they are great. Are Ralphs basically shallower tread versions of Nics now?

    Free Member

    Nothing wrong with getting people to work for their benefits in principle but I can see how that might mean say Tesco need to hire less people into proper jobs. Certainly nothing wrong with showing people that it’s good to get out of your bed in the morning… above though, lot of unemployed at the moment are anything but feckless.

    Slave labour it is not…..

    Free Member

    I like them, they are comfortable as well as looking great (Barcelona chairs are NOT comfortable) but I wouldnt shell out 4k thinking I’m getting an original….need to do your homework on the quality. There must be websites where design geeks hang out who will know. Otherwise I smell a rip-off

    Free Member

    Sean Penn clearly wrote that Guardian piece because of the flaming he was getting for gobbing off about something he has at best a slender grasp of. Basically claiming “Thats not what I said”. Dont think that PR strategy going to go too well.

    He was great in Schindlers List though.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    a bong

    Free Member

    Smiley t-shirt

    Free Member

    Is there such a thing as an “original” Eames chair? The patent has expired I think, anyone can make them no? Anyone can claim they are the authentic manufacturer and slap a big ticket on it.

    Free Member

    pop into your LBS…..problem solved.

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