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  • A Spectator’s Guide To Red Bull Rampage
  • mcboo
    Free Member

    London – not as atmospheric as Bristol.

    Free Member

    What a brilliant day out, we drove and parked at the swimming pool. Went in there for a look around (its lovely) then walked over to North Park and the Velodrome. Really good event, way better than the big industry ones I’ve been to.

    and I met Chris King!

    The whole Olympic Park is quite something, if you have young kids there all kinds of strange macabre looking climbing frames/trees for them to fall off. I really love the landscaping, all the reeds and meadow down by the river, very peaceful.

    Some amount of housing gone up and seems they are about to build a bunch more and commercial space.

    So we do have a legacy….and the Olympics were great.

    Free Member

    Justin Burls made me a Ti bespoke 29er and I couldnt be happier with the bike or with dealing with Justin. Tremendous value too.

    In the south-east why dont you go and see Jean Claude Pretorius in Shoreditch? Its worth the trip just to see the shop, it’s the ultimate man-cave and he makes lovely Ti bikes right in your price range. Not sure this build would come in under 3k though…

    Free Member

    I’m going to hang off until this is in a sale……embrace it.

    Free Member

    Yeh thanks all, going to have a look at the home contents cover, and the cards.

    Free Member

    £250 excess for theft, dont have protected NCB……I guess what I’m asking is do they take ALL NCB away for a relatively small sum?

    Free Member

    I only know one bloke who has his name down his (expensive carbon roadie) frame. I’m not exagerating when I state that he is without doubt the biggest, stinkiest, most bulbous, throbbing, swollen bell end I’ve ever met in my entire life.

    Does that answer your question?

    Have we met in the flesh fella? I have my name on my road bike cause it looks pretty and I’m proud of it and frankly a bit proud of myself. It’s all about the kit and the bike…..I say embrace it.

    Free Member

    The main problem with capitaism is that there isnt enough of it. Business has to be accountable to governments who properly supervise what key industries like finance (so that we never get a bank the size of RBS in our midst) are doing, then keep out of the way as much as possible.

    Global indicators of wellbeing are improving all the time. Its not fashionable to say it but it isnt an accident that this is happening exactly when the Chinese and Indian governments are abandoning state socialism and hundereds of millions of their citizens are moving off the land.

    Want socialism? Have a look at what is happening to Venezuala as they start running out of money.

    Free Member

    I voted for him and would again. I didnt think Ken was a terrible mayor but he’s got a troubling tenedency for identity politics in a city where people generally rub along pretty well.

    If you hate Tories you wont like Boris. Haters gonna hate, lot of that on the left.

    Free Member

    They’ve only got 58s left, think Wiggle do them too…..Felt F5. Nice carbon frame, 105 group, upgrade the wheels when you are ready. 30% off, £1150.

    Free Member

    One of my pals (he’s on here occasionaly) works for London Underground, is a member of the RMT. Short working week, I think something like 50 days leave, very good pay.

    I ask how come they get all that?

    “Strong unions”

    Some workplaces lend themselves to the staff imposing leverage, many dont. Before we all start rushing to the barracades, take a glance at France. As we all know they love a bit of strike action and are very proud of that tradition. But French industry go to extraordinary lengths not to take on new staff because of industrial relations laws. Even in the boom years French enemployment was rarely below 8%, it just hit 11%. Which is fine if you are employed (often by the state) but bloody awful if you are on the outside looking in. Not much Fraternite there…..

    Free Member

    +1…they’re great, and very cheap for some brands. Always buy Schwalbe and Conti tyres there.

    Free Member

    Hang on

    I hope they do lose business. I rarely use them and was shocked at what I was charged for a small parcel a couple of days ago.

    and then

    Yet another national asset sold for the benefit of a few.

    Make your mind up.

    Free Member

    Crouch End N8 to St Pauls, about 5.5 miles. Agreed best part of the day, find the best route (not necessarily the shortest) and it becomes a relaxing pleasure. Just dont treat it as a race, assume everyone else is blind.

    I think London is getting much easier to cycle in every year. Infrastructure is improving (thanks Boris/Ken), there are more and more of us on two wheels (sometimes cyclists ARE the traffic) and I think a lot of drivers are getting used to us being on the roads. Cabbies and bus drivers certainly are, buses especially used to pull out on me all the time, much less of that now. Still a long way to go but definately going in the right direction.

    Free Member

    Yeuch – Socialism. No thanks.

    Free Member

    Dirt jump => thats like BMX type things you see kids (and men who should no better) riding around on with their knees bent?

    Free Member

    bumpety bump…..any ideas folks?

    Free Member

    Its expensive. But its a great day out, best organised event I’ve done.

    305km for £90……

    Free Member

    Right….thing is I thought I’d be doing all of the above and havent. I commute on mine and its fine for that. But I could really do with commuter I can use as a proper winter road bike, knock out 100k on a Saturday morning with my pals.

    I’m not knocking Genesis, I really think they’re a good outfit and make nice looking bikes. Am actually thinking of selling the Vapour and buying an Equlibrium. Anyone know what an Equilibrium 10 weighs?

    Free Member

    I’m usually the first to witter on about how great “my” bike is. I’ve had a Gensis Vapour (the alu version of CDF) for a couple of years….honestly, I wouldnt. Looks nice and all that but its just too heavy….I just dont think you need disc brakes. Upgraded the wheels to Crests on Pro II and that helps a bit but being mostly a roadie these days its no great pleasure throwing my leg over it.

    Free Member

    Yes I think we’re def going to have to turn off “going for a time” sportive mode, too far for that.

    Free Member

    Thanks all, lots of experience here as ever.

    Just for colour, its not an Audax as such, basically the Dragon++ ie a 300km sportive. 300km and 3,400m climb instead of the usual 210km and 3200m. So longer day on the bike but doable.

    Its a pretty quick bunch, do 100-150km rides every weekend in the Surrey Hills, 3-4 sportives, usually all in top 5% or so time wise on those.

    At the moment the consensus is continue through the winter as we are, do a couple of sportives a month or so before at full gas then on the day go out full gas -15% and maybe for once do it as a big group….14 of us. Doesnt sound like we’ll go far wrong though I know the temptation will be there to still be doing long rides too near the event. Is on 8th June so from what you guys say we want to be building base Jan/Feb, riding hard and long in March and April, less so in May.

    Free Member

    +1…..always liked reading Mr Barnes. Best to you.

    Free Member

    Dont get discs. I did on my Genesis. Heavy, ugly, you dont need them on a commuter.

    Free Member

    Just moved from the Cannondale Six to the Supersix Hi-Mod Evo. Its light and stiff and maybe the most comfortable road bike I’ve ridden. Stays are very skinny as are the forks, soaks up a lot of road buzz…..rides a bit like Ti. Very happy with it so far. Wheels as important as the frame though, have had my old Ksyrium Elites on it, are decent wheels but these SLR change the ride completely.

    Free Member

    13.5 stone/86kg

    I was much heavier when I got into cycling, dropped from 98kg when I was 34, which wasnt healthy, to 86kg at almost 43.

    Going to get down to 82/83kg….next year.

    Free Member

    If 29ers are middle class count me in.

    Free Member

    We used to live in Fulham, when it came over into LHR we all used to stick our heads out the window and goggle at it, lot of pride in it.

    Free Member

    Oh go on then, I was lucky enough to fly on it twice. Second time I had a regular business seat, I got to JFK straight from a nightclub, had been up all night with a pal in NY. The nice BA lady told me there was a Concorde leaving at the same time, do I want a seat?

    It was small and cramped and very 1970s true. Best thing was take-off, we did a long slow arc out over Long Island with an amazing view of Manhattan as the sun came up. Once out over the Atlantic the whole thing just tipped back (and I mean right back, so steep you wouldnt be able to stand up) and up it went…..72,000ft in no time. Tiny little windows so you couldnt see much but def see the curve of the Earth, and above us, pure black outer space. About 3hr 15min flight time I think?

    Oh and they served us lobster and Johnie Walker Blue Label.

    Free Member

    I think you basically need two incomes in a household to be anything like comfortable.

    Free Member

    As above….have a go at it. XC Racer website will tell you where your local XC MTB races are. First time just join in at the back, maybe do the Fun. You wont believe how quickly the guys at the front set off at, dont worry about it, just use your first couple of rides to get into the swing of it. Once you have your head around whats going on they are FANTASTIC fun, you’ll be going great guns before you know it, be totally buzzing at the end.

    Road sportives are another alternative, not a race but lots of people (ie everyone) is trying to get round fast as they can then see where they come when the results go online on the Monday morning. Better still find some pals and do it together or even join a club. That goes for XC too…’ll find your local club will be full of nice folk who will cheer you on whatever your standard.

    Free Member

    We came back through Epsom from Box a couple of weeks ago, got stuck on a hellish road all the way to Kingston, am sure you are right, there is a better way.

    This is a shortened version but shows a nice way out and back that isnt super busy….add hills to taste.

    Free Member

    Yeh dont go down the A24 unless a soul-less never ending dual carriageway flicks your switch. Down through the park to Hampton Court, Kingston then out to Sandown, Esher way and into the Surrey Hills. All kinds of nice road riding, Peaslake and Box top places for a cuppa.

    Free Member

    Here’s mine, I had a lot of fun on a Ti456 for 4yrs then went for a bespoke 29er from Justin Burls. I just love it, fast and light and comfortable.

    I thought long and hard about getting a Ti road frame, didnt in the end, got a Supersix Evo High Mod which feels a lot like Ti to me.

    But for mtb, for me, always Ti. They’re just right.

    Free Member

    I’ve never tried Campag, had lots of Shimano and SRAM stuff over the years on mtb and road.

    – Have SRAM force on my nice road bike. I dont like double tap, its just too much like hard work and a bit industrial.

    – SRAM warranty is top notch in my (and pals) experience. My rear shifter just wore out/failed, out of warranty by 6 months. They sent me a brand new set front and rear.

    – Have 105 on my CX bike…..I like it better than SRAM Force, just smoother, more accurate, prob cheaper too.

    – XTR is the best value for money MTB groupset I’ve used. Just lasts for ever, ticks up and down the gears like clockwork, light, looks nice. I wouldnt hesitate.

    The Force is going to be replaced by Dura Ace 11 speed at some point as long as I dont need to buy a new rear wheel. Do I?

    Free Member

    Interesting, I have the same wheels and that happens with my bike (Cannondale Synapse Hi-Mod).

    Its definately the wheels…..had both sets on my old frame, a Cannondale Six and now on the Super Six Hi-Mod. I actually think the upgrade in wheels has had as much impact as the frame, and the frame is a belter.

    Free Member

    I upgraded from Mavic Ksyrium Elite to Ksyrium SLR earlier this year, got them for £980 at Winstanley Bikes. Wish I’d done it sooner, I’d thought my frame was flexy when I stamped, it wasnt, it was the wheels (and I liked those wheels a lot), best upgrade ever. Look nice and stealthy too and the breaking power is tremendous.

    Free Member

    Thanks, that link is what I need. I dont mean to be a skinflint and I’m new to this glasses malarky but isnt £200 for a pair of lenses a lot?

    Free Member

    Did you buy them aftermarket or when you bought them?

    Free Member

    This thread makes me want to go and have a lovely lunch at Scotts. That is a very nice spot.

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