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  • Madison Code Breaker Sunglasses review
  • mc
    Free Member

    Fords, at least the transits, have the 5th “injector”. They can clog and be the root cause of dpf blockages (no active-regens).

    Only the 2.2.
    Ecoblue engine relies on the normal injectors.

    Free Member

    TBH its the teacher who sounds a bit of a duffer. He should have seen that sanding the flat of a thin nameplate might slip between the pad and the table which is clearly too far away from the pad, which should only be a couple of mil.

    Or perhaps the students were only meant to be using the sander to sand the edges with the nameplate laid flat on the table?

    Free Member

    what were the problems with the shock?

    The frame/linkage design puts a lot of twisting forces through the shock, which is generally fine with air shocks, but the smaller shaft on coil shocks leads to excess wear, or with certain shocks, can even lead to the shock shaft shearing.

    However Ibis will deny there is any problem with the design…

    Free Member

    I happened to listen to an unrelated podcast, and the woman being interviewed touched on this.

    It was quite a US centric view, but she took the stand that businesses are there to use employees as much as they possibly can, and it’s up to employees to set the boundaries. Her own personal example, as someone very senior who dealt with global teams, was she set hours where she was unavailable throughout the day to do her own personal stuff. Her main example being 5-7PM was family time, but if required to talk with Asia, she would be available after 7PM.

    Free Member

    Would you watch TV if you were forced to watch the ads there, and have to agree to terms and conditions preventing you from going to the bog or going to the kitchen to put the kettle on?

    I never knew YouTube forced you to stay and watch every ad?

    Free Member

    Dodgy sellers at these kind of events are nothing new.

    My favourite was always the super special drill through anything drill bit sellers who used brake discs as an example of  how easy the drills could go through ‘hardened’ material. I was asked to leave one after highlighting brake discs were just cast iron, and if a blunt drill couldn’t get through a brake disc, then you weren’t pushing hard enough.

    Free Member

    I run a website FOC to users, zero ads.

    It’s for my cycling collective, as we have no membership, there are no membership fees to pay to run a website, so I just pay for it myself.

    A large chunk of the web runs that way, people just contribute stuff because they can / want to.

    Would you still run it for free if there were millions of users viewing it everyday, and you were having to pay for the bandwidth for all those users?

    Free Member

    You do know about the c45% rev share with YouTube content creators? Surely it’s reasonable to pay for content and you can either pay by being a customer, or by being the product, seeing ads and enjoying free content?

    That’s my take is on it as well.
    I wonder how many adblocker users would work for free?

    However I do agree that the cost of a YouTube subscription is far too high, especially if you have no interest in the Music side of the package.

    Free Member

    Finally had an email saying Part of your order has been processed, along with one from Evri saying they’re expecting my parcel, so it’s taken them a week to dispatch the second pair that I ordered.

    I received the pair of Trail Cross Mid’s last week, and they are brilliant for trailbuilding. The collar stops rubbish from getting in, they seem to have noticeably more grip for walking, while still providing good pedal grip and feel, although they’re even less waterproof than more normal Five Ten’s, as they have mesh sections.However I did order a size up so I can wear some thick merino socks with them. 

    Free Member

    It’s all those evil trailbuilders’ faults :)

    Free Member

    The only thing bow saws are usually any good at, is getting jammed in trees, and bashing your knuckles of the tree if you try using one for brashing.

    A semi-decent fold up saw is far more practical for trail work.
    A sub 200mm blade is ideal for most things, and will fit in most backpacks.

    I generally use Stihl PR16’s as they’re a good all rounder, but I have also had a mix of cheaper options.
    Some are just pure rubbish. Too fine a blade and they’re useless on bigger stuff. Too course a blade, they’ll jump/snag on smaller stuff more. Cheap ones also tend to blunt and snap easier.
    However the best one I ever had was one I got out the clearance bin at B&Q for a couple pound. It cut brilliantly, never seemed to dull, but it eventually succumb to jamming and snapping.

    Now I just buy the Stihl’s. Relatively expensive, but I’d rather spend £30 on a known good saw, than £10 on three unknown saws.

    If you do want to go bigger, a Silky Bigboy will fit in most backpacks, and cut most things you’d want to cut on a trail. Katanaboy’s will do anything you’d likely be willing to do without resorting to a chainsaw, but you’re not really going to ride around covertly carrying one of those!

    Free Member

    I’d recommend disconnecting the battery over the winter, as there is always a parasitic drain on batteries, which when combined with lead acid batteries self discharging, means they’ll often be dead if left all winter.

    It’s also worth giving them a charge every month or two.

    Biggest issue with most rideon mowers, is they don’t have that big a charging output (basic B&S alternator is only rated at 3A), so if the battery is run low, it can take a lot of running to get them charged again.

    Free Member

    I ordered two different pairs at the start of the week, and the first pair got delivered the following day.

    I’m guessing I’m going to have to cancel the second pair, as there’s still no sign of them being dispatched :/

    Free Member

    Where do the staff fit in this? At some point if they aren’t likely to get paid

    I believe just after the tax man and before the banks for wages (and holiday?) other stuff like expenses they’re unsecured creditors and get pence in the pound if they’re lucky.

    My understanding is wages are the priority, then the creditors get whatever is left

    Free Member

    Apparantly the website had administration details but pulled them, below is a cached

    That isn’t cached.
    You can find that link from the website if you go to My Account -> Help, then it’s currently the first in the Popular Questions list if you scroll down a bit, or if you click on Accounts, then it’s the first/top question.

    The legal text at the bottom of pages has also been updated to Wiggle Ltd (in Administration), however nothing has been added to CRC, and there’s been nothing published on The Gazette yet.

    Free Member

    Any updates? Has the latest STW invoice to CRC been settled? Forum is still showing as sponsored.

    I’d imagine all contracted sponsorship will remain in place until any contracts are officially broken/terminated.

    Free Member

    Define bearing mount?

    Trunnion mount shocks, which have a bolt hole either side of the body, will most definitely not fit in place of a conventional eyelet mount shock.

    However there are a few different eyelet type bearing mounts, which may or may not fit, so it would probably be best if you could post some links to what you’re looking at.

    Free Member

    The major fallout from this if Nukeproof disappear, are all the LBSs who have sold them.

    A customer’s warranty legally lies with the selling retailer, so if those LBSs no longer have the backup of the manufacturer, they’re going to have a significant liability.

    Free Member

     (unified live stock control I suspect).

    This answers the question about why the new website was rolled out. Wiggle, CRC, and Hotlines all had their own individual systems, so staff were having to manually move stock between websites, which is why prior to the new website, something could show as being out of stock on one of the sites, yet still in stock on the others.

    However the whole rollout was a disaster. Hotlines couldn’t process shop orders for a few weeks, as the functionality for B2B sales hadn’t been implemented correctly/fully.

    Free Member

    Do people also complain when Amazon change the price of products you’ve left in the basket overnight?

    Free Member

    The van’s were different, but I’m guessing the production used what was available.

    I’m struggling to think of how to suitably word this, but I took this production as being to tell the story and give some insight into who he was, and how he treated/manipulated/abused people based on known details, not to be a 100% accurate reconstruction.

    Free Member

    I very much doubt it’ll be another Polar, as the new V3 still has the same limitation that you’re not meant to press buttons when in water, which to me defeats the whole point of being able to use it in a swimming pool – Water resistance of Polar products | Polar USA

    Suunto watches do look good, but they don’t do cycle computers, and I’d rather stick to one ecosystem.

    I’m currently lost in Garmin watches, and increasing decision paralysis on DC Rainmaker :/

    Free Member

    SXC had used that Pennel’s Vennel option before GT7.

    Free Member

    Wonder what the real story was. Was it just nonsense all along that last year might have been the last? Or a reprieve with a different organiser?

    Rare Management are no more.
    Mike took the change of UCI organisers as a point to retire but wanted to finish with another World Champs, and Lesley has some ongoing health issues. Due to nobody else being willing to take on the company, all the other staff had moved on to other things.

    And the last I heard, Nevis Range although interested, didn’t have suitable staff to organise it, so it’ll be interesting to see who the actual organisers are.

    Free Member

    I read that 30% of ALL small packages going into the USA are shein and temu sales. This is utter insanity caused by low value import exemptions and state supported postage in China. The EU and eventually the U.K. solved the import exemption problem but they can still ship for less direct from China than within the U.K. to the U.K. 

    I meant to reply to this the other day but forgot. The Chinese state doesn’t directly subsidise postage, it’s subsidised under the world wide UPU agreement by ‘richer’ countries.

    Essentially the in country postal company only needs to charge what it costs them to get it on a plane, then the delivery country postal company delivers it for free.

    I agree with the principle of the UPU whereby the cost of sending an international letter is relative to the cost of living in each country, so it means somebody in say Africa can afford to send international mail without it costing them a significant amount of money, and the same does apply to a lot of Chinese citizens, however I do feel the likes of Aliexpress are abusing the system and severely disadvantaging retailers in richer countries.

    Free Member

    I use them in the rear tyre of my full-sus and hardtail. Tyre pressures have always been sensible, the inserts just give me an extra bit of insurance against those unexpected hits (such as a particularly sharp g-out I hit a few weeks back)

    I could comment about your lack of weight and that Gary doesn’t run inserts… :)

    Which has randomly reminded me I need to order a new brake lever for the hardtail!

    Free Member

    For fairly gentle/XC riding, I’d probably not bother.

    I’ve got them in the rear tyres of my two main bikes. Full sus has a Vittoria, and hardtail a Cushcore.
    Big benefit is I’ve never killed a rim since fitting them, but I did rip the sidewall out the hardtail, which I suspect was caused by the Cushcore providing support for a rock to rip through the sidewall. However it did allow me to finish riding down the trail, and the 4 miles back to the van.

    Downsides are they are a pain to fit, ranging from just being slightly awkward (large tyre with plenty room for the insert to move), to an absolute pain with you questioning the meaning of life (Cushcore!) but the Cushcore butt plug tyre lever really does help.

    Free Member

    1m of freshwater will only create 0.1bar or 1.42psi of pressure, so if you ever do get in deep enough water to choke an engine via the exhaust, choking the engine is likely to be the least of your worries.

    In deep water, as low revs as possible. That way if you do suck in water, there’s a better chance (especially in a diesel) that the engine will be strangled before water reaches the cylinders, rather than high air flow dragging as much in possible.

    Free Member

    Any parts of the electric system out with the passenger compartment on an EV should be fully sealed just like an ICE vehicle. Provided the passenger compartment is water tight, an EV should be able to handle deeper water, as they’re typically heavier, so won’t float and lose traction as quick, and you don’t have to worry about water being inhaled by the engine.

    I always go supper slow with high revs/slipped clutch

    How to admit you have no idea how to drive in deep water, without actually admitting you have no idea how to drive in deep water (Hint. if you do go deep enough for the engine to inhale some water, high revs will greatly improve the odds of catastrophic engine failure)

    Free Member

    I left mine outside to dry, and I think I now need to burn them..

    Lets try again

    Free Member

    I left mine outside to dry, and I think I now need to burn them..

    Free Member

    That’s totally fair…but I guess the problem is would someone more appropriate not be doing it if BC hadn’t got it by default?<br style=”box-sizing: border-box; –tw-translate-x: 0; –tw-translate-y: 0; –tw-rotate: 0; –tw-skew-x: 0; –tw-skew-y: 0; –tw-scale-x: 1; –tw-scale-y: 1; –tw-scroll-snap-strictness: proximity; –tw-ring-offset-width: 0px; –tw-ring-offset-color: #fff; –tw-ring-color: rgb(59 130 246 / 0.5); –tw-ring-offset-shadow: 0 0 #0000; –tw-ring-shadow: 0 0 #0000; –tw-shadow: 0 0 #0000; –tw-shadow-colored: 0 0 #0000; color: #000000; font-family: Roboto, ‘Helvetica Neue’, Arial, ‘Noto Sans’, sans-serif, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, ‘Segoe UI’, ‘Apple Color Emoji’, ‘Segoe UI Emoji’, ‘Segoe UI Symbol’, ‘Noto Color Emoji’; background-color: #eeeeee;” />BC only have one KPI and that’s Olympic Gold medals… mixing that up with anything else seems counterproductive to BMX/MTB or just cycling in general. 90% of effort is directed towards something I think is worse than worthless.. Olympic medals for a country… whilst everything else falls into the 10% of other things

    And who would that “someone more appropriate” be?

    As with all sports organising bodies in the UK, medals, be that Olympic or other major event, are only part of their remit. A large chunk of their funding is dependant on grassroots and engagement. Otherwise why would they bother with things like Let’s Ride?

    I don’t think BC are perfect, but I do think they do a reasonable job at promoting and supporting a lot of cycling in the UK.

    Free Member

    Not as accurate in what way and is there any practical issue?

    i always found the optical tracking (both OH1 and both Vantage watches I have) to be slower responding than the H10, and at times it would pick up my cadence rather than pulse. I suspect the latter is due to my arm muscles contracting on tough climbs screwing with the optical pulse detection. As much as I’d love my heart rate to be 60-80bpm when I’m blowing out my backside on a steep climb, the lack of accurate max heart rate isn’t very good.

    For general tracking its close enough, but if you want the most accurate tracking, then chest strap still seems to be the most accurate.

    It’s also a bigger issue if you have coloured skin, as the pigment makes the optical detection even less accurate.

    Free Member

    I’ve had a Polar H10 for nearly 4 years now, and batteries usually last a few months. As has been said, you should pop of one side off the strap to avoid it not continually running.

    I did replace the strap this year, which initially showed as batteries only seeming to last days at times (I initially thought I’d bought a duff batch of batteries), and I thought the H10 was faulty, but after a few weeks it wouldn’t read anything at all. It wouldn’t even wake up and show on bluetooth.

    It actually triggered me to buy a new Polar watch (I had been looking for a while, and needing a new monitor convinced me to finally buy one!), but thought I’d try the new strap before pairing the new H10. My original H10 sprung to life, and has been working flawlessly for the past 6 months.

    I’ve also got the Polar Optical HRM, which I liked for the fact it’s compact, rechargeable, and can record standalone, but I now just use a watch for when I can’t use the H10, and optical is not as accurate as a chest strap.

    Free Member

    The big issues you’ll find is that due to the number of customs on the road, reported faults are more common.

    In terms of fleet vehicles, they’re probably one of the better options.

    Wet belt is fine provided it’s been serviced when it should have been, and with the correct oil. Every failure except one that I’ve seen has either not been serviced when it should have been, or has had the wrong oil used. The exception was an engine that had been run out of coolant twice, resulting in a cam lobe spinning due to overheating.
    If the history is unknown, then I’d budget to get the wet belt changed, which isn’t that cheap a job. You can check the belt for early signs of failure through the oil filler, as the back starts degrading before the teeth fail.

    Common failures do seem to vary between fleets/areas.
    Our depot rarely had any clutch issues, but had a lot of exhaust pressure sensor failures, and corroded power steering pipes.
    Other depots would have a lot of clutches, and others had never done a power steering pipe.
    Couriers would have regular front door loom failures.

    Free Member

    I was just about to post what @twistedpencil has.

    The main driver for having an event BC sanctioned, is for the insurance. You pay a levy to BC, pay Commissaire costs, and BC provide the insurance and ensure the event is being run to a suitable standard to cover liability.

    I’d say that for most organisers, the ranking points is a secondary thing, and that is probably true for the majority of riders as well.

    Free Member

    I’ve had one delayed for 4 hours, and one cancelled due to weather.

    Delayed one, check in handed me a food voucher, and told me to watch the boards. If there were any further changes, I’d be called back to the desk.

    Cancelled one was due to weather, turned up at airport, and there was a member of staff going along the line asking what flight you were on. She grouped us together, sent us to the desk to arrange the rebooking, she then wrote out hotel vouchers, and when she had enough people to fill a taxi, escorted us to the taxi stand and got a pre-paid taxi to take us to the hotel. We were told we’d need to book our own taxi for the morning, but it was only a 15 minute walk away, so never bothered.

    Free Member

    <p style=”text-align: left;”>M3 into 3mm is doable, but the issues are M3 doesn’t leave much tolerance for error, and most common grades of 3mm sheet/plate are fairly soft so will strip easily.</p>
    If you wanted to try tapping it, although 2.5mm is the correct size tapping hole, a cheap 2.5mm drill drilled freehand is very likely to produce an oversize hole. I’d suggest trying a 2.3 and possibly even a 2.2mm drill before tapping.

    Depending on access/aesthetics, rivnuts or chimney nuts are likely to be far more durable.

    Free Member

    There’s at least the same amount of video coverage of enduro on the official channels, but for some reason a lot of the MTB media aren’t sharing it this year. I wonder if that’s because they perceive Discovery as a media competitor?

    Aren’t riders banned from filmed their own content, with media outlets only being allowed to use official footage?

    Free Member

    If it’s never been MOT’d, it could have been an emergency services vehicle, as they are all exempt from MOT.

    The fact it’s been a surveillance vehicle, I’d give it a wide berth. As has already been mentioned, it’s likely spent most of it’s life sat idling.

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