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  • The best bike photography of the year?
  • Mbnut
    Free Member

    Weeksy which Formula do you have… I haven’t had this problem.

    perhaps your set have a touch too much fluid in and that is stopping the pistons going all the way back.

    Free Member

    The only brakes I will have on my bikes are formula… i have heard of a very few compliants regards judder that has been down to the disc but that is it.

    Ran old Oros for many years, 6 maybe, never touched them, R1 are great and have never failed and I have RX which also have never failed.

    Slowly replacing them all with The One as they are light and powerful, not grabby but excellent modulation.

    Avids are bin fodder, period.

    Hope look nice…. I have had problems with them in the Alps.

    Shimano had a good period of making reliable solid performers but last years range took a step backwards in terms of reliability.

    Magura are not a UK brand but I like them.

    All my opinions are based on using stuff and or feedback from a large group of riding buddies.

    Hope your SLX prove ok…. and enjoy smashing up those Avids!!

    Free Member

    I would say you have the perfect bike… are you really looking to compete?

    If you are worried about the climbing then go 36 floats and RP23, if you wanna enjoy the downs then stick with what you have and focus on enjoying.

    Whatever happens you will need a double and good tyres…. and train hard then taper properly, during the actual event personnal management and nutrition will have more bearing than a couple of pounds of bike weight.

    Top respect for entering by the way… I am going to have a go at getting on a similar event but am bloody nervous about coming up short.

    Free Member

    They are kinda ugly but then they look ok when built… this one is a 16” and is for sale but I think you are right and a 18” would be just right for you.

    Free Member

    I have a Zesty and a Covert… both are excellent and both are for sale…. if you give me a budget I will put together a spec and build it for you, attention to detail comes as standard.

    Free Member

    I run 650b wheels in an array of 26” forks… not lyriks though.

    I run a large tyre and it fits my Fox 36’s and Bos Devilles with no problems.

    A 2.3 tyre just about squeezes into a set of 2010 Rev Teams with 20mm thru.

    650b does make a difference though it is not as marked as going to 29 but as an experiment i am very happy with the results… biggest downside when run in 26” frame is the raising of the BB.

    If running a 650b frame and 26” forks then you will need to consider the a to c fork measurement and any difference will affect claimed geo…

    Free Member

    Oscilate Wildly

    Lots of questions about every aspect of the frame and ride which suggests to me that you are nervous about your potential purchase.

    You are currently on an Orange 5 that has 140mm of travel and a certain geometry and you ride the Peaks.

    A 456c will be about as different as a bike can be (except a stiff ali ht).

    Straight of you will notice the lighter weight but you may have to go to stronger tyres so that may take some of the zip out of the ride. You will then find yourself bobbing up and down, kinda bouncing on the saddle as you over pedal, be prepared to buy a replacement saddle to as you may well do the rails on yours as you adjust, staying seated through a fast hard compression puts alot of pressure on said saddle. Climbing it will feel good as geometry change is much less than on a saggy bottomed FS but traction over rocky ground won’t be as forgiving. Descending on smooth trails will be ok but introduce rough ground and back wheel stoppies will kill your speed. General pedalling on rough ground will be much harder and fatiguing.

    All sounds terrible right…. so why do i love riding a HT…. who blooming knows but i do and you do learn/adapt and then you will love it…. jump back on a FS and everything feels easy and fast, best have 2 bikes I reckon.

    As for the paint etc… all my bikes get marked so I tend not to worry.

    If worried buy second hand and try… if no good sell and the whole experiment has cost nothing or very little… how tall are you, do you know what size frame you want.

    Free Member

    Gonna be there next Thursday… can’t wait

    Free Member

    Hi Roverpig

    It sounds like your technique is more at fault than your bike.

    There is a tendancy for mountain bikers to invest large amounts of money in their bikes and none in themselves.

    Get some coaching… yes I coach but i never punt myself on here and that is not the purpose of my post… my point is that you will get more back pound for pound spent on coaching than any product you can buy for your bike…

    Have a little look at the article in the link, it explains the importance of under rotation.

    Don’t be down heart and keep getting out there but maybe consider if you have the correct skill set for the sections you are riding, if not then work on getting them and progressing to tougher terrain gradually.

    Free Member

    I use mine a fair bit and find it excellent for my purpose.

    Basically i ride on my own during the week a fair bit so I where a Casco and body armour as they offer a decent level of protection when i am riding trails that are techy and no one is likely to be on them for hours or even days.

    Had a few offs and the Viper has done its job just fine… I still have my good looks!!!

    No problems with the back catching my pack but then I use a Wingnut so not an issue.

    Free Member

    Hi Quincie, you certainly didn’t offend me , i was concerned about offending you.

    I appreciate what you are saying regarding a ‘goal’ but I do recommend the guided holiday route. These holidays are generally fantastic and you can rock up on your own and within a day you will have made some buddies so it is a great way of doing things.

    As for kit, your bike would probably struggle but attention to maintenance is as important as bling it… more so in fact, for Alps trips I use solid gear, stuff I trust and the blingy lightweight gear stays at home.

    A set of DH tyres and some body armour are a must really as is a full face, again it is not a fashion show… last seasons armour can be had at low prices and full face helmets can cost very little so long as you don’t want a top of the range jobbie.

    I guess my main point is that now you are into mountain biking it is a hobby for life, I am quite old, cough, comfortably in the vets class… and have been riding fof 13 years and I still find new challenges every year and I am riding better than ever… my point is don’t be in a rush, there is plenty of time to do the Mega over the next few years and then you can eye up the next challenge… take your time and remember that whilst new wheels and better brakes may help you go faster to some degree the very best place you can invest your money is in yourself, a good coach can make a stunning difference for the price of a pair of tyres.

    Only slightly jealous of where you live but I do have some super gnarly trails in Kent…. maybe

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Sounds good and crazy trails at events are a bonus… will be up for at least one Inners winter one…

    Free Member

    Quincie i am going to be honest here… possibly brutally so.

    Your questions would suggest a lazy approach and a lack of experience, not only with regards to Alpine biking but biking in general.

    We all start somewhere and the fact I have been riding for many years and still find new challenges is part of the appeal.

    So I have some questions for you…

    Why do you want to do the Mega?

    Are you truely a average/good rider, most I know that consider themselves that are not… so if not would it be right to enter an event that is ruined for many by riders that cause major blockages due to an inability to ride the few tech sections there are or are not strong enough to maintain a good pace for over an hour?

    Do you have the kit that will withstand a tough weeks hammering and still work/be safe? Your bike will be on the limit and your wheels are unlikely to stand up, plus you need DH tyres and tubes.

    Do you have the protective equipment to keep you safe? You should have a full face, googles and armour anyway from UK uplift days.

    If the answer to either of the last 2 is no then why are you looking to do the Mega?

    Ok so I sound like a right mean barsteward but I am trying to make a point.

    The Mega is something that a rider sould do at least once as it is a good event but it is far from the best way to spend a weeks holiday. If you are new to the Alps then a guided catered chalet week with a decent company will mean you get the best from the trails and the guide will take you on trails that challenge and improve you throughtout the week.

    You also get to meet great people and after a couple of years doing this type of holiday then it is naturel to look to the Mega…. The Mega is not a badge of honour it is just a days riding…. but it is a days riding that can be fun if you are ready for it.

    And yes I have done it and yes I have queued at sections due to slow riders and yes i have been T boned by riders that were out of control…. so I do feel like I have never achieved a position that suits but hey… thats racing so don’t feel that is my only motivation for posting.

    The main reason for posting is to suggest that A/ you research properly yourself and B/ to try and get across that maybe this is not the best way to spend your hard earn time off and money.

    Whatever you do enjoy…

    Free Member

    Ummm… strokes chin and wonders….

    I was going to do a roadtrip but this sounds good…

    Free Member

    The issue is almost certainly not weight but the combination of suspension design, geometry and weight.

    Having ridden an early Ariel I recall that it is really a play bike, it was a blast on the downs and hucked well but to steal an expression from another thread… it is a ‘winch and plummet’ bike.

    I hate to say it Brown but the fact is you bought the wrong frame, your kit sounds ok, a sensible mix so to speak.

    Get on the classifieds and seek out a Zesty for example and you will get a better all rounder, same with the prophetthough and many others, plenty of Stereos about but keep an eye on the bearings.

    Strip it, sell it and ride the HT through the winter whilst waiting for the ‘right’ frame to come up.

    All of the above is imho of course.

    Free Member

    I am spoilt where I live… chalk and clay with flint embedded… sticks like the perverbial.

    There are some places about 30 minutes away that are better and I do njoy pushing hard in slippery conditions.

    Still only 5 months to go…. i’m not a religious person but i pray for frost!!

    Have just jioned Strava, just to log my riding but right now it makes me look very slow…

    Free Member

    Oh go on then… what a green one looks like…

    Free Member

    At Trailmoggy… did ya get the pics of your old frame… hope you like what became of it.

    Free Member

    Off to check my ‘junk’ mail folder just in case…

    Free Member

    I will be travelling from Kent and I am hoping to have one or two mates with me, if not i’ll be posting up for travelling companions….

    Have a van so normally doss in that when away on my own.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the list…. a great help.

    I did race in the team section of the Enduro 1 races this year and enjoyed it and will do them again this year as i believe in supporting the people that put these things on… a serious pain in the backside I reckon.

    I am going to have to do some serious number cruching and then make my decisions re what races i’ll do but it is fair to say that the ireland series will be a no no but at least one Inners round should be ok.

    Thanks again guys.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    I have had no reply to my enquiries… maybe I smell

    Free Member

    Bought at great expense, £600, new for my lad 3 years ago… weighs 26lbs which was great and somewhat less that the hardrocks he’d be on since he was 4 years old. He has ridden Welsh and Scottish trail centres on it and lots of great days out… his riding has come on a treat and we have fantastic memories connected to riding… sold it for £400 a month ago so very happy with that… went a bit over budget on the replacement but hey…

    Whether it is a kids bike or an adults a good bike is one that gets ridden and enjoyed… an expensive one sits in the garage doing nowt.

    Free Member

    The 456c is a cracking frame… this one is a 16” which I bought to build for my son but decided the tt was too long for him as he is only 5’6”… it’s for sale @ £200… sorry for thread hi jack…

    Ended up building him a Cove Handjob which is a great little bike, compliant rear end which i wanted for him.

    Mr Blobby… you make a fair point… :-D

    Buzz… have just emailled a frame builder re a project i’ve been thinking about… this thread could well end up costing me a fortune!!

    Free Member

    Thanks Barkit, it is a joy to ride and I love the fact i can throw in the bigger wheels for some rides.

    Love the fact i can change how it feels by playing with the dropouts and i have ran a Rev U turn on it and played with the ride height that way too… have learnt alot about geo and bb height by experimenting… if i ever get rich i’ll being getting some custom Sov clones built i reckon…

    I see a bit of love for the MMbop, a mate runs one and loves it but for me it was just too brutally stiff outback… probably the bike that sent me down the road of steel!

    Free Member

    Sov ran with 36s with travel reduced, hammerschmit and the eagle eyed will spot 650b wheels in this pic.

    Great bike…. rarely ride anything else at the moment.

    Free Member

    If you have had a Soul and liked it then the BFe is the naturel choice but i do love to ‘slam’ the chainstays on the Sov and ummph the thing sideways round the corners… takes 650b wheels too for longer xc type rides.

    One thing I would say about the Sov is that it is pretty dead at low speeds, get it to 7mph though and it comes alive.

    Would defo pop your fork up though… worst case is you put it back down again but I would stick with it a while as I felt the Sov was a pain to climb on but a couple of weeks riding it and now i love it….

    Oh and I run a Hammerschmit so it is a perfect winter bike… no chain suck

    Free Member

    Swingbing the frames you have listed are all great bikes but there is a fair bit of difference regarding geometry.

    The Sov is short both front and back whereas the BFe is lon front shortish rear… I prefer the Sov but several of my mates ride BFes and love them… all depends on your preference.

    I would say that at 130mm you’d be slightly under forked for the frames listed, I run a 160mm Fox 36 reduced to 150mm on my Sov and it now feels spot on.

    As for buying new it is not an issue for the frames listed, pick up a second hand one and go abuse… if you break it (which I doubt you will, I can’t, 14st and DH on it) go buy another one… or if you are into lavishing TLC on your bike get a custom spray job and have something special for very little money.

    Whatever you buy you will never regret getting a sorted steely…. my other bikes rarely see the light of day now…

    Free Member

    Legend – no ;-D

    I am ok for my age I guess but not special… just love riding and am starting a proper training programme this month with a view to seeing if I can go up a level, this will include tech improvement as well as fitness.

    So about a list of events…. anyone got a good knowledge of the events likely to take place next year. I have had a look but it seems difficult to pin down a timeline.

    Helmet wise I will endeavor to use the Casco as I can take the chin guard off but the truth is i am happy to wear a sensible open face for 90% of my riding and i hate having restrictions forced on me… rode with no motorbike helmet for over a year when that law came in cos I was a rebel…. thankfully i had relented by the time i was wiped out by a car breaking 12 bones in one go!!

    Free Member

    Ok so the helmet thing is a serious pain in the arse… I have a Casco Viper that I have worn at the Mega twice and wear in the Alps, perfectly ok for Gravity Enduro.

    But the thing I want is a list of these type of events…

    and maybe some sponsorship to help with flipping travel costs as Kent is miles from all of them!

    Free Member

    One of my favourites, took about an hour and 40 minutes to get up but we didn’t hang about so probably aloow 2 – 2 1/2 for the up… top is walways busy which I hate so just top out and move on… Ranger Path is basically pretty ok with 3 sections of prolonged rock drops. Momentum is key to clearing them but bare in mind you are on a mountain which is effected by very rapid changes in weather so not a place to get stuck…. and they are very tough sections that are beyond 90% of people I have ridden with… enjoy but sensible, they will still be there to test your metal against next year etc.

    As mentioned Telegraph is on the right by the post… a truely horrible push up but the down is an out and out speed blat with big leaps off the drains…. tubeless rules here.


    Free Member


    I take my lad, just turned 13 and he loves it.

    Pump track and small skills area are ok t warm up on and gives the kids somewhere to play while you enjoy a cuppa.

    The Blue – A flowing track that has a few loop options that allow you to do a short loop, not very exciting, to the long loop, very pedally on the far side of the road, and the middle loop which works very well. It is a flow trail with very doable climbs and it rewards speed, the faster you go the fun it is… my lad has got quicker and quicker round there and has started to get the fabled ‘flow’ so a great trail for a learning youngster.

    The Red – is another flow type trailthat again can be done in loops. The first loop is a good distance for a youngster and is quiet flowy with some small sections that require some better bike handling skills, a good progression on from the Blue. The second loop becomes rougher in places and leads down to the Black section.

    All in all for a 14 year old that likes riding it is a great place to gain confidence on the Blue before going on to the Red first loop.

    I’d say go twice in the week and progress correctly and he will takes big steps forward in terms of confidence, strength and skill… make sure he has the basics right though, eyes up looking down the trail and speed adjustment done before rather than in the corners and bingo… he will be left buzzing.

    Free Member

    Actually the link doen’t make sense…Der Baron comes in 2.5…

    Free Member

    You have linked to Der Barons rather than Barons as mentioned in the thread header…

    Der Barons are the DH version and Barons are the lighter trail tyres.

    I run a set of Black Chilli Barons tubeless with no problem on Flows, they are a good intermediate/soft loamy condition tyre but can slide on smooth hardpack.

    Run mine at 21psi front and 23psi rear and I am a 14st lump kitted up.

    Free Member

    Had a good look at the map and think I have some ideas… thanks for your help Matt.

    Just looking forward to some time out.

    Free Member

    Ok so it looks like things are changing at Afan, maybe for the better in the long run… maybe not.

    I will go on my roadtrip next week if for no other reason than to ride the climb on Whites for the last time and to support the locals who have always made me welcome.

    RIP Afan of old… long live Afan

    Free Member

    Looks like I might give it a miss next week… shame as i was looking forward to a few beers in ‘The Refesh’

    Have to get on an uplift somewhere instead…. :-)

    Free Member

    Keep bumping it mate…

    I am in a similar position but can’t good near £550, something around £300 – £350 would work…

    The is one over in Lagos on the Algrave i’m thinking about.

    Will come back to this later when I have a little more time.

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