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  • Fresh Goods Friday 727: The East 17 Edition
  • maycontainnuts
    Full Member

    Forgot to put the seal pic on.

    Full Member

    Here’s a few of mine, exploring caves in Falmouth and seeing some seals near Teignmouth.

    Been in the water a fair bit this summer.

    Full Member

    First race of the series for me and first TT ride of any sort, feels like a sweaty baptism of fire. Set off dead last so was able to enjoy a race where i wasn’t overtaken for a change!

    Big FTP increase though 247 to 260. Happy with that.

    Full Member

    So A few thousand troops agreed aye lets go to war with a half tank of fuel? hmmm…

    I’m not sure how army’s work, but doubt there’s much of a choice in the matter.

    Full Member

    In please Robbo

    Full Member

    Well done for organising again Robbo.

    I’m in!

    Full Member

    Some seriously impressive stats being flung about on here.

    I have riden more than I have in a long time, maybe ever and I’m only up to 3.3 Everest’s. A mix of local, zwift and even a few days in the Alps up alp d’huez and a couple of others.

    I take my hat off to you guys in double figures.

    Full Member

    struth, I’m going to need an e-bike

    Full Member

    I don’t pretend to understand politics greatly but shouldn’t more Republicans should be standing up against this nonsense?

    My view is that Trumps insistence of voter fraud can only damage the next election for the GOP, brainwashing his followers that the election is rigged can only be seeding voter apathy for the core party voters damaging whoever is put forward for them next time around – “it’s all rigged, I’m not even going to bother to vote” type thing?

    Full Member

    oh yeah, power ups were rubbish tonight – sweating over the first climb – please be a feather, please be a feather.. oh crap more XP again!

    Full Member

    Enjoyed that, not quite as intense as last week but still almost vomiting

    1st lap got into a good little group including chipps, up until the climbs, where I was dropped like a particularly slippery bar of soap. When I got to the start finish I was in no-mans-land about 8secs behind OGG and DFee and the same in front of J Antram – it was an easy decision to sit up a bit and wait for J Antram, as I was goosed. We worked together until the climbs and I managed to pull clear up the second short steep bugger and hold it until the line.

    Cheers all top entertainment once again

    Full Member

    Goto the event page for tomorrow on ZP ( Those are the two segments listed to the right of the signups table.

    Thanks for that!
    Slowest lap time and slowest hill climb time – winner of both! Surely the only way is up from here LOL!

    Full Member

    Thought this was a Danny Hart new team reveal thread. :)

    Full Member

    Quad lock are “30% off everything” according to the emails I keep getting.

    Full Member

    That was Ace! much better than the ITT last week!

    I fell off the front group pretty quick, then the group I was in split on the first climb I feared I’d be on my own again, but then, J.Jules, J.1osbourne and me formed a group that I could only just about hold and we went all the way to the end. My HR went through the roof near the end too but still managed a (feeble) sprint at the line.

    Hurt like hell, but great fun!

    Full Member

    Looking to fit a ground anchor to a 5″ concrete shed base. I have the ground anchor and some M10 bolts. I’m assuming I drill the hole, hoover / clean out dust, inject resin, push in bolt?


    For M10 you need to drill a 12mm hole – dust is your enemy and you need to get as much out as possible. Hoover should suffice, a little bottle brush type thing is also handy.

    I’d always favour an injected resin over the capsules – this is a personal preference. Capsules require fitment by drill, with an adapter and chisel ends to the bolts to break and mix the resin.

    Injected resin is available in tubes that fit in standard mastic/caulk/silicon guns. Try to get the nozzle down to the bottom of the hole and fill from bottom to top (sounds obvious but very easy to get air pockets in the resin that can make it spongy when you push the bolt in or pop a bit)

    Once hole is 3/4 filled (or there abouts) push the bolt in twisting as you go leaving sufficient thread out the top – longer is always better!

    Full Member

    Brilliant news well done Robbo and Mark.

    Full Member

    ah cool, I’ll take a look, thank you.

    Full Member

    yeah I thought it should, that coupled with drop outs made it kind of a lonely race!

    I’ll try another group ride later and have a play and see if I can get things working, cheers

    Full Member

    It was running on my phone next to me – didn’t look at it much though.

    Full Member

    Do I have to activate the coms somehow? I just watched Nixes live stream back and realised I had no chat appear on screen at all – not even Robbo’s go go go – the chat sidebar was there before the start but stayed blank for me.

    Full Member

    ITT for me after a couple of drop outs in the first km think it was my end though. I couldn’t find the usb extension cable so the dongle was at the laptop. It seemed to drop on the big efforts throughout the ride.

    But TBH I’m pretty stoked I wasn’t lapped, every cloud an all that.

    I’ll be better prepared next week, with a whole 7 days to think up a different excuse :)

    Full Member

    We did exactly this, we’re about 3 years into a 10 year fix, we got a great deal at about 4.2%. TR is right, lock in and don’t look back.

    We also fixed for 10years about 3 & 1/2 years ago. Our hands were forced at the time and had to settle for 2.39%, so 4.2 does seem high. But who knows perhaps in a year or so 4.2 fixed might look very good indeed. but like you, my risk adverse nature means I’m happy to be able to budget long term for my biggest financial burden.

    As for the OP I’m expecting negative rates soon, (pre Christmas) followed by a massive rise at sometime in the future (12 months – 2 years). Like everyone else’s predictions on here it’s defiantly a finger in the air kind of guess and with time I firmly expect to be proven to be talking out my arse.

    Full Member

    Charlatans late 90’s Poole. Completely soulless. Imagine Madame Tussauds with cd on in the background.

    PWEI – always seemed to miss them back in the day, saw them more recently (2014 ish) wish I hadn’t.

    Full Member

    I’ve just tried to choose riders I’ve heard of, frankly its about 50/50 in the team. My knowledge is limited but when does that stop anybody :)

    Full Member

    Self employed in construction, on the face of it I’ve work in front of me well into June. Whereas usually its only a couple of weeks max.
    I’m expecting things to come to a grinding halt soon (As of Friday Morgan Sindall still using fringerprint turnstyles on site entry and exit FFS).

    Luckily I’ve cut my overheads as much as possible and only employ 1 other. Will try my best to keep them on as he’ll be buggered otherwise.

    As above any thoughts of new bike bits, changing cars, holidays have all taken a back seat for now which in turn hits down the line

    Full Member

    Bit of a PSA but Halfords currently have the Halfords Elite Drivo 2 for £699

    12 months interest free. I’m pretty tempted myself.

    Full Member

    Binners, I feel exactly the same. I’m picking up my first road bike at the weekend, I’ve not told my riding buddies yet and am wondering how long I can keep it from them. Or if they’ll still associate with me after the discovery. I wouldn’t blame them.

    Definitely with you on the lycra, at least they’ll be 2 of us in baggies out there

    Full Member

    Did stage 7 earlier, still catching my breath!

    There were 140 of us in D, I tried to go hard from the off, but not bonkers, thinking there’d be loads of drafting to be had, which there was. After 2 or 3 minutes I got over the initial surge and was happy to see me around 35th. Then, the connection fell out from the turbo, not for very long, (seems like ages when you’re stationary and people whizzing past) but enough to blow all the hard work, by the time it re-connected and up to speed, I was in 90th. Bugger. I spent the rest of the race trying to catch people, sit in for a bit then go again, put a bit of a spurt in up the KOM hill, but the last hill before the line was a killer, not done the course before so didn’t know it was there, assumed it was a flat finish. Finished 60th/140 which I was happy with considering the start. – 10th/36 on Zwift Power so far.

    Full Member

    Did the 1930 3R watopia race tonight. 3 laps of the hilly circuit. Propping up cat D.

    Only 15 in the race in all cats.

    Did a lap in a group of 3, sitting 8,9,10. All working well for a lap then on the climb on the 2nd lap that all went to crap, I ended up in the middle of the 3. By the end of lap 2 I was a minute behind 8th but a minute up on 10th. Because there were so few of us that was that, was hard to keep the motivation up after that so pretty much cruised around the last lap keeping an eye on the time gap.

    I didn’t get lapped so that’s a positive.

    Finished 9th out of 15 overall, 2nd of 4 in D. Not many on zwift power though.

    Might try again on Sunday.

    Full Member

    Did only my second race last night. Found the Bologna race bloody hard. Similar story to poopscoop, 47th in D 1:08:57 2.0w/kg.

    Went out hard, couldn’t hold, went backwards all race. Standard.

    I did however chase someone up the last climb and finally caught and passed him in view of the line which was nice, and painful in equal measure. Other than that I was pretty broken.

    Full Member

    Edit. Didn’t read it all

    Full Member

    @revs You might struggle with that now.

    I was working at the Waitrose in Teignmouth just before Christmas….. transforming it into a new Lidl store.

    Full Member

    Getting voted for is the least of its worries

    Lol’d at this

    I’ve only had LD. They put the same message as seen elsewhere in this thread. “We are the only real alternative to the Tories in this constituency”. They even used a bar graph, no less, from some low turn out by election to try and highlight this.

    Unfortunately that comes unstuck when you look at the results in the last GE. Where they got less than 9% of the vote compared with 29% for Labour.

    Depressingly I’m in a safe, 14k majority Tory area, but even so it’s still splitting the vote against the Tories ensuring no doubt another 4 years of sir cockwomble as MP.

    Full Member

    In, and also out.

    Full Member

    I use an Evoc fr enduro which has an integrated back protector and bladder. It’s a really good backpack and I don’t really notice the back protector.

    I also wear a Poc spine vpd air vest pretty much all the time too. This is good but a bit sweaty in summer and I can sometimes feel it is a little restrictive on the bac of my neck when you are going down steep stuff and you are looking up.

    Full Member

    The Guard

    Full Member

    “We won’t be doing this again next year – we’ll just bung them £100”

    Awaits the “Staff member being bullied for spannering next years Xmas euro piss up” thread.😉

    Johndoh you have my sympathy, you sound like a top bloke. Hope you find a compromise that works for all.

    Full Member

    Do they serve them in full pints or just halves?

    Full Member

    Anyone know if those Vittoria Gomas are ok tubeless?

    My O-O Goma’s were the £16 for two with a camelback bottle deal. They may be different from what comes on the bike.
    They’re the easiest tubeless tyres we’ve got. Straight on, tight but no tools needed, inflate every time.

    Hmm, I seem to be struggling somewhat (though maybe not as bad as some others on the forum). I have found them very slack, soapy water made them go up but not seat at all. How’s everyone else finding them? Unless others aren’t having troubles/have some tips, I think I’ll just stick some tubes in until I can be bothered to replace them.

    On that subject,the frame says it’ll take max 2.6, How about the forks?


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