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  • The First Women’s Red Bull Rampage Is Underway
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    If so is wood glue food safe?

    I should hope so! It’s not like they are a new thing and they’ve got to be stuck together with something.

    Probably partly why you can’t put them in the dish washer.. Probably wouldn’t do the joins any good.

    Full Member

    A nice big end grain board is best IMO. My mate works in carpentry and knocks them out as a side gig and made me this.. I think it’s made from beech but can’t remember.

    It looks a bit patchy in the pic as is was new then and I was putting oil (food grade mineral oil) on it


    Full Member

    or you could just buy a ROKU stick and away you go.. no ariel required.

    Full Member

    I remember a news article on telly, saying the iPod was dead. Nokia had introduced the MP3 player into their phones. I thought, **** that it looks rubbish, but if apple make iPods that are phones Nokia are super ****. I was triumphant.

    Yeah it was lack of decent touch screens and a crap OS (Symbian) that killed Nokia (and Blackberry)  in the mobile phone market.

    When Android and iOS matured a bit more, with no physical keyboards and fancy touch screens, they were just murdered, it was a blood bath, like taking spears to a gun fight.

    Full Member

    And Starmer seems to be following the tory playbook.. too scared of losing a few vote to the far right.

    Full Member

    Which I is why I want starmer to deliver the brexit “we” voted for.

    I thought it was pretty evil the way Starmer dismissed ideas from the EU to allow people under 30yo more freedom of movement, but also on the flip side, that could be construed as discrimination if UK citizens under 30 have more rights than those over 30…that would be a legal can of worms.

    But that’s the position we put ourselves in… at the end of the day 51% of UK voters voted to hurt the entire UK.

    If Cameron, or indeed May, had any backbone, they would have played on the advisory aspect of the referendum, and the lack of checks and balances, and indeed the total lack of forward planning… (they were both ‘remainers’ afterall).


    In fact, so was Johnson… they are all so bloody spineless and petrified over losing a few votes to UKIP, they shafted the entire country to save a bit of face in the press.

    And now look at them, the UKIP/Reform vote cut the tory vote in half at the last GE, so they accomlished the net sum of sweet F*** all, and wasted an intangible amount of public money in doing so.

    Full Member

    Nah, he’s only saying this because he knows it’s not worked. As he has done all through his life, he takes no responsibility for failures and looks to blame others.

    Had it worked, then he would be claiming ownership.

    For the muppets that voted leave and Tory in 2019

    Exactly.. the public were never sold a ‘crash out’  ‘hard brexit’ – it was always “we’ll stay in the customs union, we’ll do a ‘Norway type deal” etc, etc.

    But that’s not what Johnsons government delivered, the UK negociators insisted on extraordinary dispensations that were always totally incompatible with the EU framework, not to mention the international peace treaty in place between the UK and Ireland…so we basically crashed out with no deal at all, which it the worst possible outcome for both UK citizens, and the EU.

    So now we have what is known as, in techincal terms, a bit of a mess.

    Full Member

    Most smart TV’s have Pluto, Dave (or whatever its called now) Iplayer, ITV-X etc, etc…

    So if you have decent internat, you can just stream everything over the internet anyway.

    Full Member

    I can’t work out why the old man needs 3 things playing at once in the same room!

    Watching one stream whilst recording another? That said i dunno why anyone bothers recording stuff, most things are availabe on catch-up or repeated anyway…

    Full Member

    likely I have overpaid back again and seeing as it was 5 years in the past we should all move on….

    They wouldn’t be saying that if they thought you owed them money, that’s for sure!!

    Full Member

    I can’t believe the price and I’m not sure it includes a landline (not that that gets used)…

    What else is out there for broadband for good speeds that isn’t that price?

    230mb download speeds and 150mb upload speeds – but contract is ending. Bt are trying to move him to EE broadband but the 2 packages they are offering are at least half those speeds (£85 per month) or less speed for £75 per month.

    A) That’s a total rip-off

    B) Do they really need 250mb down and 150mb up? They could probably easily get way with 80mb down and 20mb up…

    Full Member

    EE might be owened by BT but you may aswell treat them as seperate companies, so it depends on what packages each is offering, when contracts end, etc.

    Do i really need a landline these days anyway?

    I haven’t used a home landline for phone purposes for probably more then ten years now, they’ve been well and truly made obsolete by smart phones, IMO.

    I dont even have a physical phone line now, just fibre.

    Full Member
    Full Member

    Your money is gone.

    Buy some new logs.

    Full Member

    I don’t think it realy matters… any newbie is just a place holder until the next election.

    Playing devils advocate, If I were a tory leader wannabe, I’d be weighing up taking the center ground from labour, or trying to out-facist UKIP/Reform or whatever incarnation they are in a few years.

    They can’t do both…

    …well they can, but then they can join the Lib dems on the same seats as ‘what do we even mean any more?’

    Such is the binary bullshit of UK politics.

    Full Member

    There’s currently a USAF Super Hercules sitting a couple of thousand feet above the NOAA P-3, I’m wondering if it’s there on a just-in- case basis…

    What’s it gonna do, give freedom to some gators?

    Full Member

    ^^ America is totally buggered and unfortunately social media makes it inevitable we will follow them.

    I don’t agree, but the US election will tell.. there’s a lot of ‘internet noise’ from horrible people (elon musk) which is paid for and squewing the polls, I think, and hope.


    I just don’t understand how it’s still 50/50 at the bookies

    Full Member

    Look at it’s eyes, even the dog hates him.

    If your own dog doesn’t like you, you should take a good long look in the mirror..

    It’s clear to me that dog is nothing more than a prop. Poor thing.

    Full Member

    When I lived in a bedsit, bills were all inclusive but we had no control over the heating.

    Of course it got very cold in winter, but we did have counter-top electric ovens… so we basically just left the ovens on with the oven doors open*

    *deffo a safety hazard, but it worked.

    Full Member

    anecdotally (from reddit) I’m reading that republican politocos repeatedly voted against supplying funding for hurricane aid, because that would be communist or something, and are now attacking the democrats for not giving aid, even though they (republicans) blocked the bill in the fist place..

    I mean, what will it take to make people wake up and vote? How Is Trump still fairly close to Harris in the national polls/ it makes no sense…

    Full Member

    I think you are right, on closer inspection, it’s not an electrical wire, it looks and feels more like a very small bore, nylon hose!!

    Full Member

    The Bosch boiler was like that. The whole front panel just flipped down then there were a couple of tabbed tangs holding the gauge in place. Good luck.


    on further inspection it looks like I could open up half the control pannel …but oddly the ‘mechanical’ pressure guage is now reading in the ball park of what it should be.

    It looks like it would be just a wire and a cheap guage… it’s not directly reading the pressure.. it just has what look like a thin electrical wire feeding it.

    boiler 1boiler 2

    Full Member

    Custom made suade moccasins lined with the posh wool of your choice.

    Extra points if they have tassels on them (-;

    Full Member

    not sure my innards will cope with the bouncing around as yet but still time to heal up fully I guess?

    It really depends…your doctor will advise…I doubt ‘going on holliday’ would be an issue at all, but if ‘extreme sports’ are involved that might be a different kettle of fish.

    Worst case scenario, you could cancel the MTB aspect of the holliday, and just use the trip to relax and chill out.

    Full Member

    Also, in the spirit of the thread title.. pointing out to a white Karen in a Chelsea tank that ‘we drive on the left in this country’ after they had totally cut a corner on the local tescos car park and almost crashing into me,  is evidently a good way to induce apocalyptic levels of self-entitled middle class rage!

    Full Member

    I’m sure I’ve read that reflective tape is better than a yellow jacket.. Kind of makes sense..

    Especially reflective detailing on your gloves so that headlights catch it for signaling intention to turn, etc.

    But if it’s not dark enough for the headlights to catch your signaling then the driver is obviously visually impaired and shouldn’t be behind the wheel anyway.

    Either that, or as above, they just resent the fact you exist.

    Full Member

    This +1^50 should be +10^50

    People who don’t understand basic maths.

    (sorry I couldn’t resist!)

    Full Member

    Thanks yeah I’ll have a Google.. I thought it sounds very expensive for a guage.. Unless it’s made by Snap On, lol!

    But it looks like it’s kind of integral to the control panel/main controller PCB which is all mounted in a box that kinda flips down on hinges.

    So. Maybe baxi don’t supply just the guage on its own?

    Full Member

    Thanks yeah he did say I could leave the broken mechanical guage in situe and explained how the access the pressure reading through the digital display.. So that’s an option.

    He did say the the automatic air vent does need replacing sooner rather than later though.

    That would only be about 100 quid.

    Full Member

    So..plot twist…

    Got plumber out, he tested stuff and said what had actually happened is the mechanical guage is broken and under-reading… checking the pressure from the digital display is reading normal, so I’ve been over-pressurising it as ive just been reading the mechanical guage.

    PRV and expansion vessel fine, but he recharged it as it was flat and did a standard boiler service at the same time, £155 all in.

    He also said teh automatic air vent was leaking a bit,so he’s disabled/closed it till that can be replaced.

    Price for new guage is £237  !?!?!, and with a new auto air vent comes to £335 all in…

    So about £500 in total… ouch…

    Full Member

    Aviva by any chance?


    Full Member

    Insurance companies:

    Just why?!?!?!

    ve just taken out a home policy, but i got a text saying they coudnt email me the welcome pack
    Sent at13:55
    so i cant activate my account
    Sent at13:55

    Please stay connected while I investigate this for you.

    The issue it that we are not able to have two policies under one email.
    I have a car policy with you also, is that what you mean?
    Sent at13:57

    That would be correct, can I send the documents via post?
    yes that is fine
    Sent at14:01

    I have also sent them via post as well.


    Please let me know when you get the documents.
    will i be able to see both policies on the website
    Sent at14:06

    The issue it that we are not able to have two policies under one email.
    ok i have an email with the house insurance documents, thank you
    Sent at14:08

    My pleasure, have a great day.?

    Full Member

    Damned good at accidently setting your hands alight more than once during Covid though, when I used it before lighting a gas hob.

    For a split second I couldn’t work out what my hand had a faint blue aura around it, I just assumed I was holy… Till the heat registered.

    Jezzus, lol, well it is pure alcohol… not to be used to flambé your steak, and not the drinking kind!!!

    *use responsibly, with adult supervision, etc!

    Full Member

    They used to be called ‘Dog p155 carpet hoover’, but they had to change the name for copyright reasons.

    If you were a true fan you should already know this.

    Full Member

    Has Belle Delphine bathed in it though?

    I don’t think it would do her skin any good if she did, it’s not known for it’s moisturising properties !!

    Full Member

    I won’t comment on best Vac, that would be a never ending debate…but I would reccomend an enzyme based cleaner for ‘spot cleaning’.

    I’ve had good results with this stuff:

    Let it soak in, leave for a bit, and then sponge/paper towel to dry it out.. then just hoover as usual.

    Full Member

    Check the land registry to see if your house is now owned by Elon Musk.

    Full Member


    Artic Silver Thermal Paste + cleaning fluid

    The cleaning fluid is just isopropyl alcahol, no need to buy ‘Lemon scented gamer edition’ CPU cleaning fluid.

    Full Member

    Amazon knows exactly how long a delivery should take and those drivers playing silly bastards just want to knock off early.

    If that’s the case, then I take back anything I said that may have offended, report away, my understanding is/was they got loaded up with x amount of packages and had to get them done within a certain time window, and would get black flagged if they returned any undelivered packages back to the depot.

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