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    There’s nothing left to cut that comes under the Ministry of Justice… it’s all financially **** already.

    It’s a nightmare, my mate is a witness in a potential attempted murder trial…

    Basically one of his neighbours who was already known as a bit of a nutter,  smacked another of his neigbours round the head with a crowbar/some sort of metal bar because he didnt like where he parked his car…

    Guy was sparked out, hospitalised, but no lasting damage from what I’m told.

    It’s been going on for 2 years now, and the trial has just been delayed again, as according to the defence, the person who got whacked cant be 100% it was that guy that hit him, (as he was concussed) and his injury may have been sustained not as a result of being hit round the head with a metal bar, but he may have fallen over and hit his head on the floor regardless of the attack.

    This is despite the fact that there are witnesess, my friend and one other, (but they didn’t see the attack first hand, they came out of thier houses to see what all the ruckus was about) and immediatley knew exactly what happened…

    …and the police have recovered the crowbar with the victims blood on it, and said metal bar was recovered from the house of the assailent, with his DNA all over it…

    trail delayed for another 6 months now….. it’s an absolute joke…

    Net resut so far:

    A) Victim with no justice

    B) A complete nutter still free to cause havock

    Full Member

    Pre hair cut and nail trim.. he’s so cute with longer hair, but he’s a little stinker!!!


    Full Member

    I don’t have an NHS denist, but one benefit with private, is if your hygenist (they all seem to have mental issues) is a throbber, you can just flip them off and go somewhere else.

    Full Member

    I always found a good strategy, aside from being comfortable with the material… is to go through the exam answering all the ‘easy wins’ first, skip anything that looks difficult to you, and then re-visit questions that are more difficult, that takes a bit of time stress out of the general stress…

    Then hopefully you’ll have about 30% time left to concentrate on the questions you might really struggle with, and do a final sanity check over all your answers.

    If you blast through a 2hr paper in 1hr 45 mins, use all the time avialable to double or tripple check everything, for silly mistakes.

    Full Member

    Yeah I do that too if I get to the junction first. They always seem to be indignant that you have obeyed the rules of the road and expect them to do so too. Throbbers!

    Supermarket car parks are the worst for this… people take the apex racing line going round corners…despite going at 2 miles an hour….use your fricking steering wheel and stay on the correct side of the road!!!!!

    Full Member

    Sound on film/tv/adverts…

    The the sound of a phone vibration notification in the background…


    Full Member

    Republicans: climate change is a hoax! It’s part of a natural cycle, nothing to do humans!

    Also Republicans: the democrats can control the weather!

    Fossil fuel and Petro chemical companies:


    Full Member

    Was it also powered by fairy dust?

    At least be honest.. A ‘powered by Prosecco and Starbucks’ sticker would be fair enough.

    Full Member

    on a simmilar note, ‘the magical world of moss’ is well worth a watch!!!

    Mosses have colonised almost every corner of the earth’s surface. Evolving from oceanic algae that emerged onto the land 450 million years ago, these very first terrestrial plants became one of the main sources of oxygen for our evolving planet, helping to transform it from an arid rock into a lush world.

    This documentary travels to some of the most beautiful moss-covered landscapes in the world, including Japan, Iceland, France and Denmark, to meet the experts investigating its astonishing properties and potential.

    Science is only beginning to understand the secrets and possibilities of these remarkable plants.

    Full Member

    reeksyFull Member
    My sports gear is like this all year round because of the climate. It al goes into a big bucket with a lid to keep it separated from the rest. It gets washed separately using the sports gear cycle on the washing machine but I don’t use anything else other than the normal liquid and it’s fine.

    User name checks out….!!!!!

    Full Member

    Ok, I’m trying the white vinegar trick as I have some already.

    Does this need to be done on on “when needed” basis or do you it every time said garments are washed?

    As and when needed, not all the time.

    Vinigar as a detergent is great for fluffing up towels for example.

    Full Member

    White vinegar can be used in the place of fabric conditioner, it has the added bonus of helping to clear pipes. Alternative is adding soda crystals to the wash but would need to check on quantity, not much for sure.

    One thing to note:

    Vinigar is acidic, and soda cyrystals/baking soda are alkaline, so never use both together as they will simply neutralize each other and the you’ve wasted a load of vinigar and soda crystals.

    Use one or the other, or for the nuclear approach…do one wash with vinigar, and then do a 2nd wash with soda crystals.

    Full Member

    White vinigar…just put half a pint of white vinigar into the washer drawer, no deturgent as that can cancel out the affect of the vinigar., and wash as normal.

    It wont smell either, when you take the washing out, so dont worry about that.

    It will also clean your washing machine out at the same time.

    £8 for ten litres:

    It’s also very good for softening towels and bed clothes, as  modern softeners can actually make the material feel more ‘crusty’ as it leaves a residue behind on the clothes.

    Full Member

    Extra info, pretty sure the actual real postie put the ticket through the door

    Not nessesarily true… I’ve seen fake ‘sorry we missed you’ cards put through letterboxes before.. It could have been hand delivered by any Tom dick or Harry.

    Proceed with extreme caution.. Especially if you are not expecting anything.

    Can you post a photo of the missed delivery card?

    Full Member

    Sounds dodge if you are not expecting a delivery…

    How were you informed of this? Email? Text? Is it from a legitimate sender?

    Might well be phishing to get you to hand over your debit card details.

    They’ll take the £7 and know it’s a goer… And then hit your card for more/larger ‘purchases’.

    Full Member

    Is it too early for…

    Full Member

    I think the theory with ‘heatgeek’ engineers is they sign up to some sort of quality framework, , so rather than just chucking in a bunch of standard size rads and a boiler into an installation, they look at the specific size of your house, and requirements and put a bit more thought into the whole system design, size of radiator per room, correct capactiy boiler etc, etc, so in theory it should be a more well thought out bespoke/taylor made job depending on application.

    Full Member

    What does the 10th gen one give you over the 9th for the extra £50 though?

    More kudos whn you brandish it in starbucks? ;-)

    Full Member

    I can actually upgrade to iOS 18 but I need to delete some movies off it for free up space for the update…total pain in the arse because apple devices don’t have an easy file explorer to see what’s using space… I know i’ve got about 20gb of movies on it, but **** knows where they are stored… this is why I hate apple stuff, I have to do a google search just to find out how to do basic things.

    Full Member

    I just checked, mines a 9th generation, running iOS 16.6.1

    If it’s just for browsing, watching videos etc, there’s really no need to spend more on anything fancy, the screen has good colours and the touch input is very responsive.

    EDIT:  It’s this one… wow it’s not much cheaper than it was a few years ago! but then it is an apple, lol!

    It feels a bit heavy in the hand for its size, if that’s a consideration, but then it also does feel very solidly built.

    Full Member

    One plus side is they are built pretty robust.

    My late dad had an even older one and it survived a lot of bangs and drops.

    I would say buy a decent flip style case/cover for it though.. For screen protection and also one that allows you to prop it up so you don’t have to hold it with both hands all the time!

    Full Member

    I bought an iPad for my nan who sadly passed so I reclaimed it.

    It’s decent to be fair.. I still don’t like iOS but I just use it for browsing the web, Amazon video app etc so I don’t actually interact with the operating system really.

    I forget what model it is but it’s a generation old and the ‘regular’ ten inch I think! One. Not a pro or a lite or whatever.

    Screens good and it’s responsive.

    You can get all the mainstream apps you’d expect so that’s not really a concern.

    I think I got it from John Lewis as it was convinient as they were all basically the same price everywhere.

    I prefer it to the android tablets I’ve used previously… But then I’ve only ever used cheap low end android ones so it’s bound to be an improvement really.

    Full Member

    Not on the same ‘axle’.

    And possibly not at all if it’s AWD/4×4.

    Plus there’s something very wrong if you have 2 front (or two rear) tyres, one bald and one brand new…

    Also, just buy good quality tyres, If you can’t cope in the UK winter without ‘special winter tyres’, you should probably do everyone a favour, hang your keys up and call it a day.

    Full Member

    I’m using Opera but hate all the world war 3 is imminent news updates.

    This is a ‘user config’ issue, not an issue with opera itself… go into the settings and disable all that shite…

    I have my ‘home screen’ as just a bunch of shortcut icons to websites I use a lot. In the opera browser home screen I mean, not my phones home screen.

    Full Member

    My other thing that helps with stress ? My Labrador.

    This so much… I owe my life to my mountain bike and my dog… they have both seen me though some terrible times on different occasions. I’m not even any good at mountain biking, but it doesn’t matter.

    Full Member

    I have my performance management meeting on Wednesday…I’ll let you know after that how my **** it attitude to all the extra shit they expect me to do has gone!!!

    Be carefull with that – can you afford to quit and the time to find another job?

    I ate some humble pie for a few years until I finally thought – sod it, why am I doing this to myself?.. so I mentally checked out of my day job and just treaded water and jumped through the hoops like a good boy whilst I planned my next move…then I just resigned…and eveyone at work was all …


    Quiting a shitty job is one of the best things you can do for your mental health, but do have an exit plan..leave on your terms and have a backup plan..

    Don’t quit in anger/frustration, play the game if you can, at a time that is right for you.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    People that view or treat nearly every aspect of their lives as a competition.

    See also people that just talk loud and fast so you can’t get a bloody word in edgeways.. It’s a conversation, not a competition.

    I had exactly this on the phone to my dentists receptionist today.. I litteraly had to tell them to shut up and let me speak. Unbelievable.

    Well I was a bit more polite than that.. I said.. I’ll stop you right there because you are not listening to what I am telling you, because you keep talking over me.

    Drives me mad….

    Full Member

    There’s never any excuse to have your phone on loudspeaker in public. Ever.

    Headphones exist and they are not expensive.. No one wants to listen to your music or hear you arguing with your other half.

    And you can always use your phone for calls by holding it to your ear… Y’know how they are designed.

    Just no common decency.

    Full Member


    Had a very similar thing at work as a manager of a small team.. One guy taking the piss with timekeeping… I had to spend hours and hours demonstrating that litteraly everyone else was pretty much always on time aside from the odd transport /medical issue which I Don’t really care about … And this guy was consistently 15-20 mins late several times a week.

    HR basically wouldn’t let him get fired and kept pussy footing around.

    In the mean time the rest of the team obviously took the position that they feel hard done by when they make the effort, have to cover a certain amount of workload due to his tardyness and that’s completely understandable.

    Some people are just absolute chancers and will play the game..

    Don’t get me wrong.. I’m a very benevolent manager when it comes to this kind of thing and will give people the benefit of the doubt until it’s completely obvious they are taking everyone else for a ride..

    For example they might have a family or medical issue that they don’t feel they can share with me.. But there comes a point when something has to be done.. It pisses off the rest of the team, makes me look like a shit manager etc.. So the buck has to stop somewhere.

    The Joy’s of middle management lol!

    Full Member

    Was about to suggest a very similar thing to what @5lab suggested..

    If the fire stick can’t draw enough additional power from the USB connector from the telly.. (a lot don’t as they are mostly designed for data transfer rather than powering a device)

    It needs ‘mains power’ or one of these additional battery pack things that basically act like a trickle charger from a a low power USB port on the telly.

    Doesn’t explain why your power converter cable isn’t working… But that’s a different subject, almost.

    Full Member

    could it be honey and badgers?

    The chances of honey badgers are low, but never zero…

    Full Member

    I love STW sometimes… A thread about what chopping board to buy turns into a debate about how to store eggs!!

    But back to the original question..

    ‘Plastic’ ones absolutely fine, if you are in a tight budget but if you want a nice looking one… End grain wood is the way to go.

    I’d probably rather use a good plastic one that I can throw in the dish washer than a cheap crappy wooden one, just from a practicality view more than anything.

    I don’t have a dish washer though and I prefer the aesthetics and ergonomics of a good quality wooden one.

    Full Member

    Was going say it must be heat or damp in the underlying surface.

    If you use the fire as an open fire I’d guess excess heat from the chimney stack.

    If not it might be damp coming down from the chimney pot.. Does it have one of those plastic cap things on the top of it that allows ventilation but stops rain and birds getting down the chimney?

    Have you sent a young Victorian boy up it to clean the soot recently? Might need cleaning out properly or otherwise protected by a heat shield or something inside the chimney flue?

    Full Member

    It is impressive, but the rocket had pretty much landed anyway* and the tongs just seemed to kind grap/guide it that last bit.

    *Which is a hell of a feat in itself, it was pretty much just hovering in the right place before it was ‘grabbed’.

    But also it’s Musk… the guy is a proper **** loony, and not in a good way.

    Full Member

    They cost about £40

    If I recall I paid £50 for my end grain one.. that might have been ‘mates rates’ though.. its 18″ x 12″, and about 2″ thick including feet, the wood itself is probably more like 1.75″ if you don’t count the feet.

    Full Member

    It happens to me from time to time, earlier today in fact it happened!

    Full Member

    I’m about to make a roast, I’ll be sorting the chicken before I sort the carrots, spuds and cauli etc as it takes longer to roast, easier to just use a plastic board for the chicken and chuck it in the dishwasher, then do everything else on the main wooden board, just my opinion obvs.

    Yes that makes sense depending on what you are cooking, but the answer to that question is simply TWO end grain chopping boards!

    The one on the left is my older ProCook board… I don’t like it as its a bit small, and it skids around and its not very heavy and doesn’t have feet.

    I can tell my hand made one is much better, there’s more care taken on the joints, and the colour of the blocks and shape of the grain has been matched in a pleasing way.


    Full Member

    Chop veggies before meat, it’s not complicated, then just wash the board by hand as soon as you are done with it.

    Full Member

    Put it in the rear footwell instead of the boot as you say you only have one bag of shopping

    This, and as above, if you’ve no room left in the footwells, a case of beer makes a good bag stabliser!

    Full Member

    If so is wood glue food safe?

    I should hope so! It’s not like they are a new thing and they’ve got to be stuck together with something.

    Probably partly why you can’t put them in the dish washer.. Probably wouldn’t do the joins any good.

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