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  • mattjg
    Free Member

    But we live in a democracy, and the majority voted out.

    Deal with it.

    We are dealing with it. Watch us Or do you think democracy stopped when the polling stations close?

    Free Member

    Yeah. I edited for good manners, but agreed.

    Free Member

    Is May deluded, cynical, or right? Not the last i think.

    Free Member

    The British government is slowly realising Brexit is “an act of great self-harm” and that upcoming EU-UK negotiations must seek to limit the damage, the State’s top Brexit official has said.

    Or alternatively, don’t do it!

    Free Member

    Here’s another question for you: My wife’s family are essentially trapped inside the USA. They cannot leave for more than a holiday, unless they get really lucky. Is that a good thing, do you think?

    This is what the Brexiteers wish to impose upon us and our kids, as the price for their “control”.

    We get England, Wales, and presumably (please correct me if I’m wrong) Ireland as the UK has a common travel arrangement with Ireland. And on the assumption Wangland is perceived as “the UK” so the agreement stands – not an easy case to make.

    Side question – presumably the easiest route to EU residence for an English or Welsh person is to move to Ireland, is that right?

    (Yes it looks like it:

    Free Member

    What a silly little country.

    Free Member

    Presumably the rules can be juggled to meet the needs of certain employers or roles.

    Your devaluation point is valid.

    Free Member

    Yeah but leavers see it as a zero sum game. They don’t understand how being a net payee can possibly still be a beneficial situation. They don’t get for instance that off the economy contracts due to leaving that the fabled £350mm no longer exists to spend.

    Free Member

    “I think it is reasonable to question why a skilled job with a shortage of workers only commands a 35k salary..”

    International competition can be a factor. If wages rise jobs move. In due course the jobs move to the workers instead of the workers moving to the jobs. That’s one of the flaws in thinking stopping FOM is going to fix the issue of immigration based wage competition.

    Free Member

    Aye, Scotland is famous for not having enough water.


    Free Member

    We be needing your water too, so you’re staying. Scotland can go, can’t drink oil.

    Free Member

    Wow. And in his next breath he’ll be saying “why won’t remain voters get behind us”.

    Free Member

    I put the date on the link because I honestly had to check it to make sure it wasn’t their April Fool’s story!

    The journo is probably just filing copy to get his invoice paid.

    But some of the readers probably believe it!

    Free Member

    Which kinda illustrates the problem the typical Remoaners has … their superior intellect interprets thick racist comments into logical & intellectual facts; but unfortunately only their own minds can see it.

    Whatever your point, this remain voter (I won’t answer to Remoaner, no democrat would use that phrase) needs it explained more simply please.

    Free Member

    I know not all Brexies are idiots, but some of them…

    You can play an endless substitution game with this.

    Not all leave voters are ****s but most ****s voted leave.

    Far be it from me to suggest the wildcards. 😉

    Free Member



    50 too.

    Journeys in miles, bike weights in pounds, everything else metric! There are people who want to go back to £ s d too (12 d in a s I believe). And some who are willing to pay any price to get a blue passport.


    Free Member

    @welshfarmer where are you thinking of going and doing what?

    We’re 100% English – no fast EU passport route for us – but have links to a community in France where we’re welcome, we’re doing the “what-ifs”.

    Free Member

    Now that we are to be a sovereign nation again, we must bring back imperial units (Daily Telegraph, 2nd April 2017)

    Hard to believe this is real. Good grief.

    Free Member

    There are 400,000 French in London, many will have businesses and families in the UK now so it’s no surprise some are doing their best to stay. I would expect “doubled” would mean from one low number to another, as previously there was no need for a UK passport.

    But ask yourself – if you were a smart young Euro looking to move and shake things up a bit, would UK be at the top of the list any more?

    No not for me either.

    As for those disparates from the much poorer EU countries working for a fiver an hour on the black market, or exploited by criminals at their country of origin, or part of gangs, will they still come?

    Free Member

    I think it must be because they are weak.

    Ssssshhhhhhh – they’ve yet to notice the debilitating effect of beer pulled through sparklers.

    Free Member

    I’m declaring UDI for the People’s Republic of Surrey Hills.

    We’ll be linked to London City State via the Esher corridor, so won’t be leaving the EU, and parking spaces at Walking Bottom will be for citizens only.

    Free Member

    Remainers still moaning. Still trying to justify remaining in the EU. Still hurling insults. Still bitter. Poor them.

    Not moaning at all, we’re pushing for what we think is best. That’s how democracy works, it didn’t stop on June 24th 2016.

    A 16-17 vote, with the 16 homogenous and the 17 very splintered, is not a sound foundation. You know it.

    You think this is in the bag. It’s not and that blind spot could well be the leave campaign’s undoing.

    Free Member

    Aye well it was nigh on a perfect country before June last year

    No it had many problems. Almost none of which were caused by EU membership or will be remediated by leaving it.

    Free Member

    Gotta love the Remoaners; even with their vastly superior intellect they get outmanoeuvred by the thick racist Brexiteers … oh the shame!!

    And Aaron Banks 14 million quid, and the editors of the Mail, Sun, Express and Telegraph etc.

    Fundamentally Leave used rhetoric and Remain used logic. For a lot of the voter base rhetoric trumps logic. It’s hard to beat “Take Back Control” with people not interested in analysis, even when it’s false.

    And it’s obviously not true that all leave voters are racist, very few people have said that. It’s leaver self victimisation used by the people pulling the strings to create a sense of grudge.

    Then even though its the Brexiteers who will suffer the most from the economic doomsday – the Remoaners are the ones most scared of it (even though they themselves will be ok in every worse case scenario anyways).

    Not true we’re all going to suffer, especially our kids.

    Free Member

    mattjg, interesting how one article states racist and the police state it isn’t…so who is telling the truth?

    My understanding is the cops don’t believe the attack on the Pole was racist, but presumably due to a dispute and the shopkeeper was attacked for intervening not for his race.

    Free Member

    In the interests of completeness, “Police stress gang attack was ‘not a racist crime’”

    That’s a brave man who intervened. Respect.

    Free Member

    History is littered with populist disasters and those that support such things invariably end up paying the price.

    Indeed they do. The problem is the damage they do en route.

    Free Member

    For all the gibes at him here and in Brussels he has almost single handedly delivered the Referendum and Brexit. Phenominal really.

    Farage is important but don’t underestimate the effect of Aaron Banks’ funding.

    “Whatevs,” says Banks when I bring up the Electoral Commission. “I don’t give a monkey’s what the Electoral Commission says.”

    No that just makes him a **** supported by a bunch of ****s.

    Half the country thinks he is a saviour and deserves a knighthood.

    Welcome to divided Britain.

    Free Member

    Jamba’s jumped the shark re the EMA. I could comprehend, without agreement, a position of “it’s a price worth paying because we get x y and z instead”, but to just say it doesn’t matter is blinkered fundamentalism.

    Free Member

    The EU’s (public) responce to Brexit is even more EU integration which even the Remainers said we didn’t want.

    We didn’t I think, but if forced to choose between that and walled into Wangland with the quitters in charge – which seems to be the alternative – I’d go for the integration and FOM any day.

    Free Member

    My partner works in pharma and says loss of the EMA is a very serious blow to the UK’s industry, will beyond the immediate loss of 900 (properly paying tax contributing) jobs.

    ****ing Brexie ***** who can’t add 2+2. Makes me effing angry. Sit tight in your poxie little ghettos as the walls go up around you and your kids opportunities are blighted (at least, the ones you’ve bothered to educate – mostly you haven’t have you?), idiots.

    Sorry must have got out of the wrong side of bed this morning! Hello all!

    Thanks to igm for the optimism, really helps.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    It must really irritate you to know that you are unable to get your own way … even more so because of people you feel you are so intellectually superior to Old Wise One.

    It’s not half done yet dood.

    Free Member

    ^^ word.

    Free Member

    (that would be the same deal our PM doesn’t want our Parliament to vote on).

    Free Member

    “Undemocratic” EU’s Parliament, to, err, democratically vote on Brexit deal.


    Free Member

    Matt – probably not related, but there are some interesting winds at the moment.

    Unravelling before their eyes.

    Free Member

    The ‘red lines’ document just passed by the European Parliament (and voted for by the SNP too .. fascinating).

    Point 27 leaves some hope.

    27. Takes note that many citizens of the United Kingdom have expressed strong opposition to losing the rights they currently enjoy pursuant to Article 20 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union; proposes that the EU-27 examine how to mitigate this within the limits of Union primary law whilst fully respecting the principles of reciprocity, equity, symmetry and non-discrimination;

    Free Member

    I presume we’ll be putting that child labour to appropriate use by re-opening the pits, and firing up the Spinning Jennies as we return to the glory days of Empire?

    Each infantry platoon will be gaining a drummer-boy.

    The Spanish are quaking already.

    Free Member

    Yeah daz I saw that. Hilarious. Seems the Brexit rescue plan is what I used to do at the greengrocer’s for a tenner a day 35 years ago.

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