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  • mattjg
    Free Member

    Funny, it was a pre-referendum film of a reporter at Hope, when all but one of the 6 interviewees said they were voting leave, that I decided leave was the likely result.

    Yes I’m sure buying under WTO is fine. As for selling into our biggest market under WTO, perhaps not.

    Free Member

    Eastleigh. 52.5% leave. Interesting. I wonder if she was influential in that as a declared eurosceptic. Demographically an older population than average?

    Free Member

    OK. Which constituency?

    Free Member

    Where are you jamba? Not Mole Valley then. You are a Surrey Hills local though IIRC.

    Onwards and upwards to a more global Britain

    Sorry this does make me giggle. This country has been one of the most “global” for centuries. Sheesh.

    Free Member

    is it even legal having triggered A50, there’s no back out option

    A50 is revokable because there is nothing in the treaty that says it isn’t, and politically the 27 still prefer Brexit not to happen.

    It wouldn’t be trivial, and there would probably be a price, but anyone who tells you we are “past the point of no return” is mistaken or attempting to mislead you.

    Free Member

    Yeah and the irony is some people voted leave because the EU is, wait for it, “undemocratic”.

    Free Member

    It’s not about the result I want, it’s about the winners behaving as if the losers’ opinions mattered with some kind of proportionality to the vote split. This applies to referendums and the obviously flawed FPTP system.

    And while I’m on it, its about the winners calling those who dissent undemocratic, saboteurs, traitors … too. I don’t believe you’ve done that but I’m sure you recognise many of your belief do.

    Worrying times for our country.

    Free Member

    The referendum result was 52/48 – or 17/16 if we keep it simpler.

    52-48 – a win for leave but a near equal division.

    And she claims she wants a “united” Parliament because we are a “united” people.

    Parliament should be split, that’s what it’s for and that’s how it would represent the result.

    Behaving like the result was 99/1, and Parliament is misrepresentative, is not democracy. But that’s what she’s seeking to do.

    Free Member

    @mattjg. Would you care to stand?

    No I’m from Surrey. I’m about as Yorkshire as a baked Camembert.

    Free Member

    It does if you put up candidates and they get elected.

    Free Member

    there is no certainty that Mrs May will gain a majority.

    Yes, but it’s probable.

    I suspect Tory Remainers will vote Tory over Remain (or soft Brexit if you prefer to call it that).

    Hope I’m wrong.

    Free Member

    Over half of UK immigration is from outside the EU. The government has has decades to control it and didn’t. Links to NZ policy are a total red herring in relation to Brexit.

    Free Member

    No one promised anything. the ballot paper just said “leave the EU”, the rest is in your head.

    Anyway, by “they” I meant the Tories.

    Free Member

    Yep detached Bank now think it’ll be the softest of brexshits, keeping FOM?

    She’s bought wiggle room today. So maybe, if it’s expedient.

    But they don’t care either way right now.

    Free Member

    Brexit is now real . Leave voters want to see results , they dont want to be told that immigration wont go down , they dont want to see pries go up , services cut down etc…

    Dood get real. She said how many times no snap election?

    If it suits her she’ll shaft you as quickly as she has the rest.

    Free Member

    It’s a poker player having the smarts to cash out while they’re well up because they got a couple of lucky hands and the other players are stupid.

    That’s it really.

    Free Member

    Strategically it’s the right thing to do for the Tory party. Gifted to her by Corbyn, it’s a smart move but doesn’t take a genius (I don’t think she’s that smart actually), it was right on the table in front of her, all she had to do was pick it up.

    Talk of parliament blocking brexit is BS, Corbyn waved it through!

    Free Member

    Nah. It’s party before country. She’s banking the political capital of a toothless opposition and a lead in the polls. It’s nothing to do with Brexit. She doesn’t care about Brexit, her job is to keep the Tories in power. If that’s over a wasteland so be it.

    I wouldn’t be too comfy if I was a rabid leaver. I think it makes brexit more likely but also gives her room to back pedal on harshness if the winds start to blow against the party. Assuming she wins of course.

    At heart it’s a hack on FPTP and a disregard of the Fixed Term Parliaments Act and exploiting Corbyn’s under the table brexit desire.

    Free Member

    Come on this thread has given a great example to all. Its not politics’s thats fun, writing complete bollocks that’s the best fun.

    Right now I’m trying to invent a pitch to ally Her Majesties Republic of SurreyShire to your free and independent Yorkshire.

    You have water, we have lots of, errr, stockbrokers and expensive houses, and some trees and the M25.

    (No that’s not going to do it).

    How about this – imagine a world where every beer tap was equipped with instantly switchable sparkler. Let the drinker take back control!

    Nailed it.

    Free Member

    When I was a kid I used to think politics was dull.

    I wish.

    Free Member

    Strategically good move from the Tories’ POV I suspect. Everything points to them romping on FPTP.

    Free Member

    Unscheduled announcement from No 10 in 15 minutes, speculation of a GE in June.

    Free Member

    1) Agreed. What Remainers ignore is the massive cost and risk of staying in the EU

    It’s far from perfect and many criticisms are valid but it’s worked pretty well the last 40 years overall. The most prosperous free trade area in history and I’d say they best place to live on the planet for the non-serious wealthy.

    Free Member

    Research from Cardiff University into the overwhelming support for Leave from the Fishing Industry

    We know this, and with due recognition that everyone’s opinion and livelihood matters, it directly employs 11,000 people, and the supposed benefits of leaving to fishing are already in significant dispute.

    Free Member


    Bona fide 100% Googlewhack, at least until this page gets reindexed.

    ps do tell what it means!

    Free Member

    No amount of sensible discussion or reasoning is going to convince the most obsessed Remoaners that their opinion is wrong,

    I’ve been searching for this discussion and reasoning for 9 months, because I’d be really pleased for my opinion that Brexit is a disaster to be shown wrong.

    But I’m yet to find it.

    I’m not going to claim the EU is perfect, it has plenty of flaws, but the idea is fundamentally a good one and I find the expectation a country is better going solo rather than in a team of 28 to be ridiculous.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Please enlighten this ignoramus. A google search brings up this thread and your post. Nothing else. 1 hit. Pretty good that, never had a single hit on google before.

    So what does it mean



    I’m quite chuffed with that as I only used it twice.

    As others explained, 95% of leaver responses are just a variant on WWYLGOI.

    And to accentuate the irony, after just being told to shut up, you’re usually told to respect democracy and “get behind Brexit for the good of the country”.

    Free Member

    All you Remoaners are going to make yourselves ill with all your doomsday predictions.

    It appears to have manifested into a unhealthy obsession – where your all getting worked up by others as daft as yourselves.

    Get a grip; go ride your bike.


    Free Member

    Are we back on the playlist?

    Free Member

    I thought it would be obvious that EU agencies would move out of UK.

    I’d wager the typical leave voter doesn’t know what an EU agency is.

    Free Member

    Someone thinks people come here to be baristas. No they come here to make a life, fool, and serving coffee is how they get started.

    Free Member

    No, at least certainly not yet. Most morons haven’t paid any attention and don’t realise what is going on. It’ll take at least another year, maybe much more, before it becomes sufficiently obvious even to the terminally dense **** who voted for it firsts time round, that it’s an utter disaster.

    They don’t all need to change their minds though. In fact if the franchise was extended to 16 & 17 year olds, alongside the demographic affect in the meantime, means very few for a simple majority, or even to beat the 51.89%

    Mathematically that would do it.

    Constitutionally, who knows.

    Finally I can only quote our good Mr Farage: ’52-48 result would be unfinished business’

    Free Member

    Thanks for the positivity, it does help.

    In a democracy, a movement that can’t see the dissonance between WWYLGOI and “now we need you to get behind this” contains the seeds of its own doom.

    Free Member

    The question was largely rhetorical – even after all this time I’m staggered the person leading this is starting from a point so divorced from reality. Just wow.

    His starting position is so fundamentally bizarre how can anyone, even those supporting Brexit, possibly feel this will end well?

    So given that I’m flailing about trying to find a way forwards.

    Free Member

    They live in an alternate reality don’t they?

    I’ve spent a lot of time pondering the country’s fault lines on Brexit, and had boiled it down to young vs old, city vs town & country, and open minded vs closed minded.

    But it’s not that at all is it? It’s realist vs fantasist isn’t it.

    How does one negotiate with a fantasist?

    Free Member

    Good lord, Davis is so dim he thinks relocation of the EMA and EBA is a negotiation matter. Seriously.

    Free Member

    At least Jamabalaya has something to say, misguided as it is to me, other than variants of “we won you lost get over it”.

    The rest just parrot WWYLGOT endlessly then don’t understand why we won’t “get behind” Brilliant Brexit Britain.

    It’s almost like they never won anything before …

    Free Member

    (haha leak = lack! Both could work though).

    Free Member

    Plenty of time yet for this to change. Your complacence and goading betray leak of confidence and are a big weakness.

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