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  • Starling Cycles Mega Murmur review
  • mattjg
    Free Member

    ‘toon of the day. well at least we get a giggle from our kids’ futures being blighted, eh? (from

    Free Member

    That’s their mantra because for lots of leave voters it’s the first time in their lives they feel like winners.

    Free Member

    I see all those people who voted against Le Pen are voicing their displeasure at Macron, after all they did not vote for him or his agenda

    they can voice their displeasure all they want. and work to change the outcome to what they want too.

    just like we are.

    why should they not?

    Free Member

    Yes. well played Starmer, and I do think it’s Starmer.

    Free Member

    Yeah Binners. It’s not going to be dull!

    Free Member

    The tory game plan is unclear.

    They’re banking they can get it through on the backs of the old before the young outnumber them.

    Then the next generations grow up in Farage’s Britain with nationalism the key theme. The current internationalist cohort become a blip.

    It’s party before country, shamelessly.

    Free Member

    They’re too proud. And stupid. Proud, stupid and xenophobic.

    Not all of them. Electorally speaking there were a handful of votes in this, assuming majority is the decider on the mythical second referendum.

    Free Member

    Thier ‘respect the referendum results’ policy leaves them too close to tory policy to make any real ground up given brexit policy is probably the most critical political issue currently.

    The differentiator is approach to negotiation.

    Tories know their case is hopeless and are stirring up emnity with the EU to please Murdoch, Dacre and that cohort. Personally I think they’re planning to walk out once the figure is on the table.

    Corbyn’s Labour are, I think, capable of a dialogue. Leave is still the likely outcome, but hopefully on more of a partnership basis, with the door left open a chink, than antagonistic.

    Personally I’d rather remain but I pick partnership over antagonism.

    Free Member

    oops, double post, most odd!

    Free Member

    Resistance is NOT futile.


    This is nowhere near over.

    Free Member

    Is labour’s new position the resultof lengthy debate and analysis or have they (hopefully) seen that the wind is changing?

    I think that they took a look at the GE results and saw they picked up a lot of votes from Remainers, and particularly the internationalist young, who don’t want their options shut down by the old with their faux nostalgia and no skin in the game, and Lab are following up on that.

    Quitters like to harp on about how the GE result was a massive endorsement of hard Brexit because that was the platform of the 2 major parties (85% of the vote). Technically that’s true but it’s also to be in denial that the electorate was given no viable choice so a lot of Labour votes were proxies for Remain.

    Most hardcore Quitters voted ConservaKIP anyway. There is only upside for Labour here.

    The generational gap is key here. And as the tory cluster**** continues it deepens.

    The young grew up with people from other nations alongside them in school.

    The old think they’re exceptional because they “won” WW2 (tho actually 99% were children or not born) and, having had the benefit of 40 years membership, have decided to deny it to those behind them.

    Free Member

    and this … :D

    you gotta laugh eh?

    Free Member

    Fun headline I saw yesterday: “Brexit, Britain’s worst foreign policy since the War of US Independence”.

    Free Member

    needed to wipe the arses of the senile old giffers

    An elderly leave voting relative very sick in hospital recently, being very well attended to: “I didn’t mean them”.

    Actually, you did.

    Free Member

    This simplistic linking of problem-cause-fix is another of the problems behind the vote to my eyes.

    Free Member

    I suspect economic damage will more than offset any fall in housing costs due to demand reduction – ie costs may decrease but so will affordability. What you’ll then get is more inequality as the affluent snap up the reduced priced property.

    I agree there’s a problem with population pressure, nobody, but I don’t think EU membership is more than one contributing factor (bear in mind also the ageing population, very significant non-EU immigration, and the offset of emigration on which the door is closing) and leaving isn’t going to fix it.

    Free Member

    It’s very hard to debate with that level of stupidity

    You can’t. Spend your time on the middle ground, the regretters and the abstainers.

    Free Member

    For the hard of thinking, nationalism is a comfortable, defensible and comprehensible, position. It’s basically saying “none of that please, I’ll stay with what I know”.

    And I think one thing that happened is a lot of those people, who maybe don’t usually vote, did so this time. For once in their lifetimes they’ve come out on the winning side, they’re not going to let it go regardless of consequence. And they’ll probably keep going.

    Given how close the result was, each of these little aggrieved cohorts was enough to swing the result.

    Free Member

    The only good news is that such staggering ineptitude will ensure that the Conservatives will be in the electoral doldrums for a generation once the dust has settled.

    I’ve been thinking about this and decided it’s a forlorn hope. With the press barons behind them and the f***w**s of the electorate swallowing the agenda based on nationalism from a century ago, it’ll continue for a long time yet.

    Free Member

    be proud, fundamentalist leavers, heroes you are.

    good good our country, an international joke, wtf have you done.

    Free Member

    Sounds like you really like your Soul, so keep it and ride it to death. Skip the Solaris.

    Free Member

    It’s looking increasingly likely that this will just carry on. Another 18 months of confused,

    Nah, this is all just prep for blaming the EU’s “unreasonableness” when our side do the planned walk out over the bill.

    That’s what the papers will be braying for, and that’s what they’ll do.

    Free Member

    Never thought our side would outdo the Brexshiteers at ludicrously wild exaggeration and being so nasty and intolerant but reckon they are actually winning that contest now by a country mile

    Awww come on.

    Mind you it worked for the other side, perhaps it’s the path to victory! ;-)

    (Personally, I never used the term Brexshiteers).

    Free Member

    They’re not pretending.

    Free Member

    Why? because that is what is in EVERYONEs interests.

    But it’s not. In fact, almost the opposite.

    Free Member

    A way would be found.

    Yes that’s why Davis is trying to burn the boats.

    My expectation is a dramatic toys-out-of-pram walkout, and termination of talks, once the bill is put on the table. That’s why the UK’s not bothering to do anything now and just letting the clock tick.

    There’ll also be no selective opt-in continuation of rights for UK citizens, which I suspect the EU would be in favour of, because the UK government won’t ask for it.

    Tough shit kids, grandma knows best.

    Free Member

    — redacted, not worth it.

    Free Member

    — redacted, not worth it.

    Free Member

    julians I think I’d keep campaigning until I decide leaving is good for the country, the young in particular.

    but you’re right now is certainly not the time for a second referendum. when the real world conequences of leaving start to become evident, that may be it, because leave voters will truly know what they are voting for.

    personally I also struggle with the concept that other people voting my valued rights off me without my consent, and off my daughter, who was born with them, is democracy. double that when it’s the elderly (in my family too) who quite frankly have no skin in the game and are voting about how they feel about what happened 40 years ago, regardless of the consequences on those who have to live the best years of their lives with the result.

    (as you see, no, I’m not over it) ;-).

    Free Member

    Criticise the EU, point its flaws and required fixes? Absolutely. It’s far from perfect.

    But leave the EU to improve food safety? Get real.

    Free Member

    I walked away from this thread some time ago, it wasn’t helping my frame of mind if I’m honest. Most of us agree Brexit is probably a disaster, those that don’t, don’t care, they’re happy for others to pay the price.

    But feel I should drop this here as I recall Jamba saying loss of the EU’s agencies was of no consequence to the UK. “Good riddance”, in effect.

    Free Member

    Hello, just tagging thread.

    rather than ride around with some sense of entitlement that they can do what they like

    In one.

    This place is not a bike park.

    I wonder how many mtb-ers are Friends of the Hurtwood (£25)

    /puts hand up.

    Free Member

    Best film opening ever.

    Free Member

    Mods – can you remove the trail references by any chance?

    You’re right, my bad. Redacting would be good.

    Free Member

    Heads Roll is a jump area rather than a trail. Jumps from tiny to big. Some semi-natural using the terrain slope.

    Free Member

    I’m told the site was Heads Roll, by the drill site, the other side of Coldharbour Lane from Redlands.

    Take care all.

    Thoughts with all affected, on behalf of myself and my riding buddies.

    Free Member

    I’m sick of you whining Remaoners, it’s time for you to stop being elitist selfish brats and get behind Brexit, it’s in the national interest!

    /sniggers with hand in front of mouth

    Free Member


    Petrolheads vs cyclists = might is right vs let’s work it out?

    Petrolheads – sit in their little boxes, the world moves around them, amplifying their own status with a touch of the right foot. Status from what you have.

    Cyclists – obliged to move through the world, take notice, adapt and integrate with it. Power is directly related to effort put in. Status from what you can do and how you interrelate.

    Free Member

    and his reason for agreeing to the GE was “to put our case to the people”.

    There’s his chance, and he’s backing off.

    A mistake I feel.

    Free Member

    Yeah, but the election is May’s to lose and Corbyn’s to win. Following the status quo will not get Labour closer to the win.

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