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  • matt_bl
    Free Member

    Great work that man!

    That must have changed with the tick. Actually listed on INARA as 939k with an 885 demand.

    That’s gonna be a bit of a pain for people with loads, as more than 100 would probably clip the price. I’m prepared to put in a shift for my cash (Expanse season 2 at the ready!).

    I’ll log in a move the carrier when I get home from work. If anyone changes their numbers let me know as I’ll set up the sell order when the jump is complete.


    Free Member

    @V8ninety no problem at all. I can sell any fraction of the stock I have on board. When you are available give me a shout and I’ll move the carrier.

    Honestly, you don’t need to donate any of your painite. If you ever have any spare tritium, feel free to donate, but don’t feel obliged, I am only doing what I would be doing anyway. It’s good to get other people to do some of it with!


    Free Member

    I think that’s an interesting take. The way I see it is that exploration is fairly straightforward in terms of the skill requirement, but in other ways it is really tough and plenty of people can’t cope with it.

    [Edit] Probably me for instance. My Phantom is completely engineered, but have I set off for a Colonia trip? Not yet.

    I was looking to move around 1900 tonight, I am wondering whether to get one last run in and then never laser mine again!


    Free Member

    I’m completely with you on the higher demand, that 1350 would probably mean 200t at a time would get full price.

    It is usually around midday I think. It applies to the whole BGS across all platforms. Some of the states last multiple days.


    Free Member

    I like to mixed mine, when I’m on my own for the variety of gameplay. Last night I dropped 20km from the hotspot and targeted the other hotspot for a steady direction. I had 150t of limpets and filled the hold 214t probably throwing 40 limpets away. I would say that 214t was 60:25:15 mining:cores:SSD

    Thanks for the numbers.

    If everyone can let me know what they have on board I will post a summary later.

    Prices are not great at the minute!
    The current best sell is 815k with a 75t demand!
    Second is 792k with 1350t demand

    I expect these to change at the tick today, but I would sell at 792.


    Free Member

    I believe that sort of thing is done. Smaller ship, harmless/mostly harmless ranking, high skill PvP pilot!

    In some cases they don’t even kill the gankers, so that their rank doesn’t increase.


    Free Member

    Of course, it is implicitly allowed by establishing player markets.

    Frontier have tried to restrict ‘leg-ups’ in the past, but it cannot of escaped anyone that carriers could be used this way.


    Free Member

    Tritium would be your best bet for a purchasable commodity.

    Alternatively, mine on the rich account and then do the carrier thing.


    Free Member

    Easy with carriers.

    You buy a valuable commodity, sell it to my carrier for 1000/t on one account.

    I sell it to your other account for the same price, who then sells it to a station.

    I only charge 5%


    Free Member

    Sliding scale, I know D2EA has done some work on it and I’ll bet Eliteminers have as well. The real pain probably starts around 30% of demand.

    I would guess it was a sledgehammer to crack the nut of cases where there was a really high price, really low demand, but cmdrs could drop hundreds of tons and still get full price.

    It’s almost impossible to balance an economy for something which is an infinite resource. In reality, even in the event that there was a demand, the price would be buttons. What’s 3-5 year complete depreciation on a python, plus fuel, ammo and crew costs. I reckon 1500 Cr/t.


    Free Member

    @crewlie 1100t good work!. That’s the demand at the best sell price today, i expect that to change by Friday.

    Saying that though, I will not be selling for anything less than 700k, that is what I’ve budgeted for.


    Free Member

    Apparently it applies across all commodities, but usually demand for something you are trading would be very high, hence the good price. I think it was implemented about 12-18 months ago.

    I can see where it comes from. You would expect to pay less if you bought 500 of something compared to buying 5, but the station demand makes it look more like a contract; i need 1000 so I am prepared to pay 100 for each of those 1000 units.


    Free Member

    That’s the fella.

    I say 10% of demand, because I know that works, but you can go higher. I got full price for ~100 at an 858 demand station.

    If you actually sold in 50t chunks, nothing would happen you would get the same price for all. If you sold 50t then waited 10mins for the station price tick, the price would go up each time until the amount in your hold was small enough to not affect the max price.

    That was one of the reasons for using the carrier, it may take a bit longer, but you will get full price.


    Free Member

    @squirrelking over the last few days, we have found that the prime areas are generally close to the centre of the small hotspot, but on the overlap side.

    I think there is a single hotspot in the ring as well, which probably would mainly yield cores.

    That’s a good price, though with ~500 demand, you could end up doing 50 – 75t per trip so as to not affect the rate.


    Free Member

    There are a couple of crashed thargoid ships which are some of the best places for sensor fragments, HIP 17403 A 3 A and HIP 17862 6 C A.

    17403 has biologicals and an interesting base, whilst 17862 has geologicals, so plenty of good stuff.

    About 5500t on the carrier now, is everyone up for selling on Friday (providing there is a half decent price(?


    Free Member

    Apparently so, according to Frontier. I will be switching to PS5 though, mine sounds like the friendship drive is charging whenever I turn Elite on!


    Free Member

    Saw that, well I’m officially excited!

    They are on the Frontier youtube channel @700 UTC tonight.


    Free Member

    The status for NKL:

    A little work needed in Kuwembaa, currently 56.6, 60 is ideal
    Work required in Akuntsu, to catch the controlling faction. There are good pirate and boom delivery missions.
    Anyone who fancies a scrap can head over to Coribes, it’s a long travel, but there are three stations and etc out there.


    Free Member

    Aren’t they!

    I noticed that the best sell for painite is 20Ly from Akuntsu so brought 100t with me. The price is 958 and the demand is 858, so at least 100 probably 150t would get full price.

    I will do the loop now and call the numbers for NKL.


    Free Member

    As I was logging out last night, I flicked through a couple of the panels to see if any rep or rank had changed and I spotted in my notifications:

    Cmdr V8ninety destroyed your ship

    Goes to show what one slip of the pew pews on an FDL can do. Good job it was me in the fighter, Aliyana would have really kicked off!

    [At least I assume it was a slip!]


    Free Member

    I’ll do a quick run round tomorrow and shout out.


    Free Member

    V8ninety and I tried to ram them, but they we in Eagles and a bit tricky to hit!


    Free Member

    They need to work on their process. As a potential customer I didn’t think they made it easy for me to do business with them. I should not need to know the system price for my goods in order to negotiate.

    Additionally some training is required for their lead sales representative, whose tactics could easily be interpreted as overly aggressive.

    Overall, 2/10 would not recommend.


    Free Member

    Thanks V8ninety, I actually have a tip off mission in my inbox, waiting to be done.

    Kai Zen is a great advert for the Elite community.


    [Edit] I think my Python is around 110M, I don’t have great armor or shields. I run a 4A shield, but it could take a 6 maximum. Thrusters are class six and the powers are 7, so plenty of juice.

    Free Member

    Another vote for the Python, with a careful build you can have it set-up for all three types of mining. It’s never going to be a ’10 limpet’ optimal laser mining build like a cutter, but I like mine so much I’m thinking of buying another for a combat build.

    [Edit] Plus you will never be interdicted by an NPC again!

    another standard day in the rings! I found two painite sub-surface deposits, then discovered I had ignore painite switched on! I find that whole ignore list to be really hard to use.


    Free Member

    Ah, that’s where it cam from!

    I thought I couldn’t count for a minute!


    Free Member

    Yeah, I think it is actually listed as engineer unlock mission.

    I hate him!


    Free Member

    Except for tritium, 200t an hour using sub-surface on a single hotspot.

    in ‘Settings’ on your carrier management select either Squadron, Friends or Squadron and Friends.

    The mining and selling to the carrier would work, since no-one else would sell for 5000 per t, the risk would be when selling, either that or it would need to be coordinated.


    Free Member

    @molgrips I think it works instantaneously.

    It can be worked round, it’s just annoying. If I could restrict to an actual list of cmdrs then there would be no need for coordinating times, or risking leaving bargain painite available.

    If I had 10 billion in the carrier wallet, it would also not be an issue!


    Free Member

    @squirrelking sorry about that I will unlock now.

    The carrier access restrictions seemingly don’t work across platform, as squadrons are single platform and so are friends.

    The difficulty is going to be at the sell station. If we can’t restrict access, then the painite will be available to others at bargain prices. At the minute I can’t afford to buy at full price, the top price for painite is 871302 today!

    Open to suggestions.


    Free Member

    Right. I have set the carrier to squadron and friends. I have set up a buy order for 10000t of painite @ 4980/t.

    Spocs 103 was pretty good last week for mining and there is room there for the carrier. I am happy to go somewhere else if there is a better location.

    Let me know as soon as possible though, otherwise I will move the carrier to Spocs 103 around 1900 tomorrow. Once we are there, of course anyone in the STW squadron will be able to join us.


    Free Member

    Ah that looks to be the very thing, I’ll log on later and see if I can get it to work.


    Free Member

    The winging up part would only work on each platform separately, but the carrier and its market is persistent across all platforms. That is why i need to look into how access is restricted, that would be less good if it was PS4 only and we don’t want any old cmdr buying our painite for 5-10k per t!


    Free Member

    @crewlie, yeah laser. The price is typically lower than LTD 600-800k per t, but you fill up really quick. You can regularly find rocks with >60% painite. My low limit for mining a painite rock is 20%.

    Passenger runs are a nice change of pace, I only do short stuff, taking rep or mats. I ignore all the stupid requests, don’t even open the messages!


    Free Member

    No, you could be on-line any time. Winging up could make mining faster, but the sell bonus would be practically nothing as you would be selling to the carrier for minimum price.

    You getting a people mover? I would recommend an Orca, really great fun to fly.


    Free Member

    I was wondering if there was any interest in a weekend mining event?

    I had a thought that:
    I can take as many people as we want to a double painite spot in the carrier
    I set up a buy order for the minimum price
    People mine as much as they want and sell it to the carrier (I have about a billion, which would be probably 10000t at minimum price)
    At the end of the time, everyone let’s me know how much they have sold (I publish)
    I move the carrier to an agreed sell station and sell the painite back to you guys for the same price and you sell to the station.
    When we’re empty we go home in the carrier

    Anyone up for it. Please pick holes in it.?

    My only worry/area for research is regarding limiting access so no-one can buy our painite at the sell station.


    Free Member

    They are fun. Don’t forget to go see the crazy landmine lady to get them tweaked.

    I am wondering what will happen if we take Akuntsu, whether the Empire will walk away gracefully. If not you could arrange a war between them and another Federation faction.


    Free Member

    That’s every kind of damage covered there! I love seekers, they are totally overpowered, shame the ammo is limited.

    I got some missions in for NKL in Akuntsu, shipping a python’s worth of goods from Wylie to Glazkov (about a dozen Ls) for 1.5M. Happy days!


    Free Member

    @Perchypanther good man, you know it’s the right thing to do! Corvette go Dakka!

    Nothing like an NPC wingmate in a fighter to take the pressure off. Aliyana is only a few percentage points behind me in rank now.


    Free Member

    Thanks for the guide, I might give that a try this time. Up to this point I have shifted materials to get the merits. Fortunately that is one trip in the Space Cow, but costs me 7.5M Cr.

    That’s the problem with jousty ships, once they get better rank they often use PAs which they are quite good with. The Cobra IV turns badly but can be made into a little tank. Not a good combo for us! If I am using gimballed weapons, when jousting, I try to approach in a spiral or with lateral thrust which makes his aiming more difficult. If you have fixed weapons as well you need to suck up a few shots to the face!


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