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  • Specialized Power Pro Mirror Saddle Review
  • matt_bl
    Free Member

    I agree with all those who have said the transition can take time. I do 2/3 of my runs barefoot and the others in standard VFF. I would do them all barefoot but the paths I run on are rough and spiky and the time off helps recovery.

    The VFF are superb for me, you have to adjust your style obviously but i have found it lessens impacts. You can feel the ground beneath your foot but barely more than in a pair of spongies. The separate toes is to encourage the foot to spread and distribute your weight more evenly.

    I am not a lightweight either, 108Kg, so they should be fine for everyone. If you get excessive calf pain it could be that you are too far up on your toes, I have tried to land on my forefoot marginally before allowing the rest of the mid-foot and heel to touchdown. I know when I’m knackered and losing form as I will occasionally clunk my heels.


    Free Member

    There is a manual for this sort of thing:

    Treasure manual

    The child should be called John Trenchard, resulting in a diamond as the treasure.



    Free Member

    You can’t do that as it exceeds the WADA code, which is the basic premise for this appeal to CAS.


    Free Member

    Knowing what the punishment is and accepting it appear to be two different things.

    It’s probably a huge sponsorship deal for Dwain if he gets selected for London.


    Free Member

    I think you might have missed the point.

    UKA supported the BOA byelaw, as did a significant number (majority?) of athletes.

    Now they have been told they can only play in the olympics if they allow reformed drug users to compete, they are saying they welcome the clarity this ruling provides (faint praise I would suggest).

    I don’t see any hipocrisy.


    Free Member

    onehundredthidiot – Member

    UK football for a large number to become vocal enough to get something done. (Bally, Jock oiks making noise about some soccer club)

    So what is UK football, I was under the impression that Scottish Football and the SFA were completely independant?


    Free Member

    So the German suppliers are fast but don’t stock the stuff you want. The other suppliers are slower but can supply it.

    Swings and roundabouts, alot easier to provide fewer products than try to supply anything and everything.


    Free Member

    Janesy – Member
    I have received 3 of the orders.

    Bike-discount from Germany – I would say they are massive as well. Just puts the English to shame. “

    CRC are not by any actual defnition English, other than you think they’re poor, so they must be English!

    Why did you not order all of your goods from Germany? Is there some other factor that you haven’t told us about?


    Free Member

    Interesting, my comments on training when on the paleo diet seem to have been taken on board.

    I think Edukator has called win on this. Everyone else should record it as a ‘loss’ and report back here next week for re-training.


    Free Member

    Pah! Checkout Bertie Bee (Burnley football club mascot) vs pitch invader (streaker in this case). That’s how to tackle!


    Free Member

    Love it, especially his description of C3P0

    ‘gilded John Inman in space’


    Free Member

    The question that shall not be answered, thread would be over and TSY would have to start a new one.


    Free Member


    Couldn’t agree more. I don’t think the difference means that you would have to spend all day with your nose in the trough to get the same amount of nutrients, when you remove those bread/pasta/white type carbs from your diet.


    Free Member

    Molgrips is more than likely right here. If you halved all of those figures once the beans are rehydrated, you wouldn’t be miles away.

    He’s wrong about one thing though, I could easily put 200g of rehydrated beans away, especially with some garlic and olive oil :D


    Free Member


    Fibre can be carbs as well and they don’t always analyse all of these things.

    The carbs is often calculated by difference, subtract protein, moisture, fat (fibre) from a hundred.

    The correction for moisture is not always carried out. It’s a very imprecise science to be honest, even the protein is a guess!


    Free Member

    Ta, I’ll give them a go when I get the running/riding miles up.

    5Km at the local parkrun doesn’t call for much in the way of additional nutrition.


    Free Member

    The idea that you can fool your body into thinking it’s not hungry by filling your stomach with low-calorie stodge or satisfying fat is false imo for two reasons. 1/ your stomach adapts to portion size and composition. 2/ hunger is also your body’s way of telling you it needs fuel and that has as much to do with all this blood sugar stuff we’ve been talking about as with how full you are.

    1 and 2) I said protein not fat. A demonstrable effect, in others, as shown in various nutrition journals. To my body stodge is your bread, pizzas etc.

    A diet higher in protein results in reduced calorific intake, where no restriction on calories is applied.

    The precise mechanism is not understood, but does not appear related to either of the hormones ghrelin or leptin.

    Please actually read what is written before you dismiss it.


    [Edit] How well do those go with a brew Dave?

    Free Member

    Edukator – Member
    Me, 1500 to 2500 calories worth of carbs a day, more if I’m really acitve. I prefer getting my protein from fish, meat, cheese and other tasty things as I realy don’t get on with lentils

    To be honest I only added lentils as an example, other beans, chickpeas, sweet potatoes are as good if not better carb-wise. I recommend McCance and Widdowson if you need nutrient info.

    I also get protein from those sources. My breakfast this morning was eggs scrambled with chorizo, puy lentils and steamed greens.


    Free Member

    Whole milk 66 cal/100g
    Semi 46
    Skim 34

    Free Member

    CaptJon – Member

    matt_bl – Member

    How much carb do you need a day?

    The first hit on google (and that always the one with the most facts) says 180-230. So three bowls of muesli.

    But also perfectly possible to get from vegetables and pulses!

    Another key difference is the slightly larger portion sizes that can be eaten of iDave compliant food will actually fill you up and due to the higher protein content (compared to bread/potatoes etc) produce a feeling of satiety.


    Free Member

    That leaves pulses and vegetables which are such low calorie sources of carbs

    ^ This is trolling

    Lentils (all per 100g)
    Energy (cal) 99
    Protein 7.6g
    Carb 17g
    Fat 0.5g

    Half the calories, but twice the protein of white/whoelmeal bread. About a tenth to a fifth of the GI of white bread.

    How much carb do you need a day?

    [Edit] More importantly how much carb do biffers like me NEED[/u] a day?


    Free Member


    I have never been in the same position, i.e. training/racing triathlon so I haven’t really felt the need to experiment with various proportions of carbs etc. My diet is a half decent approximation of iDave, with the addition of some fruit (just cos I enjoy it). In terms of exercise, I have had good results with gels when I ran a marathon, starting from about an hour in.

    My experience is that I do have very bad results from wheat and to a limited extent gluten. Many of the symptoms you have listed on the previous pages occur even with a relatively small amount of wheat (bloating, stomach cramps, diahroea, restrictions in airways etc.)


    Free Member


    I know you don’t answer questions but I’ll give it another go.

    Do you realise that the generally accepted paleo diet is not 4:3:3, if you are refering to Carb:Protein:Fat?

    In which case, citing your[/u] experiences of one as a refutal of the other is meaningless, by all scientific logic.


    Free Member

    Maybe the athletes adopting bizarre diets”

    Which athletes? Which bizarre diets?

    Apart from Marco Pantani I can’t name an athlete, iDFave

    Oh. So what bizarre diet was Pantani on?

    In his latter days most of his diet appeared to be cocaine!

    Free Member

    assuming they burn 3000 calories a day and they get 1000 calories from their iDave intake.

    You know what they say about assumptions. I’ve seen the plan, you’ve seen the plan. Where does it mention calories?

    Edukator, I actually believe you and Dave are not so far apart as you imagine.


    Free Member

    I’ll second that UV hurts. Exposure times for intense sources (UV irradiation of micro-organisms) can be very low as well.

    Don’t do it, if you’re going to be exposed to any UV source use certified eyewear.


    Free Member

    My sister used to A/E at the hospital closest to Cadwell park, famous for bike racing. She said you could always tell when riders were properly injured as they would let you cut their leathers off without a peep. Either that or they were sponsored.

    When the old man took a header of a a cliff, A/E in Bristol returned his clothes as the shreds they were removed as, every piece!. No more fitting way for a Man United top to go. :lol:

    To the OP, I hope your recovery is complete and speedy.


    Free Member

    +1 what Higgo said, I always like to keep some speed, even into the last week.

    I’d give those shoes plenty of wear before the event, even if it’s just wandering about.


    Free Member

    How much seatpost, how many spacers etc……..

    I like Dolan bikes, I have had a mythos road frame for a good while, always been spot on, responsive, light enough and can accept my generous mass.


    Free Member

    31:05, my time at Heaton Park this morning. I’m counting this as my PB although in the past I have run faster.

    I am actually pretty happy with that it’s the first time I have done 5K in almost a year, due to several injuries which I haven’t been able to shift.

    Next week sub-31.


    Free Member

    johnners – Member

    unlike the plaintiff did not think they would turn me into Haile Gabrselassie

    Yeah, but however disingenuous (or gullible) the plaintiff is, ads still can’t be allowed to be complete bullshit.

    Completely agree, still not convinced she’s fighting for justice and truth though!


    Free Member

    From what I’ve read, Vibram have made these claims about barefoot running and ‘linked’ running in VFF as comparable to running barefoot.

    As there is little or no hard scientific evidence to back these claims up I wouldn’t be surprised either if they decided to settle.

    Shame really, personally I like them and unlike the plaintiff did not think they would turn me into Haile Gabrselassie.


    Free Member

    Sore today, but they seemingly have that in common with every other muscle I own.

    I have had a high temperature and all over muscle aching since 1200 yesterday. No other symptoms and don’t really feel that bad, bizarre!

    iDave, I dream of a 1:41 HM :D


    Free Member

    emsz – Member
    randomjeremy, that’s what I said, makes these sort of things laughable. I don’t think Cameron has any idea how most of us get our booze.

    I think most might be an exageration. If this isn’t useful or a step in the right direction, what should he do?


    Free Member

    Lifer – Impy Stout would be circa £4.50 per bottle.

    See this is what confuses me in what makes up a unit of alcohol

    In the UK 10ml of alcohol is one unit. Other countries use grams I think. About 20-30% difference.


    [EDIT – Too slow by half]

    Free Member

    Real Ales are priced way above the 40p/unit already. Tennents Super 440ml can is 9% and 4 units so that’ll cost £1.60/can. How much is a bottle of Imperial Stout now

    330ml @ 10% is less alcohol than 440ml @ 9% so the price could be lower than £1.60


    Free Member

    It’s a notification by the French authority for consumer safety.

    Two accidents have been reported and this type/model have been found not to meet the standard in some way.

    There is a voluntary withdrawl by the manufacturer.


    Free Member

    I bet you won’t be able to part with it for anything :roll:


    Free Member

    We take our 1 year old to ‘Waterbabies’ and I cannot recommend it highly enough, it is obviously one of the highlights of her week. We started when Anna was about 12-13 weeks and there were no problems at all.

    The structure and gradual progression of the classes we have been to really built up the confidence and the instructor is excellent at judging when you are both ready to do something. I would second what DrP has said about ‘your fear’, parents clinging to their kids seems to be the biggest stress issue in the classes we have been to.

    Now, 1 year old last week, Anna will jump/fall into the pool, hold onto the rail completely unaided (really good safety ‘drills/games’ with waterbabies), do various swims underwater and generally tear the place up shouting and splashing.

    As a plus, it is a magical moment when you see them swimming underwater for the first time!


    Free Member

    Bunnyhop – Member

    I care where my food comes from, how fresh it is, and believe me the trash that some supermarkets try and sell you in the fruit and veg section should have a health warning on it.

    As compared to what, boutique produce grown by the chap at the end of your road?

    Can he supply 60 million people?

    Trash in what way, care to be more specific?


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