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  • Fresh Goods Friday 707: The Spot of Bother Edition
  • Matt24k
    Free Member

    There is VAT on items over £16 and may be Duty on items over £135. I believe cycles and parts attract 10% duty.
    This may help HMRC LINK
    It is a bit of a lottery but the chances of getting away with it seem to be smaller than they used to.

    Free Member

    Contactless should cost the same as Oyster.They both tot up your journeys and apply the best daily fare. There are some times when a Contactless card works out marginally cheaper. Just remember that each passenger needs a separate contactless card.
    It all works fine on DLR and the Tube but can be a bit frustrating on the Trains if your journey takes you outside the Oyster zone.
    I got stuck behind a large group of people recently that assumed that tapping in for a rail journey meant that you would be able to tap out at the other end. There are lots of Train stations inside the M25 that are outside the Oyster zone.
    The frustrating thing is that it is really hard to find an up to date list of stations included.
    Finally, please leave all the gold paving where you find it :D

    Free Member

    Sorry to hear about you current situation. You are really at one of life’s low points right now but things will get better over time. Holding it together when your world is collapsing around you seems impossible at the time but you need to put all your efforts into getting through this and getting the best possible outcome for all.
    Did you and your wife seek any professional help after the loss of your child? If you did not then maybe you both need to sort out that issue in case it was the catalyst for the current situation.
    As mentioned by other posters Relate should be your first port of call and do not leave the family home until all options have been exhausted.
    Best of luck to you.

    Free Member

    When I first started work in 1982 earning a massive £60 a week my Mum got £15 of it every week that was 25% of my income. According to an inflation calculator here that equals £37.01 in today’s money although that seems a bit low to me.

    Free Member

    Bacon and boiled egg salad?

    Free Member

    That “2% margin” equates to a majority. It really is a simple as that. Even the intellectuals on here should be able to get their heads around the basic maths. I’m pretty sure all the supposed Neanderthals that voted out can tell you that 51.9% is more than 48.1%
    By all means write to your MP. If you have time you could also drop a note to EUFA asking them to reverse the result of the England v Iceland game because you didn’t like that either.

    Free Member

    Well according to Crack Converters web site the Overvolt comes with the Charger, the Manual and the Key. So may be legit.
    Maybe the owner has hit hard times and needed instant cash rather than having his time wasted in the classifieds. Or a very careful thief found the charger etc in the shed next to the bike.

    Free Member

    The Electorate has spoken or the Illiterate have grunted according to many on here.
    The whole country needs to start the process of negotiation and move forward. The process will take years to conclude and don’t be surprised if we end up with another vote in a few years time as the the terms of membership have changed markedly due to several other EU big hitters voting out.

    Free Member

    I’d say it’s a 50/50 split amongst my circle of friends and family but more of the original don’t knows are veering towards out.
    It seems a few on here reckon an out vote equates to being racist. That’s a hell of a leap.

    Free Member

    I think you’ll find the SJS price is in Pounds and the bike24 is in Euros.
    At current exchange rates it is £66.53 inc postage and VAT.

    Free Member

    The seat tube angle on the Evil frame does look extreme. Maybe it’s just the pictures but the load is going to be at a fairly steep angle.
    Out of interest how much do people weigh that have had no issues with their Reverbs. I never had a problem with mine until I lent it to someone 2 stone heavier than me.
    I am just over 11 stone so probably at the lighter end of the spectrum.

    Free Member

    Any one of interest to you on at the 02 during your stay? Indoor karting if it rains Karting[/url]

    Free Member

    It’s democracy in action or more likely a lack of action by the electorate who, mostly, can’t be bothered to vote but like to moan about it afterwards.
    I reckon most people vote for the party first and the candidate second.

    Free Member

    Eurosport is part of the standard package but Eurosport HD is part of the Family pack along with C4HD etc.

    Free Member

    HFX 9’s are fitted to my current bike, a 2012 orange 5. I bought them in 2006 and have swapped them over on each new build. They work fine and I have a load of spare pads so I won’t be changing them any time soon.
    I am not some kind of Luddite, the same bike has M8000 XT 1×11 and a Reverb.
    My Hayes brakes aren’t broke and don’t need fixing :D

    Free Member

    I won’t trust another car dealer fully after BMW in Stoke **** me over.

    One bad apple and all that? How are you with trusting all women after a failed relationship. Car dealers, women, lawyers, police officers etc. they’re all the same.
    Get a grip.

    Free Member

    The problem with pronunciation is that sometimes saying it right, in the way a local would, makes you sound like a bell end.
    Any one that says “Por-sha” when referring to a German sports car is a bell end although they are saying it correctly IF they were German.
    If it were correct to say it like that in English then they should also pronounce BMW in the correct German fashion “Bee Em Vee”

    Free Member

    I reckon this thread needs pictures for the STW massive to decide.
    It could be mass bombers at Halfords or a prescription of Growaset for you, depending on the photographic evidence :D
    Ultimately, it’s your new bike and if it has genuine faults then now is the best time to get them put right.
    I wouldn’t let it put me off the whole Boardman brand though.

    Free Member

    P marks no difference if, Iike me, you need to log back in every time I visit the forum and the advert comes up before I have got to the tiny log in button

    Have you tried to change your browser settings or tried with a different browser?

    Free Member

    RX8, lovely looking car with a ticking time bomb under the bonnet. It’s not a case of if it is going to fail more when it is going to go bang.
    As you are not bothered about fuel consumption have a look for an RX8 with a 5.7 litre V8 conversion.

    Free Member

    Is your Visa Debit card a Euro card or a GBP?
    If it is a GBP card linked to your bank account there may be a fixed transaction fee or a percentage charged but you will get close to the interbank rate at the time of purchase. Check with your card provider.
    If it is a preloaded Euro card then use that. The pound will probably continue to weaken against the Euro so buying stuff from the Euro Zone will get more expensive over the coming months.
    After the BREXIT vote….. who knows what will happen to currencies, VAT and import duties?

    Free Member

    We decided not to have kids so I can’t speak from first hand experience but all relationships need patience and understanding. Patience can eventually run out but understanding means being able to discuss the issues at hand with the other person. If this can’t be done between you then I would strongly advise that you use some help from friends, family or better still, a relationship expert.
    Most things that are crap in life are better dealt with once they are discussed, especially with your other half.

    Free Member

    Happy Birthday.
    It’s all down hill from now and you have just had the best years of your life. I hope you made the most of them.
    Alternatively…… It’s just a number and life is what you make it even though you may struggle to read without the aid of glasses in the near future.

    Free Member

    For me this is the best thing on the BBC since Luther.
    It is a drama not a documentary so you need to go along with it and get over the idea that Hugh Laurie really is Lt. George from Black Adder, he is actually an actor. The fact that they add stuff for the geeks to spend hours pouring over in the way of arms shopping lists is great. It distracts them from getting over excited about theories on missing planes etc.

    Free Member

    Barry Sheene, Evel Knievel but he’s not really a sportsman and Nigel Benn.

    Free Member

    The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro. Was made into a film with Emma Thompson and Anthony Hopkins.
    Just finished Ray Winstone’s autobiography in case any one was thinking that I am a bit flowery.
    The Kite Runner is one of my favourites and as usual the book is way better than the film.

    Free Member

    Or maybe my favourite US motorsports star?

    Free Member

    You mean like this Dick?

    Free Member

    I really am fascinated to know what super sensitive data some people on here keep on their iPhones. Maybe I should get a job with the FBI so I can run through all your ULTRA files?
    I can imagine that your shopping lists (mostly tin foil), Mum’s birthday reminder and next meeting with your handler will be most illuminating :D

    Free Member

    Worked in vehicle sales for years…. Only Arthur Daley types want cash. Main dealers make their money from finance, gap insurance and all the other stuff that the salesman you are dealing with wants you to buy. He probably gets £30 a unit on a cash sale and way mare than that if he can flog you all the financial products.
    The car you are looking at he can sell all day long and it is his hook to flog the other stuff. It may be 18 grand to you but to him, it’s 30 quid as a straight cash sale.

    Free Member

    Would you prefer flowers our a donation to your favourite charity?

    Free Member

    My extensive research* has lead me to the conclusion that most mountain bikers do not own a TV capable of receiving a live signal. Due to this fact they vehemently object to paying for another service which they admittedly use, iPlayer. My research also tells me that these same people mostly object to paying for parking at well known trails funded by the FC but they are fairly happy to blow £95 on a pair of work trousers.

    *source STW.

    Funny old world isn’t it? :wink:

    Free Member

    I think the above illustrates why there is no answer to the how much margin in X business question. There is no fixed figure unless you are dealing with RRP’s and fixed wholesale prices for all.
    The art of negotiation is just that, an art. Just because you read on the internet that all car dealers work on 50% mark up, it doesn’t make it true.
    All markets are governed by supply and demand. Brand new Apple product on launch day will be full retail with a waiting list. iPhone, 4 new old stock, considerably less than the launch price.
    If you want that latest thing that everyone else does, you pay the money or wait until it is no longer the latest thing.

    Free Member

    So you’re looking to buy the latest model of a brand that is only sold by one chain of shops and expecting a discount? That doesn’t put you in a very strong position to negotiate unless you are looking at multiple units.
    Whatever you do don’t ask fro the best price on 100 units and then expect to pay that for one.

    Free Member

    An 11-46 cassette has proportionately virtually the same range as a 10-42 cassette, but doesn’t require any changes to the freehub, so it makes sense as an answer to SRAM’s cassettes.

    Exactly what I have tried to achieve by adding a One Up 45T to the M8000 XT cassette so I wish they had done it earlier.

    Free Member

    I’d recommend the Manila Marriott Hotel as a nice place to spend some time but there is no way I’d walk there from the Airport even though you can see the hotel reception from the terminal.
    Just in case you haven’t worked it out Manila is a scary place even before it gets dark.

    Free Member

    Aussie Race 1 was on Saturday for a change and race 2 is on Sunday. So you’ve already missed race 1 and you need to get up chuffin early for race 2.
    My MCN Fantasy team finished 1 and 2 in race 1 so I must be a genius :wink:

    Free Member

    7 months after starting this thread I have my £2.99 cover. It arrived from SJS and they’re very good at keeping the order status updated which must be a real PITA for a 3 quid order.

    Free Member

    I hope MoseyMTB meant smalls rather than smells as I was wondering what kind of smell Orange were offering. A nice refreshing mint to go with his frame colour or a sharp citrus tang to go with their more traditional colour? Or maybe it could mean the smell of a welders smalls? :wink:

    Free Member

    It’s the FBI. They are still trying to get into that one iPhone and have stumbled across a magic Apple back door. You’re doomed :lol:

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