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  • Mat
    Full Member

    I was at Charr last weekend (just an out and back ride with the kids). There were folk parked up at it with an E-pace and a Disco Sport; the door was ajar and there was a gas cylinder hooked up outside, I’m assuming this was estate use rather than the great unwashed? Nobody came out for a chat and we stayed out of the way.

    Sorry that annecdote doesn’t really help anything does it!

    Full Member

    I listened to this on Radio 4 the other night, thought it was a fairly apt piece for this thread.

    Full Member

    Sorry to go off topic…

    Didn’t someone say here the other week they have deci-inches

    Isn’t that the prevailing unit of measure for mountain bike tyre girth?

    I was pondering this the other day, what a daft unit of measure it was whilst trying to visualise in my mind how much bigger a 2.6″ vs. 2.3″ tyre was. Mat’s internal dialogue:

    Well of course its 0.3″, hmmm, whats that? 0.3*25.4, ahh ok 7.62mm

    Seeing the obvious link to gun calibres now I write it down.

    Full Member

    Odd first post! A second login or fishing for information?

    Apologies OP if you are genuine!

    Full Member

    I’m 5’11”, I tried a mates large (With a 35mm stem) after reading what Brant had said on here and have sold my unbuilt large frame as a result, I’m sure I could’ve lived with it but it felt pretty big.

    Full Member

    There’s a Mitchell & Webb Look for that…

    Full Member

    I enjoyed this blog post the other day. I don’t dispute its value in certain applications but it seems people seem to fetishise ‘big data’ and AI to find a solution as these are on trend.

    Full Member

    Haha! I read the other thread as jesuits for paramedics too! I thought it must have been because I’d just finished a novel about a jesuit missionary in Quebec…

    Full Member

    It’s Peebles!

    Full Member

    Watch out for people measuring the older ones. Newer ones are sure to be longer, lower and slacker

    😀 I know your joking but yeah this was previous gen, so model before latest release

    Full Member

    Just over 40cm

    Full Member

    We’ve got a cnoc 14 small. Will go and measure it once bedtime at the zoo is concluded…

    Full Member

    Good thread OP

    I had some sort of middle ear pain at the end of July, I got a course of antibiotics for it and it went away, a couple of weeks later I got hit by a horrible brain fog/aches/fatigue. It lasted around 3 weeks, I then had 2 weeks of feeling normalish which took me to this monday. I thought it was finally time to try a bike ride. I went out on the gravel bike for an hour and a half and thought I’d taken it easy HR never went above 150 (max ~180), felt amazing off the endorphins that night. Then over the last few days the aches and brain fog have come back – perhaps not as strong as last time but still really hitting my focus and attention span.

    I guess I’ve not actually had anything really strongly identifiable as Covid and my post-whatever symptoms are nowhere near as bad as others but still really struggling to focus on the more mentally challenging aspects at work. Also not being able to ride is robbing me of a source of mental and physical relief!

    In short FED UP of bleurgh!

    Full Member

    Apologies, I figured I’d piggyback off this thread as I believe the sentiment is much the same…

    After this thread I decided I’d maybe stick with schwalbe on my build. Only problem is there’s so many flippin’ permutations to chose from:
    – compound
    – casing
    – diameter

    then factoring in new stock and old stock (I believe all the standards/diameters changed with this summers release?)

    A bit more on my brief:

    I’m wanting tyres for my Scandal build, I’ve got kind of moon on a stick requirements, I don’t want a setup that’s too draggy for riding a few miles on road to the local trails but at the same time I want something that can handle Enduro-esque descents. I’m Deeside based (NE Scotland) so trails are a mix of peaty heather, muddy rooty woods and granite.

    I’m thinking Magic Mary upfront and Hans Dampf rear? as I understand it 2.35″ now comes up smaller than it used to so I’m better buying 2.6″ (If I’m buying new stock?)

    Help me out here! tell me what to buy!

    Full Member

    Loving the videos, very relaxing! How come Previas and Priuses are so prevalent round there? I means Priuses I guess cos of Uber and the congestion charge? (Lives in Aberdeen so no idea!)

    Full Member

    It’s not SES though no? It’s doon tha brae?

    Full Member

    YouTube popped this one up in my feed and I watched it a few months back, I did wonder about posting on here but thought better of it! (Was probably because I’d watched a JP interview before someone starts Going through my posting history). It’s definitely a shame we can’t discuss these things without them getting out of hand but I agree it seems a bit too contentious right now given a few recent threads. It is a shame all discourse has to be so binary/partisan/polarised.

    I regard myself a feminist, I do think it problematic that lots of people view feminism and gender equality as just getting women into high flying jobs and there’s much less promotion of Dads taking a more active roll in family life. It seems much more socially acceptable to say disparaging things about a stay at home Dad or a man not being the primary breadwinner. I guess as an example hearing women complain about men being ‘under the thumb’, fairly subtle things but they hold both genders back. As a gender men do have it pretty good, lots of privilege etc… but that doesn’t mean there aren’t things that can be fixed.

    I do worry about airing these sorts of views those, that it fuels MRA types or people think I am one.

    Full Member

    Is this in Swindon?

    Full Member

    I’ll chip in with another not very useful anecdote, I once got 4 bikes in my mk1 Ka with a driver and passenger (uni bike club trip so pooling resources). I must admit though bigger wheel bases, bars wheels and tyres make this kinda thing much harder these days!

    Full Member

    Similarly I just finished series 3 last week, just a lovely relaxing thing to watch before bed!

    It was all great but favourite bits were
    – trampoline scene
    – Hugh telling Russell he’s 32 (“I Feel like I’ve been groomed!”)
    – Shiela’s occassional windows of poignancy amongst the ditsyness

    Full Member

    Very first day on very first descent at Bikevillage my front wheel stopped on a root or compression or something (really nothing techy) whilst going at walking pace. I went over the bars and tumbled over the side of the trail off into the undergrowth, my bike landing on top of me! I think i bust my seatpost and helmet.

    Full Member

    Sorry I don’t want to derail your thread but the symptoms you describe (bar the muscle twitching) are pretty much how I’ve been feeling for the past 3+ weeks. Still waiting on bloods results from the Drs. Not had anything that was obviously Covid. Feeling a bit more human today but it’s been scaring me with its persistance.

    Full Member

    but you can meet them in the pub….

    Yeah this is going to be a bit antogonistic in Aberdeen (5 mile limit/shut all pubs/restaurants)!

    I’m guessing it’s driven by their understanding of the transmission mechanisms driving specific outbreaks? Like the Coupar Angus outbreak, big factory, well documented, easy to do T&T on potentially exposed employees.

    Not saying I disagree but the general public doesn’t really do nuance…

    Full Member

    will this show up in the geological record? The great scat surge of 2020 along with masks and wipes?

    Full Member

    as usual Mitchell and Webb have done a pertinent sketch on this scenario…

    Full Member

    What’s the deal/catch with that Winstanleys offer? It seems they’ve got none of them actually in stock, why offer a hefty discount on something you don’t have that isn’t normally ever discounted that much? Are Hope cool with them doing that? I’m really tempted at that price and I’m not in a hurry for new brakes. The ‘if it’s too good to be true it probably is’ bell is ringing though…

    Are they just trying to keep cash flow up?

    Full Member

    I stay in Aberdeenshire (yet still feel compelled to stick my oar in), one factor you might want to consider is it’s generally colder up here, kind of stating the obvious. Through the summer when we’re bouncing around the high teens/low 20s the home counties are pushing into the 30s and obviously can be a good bit colder in winter too. Winters the last decade haven’t been very snowy but there have still been some very protracted icy snaps. Also the winters are quite dark (although you’re rewarded with endless days in summer!). None of this bothers me but I know it does get to some.

    Full Member

    Surely the proper STW answer is this does the job for a fraction of the price:

    Full Member

    Thanks BWD, yeah it felt like something in the eustachian tube/middle ear with a bit of pain when swallowing. That passed and I managed a few rides in the intervening period so I didn’t think I’d gone straight from virus to fatigue.

    I got an e-consult through the GP yesterday and they’ve suggested some kind of post viral fatigue or post Covid, I’m booked in for bloods in the morning. They also asked about tick bites (inferring Lyme disease I guess) but I’ve not found any ticks or bites (although it is something I worry about). Would be good to have a 2-way discussion with a doctor rather than these web forms where I type out a load of symptoms and I just get a reponse back I can’t really ask follow-up questions on! I appreciate it’s a pretty tough time for the health service though and I’m pretty low down their priority list.

    MrSmith, that describes pretty well what I’m feeling at the moment, an almost vision lag and finding myself just staring at the screen.

    Full Member

    I really doubted I’d had Covid-19, my 18mo son had a temperature for a few days shortly after lockdown began and I had a temperature for perhaps a day shortly after but none of the other symptoms (we self-isolated just to be sure). At the end of July I had what I thought was a cold followed by an ear infection and got a course of antibiotics, it knocked me out for a few days and I had something like 5 days of ear pain.

    In the last 10 days though I’ve been feeling really tired and a weird kind of brain fog as well as aching in my neck and shoulders. It’s really affecting my concentration at work. It’s like a kind of diziness almost (although it’s not affecting my balance) sort of like working at a computer with a mouse with a really slow scroll speed. I’ve been trying to take more rest but it just doesn’t seem to want to budge!

    It sounds like I’ve had it (general symptoms, not necessarily saying I’ve had Covid) not too bad but I’m starting to stress that it’s going to be something that I have to deal with for more than a couple of weeks. I just feel like I’m being a crap Dad, a crap Husband and crap at work!

    Full Member

    I read yesterday that the ‘viable threat’ was apparently from snipers

    I was baffled by this too, yet another cat carcass?

    If there are people with malicious intent and the means to do something like that I really doubt holiday snaps being published by the tabloids would be the thing that enabled them…

    (Paging Perchy to do a joke about Boris being malicious in a tent)

    Full Member

    In Scotland, I cannot legally do that. I have a usual notice period of 2-weeks, which I can vary from in an emergency such as leaking pipes. Again you apply a rumour and ‘I once heard’ to all and use emotive language to do so.

    You shouldn’t legally, but it certainly still happens far more than it should, letting agents and landlords.

    Full Member

    Sorry not an owner but as a frequent user…


    Oven Pizzas are a handy ‘we’ve just arrived knackered and don’t want to cook’ meal but there’s never any Pizza trays so you have to try and bodge something with tinfoil or the racks or existing smaller trays and risk dripping onto the bottom of the oven which ultimately must be more of a PITA for the owner?

    Full Member

    I got a dhb Aeron eVent jacket for £60 a couple of years ago that’s been fantastic, I’ve used it for road gravel and enduro type stuff so it’s been pretty muddy. They don’t sell it anymore but perhaps something like this is comparable, unbranded fabric though, not eVent

    Full Member


    Full Member

    I donate every year too, it indulges my curiosity and helps me out multiple times per week, pretty fantastic VFM IMO. Ok it can potentially be abused but because anyone can have a say it also means anyone can call it out too and you can look at the history of the piece to see which points have been contested. Surely very few other reference materials are that democratic? I just think back to the Encarta95 of my childhood and marvel at how much better wikipedia is…

    Full Member

    We have my wife’s copy of ‘Dogger’ from when she was a girl, oh how language changes, the name still amuses me.

    Watching with interest, my daughter is 4 next month and sounds like she’s got similar tastes.

    Full Member

    £315 for a set of used Pro 2 evos? I hope mine go for that much.

    I think he’s factoring in a microspline freehub and perhaps some new bearings into that?

    Full Member

    but what about double deckers! The frame I have doesn’t look half as orange IRL as the pics in this thread seem to appear though, it’s a kind of orangy-yellow. I suppose I should just do it! I’ve pined for some purple ano for ages now and always bottled it in favour of more sensible black…

    Full Member

    has anyone built one of the orange ones with purple hubs, my heart says do it! but my head’s saying nooo! think of the residuals if I need to sell down the line…

    I think another concern is if I set off down that route how much more purple ano do I need? I was going to use the black floating rotors I have but I’m thinking that’s not going to work…


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