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  • Mental Mondays #9 The yes, we know it’s Tuesday, edition
  • mashiehood
    Free Member

    Hit them high and fast – i still come off! it all depends on how polished the damn things are!

    Free Member

    rode it yesterday, not the end of the world given the hammering the area will get in the winter. surprisingly quiet out yesterday, glad i went out yesterday and not today.

    Free Member

    really great ride today, finally managed to get some quality time in winterfold and found some great trails. Very quiet too!

    Free Member

    Just had ours replaced, it was 25 years old with water tanks etc, tight space, lots of labour (nearly 5 days) £2300 to install a WB with a remote thermo and descaler. Superb service from transgas in Surbiton.

    Free Member

    The telegraph poles was like the M25 so we gave it a miss. It’s been so busy around peas lake recently we don’t bother going there, from the bottom of Barry’s we go to leith.

    Free Member

    Thanks all very useful tips

    Free Member

    Get in touch with Charlie Sheppard of Epic Morocco, I’m sure he will be able to help

    Free Member

    Thanks chaps

    Free Member

    Harry the cat is under the bed, pops out occasionally to check we are ok!

    Free Member

    Ellfin – so what cars had Alonso developed since which have become world beaters? in my opinion, one of the most over-rated drivers on the grid. Jamie Algu in a Ferrari next year would be good (or will alonso allow it considering he stopped Heikki going to Renault)

    Free Member

    I have had my meridian setup for 10 years, with a 551 pre-amp driving Quad 21L – still listen to it every day.

    Free Member

    Dya know what – i dont think its buttons form thats affected Lewis, its his relationship with Nicole – he is genuinely gutted. I remember my breakup in my 20’s – i was totally devestated.

    But, he will be back next year (lets hope so!)

    As for Rosberg – a water carrier , just what Ferrari need to help Alonso, becuase without help, Alonso cannot win!

    Free Member

    i’d like to see lewis in a mercedes, I think Lewis and McLaren are no longer the dream partnership, time to move on. Im fairly certain Lewis wont renew with McLaren, and Mercedes will do a swap for Rosberg.

    Free Member

    a complete and utter nightmare, no amount of swearing, shouting and hammering could seperate mine from the fork! I gave up and took it to a bike shop! I had a complete nightmare with my bike last night and my hands hurt this morning!

    Free Member

    personally i don’t buy into changing the geometry on the fly – I was also looking at the Intense Carbine. The SB66 is also an option but hard to get hold of at the moment.

    Free Member

    currently in the same boat – also looking at the Yeti ASR5C.

    Free Member

    the most disappointing bit if telly i have seen for a long time, no CPR and ruth being stabbed by a half inch shard, the purse string must have been welded together or most of the money was spent on 4×4’s! rubbish.

    Free Member

    i am not a moto gp fan but i was watching the race this morning and saw it live – i felt totally sick. RIP Simoncelli, thoughts are with your family and lady.

    Free Member

    oh for god’s sake can the mods please remove this thread – it has runied my day. I had just about talked myself out of this as I would have needed a tapered fork!

    Free Member

    can we please close this thread before it gets silly – im appalled by some of the comments on here, truly awful!

    Free Member

    Mumford and Sons stuck in my head this morning – arghhhh!

    Free Member

    i only put bar ends on my flat bar commuter last week – cant believe the difference it makes – transformed my commute.

    Free Member

    i have to admit, i swapped the drops to flats with bar ends for my commuter, just ‘felt’ better when navgating through traffic jams in the city.

    BUT drop bars anyday for open country road riding.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    rob go for it – i was lucky enought to get the frame from CRC sales for £500 but would happily pay RRP having ridden it for a few months.

    Free Member

    Rob I have a RL lynskey and love it. I run it with a 140mm dtswiss xmm, xtr and stans alpines. A great bike.

    Free Member

    75 miles, I thought we were crazy thinking of taking in box hill. We have been riding the hills for 20 years but never really explored the winterfold area so must do some research and walk the trails

    Free Member

    I’m just waiting for a rebellion from the locals a d the whole area will become hostile to bikers, shame as the minority of riders not sympethic to the area will ruin it for all.

    Free Member

    There is a sort of gate at the start (bottom of BKB) so I assumed if it’s blocked don’t ride it.

    Free Member

    Njee yes that was us we were on an epic loop just to make the most of the dry trails. Conditions were indeed awesome.

    Free Member

    I walked the the trails today with the lady! Can someone clear something up for me, I’m sure the path that runs parallel to Ewhurst Rd, from the bottom of BKB is a footpath, yet I saw at least 5 bikes using the path instead of the road. Am I going mad in thinking it’s a footpath and thus out of bounds to bikers?

    Free Member

    Njee I think we bumped into you a couple of times on sat – I was on the lynskey and my friend was on the dale rize. Was not sure whether it was you otherwise I would have said hello.

    Free Member

    get well soon CG – my commute to work was a bit wild this morning, must tone it down a bit.

    Free Member

    lets start an epitition calling for the two ed’iots’ to go away!

    Free Member

    Who on earth would actually vote for the two ‘ed’iots? I mean if anyone is actually thinking about it, please step forward and explain yourself!

    Free Member

    “Don’t let anyone tell you that Labour in government was profligate with public money when we went into the crisis with lower national debt than we inherited in 1997 and lower than America, France, Germany and Japan.”

    Classic Balls. The 2008 public debt was only lower as a share of GDP compared to 1997. And while Britain’s debt was lower than these countries, he has picked nations with uniquely high debt piles amassed well before the crisis. The UK’s deficit as a share of GDP in 2008 was higher than all these countries with the exception of the US.

    “When they say we made mistakes in government, they’re right… we must admit them and show we’ve learned from them. The 75p pension rise – that was a mistake. So was abolishing the 10p tax rate. We didn’t spend every pound of public money well.”’

    Balls identifies a handful of mistakes made by Labour when in government.?But the first two are things that actually generated revenue for the exchequer. On the principal charge – that Labour was profligate – he offers no examples of overspending, merely observing the government didn’t spend every pound well.

    Balls is obsessed with cutting taxes on consumption, that would mean even higher incentive-destroying taxes on income and capital. It was interesting that Balls said yesterday that “the issue of land taxation is one which we should actively look at” – in other words, he is moving closer to the kinds of crippling wealth taxes beloved of Vince Cable. It is strange that Balls appears to think that what the UK needs more of today is debt-financed consumption; in reality it needs to rebalance towards investment, savings and exports.

    Britain doesn’t need another artificial boost to demand. It needs a genuine boost to the incentives of people and companies to work and invest, together with a credible long-term commitment to balancing the government’s books. Shame that Ed Balls can’t see this.

    Free Member

    I think Lewis needs to be loved (a bit like Seb) to get the best out of him, a great driver in need of some guidance. But apart from Monaco he has not ruined anyone else’s race. Massa got a puncture but came out ahead of Lewis and still got thrashed. It’s racing.

    Free Member

    So would those of you so aware of Lewis being a danger care to admit the incident today was never a drive thru! As Eddie said, far worse in the race got no penalties

    Free Member

    Fair point stoner but you were no where to be seen on the german gp thread when he drove a great race, you only appear when he is involved in accidents (a lot this year) praise and criticse equally, he is a Brit, at the top of a worldwide sport.

    Free Member

    Stoner, you really do hate Hamilton, why?

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