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  • Mental Mondays #13 – The get on out there edition
  • mashiehood
    Free Member

    good picture khani

    Free Member


    I am a Muslim (and a proud one). Hence my comments. The 99% are peaceful law abiding people, and the minority of the nutters tarnish everyone else (but that is true in society as a whole).

    The way media report these events is dangerous in my view. Someone sitting at home, full of hate on what they see on TV, could go out and take it out on a school kid at a muslim school – an eye for an eye makes everyone blind.

    Free Member

    lets not forget he shot dead MUSLIM soldiers! There are events around the world, every day, in which heinous crimes are committed by deranged people! Remember the idiot who shot dead the Manchester student – where was his label? Christian, Jewish, Muslim?

    The point I am making is we dont need to label, these people should not be allowed to hide behind a religion, or a cult to justify their actions.

    Free Member

    well, he shot dead Muslim soldiers, so i would remove the word ‘islamist’ and just call him a terrorist. I do have an issue with the press needing to add a label to these events, and it ultimately fuels hatred.

    Free Member

    glacier – sorry to hear the news. I would suggest morocco, spent a few months out there in 2008 and loved it.

    Free Member

    hmm, i was thinking the same, but stuff on fleabay is always inflated – lets wait and see.

    Free Member

    TJ – based on your analysis can you provide us some figures so we can compare!

    Free Member

    i listened on the radio sat in bed reading the new STW mag – top stuff. i will NEVER go to sky.

    Free Member

    I think for me the schadenfreude surrounding Ferrari probably more stems from their apparent belief that F1 wouldn’t exist (or at least be popular) anymore if it were not for them…

    and i think there is an element of truth in that, Formula 1 and Ferrari co-exist, i think Formula 1 would be poorer without Ferrari and Ferrari would be hurt by not being in F1.

    Free Member

    I dislike them due to the fact they made F1 boring in the 80’s/90’s. Not their fault really, but it’s why I dislike MS as well.

    hmm, they were not great in the 80’s or till the late 90’s tbh!

    well done to the mclarens – looks like they have built a very good car.

    Free Member

    well i got a response stating:

    Please accept my apologies,

    We oversold on the lights!

    Free Member

    same here :(
    I also purchased the battery pack and mount – which have been dispatched! Annoyed!

    Free Member

    like butlins for bikers, disappointing!

    Free Member

    Our cat (haribo), is a sneaky little git! He scratches / chews things that get me or the lady out of bed. For example, he will chew the power cable on the laptop or scratch my bag if he want me to get out of bed, or he will scratch her furniture (or hump her teddy) to get her out of bed.

    Git! But we love him.

    Free Member

    +1 for drive.

    Free Member

    it makes my blood boil every time I see his name on a post! either payup or never be seen on here again realman! :evil:

    Free Member

    finally surfaced realman! Yes it was the highlight of my day, im sure the highlight of your day will be to rip someone else off.

    Free Member

    My commute from Surbiton to Oxford circus take me through Richmond Park and Hyde Park. The worst bits are High Street Kensington and Marble Arch. But other than that, I love my 14 mile commute into London.

    Totally agree with the others about not treating it as a race, but sometimes its so hard not too – keep it safe and fun and everyone will be fine. :D

    Free Member

    I have used NN 2.1/2.25 rear/front in Surrey Hill – they are fine.

    I much prefer the Racing ralph / Rocket ron, rear front during the spring summer months.

    Worth noting I run the standard tyres tubeless with Stans on Alpine rims.

    Free Member

    monkey – i would not risk a repair on it, its such a vital component that i failure does occur you could hurt yourself. sorry

    Free Member

    i am having a nightmare with a claim at the moment with M&S (Axa) a simple accident blown out of all proportion. Having done all they asked, including dancing on one leg, they are still deliberating!

    Im actually glad i dont have to go with these guys next year.

    Free Member

    thats rubbish hills! sadly, you will get no sympathy here, but if you were a ‘hard working nurse’………..

    Free Member

    Geoff – emailed you a tcx of the route, its a good one. Nothing technical, but some great trails and very scenic. The coast line is amazing.

    Let me know how you get on.

    Free Member

    A fantastic article from City AM this morning, quote:

    Bonus row now completely irrational

    UTTERLY absurd: that is the only way to describe the debate on bonuses. Here is why. Imagine a salesperson at a widget company so brilliant that she brings in £10m a year for her firm. She is the best widget salesperson in the UK and her firm’s biggest asset. Her company, unfortunately, is loss-making – but if it were to lose her to a rival, it would collapse. Yet according to the current received wisdom, she shouldn’t receive a bonus. Only profit-making firms should be allowed to pay bonuses, we are constantly told, regardless of individual effort and regardless of consequences. The fact that this means she will leave – widgets salespeople aren’t know for their loyalty – and her firm will go bust, with the loss of many jobs, is deemed irrelevant. It’s madness.

    Here is another scenario which illustrates the ambient silliness. Imagine a widget firm that pays its staff half in fixed, base pay and the remainder in variable pay. A recession strikes and the demand for widgets slumps. The firm is able to cut staff costs without having to fire anybody; it can still reward stars and survives intact. Now imagine another widget company, run in the way commentators tell us is more prudent. It has slashed variable pay and put up base pay (it tried merely to ditch bonuses, but the staff threatened to walk out, so it had to hike fixed salaries). The recession hits; it is unable to cut costs instantly, starts making redundancies but is crippled by the large payouts needed and by the slowness of the process. It goes bust, all employees lose their jobs and the shareholders lose their shirts.

    Badly designed bonuses can trigger stupid behaviour – but well designed ones with deferred and equity components and no payouts for failure needn’t, and an economy with low fixed and high variable costs is more resilient than one with the opposite characteristics. Here is another inconsistency: A banker on a base pay of £10m and zero bonus gains plaudits; his colleague on a base pay of zero and a bonus of £4m is hated. Why? And why does everybody always forget that high salaries in the UK are a joint venture between HMRC and the individual? Even the terminology is suspect: in many cases, what is known as the bonus system (or these days, as the “bonus culture”) is more a revenue or profit share system; it is not meant to exist only or even primarily to reward exceptional performance. The variable component reflects a range of factors – but in the aggregate is a mechanism to divvy up between labour and capital the cash generated in industries prone to large cyclical fluctuations. Contrary to the received wisdom, pay as a share of revenues is not especially high in finance; it is comparable to many other service sector industries.

    Regular readers will know that I support real capitalism and abhor bailouts. I don’t think RBS should have been allowed to continue to exist post-crisis. But it was, and the aim now ought to be to get taxpayers’ cash back. Yet the bank is being run to minimise pay in the short-term to score political points (and politicians who once used to stand up for workers’ rights and against shareholders are cheering), rather than being managed to maximise value. The investment bank unit is deliberately being crippled. The pay freeze for thousands of top staff proves the firm is being treated like the civil service. Governments can’t own banks; they always end up destroying them. What a mess.

    Free Member

    Hi – drop me an email and i can send you a really good route (its long at 35 miles) but a superb route.

    Free Member

    i went out yesteday in the Surrey Hill – a real mudfest. So, im not going through that again.

    Free Member

    ‘I agree, for me best album in a long time

    Really, im assuming you mean circa 7 days as being a long time! I thought it was boring!

    Free Member

    I have been with my lady for 7 years, she is AMAZING! we are having our first child in Aug, cant wait. Life is good and im enjoying every minute. :D

    Free Member

    Ritchey WCS grips here, my mates laugh at me but i love em. They dont know what they are missing.

    Free Member

    Yet we all watch blazing saddles and have a good chuckle :roll:

    Free Member

    i was planning to head out sun when its a touch warmer and mudier!Me and the lady went for a walk yesterday eve and the ground was frozen solid!

    Free Member

    My lynskey, beautiful to look at, amazing to ride

    Free Member

    it took me three hours to drive from Salisbury to Kingston – a nightmare in a rear wheel drive car. I hate snow. Just got home – grrrr!

    Free Member

    RPRT – i thinks its you who is not understanding what im trying to say

    and as for ‘we have a nice house’ as long as im alright jack……….

    Free Member

    ‘go through a door and something nice would be waiting for them on the other side…’

    so, RPRT if someone told you to go through a door and something nice would be waiting for you, would you walk through that door without having done your homework? Or would you just wander in and hope for the best?

    Free Member

    RPRT – sometimes we have to make our own decisions. We simply cannot blame others for things like borrowing more than one can afford. Would you jump off a cliff if a banker/politican said it was good for you?

    Free Member

    ‘all caused by failures in banking’

    all caused by our collective greed! the need to own your own home (regardless of whether you could afford one!), the need to have a ‘national health service’, the need for the latest gadget / bike / bling!

    The debt fuel comes from our owns societies unrealistic expectations.

    Free Member

    earnie – you are being very selective in your quotes, what about all the labour, conservative and lib dem quotes.

    In 5 years, when RBS no longer exists and the tax payer is sitting on a loss of 45bn, you will no doubt be calling for the heads of those who failed to appoint the right person to protect the tax payers investment.

    Free Member

    Apparently he won’t be accepting his bonus – I’m sure it will make all those who practice the politics of envy very happy – now who’s next!

    Free Member

    Yes good night all

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