Similar dodgy neighbour issue here.
We have the misfortune of having a smallish shared courtyard area out the back of the house which is used for garage access on the far side. Apparently in the deeds for all 4 houses who share this courtyard it states this access should be unfettered.
We have a 16 x 6 ft 'garden' (the smallest of the 4 houses) and the courtyard is considerably bigger than this, so we made use of it as it's private.
Our neighbours, who are recently retired & thus spend lots more time at home have realised over the summer what a jolly nice time Mrs Mascy & our 4year old son have in this courtyard. Games, practicing riding his bike, outrageous & noisy things like laughing etc.
They've taken a dislike to this practice, despite very rarely ever using the courtyard for anything at all, and after a disappointing meeting where they told me they didn't want games to be played there they've mounted a couple of red signs on the wall of the courtyard saying children are not permitted to play in this area.
Nothing in my deeds about that, although we are now trying to move so I'm keen not to rock the boat right now. They **might** be getting them back after we move in pieces though.