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  • martinxyz
    Free Member

    Might just check out a guinea pig instead. They sound a mare!

    Free Member

    I agree with surfmats approach.Then again i am not the sort of person to pull over and slow my journey down just to let idiots get to where they are going any quicker.If i am going the speed limit, i will keep to it.I will never stop to let someone past when they are already breaking the limit. who all on here stops in the nearest layby to let faster drivers past?

    I took a diffrent approach a few weeks ago to a tail gater. I picked up my car,left the MOT station and was driving along under the 30mph speed limit when a white van tears up behind me with dodgy headlights. At first i thought it was one of the guys from the garage playing around but i noticed it wasnt when we had to stop at a roundabout. I carried on and the guy was about 10ft from my bumper,pulling slightly out to the right of our lane from time to time.I lost it.. indicated..slowed down and got out. screamed “get off my F****** bumper…OK?!”

    he raised his hands in a “what am i supposed to do” jesture. i got in the car,continued the journey (still in the 30 zone) and he continued to do it. he soon pulled off down a side road.

    So i leave a garage, take 2 turns through a town and then this happens. wtf? lol.

    Free Member

    just go for x-ray specs. no need to be breaking the law by entering changing rooms etc ;O)

    Free Member

    The leggings are good under winter riding troosers. they are worth the 15 quid.had mine a year and they are still in perfect condition.

    I wear them to work a lot.

    Free Member

    I use the e13 guide and no probs with it on a hardtail bouncing around.I have a 36t middleburn and all has been fine.

    Free Member

    i dont lube the chain in this sub zero snowy conditions. i dont ride on roads (salt) so all i do is wipe the chain before going out and its stays rust free,no squeaking,shifting perfect,not collecting crap and wear-wise? seems as good if not better than all the oiled up winters of past.

    and a clean drive with clean altura troosers. what more could i want? heh.

    Free Member

    bolt pattern will be the same but you might find a swap not possible (one way) due to the diameter inside the tabs of the rings.give it a go.. but some truv/shimano swaps wont work.

    Free Member


    but what do you do with it? have tea breaks/lunch on it?

    Free Member

    alfine is square section on both 8/11 spd hubs.just built a singular with an 11spd alfine. anyone else got one up and running yet?

    Free Member

    Looks good marty. hoping the snow melts a bit over the next few days though.If its a drag over clear ground it would probably be a waste of time in the snow so i hope it clears a bit.Its more for the scenery than biking but i wouldnt mind trying to hack down snow covered tracks with the seat down!

    Free Member

    I thought Cornwall etc had snow for the past few weeks. aye, Edinburgh (and Bo`ness area especially) looks like it has had a worse 2010 winter than up here.Its not clearing down there at all.

    -4c here and crispy white.

    Free Member

    so what is on the market with 1080/60fps?

    does anyone know of a camera that shoots with a lens that makes everything look as normal as possible? medium format would be nice! i just dont like the wide angle of these cameras. the on board footage of early grand prix racing with non fisheye stuff is what i would like for on the bike.not sure what the lens would be known as though.

    Free Member

    chains dont just twist though.

    Free Member

    it spreads the love… i i ii mean the load.

    Free Member

    i bought a slide scanner about 9 year ago but its not churning out anywhere near the quality of the slide.i didnt expect it to do a great job but i suppose it was pretty good for back then. would probably send them off to get someone with a tool costing around £9800 more than what i paid for mine to do the job for a small cost ;O)

    Free Member

    he might turn as white as his teeth with no sunbed and the hair will match after a few years too.he will definately come out a diffrent man.. and the news of the world wont recognize him when he goes on the hunt for them.

    Free Member

    Is it not around £450 you get charged for every metre of barrier you destroy? I think some mag had an article last year about the stuff you should know about before heading over.

    Free Member

    i know for a fact that yer a lot more supple thaqn me,mat.. and i envy you getting into that wetsuit. i take ages getting into the 6/5/4 infinity hooded but its worth it! its a bit snug but i can lay in the pentland firth for hours with it. i dont think i could handle heading north and getting snowed on whilst changing over the next few weeks though. nowhere near fit enough for that malarky right now.

    Free Member

    having ridden one with a 140mm fox around the fyrish xc course a few years ago i would never put a 120mm on one. 130 sounds good. dont stress too much about it and try it out. you wont be too far off the mark.

    u turn would be nice on one.

    Free Member

    his wife looks like shes aged decades over the past few years. maybe its a case of all their money being piled into this case to pay for the best possible defence.

    “look,yer no getting any mair makeup.. the hair will have tae doo and ..aye,get ma breakfast oan and stop moanin ya dried up ole bag weve got court in twa hoors”

    I dont like the guy. something fishy about him.

    Free Member

    victor lucas` pics are better than sterlings. i love his stuff. sterling lawrence… yep, lovely name to have at the bottom of yer photos (it looks so cool that name. kinda like ansel adams eh?)but victors pics have more than once left me with glazed eyes/trying to correct my breathing pattern/grin.

    diffrent league.

    the thread title is fair enough but folk are posting pics with great scenery and amazing tricks. it doesnt have to be great scenery/good moves to make the greatest mtb pic ever taken so lets see some more pics!

    Free Member

    mavic spokes are easy to get a hold of for just about any shop. they should be able to get them within a few days.

    fulcrum rims on the other hand… rare as hens teeth to buy individually? some of them are.

    ian,ive had a few sets of crossride spokes delivered in the past 3 or 4 months no probs.check availability through another shop to see what they come up with.

    Free Member

    yer just a sweaty bazza.

    no seriously i dont know. i have a car with a hole in the boot that makes this problem worse but it happens in the other car too. usually when the bike is left in the boot or damp clothing the inside of the screen starts to freeze. i dunno whats going wrong in yours though. is the heater matrix thingy starting to go a bit iffy and leaking a bit?

    Free Member

    I watched part of eddie last night and realized after 10 mins that i wasnt finding it funny at all. I put it down to not seeing the start of it… then it hit home that it wasnt the case.

    reminded me of some guy on the train going into Edinburgh the other day with his mate. I had to put my earphones in or move to a diffrent carriage. earphones and music did the trick.

    Free Member

    sand mixed into the paint?

    Free Member

    fraction of a second from a fully clicked lookback in the snow.

    Free Member

    well you wont find valle groping ben spies ass..

    half of it got ripped off on the track years ago.

    Free Member

    lol. thats what i scrolled down to type but you beat me to it.

    I just wish the right folk would get a bit more involved and make it compulsory sooner rather than later.I can see it from other peoples points of view like “where will the poor families find the money to keep their cars on the road when its hard enough as it is with fuel costs etc” That would be a pain for a lot of folk,but if it saves lives.. ::sighs::

    Its GREAT Britain though.. stuff never happens.

    Free Member

    found this:
    There is an increasing sense of urgency around the subject of winter tyres, within some parts of the industry. Continental’s consumer web site sums this up when it says, “switch to winter tyres now!” So what will it take to kick-start the winter tyre market?

    There is no doubt that the government has a part to play. Something that would really help the UK market is legislation. A number of other EU countries have made the use of winter tyres a legal requirement and many offer specific winter recommendations. Without legislation, or at least official advice, it is always going to be difficult to encourage people to change life long habits. Even in a country like Sweden, where the need for winter tyres is quite visible, there were still a significant number of motorists driving without the appropriate tyres. That was until the government introduced legislation. In 1999, the government passed a law enforcing the use of season specific tyres. As a result, the total number of motorists using winter tyres went up 10 per cent by 2002, according to the Swedish National Road Administration. That may not sound like a huge amount, but the increase meant that nearly all drivers in the studied area (Östergötland) were using winter tyres.

    Driving abroad – check legislation:

    In the UK, however, there is no legislation and very little in the way of advice. The main authority on the subject, the Highway Code, is less than forthcoming. In fact the official guide, which describes itself as “essential reading for everyone,” has nothing on the subject of winter tyres, and only contains three entries on the subject of tyres in general. The addition of a line explaining how improved grip could be attained by using winter tyres, would improve consumer perceptions of winter tyres no-end. But as we have seen, a legal requirement would be even better.

    So what is the industry doing to register its support for the introduction of legislation, or at least better governmental advice?

    The National Tyre Distributors Association is fully supportive of the introduction of winter tyre legislation, director, Richard Edy, told Tyres & Accessories.

    “The NTDA is a founder member of an organisation called CETRO (Committee for European Tyre Retailing Organisations) which was set up a couple of years ago. CETRO, through its honorary secretary, Ruud Spuijbroek, has been lobbying within the European Commission for a change in tyre laws, including the acceptance that winter tyres are safer to use in the winter months.”

    This is certainly encouraging news, but, according to NTDA chairman, Martin Rowlands, “progress in promoting winter tyres has been slow.”

    Another industry body, the TIC, sees itself as the voice of tyre safety in the UK, but despite this position does not appear to have done anything significant in terms of lobbying.

    The fact remains, as far as the UK government is concerned there is not likely to be any new legislation unless the EU introduces it first.

    It is the same story with tread-depth. According to the AA’s Richard Freeman, in wintry conditions, “it’s true that to be safe you’re better off with 3mm or more.” But as far as Mr Freeman and the AA are concerned, “a change to a 3mm legal minimum would in our view lead to an unacceptable extra cost to drivers, as tyres with tread between 2mm and 3mm are still perfectly serviceable for normal driving for the majority of the year. We recommend a change at 2mm, as beyond that point performance drops off markedly.”

    The problem is, even though a major motoring association recommends changing tyres at 2mm, most consumers read the letter of the law, see 1.6mm and close their mind to the possibility of changing tyres. No doubt it will be the same with winter tyres.

    Consumers aside, the fleet market is absolutely central to a successful introduction winter tyres. If the fleets get on board then it would start a domino effect that would see distributors more inclined to stock them and would ultimately lead to a sharp increase n the use of winter tyres. But the fleets will only pay out if they are obliged to or if there is something in it for them.

    The introduction of governmental advice could lead to insurers offering reduced premiums to people who choose winter tyres. After all, 48 per cent of all accident claims are made during the autumn and winter months. Surely improved grip would reduce the accidents and make winter driving safer for motorists and cheaper for insurance companies. Again a similar scheme is already in operation on the continent. In Germany a driver involved in an accident could be negligent in the eyes of insurers if their vehicle was not using the appropriate tyres. So far, though, insurers have provided the industry with inconclusive responses on the subject. They, like the rest of the industry, are waiting for someone else to make the first move.

    So if legislation has proven to be effective around the EU, and insurance incentives have the potential to create a similar effect, isn’t it about time the UK market made took the lead?

    Source Tyres & Accessories August 2004


    The use of winter tyres is not mandatory in France. Nevertheless in some mountainous areas signs warn drivers that snow chains are necessary. In France, drivers of vehicles that weigh up to 3.5 tonnes can use spikes from November until the end of March. Vehicles using spikes are restricted to a maximum speed of 90 km/h on out-of-town roads and 50 km/h in residential areas. In addition vehicles have to bare a badge indicating the use of spikes.


    Winter tyres are mandatory in Austria between 1st November and 15th April for vehicles not using snow chains. These dates may be extended in weather conditions persist.

    Snow chains can only be used if the roads have a complete covering of snow and must be fitted on at least two driving wheels.


    Winter tyres are mandatory in Austria. The law states that passenger cars with a permissible maximum weight of up to 3.5 tonnes may be operated only between 1 November and 15 April in winter conditions such as snow, slush or ice if winter tyres have been installed on all wheels. All-season tyres are also considered winter tyres if they have the “M + S” mark.

    As an alternative to winter tyres, snow chains may be used on at least two driving wheels, however, these may only be used in case the road is covered by a complete or scarcely broken snow cover or sheet of ice. Failure to comply with the law results in a fine up to 5,000 Euros and the vehicle could be impounded. Insurance is deemed void if a vehicle which is involved in an accident between November 1 and April 15 is not fitted with winter tyres.


    It is not compulsory to use winter tyres in Italy. Snow chains should be carried and used as dictated by local signs or road conditions – reduced speed limits may apply.

    From 15th October to 15th April vehicles must be equipped with winter tyres or snow chains in the Val d’Aosta area.


    In Finland winter tyres are compulsory from 1st December to the end of February unless otherwise indicated by road signs. Winter tyres must be marked with the M&S symbol on the sidewall.

    Spiked tyres may be used from 1st November until the first Monday after Easter.

    Snow chains are allowed but only where there’s sufficient snow to avoid any damage to the road surface.


    Winter tyres are compulsory from 1st December until 1st March

    Spiked tyres are not allowed from 1st May until 1st October


    Winter tyres are not compulsory,however snow chains are as dictated by local road signs – in the event that there is ice or snow covering the roads winter tyres or tyres with snow chains must be used.

    Spiked tyres may be used from November 1st until the first Sunday after Easter. If spiked tyres are fitted there is a charge (in Oslo, Bergen and Trondhelm) stickers are available to buy daily, monthly or yearly.

    From October 15th until May 1st you are permitted to use spiked tyres in Nordland, Troms and Finnmark.


    Winter tyres which must be marked M&S are compulsory from December 1st until March 31st with a minimum tread depth of 3mm.

    Spiked tyres may be used from October 1st until April 15th but must be fitted to all wheels. Please note that local authorities have the power to ban the use of spiked/studded tyres on their roads.

    Snow chains may be used if weather/road conditions require.


    Snow chains must be carried from November 15th until March 15th (and when the winter weather conditions necessitate) by cars and vehicles up to 3.5 tonnes unless the vehicle is fitted with four winter tyres with a minimum tread of 3mm. Spiked tyres are prohibited.


    Motorists are obliged to make sure they have correct tyres to suit the winter weather conditions. This may mean the use of winter tyres (with M&S or snowflake symbol) and in extreme weather, the additional use of snow chains.

    Vehicles with summer tyres fitted are not allowed to be driven on roads covered with snow and ice. Fines are in place for vehicles found to be doing so.

    Free Member

    a foot of snow isnt that tricky. i went out in the seat ibiza with winter tyres on the front last year and played around the industrial estate in approx 20 inches of powder/semi compact mix and i learnt how to get out of tricky situations.i got stuck in some places but always managed to get out of trouble. (had a raised landy close to hand if i did get stuck but it didnt happen)

    winter tyres were on all of last year.i left them on through the summer and they wore out after approx 15,000 miles.even when worn,they are amazing due to the compound.

    I had about 4 weeks of 66 mile commute days in snow last year that wouldnt have been possible on summer tyres. the road didnt go black for a long time and the car took less of a salt pounding than normal due to so much snow.

    I agree with devs, they should start making it compulsory. imagine we cut down on all that grit/salt usage throughout the country and gave a small amount to everyone to go towards their new tyres! another thing getting my goat is the footage of police cars spinning around in an inch of snow with the wrong tyres on. Some guy was on tv last night towing a police car. wtf is that all about?! get fookin tyres on the emergency vehicles and save money in the long run. Just how much money has to be spent this winter on replacing or repairing police vehicles? Total bonkers.
    They recon its so tricky to get the winter tyres in the u.k this year as conti etc cant produce enough of them after germany making it compulsory to have them on through winter. apparently.

    Free Member

    lol.tena lady brolly dollys.umbrellas open to make double sure nobody wets themselves.

    Free Member

    :::looks over the top of his spectacles:::

    I am afraid the stoat in yer shock has a bad case of emulsification! Take him to the vet. They charge about £90.

    Free Member

    I know where theres heaps of spare bells. I plan to carry a few on every ride from now on. If i ever get asked where my bell is, i will scatter a few at the walkers feet and carry on with the ride.

    Free Member

    Clean yer dropouts and axle. Then from now on, close the skewer when the bike is on the ground and push down on the stem to make sure the axle is firmly inside the dropouts before closing the skewer.Align the should be spot on each and every time you do this.

    I cant think what goes wrong for you.

    Free Member

    arrived in strathpeffer on sat.

    Free Member

    Is this still a problem for ss sprockets on soft splines? I thought that some company with loads of time and money would have come up with a ss kit that has the sprocket tapering or stepping into something around 14mm-ish where it contacts the splines by now. it wouldnt be as adjustable but so much less of a ball-ache.

    Free Member

    molgrips, the car has adjustable struts that were refitted once before so far out by the seat dealership that it pulled to the side and had a squint steering wheel after it went in for a new bearing/spring many years ago.

    If i slide the strut back or forth to position it within millimetres of where it had been originally..and find it driving as well,if not better than it did. then thats good enough for me.If i returned it back to where it had been originally and it drove bad then i would have had to get things replaced or adjusted. (especially after the top dogs not being able to get it right)

    “nice and accurately of course”

    get over yourself.

    Free Member

    Love this group. been listening to it at work most of the morning.

    There’s a war going down between my brothers tonight,
    I don’t want no war going down, going down tonight.

    Stop this war
    Stop this war

    Civilization? Ha! I call it as I see it.
    I call it bullshit, you know, I still cannot believe it
    Our evolution now has gone the way of hate
    A world evolved resolved in this stupid fate

    Stop this war
    Stop this war

    All so different yeah, I say we’re all the same
    All caught, you know, in the division game.
    Self destruction fast impending like a bullet.
    No one can stop it, once it’s fired, no one can control it.

    Stop this war
    Stop this war

    A final word, wait it’s not a call to action
    We ain’t no sect, no, this ain’t no **** faction.
    Unity, unity, unity you’ve heard it all before.
    This time it’s not exclusive – we want to stop a war.

    Stop this war
    Stop this war

    Ain’t nothing wrong with another unity song
    Ain’t nothing wrong with another unity song
    Ain’t nothing wrong
    Ain’t nothing wrong
    Ain’t nothing wrong
    Ain’t nothing wrong with a unity song

    Stop this war
    Stop this war

    Unity, as one stand together
    Unity, evolution’s gonna come

    Free Member

    farmer g wrote:go on, get some poncey 2×4 and keep away from my galvanised bumper!

    He wont be anywhere near yer bumper as yours will be stuck in the drive with a frozen diesel filter going by next weeks icy weather forecast! ;OP

    Free Member

    106 series 1 rallye with a 106 gti 16v engine conversion. you will find a few of them with the conversion along with series 2s (97ish onwards) if you decide to look at a 106 check out all the hidden corners for rust. get your head under it and have a good feel around at the sills. see if you can crumble anything off by hand! also check the real beam for any play if you can. jack the back end up,handbrake off and hold each wheel at diffrent points to see if you can feel any knocking. If its really bad it will be noticeable without jacking it up.

    Ive been looking at a 16v series 2s for the past few weeks but nothings come up.If you want cheap and you want fun.. you probably wont get as much fun as a lightweight s1 16v compared to the likes of a polo or lupo gti.overbuilt and weigh too much to be fun ;O)

    ive just been sorting my 106 gti out for its MOT this week. its been hammered with salt over the past 5 years so it might be getting stripped for the qep flywheel,bilsteins,eibachs etc to go onto my next one.I will definately be considering another one and swapping parts over if and when needed.

    I would love the vw/jap quality having seen how my seat has lasted over the years compared to the pug but i would be buying it for the drive. Not how well it lasts.

    I also buy a car for the drive.. not the crash.todays safety enhanced hot..sorry,warm hatches are usually weighty,boast big power on paper but due to the power to weight ratio.. they still cant match cars of yester decade. Pity.

    not sure if many can see car buying from that view,though.

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