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  • Fresh Goods Friday 719: The Jewelled Skeleton Edition
  • martinxyz
    Free Member

    Having found and read this thread,I’ve just realized that the majority of headset replacements I do are failed sealed headsets. Open ball headsets in services rarely need replacing, just a wipe down and a good squirt of grease. This seems to be the way with bikes around 4 years old onwards (for sealed)and even bikes that are between 1 and 3 years, the open balls and cages are more often than not still rust free. Some open balled headsets that slipped through the net of not getting greased out the box will usually die within 2-3 years but you often find open ball headsets that have had a squirt of grease every 3 or so years that go on and on for 2 decades. This won’t be the case for sealed headsets unless they are decent quality or like mine, a £30quid Cane Creek c3, it’s been on 3 bikes and dried off/re-smeared with grease every 6 months or so and feeling like new. Even sealed bearings are worth a smear of grease to help keep out the hose water and chemicals from breaking the grease down.

    Free Member

    Back to where you started,then? Go lick it to knock that possibility off the list.

    Free Member

    Not listened to much so I’ll go with

    Prince – Lovesexy

    Free Member

    20 years at 50k per year?
    Yeah crap amount of money

    Yeah, and starting off with the interest on 1 million around @ 50k-ish a year? Tricky one. I think with my extravagant spending, I’d definitely have to continue working. Maybe even do a bit of over time. :roll:

    Free Member

    20 years at 50k per year?
    Yeah crap amount of money

    Yeah, and starting off with the interest on 1 million around @ 50k-ish a year? Tricky one. I think with my extravagant spending, I’d definitely have to continue working. Maybe even do a bit of over time. :roll:

    Free Member

    (and ride it too, after fitting the bludy thing ;O) )

    Free Member

    Myself, but I’ll probably not be using two of them straight away. You can build a wheel and fire it on before I use it if you want to try it for clearance.

    Free Member

    How tall are you,Renton?

    Free Member

    If you like a softer denim than the likes of a rock hard selvedge that you can barely move in for the first 4 months, then Denim Demon have great quality denim that last for ages. The crotch point in so many jeans over the years tends to stress and fray so easily (maybe amongst cyclists even more so?) but the dense weave of a quality denim seems to outlast crap that retails around 35quid by at least 4 times. They fade over a long period of time and for me, one of the nicest things is how much more wind resistant they are! Cheap jeans around 20-30quid from Next aren’t jeans. They are cotton trousers with a few man made fades designed to look like jeans. Splash out on something around £60 more (in the sale) and consider them the best 60 quid you’ve ever spent. You can pick up £120 quid denim that will last you over the next 5 years easily for around £70 if you are lucky enough to find it in the right size.

    Free Member

    When I saw the title I thought why did he use ‘gender neutral’?

    Uni sex toys answered my question.

    Free Member

    They are about 3 weeks away,Bregante. Got a few on order but not in any rush for them. I’ve still to build a wheel/wheels.
    RE: Rims. Have a look at at Stans Hugo 52mm rims,Taki.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I thought the story was something like the drugs are there and waiting to be produced, they talk of the costs and the big players end up saying ‘thanks, but no thanks’..leaving all the research and development a big waste of time and money, so they’ve given up as they spend so much money only for this to happen over and over? Then there’s the other stories of drugs (cures?) needed ready and waiting but there’s far too much money to lose in all the current drugs that are being used for treatment, so it’s not likely to go ahead. Or have I been reading too much crap from :O)

    Free Member

    I have 2 sets of 150mm Revelations – a straight 1 1/8″ set on my Bfe, a tapered set on my Rocket. Both bolt through axles. The set on the Bfe is WAY twangier – I can actually see the fork bending backwards under hard braking (and that’s with 10stone me on board), especially on steep ground when all my weight is on the fork.

    I have a few bikes with setups similar to that and each time I ride the bike with straight through inch and an eighth (20mm bolt thru), it feels a trickier bike up front to ride and control than the bikes with the tapered fox and pike (both 15mm bolt thru)

    It’s not really fore and aft stiffness I’m noticing as something I’m benefitting from, it’s the ease of steering it where you want to go. whether it be locked into mud or fighting rocks/roots. The damper in the old pike along with the 20mm axle would make you think that it might balance things out but it doesn’t stop there. It’s the torsional stiffness of not only the steerer and fix point in the crown, also (and I’m wondering if it’s more so) the stiffness of the size of the top and down tubes as they flare out and meet up with the headtube. I think it’s the torsional control you have up front of the tapered headtubed frames that is as much the part of the overall package. Long live tapered headtubes. I just wish we could fit them to some of the lovely old frames we have kicking about!

    Free Member

    Oh unlucky. I’m not into the road as much these days as this is the worry. It’s not getting any safer out there. Rest well!

    Free Member

    Thanks, Malvern rider. Yeah, in the daylight I slow to a stop if folk are walking their dogs on this path and it looks like something might go pear shaped. Same with a path half a mile from the one I had an accident on, although it’s far narrower. People up here sort the dog out and hold them still way before you approach them, you pass slowly and say thanks. That’s the way I’ve gone about it and quite often you can transform a grumpy dog walker into a smiling one that seems grateful.

    I contacted the police and they’re getting back to me although I’ve since found out that the dog was reported missing on a FB page and it had been updated as ‘dog has now returned home’.

    Free Member

    Do any manufacturers bore out for the pedal and bb axle to do testing before going through all the other processes?

    I don’t know about forging but is it possible you can have a bad batch of them being delivered without knowing?

    Free Member

    chip – Member
    If it happened to me I would have been more worried about the welfare of the dog than my scuffed jacket or dented lid

    I reported a missing and possibly injured dog before the owner did, mate.

    Free Member

    I’m sure the other guy is equally unhappy to have lost the dog/ having to pay vets bills for injuries from a speeding out of control cyclist with dazzlingly bright lights when they should have slowed due to a shared use path etc etc or however else the other side may see the accident. Not saying this is the case-

    Good, because it wasn’t the case. I averaged approx 15.8kph over 14km.

    Free Member

    I’m a dog owner / lover. AFAIC the guy with the dog should be prevented from ever having one again, his stupidity caused the dog serious injury at least and the OP could have been Schumacher’d.

    Yeah,Flapjack. I feel lucky.

    Free Member

    but different advice coming from you when you reply in another thread to Grobin13’s dilemma..

    grobin13 – Member
    Hi Guys

    Hoping for some advise please….

    I had 2 bikes stolen over the weekend. One was my beloved Bronson C which the insurance company will replace (hoping to convince them to swap it for a Nomad). The other was an old Lapierre Zesty that I use mainly to tow my toddler around trail centres in his Croozer trailer.

    For the Lapierre, they have agreed to either give me £1700 cash OR they said I can purchase a bike through their supplier (Wheelies) to the value of £1800 and they will give me £500 Cash (both options are really generous considering the bike is 3 years old).

    Do I;

    A – Go all out and get the best hardtail I can for the £1800 and possible upgrade parts with the cash (bearing in mind it will probably be overkill for what I would need). If so any suggestions?

    B – do the sensible thing and take the £1700, buy a cheap hardtail (or a Canyon)and pocket the difference.

    Either way, I think hardtail is the way I need to go for trailer towing, especially as I have my F/S for the other stuff.

    My mind is clouded by the prospect of shiny new toys so hoping anyone sensible out there can throw their opinion in / offer advise.


    rickon – Member
    Totally take the money and run.

    Could’ve easily counted his losses and moved on, eh ;O)

    Please folks, I came for advice, not to repeat myself with details of the event over and over to the people that haven’t read it. The idea was to get info from anyone that might have had a similar experience. Instead I got dragged into a pack of hyena’s along the way and I dread to think what they’d be like on dury duty if they ever have to go! (god help the accused ;O))

    Let’s just stop right here. Cheers to everyone with a good logical head on their shoulders, which amazingly turns out to be the majority! STW has amazed me this week! I’m off to find out about the poor dug..

    Free Member

    Rickon, I can see your views and attitude on MY issue..

    Free Member

    Well I can always fall back on Pitch’s idea of chipping in for a new helmet. I’m sure he’ll start it off with a £5er.

    Free Member

    Thanks Bigyinn, Eddiefiola etc. I’ll keep that in mind.

    Free Member

    aracer – Member
    andy3809 » How about not using the emergency services to ‘data capture’ for a minor accident. If youre hurt, especially with a head injury then call a ambulance amd don’t drive 18 miles home putting people on the road at risk.

    I’m surprised he didn’t realise all that. There must have been something wrong with his head.

    Thanks,Aracer. A knock to the head confuses you and I didn’t know what to do. I was asked questions and I don’t think I gave anyone a straight answer. As for going 2 mins out of my way to the police station, the reason was that I had a head injury along with all the other stuff due to a guy running a dog off a leash (take note of this,Andy3809. I’m getting as sick as everyone else on this thread with the number of times it’s taking to get the scenario into your head along with the others that’s fail to read the details so I’m not going over it again)
    I was definitely not going to be wandering around with these injuries through no fault of my own, not knowing who the hell this dog owner was. I had to find out who he was as I had no idea of the extend of the injuries and damage, if he vanished and I found I had problems that kept me off work for weeks, then I’d have no info for anyone regarding what had happened. It could just as well be a fall off my bike as far as far as the people that ask questions are concerned. Like I keep saying, and like Aracer keeps trying to point out, I wasn’t in the right frame of mind. How many time’s have you seen people agreeing to go to hospital after an accident? They are usually out of it or just plain not wanting to put people out of their way.

    As far as ‘buying me a pint and sorting things out’ I’m not looking for a friendship with the guy. There is not a chance in hell that if someone has an injured dog with his attitude, that he’s going to pay for a helmet. Not to mention that the days off work I’m having as I can hardly hold things in my left hand and barely lift both arms shoulder height, leading to what works out to be just over £10 a day in wages when I’m not at work, yes £10 for each day.. I need to take note of these things. I’m no sue-head. I just want what’s due and happy to put a few cuts and grazes elsewhere on my body behind me. I’m also wanting this guy to know and hopefully learn some way that coming down a path with a dog running behind is not something he should continue doing. If it blows over and he has a dog that’s fine and I’m out of pocket having missed work days and having to replace essential kit (the scuffed jacket,lever and light unit isn’t essential and I won’t claim for that)then he’s got off with his negligence. If you can’t see that from my point of view in any way then there’s something far wrong with you.

    Like I previously said, It turns out I’m in work, alone for the next 2 weeks as my boss is out the country. I need hand movement and strength in it for the work I do. It also involves going up ladders to lift stock down from a certain height quite often. I won’t be able to do this. The next two weeks are going to be tricky due to all of this. This is why I had reporting this incident, and hopefully someone finding the dog owner so I knew who I was dealing with, BEFORE going to hospital. The next few weeks I’ll be next to useless at work, explaining to customers that things won’t be getting done on time due to the injury, and calling people to let them know to collect or rebook work.

    Free Member

    andy3809 – Member
    You’re not talking straight now… Either you were concussed with a totalled helmet confused on the floor or you were well enough to report to the police then drive 18 miles home after a slow speed collision according to your garmin?

    Yes,Andy.Confused,not replying to questions,Dizzy and a bit spaced out. Taking a wrong turn on the way back to the car,cycling off when one woman asked if I was going to get seen to and not giving her a straight answer, forgetting I heated a meal in the oven later in the eve and looking for more food once I got home weren’t normal. I shouldn’t have been allowed to drive for 24hrs following mild concussion (although I wasn’t unconscious) but I kept telling folk I’d be fine.

    Should I have only stayed on the deck until someone picked me up after mild concussion? Is it not possible for the way I described to have happened like that?

    Free Member

    I’ve posted about 20 times over 6 pages,Tony. 35 posts to each page. The idea was to see if anyone had experienced something similar or if anyone was in a job that could give me an idea.

    Free Member

    As a dog owner who runs and rides with the dog I think the dog owner was in the wrong here. If it were me I’d have either stopped and made the dog sit and wait or (more likely) slowed and called her to heel on the opposite side to where the OP would pass. If he’d given some indication he had a dog with him the chances are the OP would have slowed down or at the very least been more aware and so if the dog bolted he could have reacted and the incident probably wouldn’t have happened.

    Aye, in a law abiding world. I wish this was the way it went!

    Free Member

    Some folk think I’m after as much cash as I can get. I’d be happy to come out of it as rich as I went in. That’s £40 for a helmet.

    The guy has caused himself grief by his actions and I’m not happy that his dog walking choices have caused it so much harm. He’s also lost the dog. I’m not happy with that and I hope he chooses to walk dogs safely in the future. It would also be nice to see a future law enforced to not ride a bike on these types of paths with unleashed dogs. I’m surprised nobody has mentioned that it could have been a child riding beside or in front of me and his dog ramming it and causing harm. Different story then,eh?

    Free Member

    iolo,Maybe because the guy was riding down a hill at greater speed,with a tailwind, with a dog at the same speed and it had more of an impact on me?

    Free Member

    andy3809 – Member
    But the op mentions the dog owner asking about his injuries several times. And when he asked the op if he was going to the hospital, he says no but I’m going to the police? Just seems odd to me

    Odd to me too,Andy. I was on the ground getting asked questions after cracking a Giro Hex in two at the forehead, please forgive me for not thinking rationally! I was worried that if I asked him for his details, he might have done something as I just upset him by hitting hit dog. He wasn’t all nicey nicey when I moaned on the ground about his unleashed dog. I wasn’t wanting this guy to just vanish into thin air on a dark night having not kept control of his dog. His idea of taking a dog for a run with no safety in mind has caused me all this injury through no fault of my own. I was doing everything I’m entitled to. Can you not see that? I ended up meeting him while I was with another dog walker and it turned out that he also reported the dog missing, AFTER I reported the incident of a dog injured through owner negligence,lost because it wasn’t on a lead, being exercised down an unlit path by a guy on a bike with it running around him wherever it likes, leading to an accident causing mild concussion, broken hand/ligament damage, burst chin.

    I had an 18 mile drive home after cracking my helmet open,my hand was aching and I knew it wasn’t great as pressure on it was like it was broken, my chin was dripping blood with folk giving me the ‘ooh, it looks well gashed’. I laid on the path not knowing what to do or say for 3-5 mins. If you put yourself in this position are you telling me you’d just turn a blind eye and go home with those injuries that were of no fault of your own? Pull the other one!

    Free Member

    Andy, I was told there was no hospital in town.

    Free Member

    Just because you can ride full whack doesn’t mean you should.


    You are at it! ::keeps evidence of single digit speed at time of incident on Garmin as evidence:::

    Free Member

    Dirtydog,it’s so calming to read pure common sense every so often :O)

    Free Member

    I’m half to blame for a dog running under my wheel when I could see the path I’m riding on? Can you not picture this? You’ve driven vehicles and/or ride bikes in the dark,yes? A dark unlit path, two cyclists with bright lights approaching each other. One had a dog following him. Is it possible to see what’s behind any vehicle with lights, such as dogs or animals? No, you just see the lights in blackness and maybe get an idea of the size of vehicle by the light type,height from the road, width etc. If no light is behind them,there’s no definition on a dark night with no light behind. Is that too hard to picture and understand? You have got to be trolling. I really cannot believe I’m explaining this. I think the dog would understand this sooner. Nah,you managed to register and sign in, you have got to be trolling.

    Free Member

    Two cyclists pass each other, how many would slow to a stop from 10mph knowing that the light ahead is another cyclist? You ride past. No child ran out, if it did, it doesn’t have to be on a lead. The dog does. It’s a dog, there’s no point with ‘what if’s’

    My brother said that if a dog ran out in front of me in the car and I swerved and crashed and caused injury to myself, then it would be a whole different matter. Usual just a cyclist attitude, but put a motorcycle or car into it all and it’s a different matter. I could see the path ahead although his light was bright,I was focussed on the path, just like we do when riding motorbikes or driving cars, you soon learn after passing your test to not gaze into lights and look where you’re going. The path was clear, a lit rider was approaching but I kept my eyes on the path. The path was clear, I had approx 1500 lumens on the third setting aiming (after considerately dipping it well in advance as to not blind him) to see ahead.

    A dog ran out and I hit it. Regardless of dog colour or not, it ran straight across me. That’s the last time I’m explaining this bit. If nobody can get it, then so be it.

    Free Member

    What a joke, generation of mommy’s boys, so you fell over big deal. No broken bones, no time off work.

    You must be drunk,surely? :O)
    I didn’t fall over. It is a deal. Does a fracture or broken bone mean it’s so much worse than a swollen hand that has no grip or carrying capabilities? I’ve broken the same hand before and this, although shows no fractures, is far more of a pain in the ass. The swelling is like I’ve had implants. Like it’s filled with jelly. I do have time off work. I can’t use the hand, it’s quiet at work and my boss said to take a few days off. I’m next to useless with my dominant hand today. Hopefully when he goes on holiday for 2 weeks I’ll be able to do stuff as there’s only 2 or 3 of us. I will be taking notes and answering the phone and that’s about all I could do right now.

    Free Member

    My boss called, he said something along the lines of ‘I take it this didn’t happen on *Dog Dodgers descent then?!’

    *A part of the Strathpuffer course!

    Free Member

    Mooman wrote:

    mooman – Member
    Very depressing reading this thread … Why are some people always looking to put all the blame on to others?

    Take the hit. You got up and walked away … you even happen to have a pretty good funny story to tell about it too.

    A dog is injured or dead, I’m hurt. Shouldn’t you be over at Liveleek?

    Free Member

    I’ll call the police station later to find out if they found the dog/see how he/she is.

    No helmet, bike, non permanent injury matters if a dog has died through the owners negligence. I know he’ll be feeling bad vibes towards me too but if he’s got any decency in him, he will know it wasn’t intended. I got the impression of this as he was asking if I wanted to go to hospital. Like said earlier, he would have been upset and confused. He is worried for his dog and also for me. I was worried for the dog too, he knew that. It’s a shame the dog has probably got injured as it was just doing it’s thing :O/

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